37 research outputs found

    The relationship between mind wandering and reading comprehension: A meta-analysis

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    Mind wandering (MW), a shift of attention away from external tasks toward internally generated thoughts, has been frequently associated with costs in reading comprehension (RC), although with some contrasting results and many reported potential intervening factors. The aim of the meta-analysis was to evaluate the relationship between MW and RC, considering the role of participants’ and text’s characteristics, as well as methodological issues in the measurement of the two constructs. From a set of 25 selected full texts (73 correlation coefficients), pooled correlation (r = −0.21) revealed a negative significant relationship. Using trait-based questionnaires to assess MW compared with online probes resulted in an average significant change of 0.30 in the correlation between MW and RC, leading to a null correlation. A significant effect of age was also found, with more negative correlations with increasing age. None of the other moderating variables considered (i.e., language, text type, text length, RC assessment, text difficulty, text interest, and working memory) resulted in a significant effect. From the present meta-analysis, we might suggest that MW and RC are partially overlapping and vary, within a swing effect, in relation to a set of shared factors, such as working memory, interest, and text length. There might also be side-specific factors that drive the movement of primarily one side of the swing, and future research should further consider the role of individual differences in RC. Implications for research and educational settings are discussed

    Model study of modern oil-based paint media by triacylglycerols profiling in positive and negative ionization modes

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    Lipid binders have traditionally been determined in paintings by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify the characteristic profiles and ratios of fatty acids . However, the presence of mixtures in contemporary and modern oil paints makes the GC/MS determination of fatty acids insufficient to fully characterize the lipid binding media. In this study we prove that triacylglycerol (TAG) profiling by high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry, using ESI in positive and negative ionization modes is highly effective. We exploited this analytical approach to study the curing and degradation processes undergone by six plant oils used in the formulation of media in modern paints, using both natural and artificial ageing experiments. We believe that is the first time that a negative ionization mode has been applied for this purpose and that a survey with HPLC-ESI-Q-ToF has been carried out to study the ageing kinetics of plant oils. TAG profiling enabled us to study the evolution over time of the constituents of modern oils, with respect to curing and ageing. The data analyzed in this study demonstrate that our approach is efficient to study the oxidation of TAGs during ageing. The data also improve current knowledge on the properties of vegetable oils, which could lead to the development of new paint materials and conservation treatments for modern and contemporary works of art

    Effective and timely evaluation of pulmonary congestion: Qualitative comparison between lung ultrasound and thoracic bioelectrical impedance in maintenance hemodialysis patients

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    The assessment of pulmonary congestion in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients is challenging. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) can estimate body water compartments. Natriuretic peptides are markers of hemodynamic stress, neurohormonal activation and extracellular volume overload. Lung ultrasound (LUS) has been proposed for the non-invasive estimation of extravascular lung water through B-lines assessment. Up to now, no study evaluated the correlation between B-lines, segmental thoracic BIA, and natriuretic peptides in MHD patients. The aims of this study were: (1) To validate LUS as a tool for an effective and timely evaluation of pulmonary congestion in MHD patients, in comparison with segmental thoracic BIA, and with natriuretic peptides; (2) To compare a comprehensive whole chest ultrasound scanning with a simplified and timely scanning scheme limited to the lateral chest regions.Thirty-one MHD adult patients were examined. LUS, total body and thoracic BIA, and natriuretic peptides were performed immediately before and after a mid-week dialysis session. The number of B-lines assessed by LUS was compared with total body and thoracic impedance data and with natriuretic peptides.Pre-HD B-lines ranged 0-147 (mean 31) and decreased significantly post-HD (mean 16, P < 0.001). A significant correlation was found between the number of B-lines and extra-cellular water index (ECWI, r = 0.45, P < 0.001), with thoracic impedance (r = 0.30, P < 0.05), and with BNP (r = 0.57, P < 0.01). The dynamic changes in B-lines correlated better with thoracic impedance than with total body impedance, and correlated with extra-cellular but not with intra-cellular water index. The correlation between B-lines and ECWI was similar when LUS was limited to the lateral chest regions or performed on the whole chest. Multivariate analysis showed that only segmental thoracic impedance was an independent predictor of residual pulmonary congestion.The dynamic changes in B-lines after hemodialysis are correlated to the changes in total body and extra-cellular water, and particularly to lung fluids removal. B-line assessment in MHD patients is highly feasible with a simplified and timely scanning scheme limited to the lateral chest regions. These premises make B-lines a promising biomarker for a bedside assessment of pulmonary congestion in MHD patients

    The Removal of ÎČ2-Microglobulin in Spent Dialysate Cannot Be Monitored by Spectrophotometric Analysis

