2,682 research outputs found

    Genes and primary headaches: discovering new potential therapeutic targets

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    Genetic studies have clearly shown that primary headaches (migraine, tension-type headache and cluster headache) are multifactorial disorders characterized by a complex interaction between different genes and environmental factors. Genetic association studies have highlighted a potential role in the etiopathogenesis of these disorders for several genes related to vascular, neuronal and neuroendocrine functions. A potential role as a therapeutic target is now emerging for some of these genes. The main purpose of this review is to describe new advances in our knowledge regarding the role of MTHFR, KCNK18, TRPV1, TRPV3 and HCRTR genes in primary headache disorders. Involvement of these genes in primary headaches, as well as their potential role in the therapy of these disorders, will be discussed

    Bacterial biofilms formed in vitro and in vivo on orthodontic appliances : Effect of antimicrobial agents

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    Los procesos cariogénicos y las infecciones gingivales y en la vecindad de los implantes pueden ocurrir como una consecuencia de la formación de biopelículas. A fin de prevenir estos procesos, se utilizan productos profilácticos tales como fluoruro de sodio (F), clorhexidina (C) y xilitol (X). El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de las mezclas F + X y C + X sobre las biopelículas orales formadas en dispositivos para Ortodoncia. En los experimentos in vitro se utilizó un consorcio de estreptococos y como medio de cultivo Agar Mitis Salivarius o su composición modificada para cultivos líquidos líquido. Se sumergieron bandas de acero inoxidable en los medios inoculados durante 7 d y se siguió el crecimiento de la biopelícula a través de microscopia óptica realizada in situ. Las bacterias sésiles adheridas a las bandas fueron observadas después de teñirlas con naranja de acridina. Después de los períodos establecidos las bandas con las biopelículas fueron retiradas de los medios de cultivo y se transfirieron a tres frascos diferentes con: i) disolución reguladora de fosfatos, ii) un colutorio que contenía F (0,05 %) + X (10 %) y iii) un colutorio que contenía X (10 %) + C (0,12 %). Los resultados demostraron que es difícil predecir la eficacia de los agentes antimicrobianos (AA) contra las biopelículas orales basado en experiencias realizadas con células planctónicas. Los AA ensayados fueron capaces de difundir dentro de la biopelícula, modificar su microestructura, haciéndola más compacta, reducir el crecimiento de las bacterias sésiles y promover el desprendimiento de células. Sin embargo, el recrecimiento de la biopelícula podría ocurrir bajo mejores condiciones ambientales cuando finaliza el tratamiento.Cariogenic processes and peri-implant and gingival infections can occur as a consequence of the biofilm formation. In order to prevent these processes, prophylactic products like sodium fluoride (F), clhorhexidine (C) and xylitol (X) are used. The aim of this work was to study the effect of commercially available mouth rinses containing F + X and C + X on oral biofilms formed on orthodontic appliances. A consortium of streptococci was used in the in vitro experiments and Agar Mitis Salivarious and its modified composition for liquid cultures. Stainless steel and elastic bands were immersed in the inoculated culture media for seven days and the growth of biofilms was followed in real time through optical microscopy made in situ. The sessile bacteria attached on the bands were also observed using epifluorescence microscopy after staining the sample with acridine orange. Subsequent to the preset periods the biofilmed bands were removed from the culture medium and were transferred to three different flasks with: i) a phosphate buffer, ii) a mouth rinse containing F (0.05 %) + X (10 %) iii) a mouth rinse containing X (10 %) + C (0.12 %). Results demonstrated that it is difficult to predict the efficacy of an AA against oral biofilms based on experiments performed with planktonic cells. The assayed AA were able to diffuse into the biofilm, change the microstructural characteristics of the biofilm which becomes more compact, slow down the growth of the sessile bacteria and promote the detachment of cells. However, re-growth of the biofilm could occur under better environmental conditions when the treatment finishes.Facultad de Odontologí

    Bacterial biofilms formed in vitro and in vivo on orthodontic appliances : Effect of antimicrobial agents

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    Los procesos cariogénicos y las infecciones gingivales y en la vecindad de los implantes pueden ocurrir como una consecuencia de la formación de biopelículas. A fin de prevenir estos procesos, se utilizan productos profilácticos tales como fluoruro de sodio (F), clorhexidina (C) y xilitol (X). El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de las mezclas F + X y C + X sobre las biopelículas orales formadas en dispositivos para Ortodoncia. En los experimentos in vitro se utilizó un consorcio de estreptococos y como medio de cultivo Agar Mitis Salivarius o su composición modificada para cultivos líquidos líquido. Se sumergieron bandas de acero inoxidable en los medios inoculados durante 7 d y se siguió el crecimiento de la biopelícula a través de microscopia óptica realizada in situ. Las bacterias sésiles adheridas a las bandas fueron observadas después de teñirlas con naranja de acridina. Después de los períodos establecidos las bandas con las biopelículas fueron retiradas de los medios de cultivo y se transfirieron a tres frascos diferentes con: i) disolución reguladora de fosfatos, ii) un colutorio que contenía F (0,05 %) + X (10 %) y iii) un colutorio que contenía X (10 %) + C (0,12 %). Los resultados demostraron que es difícil predecir la eficacia de los agentes antimicrobianos (AA) contra las biopelículas orales basado en experiencias realizadas con células planctónicas. Los AA ensayados fueron capaces de difundir dentro de la biopelícula, modificar su microestructura, haciéndola más compacta, reducir el crecimiento de las bacterias sésiles y promover el desprendimiento de células. Sin embargo, el recrecimiento de la biopelícula podría ocurrir bajo mejores condiciones ambientales cuando finaliza el tratamiento.Cariogenic processes and peri-implant and gingival infections can occur as a consequence of the biofilm formation. In order to prevent these processes, prophylactic products like sodium fluoride (F), clhorhexidine (C) and xylitol (X) are used. The aim of this work was to study the effect of commercially available mouth rinses containing F + X and C + X on oral biofilms formed on orthodontic appliances. A consortium of streptococci was used in the in vitro experiments and Agar Mitis Salivarious and its modified composition for liquid cultures. Stainless steel and elastic bands were immersed in the inoculated culture media for seven days and the growth of biofilms was followed in real time through optical microscopy made in situ. The sessile bacteria attached on the bands were also observed using epifluorescence microscopy after staining the sample with acridine orange. Subsequent to the preset periods the biofilmed bands were removed from the culture medium and were transferred to three different flasks with: i) a phosphate buffer, ii) a mouth rinse containing F (0.05 %) + X (10 %) iii) a mouth rinse containing X (10 %) + C (0.12 %). Results demonstrated that it is difficult to predict the efficacy of an AA against oral biofilms based on experiments performed with planktonic cells. The assayed AA were able to diffuse into the biofilm, change the microstructural characteristics of the biofilm which becomes more compact, slow down the growth of the sessile bacteria and promote the detachment of cells. However, re-growth of the biofilm could occur under better environmental conditions when the treatment finishes.Facultad de Odontologí

