19 research outputs found

    Mycetoma em paciente HIV positivo

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    Os autores relatam um caso de actinomicetoma em pacientes HIV positivo. Apesar das infecções fúngicas oportunistas serem freqüentemente observadas em pacientes infectados pelo HIV, a associação com micetoma nunca foi descrita. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame micolígico direto de grãos obtidos da secreção e de exame anátomo-patológico. Não foi possível identificar o agente, mas as características sugerem tratar-se de actinomiceto. Os autores acreditam que a localização no membro superior possa estar relacionada com o uso de seringas e agulhas contaminadas para injeção de drogas EV.Although oportunistic fungal infections occur commonly in immunocompromised hosts, mycetoma has never been reported in association with HIV infection. The authors present a case that to their knowledge is the first reported case of mycetoma associated with HIV infection. Diagnosis was confirmed by direct examination of grains and histologic examination. Precise identification of the agent, an actinomycete, was not possible. The unusual site of infection may probably be related to the use of contaminated needless and sirynges for HIV drug injection

    Os autores registram caso de infecção cutânea em transplantado de medula óssea provocada por Phialemonium curvatum Gams et Cooke, 1983. O gênero Phialemonium foi criado em 1983 por Gams & McGinnis, com três novas espécies: Ph. obovatum, Ph. curvatum e Ph. dimorphosporum, sendo intermediário entre Acremonium e Phialophora. Atualmente este fungo é considerado como feóide, podendo provocar eventuais lesões de feo ou hialo-hifomicose. Espécies deste gênero vêm sendo descritas como agentes oportunistas em seres humanos e em outros animais, principalmente na vigência de imunossupressão. No caso que registramos, o paciente era portador de mieloma múltiplo, tendo recebido transplante halogênico sendo doador seu irmão, HLA-compatível. Dois meses após o transplante, lesões nodulares, arroxeadas e dolorosas surgiram no tornozelo direito. Algumas dessas lesões drenaram espontaneamente, com a demonstração de filamentos micelianos aparentemente hialinos, cultivando-se Ph. curvatum inicialmente identificado como Acremonium sp. Foi instituido tratamento com anfotericina B e, posteriormente, itraconazol. Debridamento cirúrgico das lesões foi instituido com dois enxertos cutâneos para fechamento da área cruenta. Profilaxia secundária com cetoconazol, mantida por mais de um mês e depois suspenso, sem recidiva do processo. Os autores fazem comentários sobre a patogenicidade do gênero Phialemonium.

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    We report a case of cutaneous infection caused by Phialemonium curvatum GAMS et COOKE, 1983, after bone marrow transplantation. The genus Phialemonium was created by GAMS & MCGINNIS in 1983 including three new species: Ph. obovatum, Ph. curvatum and Ph. dimorphosporum, and represents an intermediate genus between Acremonium and Phialophora. Nowadays, the genus Phialemonium is considered to be a pheoid fungus which may cause the eventual lesions observed in pheo- and hyalohyphomycosis. Species of this genus have been described as opportunistic agents in humans and animals, mainly as a result of immunosuppression. In the present case, the patient had multiple myeloma and received an allogenic bone marrow transplant from his HLA-compatible brother. Two months after transplantation, he developed purplish and painful nodular lesions on the right ankle. Some of these lesions drained spontaneously and apparently hyaline mycelial filaments were observed, whose culture was initially identified as Acremonium sp. Subsequent studies showed that the fungus was Phialemonium curvatum. The infection was treated with amphotericin B, followed by ketoconazole. The patient was submitted to surgical debridement followed by two skin grafts to repair the bloody area. The duration of the treatment was 4 months and secondary prophylaxis with ketoconazole alone was maintained for one additional month. No recurrence was observed after discontinuation of treatment. The authors comment on the pathogenicity of the genus Phialemonium

    Sorotipos, "mating type" e ploidia de amostras de C. neoformans isoladas de pacientes no Brasil

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    Serotype, mating type and ploidy of 84 strains of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from 61 AIDS and 23 non-AIDS patients admitted in a tertiary teaching hospital in São Paulo, Brazil were examined. Among 61 strains isolated from AIDS patients, 60 strains were var. grubii (serotype A). Only one strain was var. gattii (serotype B). No var. neoformans (serotype D) was found. Among 23 strains isolated from non-AIDS patients, 15 were var. grubii (serotype A) and the remaining 8 were var. gattii, all of which were serotype B. Seventy-three of the 75 serotype A strains were the heterothallic alpha type (MATalpha) and the remaining 2 were untypable (asexual). Most of the MATalpha strains (69/73) were haploid and the remaining 4 strains were diploid. Similarly, both of the 2 asexual strains among the 75 serotype A strains were haploid. There were no alpha-mating type (MATalpha) strains among the 84 isolates. All of the 8 var. gattii strains were serotype B and haploid. Among a total of 84 strains tested, neither serotype AD nor serotype D were found. Neither triploid nor tetraploid were found. These results suggest that the serological, sexual and ploidy characteristics in C. neoformans strains isolated from AIDS patients in São Paulo were rather simple, whereas strains isolated from non-AIDS patients presented serotype A and B with predominance of serotype A.Foram estudados os sorotipos, "mating type" e ploidia de 84 amostras de C. neoformans isoladas de 61 pacientes com AIDS e 23 não-AIDS em São Paulo. Das amostras isoladas de pacientes com AIDS, 60 foram identificadas como var. grubii (sorotipo A) e 1 como var. gattii (sorotipo B). Não houve isolamento do sorotipo D. Entre as amostras isoladas, de pacientes não-AIDS, 15 foram de var. grubii (sorotipo A) e as 8 restantes de var. gattii, todos do sorotipo B. Setenta e três dos 75 sorotipos A foram identificadas como cepas heterotálicas do fenótipo alfa (MATalfa) e as 2 remanescentes não-tipáveis (assexuada), eram haplóides. A maioria das cepas MATalfa (69/73) era haplóide sendo 4 diplóide. Não houve o isolamento de fenótipo a (MATa) entre as 84 cepas analisadas. Todas as 11 amostras de var. gattii eram do sorotipo B e haplóides. Não foram observados os sorotipos AD e C, nem células triplóides ou tetraplóides entre as 84 amostras estudadas. Os resultados sugerem, que as características sorológicas, sexuais e de ploidia de C. neoformans, isoladas de pacientes com AIDS em São Paulo, são particularmente simples, a maioria do sorotipo A, enquanto que nos pacientes não-AIDS foram observados tanto os sorotipos A quanto o B

