247 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Power Point terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa

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    Power-point learning is learning that uses slides by displaying images, videos, photos, and animations in delivering material to make it more interesting to increase student learning activity. This research aims to see the level of use of PowerPoint learning media and students' active learning. The results of this research show that there is a significant relationship between the use of PowerPoint learning media and students' active learning with the mean (Sig = .000 ≥ α = 0.05). This research is quantitative descriptive correlative, mean score, and Spearman test. Then the sampling technique used the convenience sampling method. The instrument used was a questionnaire adapted from Rudi (2014) and Suardi (2019). The population of this study was 127 students from Advent Unklab Middle School class VIII who were registered in the 2021-2022 academic year. The results of this research found that the level of use of PowerPoint learning media and students' active learning were in the high category

    The management of South African landfills and waste pickers on them : impacting lives and livelihoods

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    Abstract: Effective management of waste and the promotion and management of recycling activities are necessary for sustainable and liveable cities. A key but unrecognised element in promoting recycling is the efforts of waste pickers who make a living from recycling mainline recyclables. This article aims to describe the approaches used on ten landfills in South Africa to manage waste pickers’ access to recyclables and their daily activities on the landfills. A multiple case study design and cross-case analysis were used in this study. The sustainable livelihoods framework (SLF) was used to analyse and explain the data. The results showed that waste management policies and practices directly influence the waste pickers’ access to recyclable waste and their livelihoods. Finally, some inclusionary and exclusionary practices are highlighted that could guide inclusive, participatory and co-productive practices for waste pickers in South Africa towards increased recognition, access, dignity and income

    Dual-purpose cattle production in Nicaragua: Which breed fits best?

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    The importance of milk and beef production in Latin America is high and increasing. In Nicaragua and neighbouring countries, smallholder dual-purpose (i.e., milk and beef) cattle production offers opportunities for poor cattle owners to improve their food and nutrition security, and increase their income. The milk and beef value chain employs thousands of people in production, processing and marketing. In order to improve production, many farmers currently practice crossbreeding, involving a large range of breed combinations, but without clear breeding strategies. To assess current farmers´ practices and develop appropriate breeding and related management recommendations, a research project that brings together the national agricultural university of Nicaragua (UNA), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT and BOKU-University is being implemented in two study sites in Central Nicaragua, Camoapa and Matigu´as Municipalities. A gender-responsive baseline survey with questionnaires was performed with 289 households in Camoapa and 252 in Matigu´as, using a random sampling procedure based on official census data. A “paperless” data collection format was adopted using the “Open Data Kit” (ODK) information technology platform. Most households (>83 %) were male-headed in both municipalities. Mean age of the household head was higher in Camoapa (51.4±14 years) than in Matiguas (48.9±14 years). Most of the cattle reared in the two municipalities were cross-breds (>98 %). The crosses comprised combinations between several breed-types. The most abundant breed-type in Matigu´as was the Brahman, while in Camoapa there were more Brown Swiss and Holstein cross animals. At both locations also other breeds such as Creole, Girolando, Jersey, Nellore, Reyna and Simmental were found, whereas a large proportion of animals were crosses of unknown breed-types. Farmers stated different reasons for using various breeds in their herds such as availability of semen or bulls or different purposes for production. This is also reflected in the selection criteria of farmers. In comparison to Matigu´as, cattle production in Camoapa is more intensive (higher number of animals per hectare, stronger tendency towards dairy production), this probably being an effect of a stronger presence of development organisations

    Linear instability criteria for ideal fluid flows subject to two subclasses of perturbations

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    In this paper we examine the linear stability of equilibrium solutions to incompressible Euler's equation in 2- and 3-dimensions. The space of perturbations is split into two classes - those that preserve the topology of vortex lines and those in the corresponding factor space. This classification of perturbations arises naturally from the geometric structure of hydrodynamics; our first class of perturbations is the tangent space to the co-adjoint orbit. Instability criteria for equilibrium solutions are established in the form of lower bounds for the essential spectral radius of the linear evolution operator restricted to each class of perturbation.Comment: 29 page

    Economic analysis of an agrosilvipastoral system for a mountainous area in Zona da Mata Mineira, Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the economic viability of an agrosilvipastoral system developed for Zona da Mata mountainous areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, as well as to compare different options for wood (Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium) commercialization of the second thinning. The data were obtained from a 10 year-old agrosilvipastoral system established in four hectares at Embrapa Gado de Leite station in Coronel Pacheco, MG, Brazil. As evaluation criteria for the economic viability analysis, the adopted methods were the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR), both calculated at 6% interest rate. Despite the small difference, adding value to forest products increased the attractiveness of the proposed system. Considered separately, the agricultural activity was impracticable, whereas the forestry and livestock activities were independently viable. The studied system seems to be equally tolerant to price variations for forest and livestock products, as well as strongly tolerant to variations in production costs

