13 research outputs found

    The serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia is similar to that in the general population

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    Patients with hematological malignancies are at an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) and adverse outcome. However, a low mortality rate has been reported in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Preclinical evidence suggests that tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may have a protective role against severe COVID-19

    CPX-351 and allogeneic stem cell transplant for a therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia that developed after treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia: a case report and review of the literature

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    Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MNs), which develop after cytotoxic, radiation, or immunosuppressive therapy for an unrelated disease, account for 7%–8% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Worse outcomes and consequently shortened survival are associated with t-MNs as compared with de novo AML. Therapy-related MNs are being reported with increasing frequency in successfully treated acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), in particular, before the introduction of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) plus arsenic trioxide (ATO). Considering the high curability of APL, t-MNs represent one of the prognosis-limiting factors in this setting of leukemia. We report our experience with a patient who developed t-AML 15 years after treatment for APL. Treatment included three cycles of chemotherapy with CPX-351 (Vyxeos, Jazz Pharmaceuticals) followed, as in remission, by an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. A review of available literature was also included

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2342931.-- Data availability statement: Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo for institutional purposes, so their access will be available by contacting the reference people (attilio.sulliunipa.it) upon reasonable requestWe present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scaleThe Magic Project has been funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department. [...] With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Measurable Residual Disease and Clonal Evolution in Acute Myeloid Leukemia from Diagnosis to Post-transplant Follow-Up: The Role of Next-Generation Sequencing

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    It has now been ascertained that acute myeloid leukemias—as in most type of cancers—are mixtures of various subclones, evolving by acquiring additional somatic mutations over the course of the disease. The complexity of leukemia clone architecture and the phenotypic and/or genotypic drifts that can occur during treatment explain why more than 50% of patients—in hematological remission—could relapse. Moreover, the complexity and heterogeneity of clone architecture represent a hindrance for monitoring measurable residual disease, as not all minimal residual disease monitoring methods are able to detect genetic mutations arising during treatment. Unlike with chemotherapy, which imparts a relatively short duration of selective pressure on acute myeloid leukemia clonal architecture, the immunological effect related to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant is prolonged over time and must be overcome for relapse to occur. This means that not all molecular abnormalities detected after transplant always imply inevitable relapse. Therefore, transplant represents a critical setting where a measurable residual disease-based strategy, performed during post-transplant follow-up by highly sensitive methods such as next-generation sequencing, could optimize and improve treatment outcome. The purpose of our review is to provide an overview of the role of next-generation sequencing in monitoring both measurable residual disease and clonal evolution in acute myeloid leukemia patients during the entire course of the disease, with special focus on the transplant phase

    Measurable Residual Disease and Clonal Evolution in Acute Myeloid Leukemia from Diagnosis to Post-Transplant Follow-Up: The Role of Next-Generation Sequencing

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    It has now been ascertained that acute myeloid leukemias—as in most type of cancers—are mixtures of various subclones, evolving by acquiring additional somatic mutations over the course of the disease. The complexity of leukemia clone architecture and the phenotypic and/or genotypic drifts that can occur during treatment explain why more than 50% of patients—in hematological remission—could relapse. Moreover, the complexity and heterogeneity of clone architecture represent a hindrance for monitoring measurable residual disease, as not all minimal residual disease monitoring methods are able to detect genetic mutations arising during treatment. Unlike with chemotherapy, which imparts a relatively short duration of selective pressure on acute myeloid leukemia clonal architecture, the immunological effect related to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant is prolonged over time and must be overcome for relapse to occur. This means that not all molecular abnormalities detected after transplant always imply inevitable relapse. Therefore, transplant represents a critical setting where a measurable residual disease-based strategy, performed during post-transplant follow-up by highly sensitive methods such as next-generation sequencing, could optimize and improve treatment outcome. The purpose of our review is to provide an overview of the role of next-generation sequencing in monitoring both measurable residual disease and clonal evolution in acute myeloid leukemia patients during the entire course of the disease, with special focus on the transplant phase

    Ordinamento e amministrazione degli Enti del Terzo Settore

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    Il saggio esamina un aspetto della nuova disciplina degli enti del Terzo settore, ossia quello organizzativo e gestionale. Illustrato il disegno del legislatore per l’organizzazione e l’amministrazione degli enti del Terzo Settore, soprattutto alla luce dei principi generali di partecipazione, solidarietà e pluralismo, l’A. si sofferma sulla tutela del singolo all’interno della formazione sociale, sull’esercizio di attività di impresa (con particolare riguardo alla tutela dei terzi e dei creditori), sulle possibili forme (anche societarie) assunte dall’Ente e sul loro ordinamento. A tale riguardo, viene esaminato l’organo assembleare (le modalità di funzionamento, la rappresentanza, le competenze) e l’organo amministrativo (poteri, nomina e qualità degli amministratori