    Left pneumonectomy for rapidly growing lung metastasis from phyllodes tumor

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    Distant metastases occur in 10-25% of malignant phyllodes tumors of the breast, heralding fatal outcome within few months. Only four cases of successful resection of solitary pulmonary metastases from phyllodes tumor are described in the literature. We report the case of a 67-year-old woman who developed rapidly growing metastases (volume doubling time: 25 days) in the left lung, two years after mastectomy for malignant phyllodes tumor. The left lung was the only site of 18-FDG uptake at total-body PET scan and the patient was successfully treated by left pneumonectomy

    Peri-operative complications of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)

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    AbstractVideo-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has multiple indications for diagnosis and treatment of many different thoracic diseases; the commonest are lung wedge resection, pleural and mediastinal biopsy, treatment of pneumothorax, and pleurectomy. Moreover, in recent years a few surgeons have performed routinely major lung anatomic resections by VATS approach, including segmentectomy, lobectomy and pneumonectomy.In our experience VATS constitutes about one-third of all thoracic surgical procedures. In the reviewed literature as in the most frequent complications after VATS procedures are: prolonged air leak, bleeding, infection, postoperative pain, port site recurrence and the need to convert the access in thoracotomy. The complication and mortality rates are generally very low and VATS procedures are considered safe and effective.It is recommended that all thoracic surgery departments audit their VATS procedures for peri-operative morbidity and mortality to compare results and outcomes

    FUS affects circular RNA expression in murine embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons

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    The RNA-binding protein FUS participates in several RNA biosynthetic processes and has been linked to the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia. Here we report that FUS controls back-splicing reactions leading to circular RNA (circRNA) production. We identified circRNAs expressed in in vitro -derived mouse motor neurons (MNs) and determined that the production of a considerable number of these circRNAs is regulated by FUS. Using RNAi and overexpression of wild-type and ALS-asso- ciated FUS mutants, we directly correlate the modulation of circRNA biogenesis with alteration of FUS nuclear levels and with putative toxic gain of function activities. We also demonstrate that FUS regulates circRNA biogenesis by binding the introns flanking the back-splicing junctions and that this control can be reproduced with artificial constructs. Most circRNAs are conserved in humans and specific ones are deregulated in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived MNs carrying the FUS P525L mutation associated with AL

    Autochthonous acute hepatitis E: treatment with sofosbuvir and ribavirin

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    Introduction: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging cause of autochthonous-acute-hepatitis and acute-on-chronic-liver-failure in western countries. Treatment is not routinely used, despite ribavirin has a good antiviral effect. In vitro sofosbuvir inhibits HEV replication, but clinical data are lacking. Case report: We report a case of acute-on-chronic-liver-failure due to HEV treated with sofosbuvir and ribavirin. The treatment was capable of rapidly inducing both HCV and HEV viral suppression. Conclusion: In conclusion, although more data are required before firm conclusions could be drawn, the combination of sofosbuvir and ribavirin in not immunosuppressed patients with acute hepatitis E may be able to clear HEV infection

    Religious Pilgrimage: Experiencing Places, Objects and Events

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    This article explores the concept of the Eventization of faith (Pfadenhauer, 2010) through application of three case studies, to identify learning that might be applied to a traditional pilgrimage destination, such as Jerusalem. This Holy City is held sacred by the three Abrahamic religions, and faith-based tourism is central both to the Holy Land and to the city of Jerusalem (Leppakari & Griffin, 2017). This paper builds on research that identifies processes and models that provide insight into the developing concept of the eventization of faith. The work examines outcomes from three different perspectives: - The impact of traditional church-led pilgrimages to places in the Holy Land, on participants and their local church communities. - The successful eventization of the Lindisfarne Gospels as part of their release to Durham University in 2013, and the impact on local historical, cultural and religious identity and heritage (Dowson, 2019). - The shared pilgrimage experience of thousands of Christian women participating in the annual Cherish Conference in Leeds, Yorkshire, held in a secular event venue (Dowson, 2016). In analysing these three case study examples, this paper aims to identify factors that might enhance our understanding of the concept of eventization of faith. Utilising face to face interviews and online survey results, the research focuses on the aspects of community, identity and authenticity. Events enable shared experiences in a faith context (Lee et al., 2015), and so this research develops a model that captures and expresses approaches that might encourage pilgrimages to traditional destinations, through the medium of events, adding insight into the development of the academic concept of Eventization of Faith