302 research outputs found

    2007 Charter School Facility Finance Landscape

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    Provides a roadmap for individual schools as they attempt to navigate the charter school facility landscape, and a policy guide for those interested in helping to rationalize the sector and develop more equitable funding for charter school facilities

    Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Staging of Cutaneous Lymphoma

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    Bil, buss eller beina? – En kartlegging av transportvanene til studentene ved Universitetet i Agder

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    I denne studien har vi gjennomført en omfattende kartlegging av transportvanene blant studentene ved Universitetet i Agder. Ved å analysere disse transportvanene, har vi undersøkt hvilke faktorer som påvirker valg av transportmiddel og hvilke tiltak som kan påvirke studentene til å velge miljøvennlige transportmidler. Gjennom vår kvantitative analyse har vi utforsket en rekke faktorer som kan spille en rolle i studentenes transportvalg. Dette inkluderer faktorer som avstand mellom bosted og studiested, avstand mellom bosted og holdeplass, reisetid, kollektivtilbudet, pris, eierskap til bil, parkering, livssituasjon, årstid og holdninger til miljø. Resultatene fra analysen viser at avstand mellom bosted og studiested, avstand mellom bosted og holdeplass, kollektivtilbudet, eierskap til bil, livssituasjon og årstid kan påvirke valg av transportmiddel. Derimot ser reisetid ikke ut til å påvirke valg av transportmiddel. Holdninger til miljø kan påvirke valg av transportmiddel, men involvering og kjennskap til bærekraft og miljø ser ikke ut til å ha en effekt. Til slutt var det vanskelig å si om pris og parkering faktisk påvirker valgene eller ikke. Dette er fordi lavere billettpriser, økt parkeringsavgift og begrenset parkering bør innføres som tiltak før at man kan si om det har noen effekt. Vårt mål har vært å belyse hvordan disse faktorene påvirker studentenes transportvalg. Videre har vi identifisert og utforsket en rekke tiltak som kan ha en positiv innvirkning på studentenes valg av miljøvennlige transportmidler. Disse tiltakene inkluderer blant annet prisreduksjoner på kollektivtransport for studenter, forbedring av kollektivtilbudet med hyppige og direkte bussavganger til universitetet for studenter som bor utenfor bykjernen, utvidelse av studentboligtilbudet nær campus, bedre og tryggere sykkelparkering, samt utbedring og utvidelse av sykkel- og gangveier i samarbeid med kommunene. Basert på våre funn og analyse har vi formulert anbefalinger som vi mener kan bidra til å fremme en mer bærekraftig og miljøvennlig transportkultur blant studentene ved Universitetet i Agder. Implementeringen av slike tiltak og strategier kan bidra til å redusere bruk av bil og klimagassutslipp i forbindelse med transport

    Bil, buss eller beina? – En kartlegging av transportvanene til studentene ved Universitetet i Agder.

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    I denne studien har vi gjennomført en omfattende kartlegging av transportvanene blant studentene ved Universitetet i Agder. Ved å analysere disse transportvanene, har vi undersøkt hvilke faktorer som påvirker valg av transportmiddel og hvilke tiltak som kan påvirke studentene til å velge miljøvennlige transportmidler. Gjennom vår kvantitative analyse har vi utforsket en rekke faktorer som kan spille en rolle i studentenes transportvalg. Dette inkluderer faktorer som avstand mellom bosted og studiested, avstand mellom bosted og holdeplass, reisetid, kollektivtilbudet, pris, eierskap til bil, parkering, livssituasjon, årstid og holdninger til miljø. Resultatene fra analysen viser at avstand mellom bosted og studiested, avstand mellom bosted og holdeplass, kollektivtilbudet, eierskap til bil, livssituasjon og årstid kan påvirke valg av transportmiddel. Derimot ser reisetid ikke ut til å påvirke valg av transportmiddel. Holdninger til miljø kan påvirke valg av transportmiddel, men involvering og kjennskap til bærekraft og miljø ser ikke ut til å ha en effekt. Til slutt var det vanskelig å si om pris og parkering faktisk påvirker valgene eller ikke. Dette er fordi lavere billettpriser, økt parkeringsavgift og begrenset parkering bør innføres som tiltak før at man kan si om det har noen effekt. Vårt mål har vært å belyse hvordan disse faktorene påvirker studentenes transportvalg. Videre har vi identifisert og utforsket en rekke tiltak som kan ha en positiv innvirkning på studentenes valg av miljøvennlige transportmidler. Disse tiltakene inkluderer blant annet prisreduksjoner på kollektivtransport for studenter, forbedring av kollektivtilbudet med hyppige og direkte bussavganger til universitetet for studenter som bor utenfor bykjernen, utvidelse av studentboligtilbudet nær campus, bedre og tryggere sykkelparkering, samt utbedring og utvidelse av sykkel- og gangveier i samarbeid med kommunene. Basert på våre funn og analyse har vi formulert anbefalinger som vi mener kan bidra til å fremme en mer bærekraftig og miljøvennlig transportkultur blant studentene ved Universitetet i Agder. Implementeringen av slike tiltak og strategier kan bidra til å redusere bruk av bil og klimagassutslipp i forbindelse med transport