    TCF21 hypermethylation regulates renal tumor cell clonogenic proliferation and migration

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    We recently identified hypermethylation at the gene promoter of transcription factor 21 (TCF21) in clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK), a rare pediatric renal tumor. TCF21 is a transcription factor involved in tubular epithelial development of the kidney and is a candidate tumor suppressor. As there are no in vitro models of CCSK, we employed a well-established clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) cell line, 786-O, which also manifests high methylation at the TCF21 promoter, with consequent low TCF21 expression. The tumor suppressor function of TCF21 has not been functionally addressed in ccRCC cells; we aimed to explore the functional potential of TCF21 expression in ccRCC cells in vitro. 786-O clones stably transfected with either pBABE-TCF21-HA construct or pBABE vector alone were functionally analyzed. We found that ectopic expression of TCF21 in 786-O cells results in a trend toward decreased cell proliferation (not significant) and significantly decreased migration compared with mock-transfected 786-O cells. Although the number of colonies established in colony formation assays was not different between 786-O clones, colony size was significantly reduced in 786-O cells expressing TCF21. To investigate whether the changes in migration were due to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition changes, we interrogated the expression of selected epithelial and mesenchymal markers. Although we observed upregulation of mRNA and protein levels of epithelial marker E-cadherin in clones overexpressing TCF21, this did not result in surface expression of E-cadherin as measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and immunofluorescence. Furthermore, mRNA expression of the mesenchymal markers vimentin (VIM) and SNAI1 was not significantly decreased in TCF21-expressing 786-O cells, while protein levels of VIM were markedly decreased. We conclude that re-expression of TCF21 in renal cancer cells that have silenced their endogenous TCF21 locus through hypermethylation results in reduced clonogenic proliferation, reduced migration, and reduced mesenchymal-like characteristics, suggesting a tumor suppressor function for transcription factor 21

    Feeding strategies and energy to protein ratio on tambaqui performance and physiology

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of feed deprivation and refeeding with diets containing different energy to protein ratios (E/P) on the performance and physiology of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). A 4x2 factorial arrangement with three replicates was used, with four E/P ratios (11.5, 10.5, 9.5, and 8.5 kcal g-1 digestible energy per protein) and two feeding regimens (with and without deprivation), during 60 days. Fish from the food-deprived group were fasted for 14 days and refed from the fifteenth to the sixtieth day, whereas the remaining fish were fed for 60 days. At the end of the experimental period, weight of fish subjected to food deprivation was lower than that of those continuously fed; however, this condition did not influence the physiological parameters analyzed. Tambaqui fed 11.5 kcal g-1 achieved lower final weight than those fed with the other diets, in both regimens. Among the physiological parameters, only plasma protein presented significant increase in fish fed 8.5 kcal g-1, in both feeding regimens, probably due to the higher dietary protein concentration. These results indicate that fish show a partial compensatory growth, and that 10.5 kcal g-1 can be recommended for the diet of juvenile tambaqui

    Executive Summary:International Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Ventilator Liberation, A Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network Document

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    Rationale: Pediatric-specific ventilator liberation guidelines are lacking despite the many studies exploring elements of extubation readiness testing. The lack of clinical practice guidelines has led to significant and unnecessary variation in methods used to assess pediatric patients’ readiness for extubation. Methods: Twenty-six international experts comprised a multiprofessional panel to establish pediatrics-specific ventilator liberation clinical practice guidelines, focusing on acutely hospitalized children receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours. Eleven key questions were identified and first prioritized using the Modified Convergence of Opinion on Recommendations and Evidence. A systematic review was conducted for questions that did not meet an a priori threshold of &gt;80% agreement, with Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation methodologies applied to develop the guidelines. The panel evaluated the evidence and drafted and voted on the recommendations. Measurements and Main Results: Three questions related to systematic screening using an extubation readiness testing bundle and a spontaneous breathing trial as part of the bundle met Modified Convergence of Opinion on Recommendations criteria of &gt;80% agreement. For the remaining eight questions, five systematic reviews yielded 12 recommendations related to the methods and duration of spontaneous breathing trials, measures of respiratory muscle strength, assessment of risk of postextubation upper airway obstruction and its prevention, use of postextubation noninvasive respiratory support, and sedation. Most recommendations were conditional and based on low to very low certainty of evidence. Conclusions: This clinical practice guideline provides a conceptual framework with evidence-based recommendations for best practices related to pediatric ventilator liberation.</p