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    We synthetically present here unpublished results on ÎČ2M removal during HD treatments with dialysis membranes having different flux and adsorption capacities to clarify if the spectrophotometric analysis of spent dialysate may allow the possibility to monitor the removal of ÎČ2M during HD. These results were obtained from the analyses of serum and spent dialysate samples of the 22 MHD patients (16 men, 6 women). Serum and spent dialysate concentrations of ÎČ2M were measured with an immunonephelometric method (Siemens, BNAII) and compared with absorbance and fluorescence values. We conclude that the removal of ÎČ2M cannot be evaluated by spectrophotometric analysis of spent dialysate

    The Mobilome-Enriched Genome of the Competence-Deficient Streptococcus pneumoniae BM6001, the Original Host of Integrative Conjugative Element Tn5253, Is Phylogenetically Distinct from Historical Pneumococcal Genomes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen causing both mild and severe diseases. In this work, we determined the complete genome sequence of the S. pneumoniae clinical isolate BM6001, which is the original host of the ICE Tn5253. The BM6001 genome is organized in one circular chromosome of 2,293,748 base pairs (bp) in length, with an average GC content of 39.54%; the genome harbors a type 19F capsule locus, two tandem copies of pspC, the comC1-comD1 alleles and the type I restriction modification system SpnIII. The BM6001 mobilome accounts for 15.54% (356,521 bp) of the whole genome and includes (i) the ICE Tn5253 composite; (ii) the novel IME Tn7089; (iii) the novel transposon Tn7090; (iv) 3 prophages and 2 satellite prophages; (v) 5 genomic islands (GIs); (vi) 72 insertion sequences (ISs); (vii) 69 RUPs; (viii) 153 BOX elements; and (ix) 31 SPRITEs. All MGEs, except for the GIs, produce excised circular forms and attB site restoration. Tn7089 is 9089 bp long and contains 11 ORFs, of which 6 were annotated and code for three functions: integration/excision, mobilization and adaptation. Tn7090 is 9053 bp in size, flanked by two copies of ISSpn7, and contains seven ORFs organized as a single transcriptional unit, with genes encoding for proteins likely involved in the uptake and binding of Mg2+ cations in the adhesion to host cells and intracellular survival. BM6001 GIs, except for GI-BM6001.4, are variants of the pneumococcal TIGR4 RD5 region of diversity, pathogenicity island PPI1, R6 Cluster 4 and PTS island. Overall, prophages and satellite prophages contain genes predicted to encode proteins involved in DNA replication and lysogeny, in addition to genes encoding phage structural proteins and lytic enzymes carried only by prophages. &amp; phi;BM6001.3 has a mosaic structure that shares sequences with prophages IPP69 and MM1 and disrupts the competent comGC/cglC gene after chromosomal integration. Treatment with mitomycin C results in a 10-fold increase in the frequency of &amp; phi;BM6001.3 excised forms and comGC/cglC coding sequence restoration but does not restore competence for genetic transformation. In addition, phylogenetic analysis showed that BM6001 clusters in a small lineage with five other historical strains, but it is distantly related to the lineage due to its unique mobilome, suggesting that BM6001 has progressively accumulated many MGEs while losing competence for genetic transformation

    The Role of Emotional Aspects on Arithmetic Word Problem-Solving in Primary School Children

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    Previous studies found emotional factors, such as math anxiety, to be consistently related to students’ poor math performance. However, less is known about the link between math anxiety and children’s arithmetic word problem-solving achievement. A construct that seems to be associated with anxiety is the perceived task difficulty: judgments of difficulty may arouse feelings of worry which negatively impact students’ performance. In this presentation, data on the contributions of math anxiety and perceived task difficulty to arithmetic word problem-solving performance among primary school students will be reported. Fifth graders were administered a math anxiety scale, an arithmetic word problem task and a task evaluating the perception of problems’ difficulty. In particular, the arithmetic problem-solving task included compare problems which contain a relational term (e.g., more than and less than) that compares the value of two variables. Results revealed that math anxiety significantly predicted students’ problem-solving achievement and it completely mediated the relationship between perceived task difficulty and problem-solving performance. Moreover, a gender difference in math anxiety was found. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings will be discussed

    Py-GC/MS applied to the analysis of synthetic organic pigments: characterization and identification in paint samples

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    A collection of 76 synthetic organic pigments was analysed using pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The purpose of this work was to expand the knowledge on synthetic pigments and to assess characteristic pyrolysis products that could help in the identification of these pigments in paint samples. We analysed several classes of synthetic pigments not previously reported as being analysed by this technique: some metal complexes, ÎČ-naphthol pigment lakes, BONA pigment lakes, disazopyrazolone, triarylcarbonium, dioxazine, anthraquinone, indanthrone, isoindoline and thioindigo classes. We also report for the first time the Py-GC/MS analysis of a number of naphthol AS, benzimidazolone, phthalocyanine and perylene pigments and other miscellaneous pigments including pigments with unpublished chemical structure. We successfully used the Py-GC/MS technique for the analysis of paints by artists Clyfford Still and Jackson Pollock to identify the synthetic organic pigments and the binding media