    The β-oxidation pathway is downregulated during diapause termination in Calanus copepods

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    Calanus copepods are keystone species in marine ecosystems, mainly due to their high lipid content, which is a nutritious food source for e.g. juvenile fish. Accumulated lipids are catabolized to meet energy requirements during dormancy (diapause), which occurs during the last copepodite stage (C5). The current knowledge of lipid degradation pathways during diapause termination is limited. We characterized changes in lipid fullness and generated transcriptional profiles in C5s during termination of diapause and progression towards adulthood. Lipid fullness of C5s declined linearly during developmental progression, but more β-oxidation genes were upregulated in early C5s compared to late C5s and adults. We identified four possible master regulators of energy metabolism, which all were generally upregulated in early C5s, compared to late C5s and adults. We discovered that one of two enzymes in the carnitine shuttle is absent from the calanoid copepod lineage. Based on the geographical location of the sampling site, the field-samples were initially presumed to consist of C. finmarchicus. However, the identification of C. glacialis in some samples underlines the need for performing molecular analyses to reliably identify Calanus species. Our findings contributes to a better understanding of molecular events occurring during diapause and diapause termination in calanoid copepods.publishedVersio

    Clinicians' Understanding of Preferences and Values of People with Hematological Malignancies at the End of Life: Concurrent Surveys

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    Background: People with hematological malignancies can deteriorate rapidly to a terminal event and have variable levels of engagement when transitioning to palliative and end-of-life care. Objectives: To describe end-of-life care values and preferences of people with hematological malignancies and explore whether these align with hematology clinicians' perceptions. Design: Two matched anonymous quantitative cross-sectional surveys explored: (1) patients' values and preferences around manner and timing of discussions regarding life expectancy and prognosis, involvement in decision making, and concurrent integration of palliative care with active treatment; and (2) clinicians' perceptions of their patients' values and preferences in relation to prognostic information. Settings/Participants: Concurrent online national surveys of people with hematological malignancies known to the Leukemia Foundation of Australia, and clinicians in Australia with membership to the Hematology Society of Australia and New Zealand. Results: Five hundred nine (38% response rate) patients (median age 64 [min 20, max 89, interquartile range 56-70]) and 272 clinicians (21% response rate) responded to the survey. If their health was deteriorating, most patients wanted honest prognostic and life expectancy information (87%); welcomed involvement in decision making (94%); felt they would be comfortable talking to the treating team about the possibility of death (86%); and would be comfortable seeing someone from a specialist palliative care team (74%). Clinicians generally underestimated most of these responses. Conclusion: Although our findings indicate that most people believe they would be comfortable discussing prognosis, life expectancy, and wishes at the end of life, clinicians were largely unaware of their preferences. This highlights the need to embed values clarification in routine care for each patient and family.</p

    Association between local amenities, travel behaviours and urban planning: a spatial analysis of a nationwide UK household panel study