    Mycetoma in an HIV-infected patient Mycetoma em paciente HIV positivo

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    Although oportunistic fungal infections occur commonly in immunocompromised hosts, mycetoma has never been reported in association with HIV infection. The authors present a case that to their knowledge is the first reported case of mycetoma associated with HIV infection. Diagnosis was confirmed by direct examination of grains and histologic examination. Precise identification of the agent, an actinomycete, was not possible. The unusual site of infection may probably be related to the use of contaminated needless and sirynges for HIV drug injection.<br>Os autores relatam um caso de actinomicetoma em pacientes HIV positivo. Apesar das infecções fúngicas oportunistas serem freqüentemente observadas em pacientes infectados pelo HIV, a associação com micetoma nunca foi descrita. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame micolígico direto de grãos obtidos da secreção e de exame anátomo-patológico. Não foi possível identificar o agente, mas as características sugerem tratar-se de actinomiceto. Os autores acreditam que a localização no membro superior possa estar relacionada com o uso de seringas e agulhas contaminadas para injeção de drogas EV

    Neurocriptococose por Cryptococcus neoformans não capsulado

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    Os autores registram um caso de neurocriptococose em paciente HIV-negativo, por Cryptococcus neoformans acapsulado ou deficiente em cápsula. O quadro neurológico era de meningoencefalite subaguda, compatível ao diagnóstico de neurotuberculose, pelo exame do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR), Estruturas leveduriformes foram encontradas no interior de macrófagos, ao exame citomorfológico do LCR. Cultivo do sedimento do LCR revelou a presença de Cryptococcus neoformans não capsulado (identificação bioquímica). A inoculação da amostra em camundongo, por via intraperitoneal, permitiu a produção de cápsula que desaparecia em cultivos. Foi estudada a micromorfologia do fungo à microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A evolução foi favorável com o emprego da anfotericina B associada a 5-fluorocitosina. Não foi caracterizada a variadade de Criptococcus neoformans agente do processo

    Phialemonium curvatum infection after bone marrow transplantation

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    We report a case of cutaneous infection caused by Phialemonium curvatum GAMS et COOKE, 1983, after bone marrow transplantation. The genus Phialemonium was created by GAMS &amp; MCGINNIS in 1983 including three new species: Ph. obovatum, Ph. curvatum and Ph. dimorphosporum, and represents an intermediate genus between Acremonium and Phialophora. Nowadays, the genus Phialemonium is considered to be a pheoid fungus which may cause the eventual lesions observed in pheo- and hyalohyphomycosis. Species of this genus have been described as opportunistic agents in humans and animals, mainly as a result of immunosuppression. In the present case, the patient had multiple myeloma and received an allogenic bone marrow transplant from his HLA-compatible brother. Two months after transplantation, he developed purplish and painful nodular lesions on the right ankle. Some of these lesions drained spontaneously and apparently hyaline mycelial filaments were observed, whose culture was initially identified as Acremonium sp. Subsequent studies showed that the fungus was Phialemonium curvatum. The infection was treated with amphotericin B, followed by ketoconazole. The patient was submitted to surgical debridement followed by two skin grafts to repair the bloody area. The duration of the treatment was 4 months and secondary prophylaxis with ketoconazole alone was maintained for one additional month. No recurrence was observed after discontinuation of treatment. The authors comment on the pathogenicity of the genus Phialemonium

    Phialemonium curvatum infection after bone marrow transplantation

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    We report a case of cutaneous infection caused by Phialemonium curvatum GAMS et COOKE, 1983, after bone marrow transplantation. The genus Phialemonium was created by GAMS & MCGINNIS in 1983 including three new species: Ph. obovatum, Ph. curvatum and Ph. dimorphosporum, and represents an intermediate genus between Acremonium and Phialophora. Nowadays, the genus Phialemonium is considered to be a pheoid fungus which may cause the eventual lesions observed in pheo- and hyalohyphomycosis. Species of this genus have been described as opportunistic agents in humans and animals, mainly as a result of immunosuppression. In the present case, the patient had multiple myeloma and received an allogenic bone marrow transplant from his HLA-compatible brother. Two months after transplantation, he developed purplish and painful nodular lesions on the right ankle. Some of these lesions drained spontaneously and apparently hyaline mycelial filaments were observed, whose culture was initially identified as Acremonium sp. Subsequent studies showed that the fungus was Phialemonium curvatum. The infection was treated with amphotericin B, followed by ketoconazole. The patient was submitted to surgical debridement followed by two skin grafts to repair the bloody area. The duration of the treatment was 4 months and secondary prophylaxis with ketoconazole alone was maintained for one additional month. No recurrence was observed after discontinuation of treatment. The authors comment on the pathogenicity of the genus Phialemonium