103 research outputs found

    Embedded Clusters in Molecular Clouds

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    Stellar clusters are born embedded within giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and during their formation and early evolution are often only visible at infrared wavelengths, being heavily obscured by dust. Over the last 15 years advances in infrared detection capabilities have enabled the first systematic studies of embedded clusters in galactic molecular clouds. In this article we review the current state of empirical knowledge concerning these extremely young protocluster systems. From a survey of the literature we compile the first extensive catalog of galactic embedded cluster properties. We use the catalog to construct the mass function and estimate the birthrate for embedded clusters within roughly 2 Kpc of the Sun. We find that the embedded cluster birthrate exceeds that of visible open clusters by an order of magnitude or more indicating a high infant mortality rate for protocluster systems. Less than 4-7% of embedded clusters survive emergence from molecular clouds to become bound clusters of Pleiades age. The vast majority (90%) of stars that form in embedded clusters form in rich clusters of 100 or more members with masses in excess of 50 solar masses. We review the role of embedded clusters in investigating the nature of the IMF which, in one nearby example, has been measured over the entire range of stellar and substellar mass, from OB stars to subsellar objects near the deuterium burning limit. We also review the role embedded clusters play in the investigation of circumstellar disk evolution and the important constraints they provide for understanding the origin of planetary systems. Finally, we discuss current ideas concerning the origin and dynamical evolution of embedded clusters and the implications for the formation of bound open clusters.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics v41. Manuscript consists of 73 pages with 14 figures. Due to space limitations 5 figures are included as separate low quality jpeg figures. A complete manuscript with full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~clada/preprints.htm

    A Near-Infrared L Band Survey of the Young Embedded Cluster NGC 2024

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    We present the results of the first sensitive L band (3.4 micron) imaging study of the nearby young embedded cluster NGC 2024. Two separate surveys of the cluster were acquired in order to obtain a census of the circumstellar disk fraction in the cluster. From an analysis of the JHKL colors of all sources in our largest area, we find an infrared excess fraction of > 86%. The JHKL colors suggest that the infrared excesses arise in circumstellar disks, indicating that the majority of the sources which formed in the NGC 2024 cluster are currently surrounded by, and likely formed with circumstellar disks. The excess fractions remain very high, within the errors, even at the faintest L magnitudes from our deeper surveys suggesting that disks form around the majority of the stars in very young clusters such as NGC 2024 independent of mass. From comparison with published JHKL observations of Taurus, we find the K - L excess fraction in NGC 2024 to be consistent with a high initial incidence of circumstellar disks in both NGC 2024 and Taurus. Because NGC 2024 represents a region of much higher stellar density than Taurus, this suggests that disks may form around most of the YSOs in star forming regions independent of environment. We find a relatively constant JHKL excess fraction with increasing cluster radius, indicating that the disk fraction is independent of location in the cluster. In contrast, the JHK excess fraction increases rapidly toward the central region of the cluster, and is most likely due to contamination of the K band measurements by bright nebulosity in the central regions of the cluster. We identify 45 candidate protostellar sources in the central regions of the NGC 2024 cluster, and find a lower limit on the protostellar phase of early stellar evolution of 0.4 - 1.4 X 10^5 yr, similar to that in Taurus.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    The Luminosity & Mass Function of the Trapezium Cluster: From B stars to the Deuterium Burning Limit

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    We use the results of a new, multi-epoch, multi-wavelength, near-infrared census of the Trapezium Cluster in Orion to construct and to analyze the structure of its infrared (K band) luminosity function. Specifically, we employ an improved set of model luminosity functions to derive this cluster's underlying Initial Mass Function (IMF) across the entire range of mass from OB stars to sub-stellar objects down to near the deuterium burning limit. We derive an IMF for the Trapezium Cluster that rises with decreasing mass, having a Salpeter-like IMF slope until near ~0.6 M_sun where the IMF flattens and forms a broad peak extending to the hydrogen burning limit, below which the IMF declines into the sub-stellar regime. Independent of the details, we find that sub-stellar objects account for no more than ~22% of the total number of likely cluster members. Further, the sub-stellar Trapezium IMF breaks from a steady power-law decline and forms a significant secondary peak at the lowest masses (10-20 times the mass of Jupiter). This secondary peak may contain as many as \~30% of the sub-stellar objects in the cluster. Below this sub-stellar IMF peak, our KLF modeling requires a subsequent sharp decline toward the planetary mass regime. Lastly, we investigate the robustness of pre-main sequence luminosity evolution as predicted by current evolutionary models, and we discuss possible origins for the IMF of brown dwarfs.Comment: 74 pages, 30 figures, AASTeX5.0. To be published in the 01 July 2002 ApJ. For color version of figure 1 and online data table see http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~muench/PUB/publications.htm

    Hunting Galaxies to (and for) Extinction

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    In studies of star-forming regions, near-infrared excess (NIRX) sources--objects with intrinsic colors redder than normal stars--constitute both signal (young stars) and noise (e.g. background galaxies). We hunt down (identify) galaxies using near-infrared observations in the Perseus star-forming region by combining structural information, colors, and number density estimates. Galaxies at moderate redshifts (z = 0.1 - 0.5) have colors similar to young stellar objects (YSOs) at both near- and mid-infrared (e.g. Spitzer) wavelengths, which limits our ability to identify YSOs from colors alone. Structural information from high-quality near-infrared observations allows us to better separate YSOs from galaxies, rejecting 2/5 of the YSO candidates identified from Spitzer observations of our regions and potentially extending the YSO luminosity function below K of 15 magnitudes where galaxy contamination dominates. Once they are identified we use galaxies as valuable extra signal for making extinction maps of molecular clouds. Our new iterative procedure: the Galaxies Near Infrared Color Excess method Revisited (GNICER), uses the mean colors of galaxies as a function of magnitude to include them in extinction maps in an unbiased way. GNICER increases the number of background sources used to probe the structure of a cloud, decreasing the noise and increasing the resolution of extinction maps made far from the galactic plane.Comment: 16 pages and 16 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full resolution version at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/COMPLETE/papers/Foster_HuntingGalaxies.pd