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    Introduction: Globally, there has been a recent resurgence in planning policies focused on local living (such as the 20-min neighbourhood) with proposed benefits of creating sustainable and healthy places. The policies aim to provide improved spatial access to local amenities within short walkable distances of home to encourage walking and cycling and discourage car use, however these pathways have not been examined. This study aimed to quantify the density and diversity of local amenities and their association with daily/weekly travel behaviours. Methods: We used data from Understanding Society, a national panel survey of UK adults. Spatial data were used to quantify the number and diversity of amenities that have previously been associated with active travel and focused on in 20-min neighbourhood policies within small geographical areas across the UK. These were linked to individual-level data describing daily and weekly travel behaviour for: walking (at least 10-min), cycling, car and bus use. Logistic regression models measured the association between individual amenities, their diversity and daily/weekly travel, whilst controlling for individual factors such as age, sex and employment, residing in a retail centre, as well as area-level urbanicity and deprivation. Results: Our analysis revealed variations in active travel and car usage patterns by sex, employment status, urbanicity, and area-level deprivation. Local amenities were associated with daily travel behaviours with more amenities generally associated with more frequent walking and less regular bus and car travel. Furthermore, increased amenity diversity was associated with reduced daily car use (OR: 0.77, p &lt; 0.001). Similar patterns were apparent for weekly travel outcomes. Conclusions: Both access to specific local amenities as well as their diversity are both important neighbourhood factors for achieving shifts from motorised to active transport modes. Policy makers and planners need to ensure the diversity of local amenities are included in local living policies

    Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict single-item measures of fatigue and daytime sleep 12 months after ischemic stroke

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    Introduction: Post-stroke fatigue and increased need for daytime sleep are multidimensional and insufficiently understood sequelae. Our aim was to study the relationships of self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months with fatigue and daytime sleep at 12 months post-stroke. Methods: Ischemic stroke patients without reported history of dementia or depression completed postal surveys 3- and 12-months post-stroke. At 3 months, psychiatric symptoms were assessed with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and self-reported changes in cognitive symptoms (concentration and memory) compared to pre-stroke were assessed using single-item measures. At 12 months, single-item questions about changes in self-reported difficulties sleeping at night, fatigue and daytime sleep were included. First, we studied whether self-reported cognitive and/or psychiatric symptoms at 3 months were associated with daytime sleep and fatigue at 12 months using multiple logistic regression. Second, we fitted 2 structural equation models (SEMs) predicting fatigue and 2 models predicting daytime sleep. We compared a model where only age, sex, stroke severity (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; NIHSS), and difficulties sleeping at night predicted fatigue and daytime sleep at 12 months to a model where mental distress (i.e., a latent variable built of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms) was included as an additional predictor of fatigue and daytime sleep at 12 months. Results: Of 156 patients (NIHSS within 24 hours after admission (mean ± SD) = 3.6 ± 4.3, age = 73.0 ± 10.8, 41% female) 37.9% reported increased daytime sleep and 50.0% fatigue at 12 months. Increased psychiatric symptoms and worsened cognitive symptoms were associated with fatigue and daytime sleep at 12 months, after controlling for NIHSS, age, sex, and difficulties sleeping at night. SEM models including mental distress as predictor showed adequate model fit across 3 fit measures (highest RMSEA = 0.063, lowest CFI and TLI, both 0.975). Models without mental distress were not supported. Conclusion: Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict increased daytime sleep and fatigue at 12 months. This highlights the relevance of monitoring cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in the subacute phase post-stroke. However, future research using validated measures of self-reported symptoms are needed to further explore these relationships.publishedVersio

    Primary cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphomas: reappraisal of a provisional entity in the 2016 WHO classification of cutaneous lymphomas.

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    Primary cutaneous CD8-positive aggressive epidermotropic T-cell lymphoma is a rare and poorly characterized variant of cutaneous lymphoma still considered a provisional entity in the latest 2016 World Health Organization Classification of Cutaneous lymphomas. We sought to better characterize and provide diagnostic and therapeutic guidance of this rare cutaneous lymphoma. Thirty-four patients with a median age of 77 years (range 19-89 years) presented primarily with extensive annular necrotic plaques or tumor lesions with frequent mucous membrane involvement. The 5-year survival was 32% with a median survival of 12 months. A subset of 17 patients had a prodrome of chronic patches prior to the development of aggressive ulcerative lesions. We identified cases with lack of CD8 or αβ T-cell receptor expression yet with similar clinical and pathological presentation. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation provided partial or complete remissions in 5/6 patients. We recommend the term primary cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma as this more broad designation better describes this clinical-pathologic presentation, which allows the inclusion of cases with CD8 negative and/or αβ/γδ T-cell receptor chain double-positive or double-negative expression. We have identified early skin signs of chronic patch/plaque lesions that are often misdiagnosed as eczema, psoriasis, or mycosis fungoides. Our experience confirms the poor prognosis of this entity and highlights the inefficacy of our standard therapies with the exception of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in selected cases