950 research outputs found

    Preliminary approach to cardiorenal syndrome in dogs affected by chronic mitral valve disease

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    In human medicine, primary disorders of the heart often result in secondary dysfunction or injury to the kidneys. The coexistence of the two problems in the same patient is referred as cardiorenal syndrome (CRS). Just little information about CRS is available in veterinary medicine. CRS in dogs affected from chronic mitral valve disease (CMVD) was investigated in a retrospective study and in a prospective study in order to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with azotemia complicating CMVD in dogs, to evaluate a possible connection between class of cardiac failure (ACVIM classification) and class of renal failure (IRIS classification), to investigate the correlation between parameters of renal failure and echocardiographic parameters and to assess the influence of heart/kidney failure or worsening (defined on echocardiographic, radiographic and laboratory parameters) on elected parameters of kidney/heart function. One hundred and fifty eight dogs of both genders (94 males and 64 females) were included in the retrospective study. Twenty one dogs affected by CMVD (cases) of both genders (12 males and 9 females) and 20 healthy dogs (controls) of both genders (12 males and 8 females) were included in the prospective study. The results demonstrate that the prevalence of CKD associated with azotemia in dogs affected by CMVD is 25%, higher than the prevalence in the general population. There is a statistically significant direct correlation between ACVIM and IRIS class. Dogs in advanced ACVIM class and receiving therapy for medical management of CHF are commonly affected by concomitant CKD. The Cornell Index, and so left ventricle enlargement, is correlated with worsening renal function (WRF). Experiencing chronic heart failure (CHF) seems not to directly affect renal function. Further investigations are needed to define if CMVD or the administration of drugs for medical management of CHF can directly affect renal function inducing and/or worsening dysfunction of the kidneys

    Macromolecular Engineering of the Nanostructured Surface of Fluorinated Block Copolymers for Aquatic Anti-Biofouling

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    In the present work different classes of fluorinated polymers were prepared with the aim to develop new antifouling/fouling release coatings. In order to avoid any biocidal activity, our strategy consisted of designing materials with anti-adhesion properties versus marine foulants. Low elastic modulus and low surface energy are parameters which both contribute to refrain adhesion and eventually to remove attached aquatic foulants, thus representing the basis for an efficient nonbiocidal antifouling coating. The classes of polymers under consideration were represented by amphiphilic fluorinated polystyrene block copolymers, fluorinated/siloxane graft random copolymers and fluorinated-polysiloxane based block copolymers. The composition of the copolymers was tailored so that varied surface structures and morphologies could be devised. The polymeric materials were characterized in terms of bulk and surface structures and properties. In particular, we highlighted the role of the segregation of the perfluorinated side groups in a nanostructured surface in effecting the surface behaviour of the polymer films. Moreover, different coatings consisting of blends of the amphiphilic fluorinated block copolymers with a thermoplastic elastomer SEBS were prepared with a bilayer strategy and were submitted to biological assays against marine and freshwater organisms with special attention being devoted to establishing correlations between the chemical formulation and the antifouling/fouling release properties of the polymer films

    Stereoselective synthesis of heterocyclic compounds from glycal-derived vinyl N-mesyl aziridines and oxiranes

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    Multisubstituted 2,5-dihydropyrroles and 2,5-dihydrofurans are recognized as valuable heterocyclic systems because they could be advantageously used as starting materials for the preparation of many pharmaceutically relevant compounds. The possibility of the construction of an enantiomerically pure cis-2,5-disubstituted-2,5-dihydropyrrole and cis-2,5disubstituted-2,5-dihydrofuran systems respectively starting from glycal-derived vinyl N-mesyl aziridines and oxiranes, when subjected to appropriate reaction conditions, was examined. The reaction of N-mesyl aziridines and oxiranes with metal enolates derived from active methylene compounds afforded, through a rearrangement process implying an opening-closing process with contemporary ring contraction of the initially obtained 1,4-addition product (primary reaction product), the corresponding cis-2,5-disubstituted-2,5-dihydropyrrole and cis-2,5-disubstituted-2,5-dihydrofuran (both secondary reaction products), respectively, in a completely region- and stereoselective fashion

    Extending the retail brand: the influence of customer loyalty towards the private label and towards the retailer

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    The paper investigates the influence that customer loyalty towards the private label and towards the retailer exerts on the purchase of non-traditional products and services (NTPS) offered by grocery retailers through their private label. Two-hundred and forty UK retail customers completed a questionnaire. Data were processed applying a binary logistic regression, using the buying of at least one NTPS as the dependent variable (1= buy; 0= No buy). Results show that cognitive loyalty to the private label and behavioural loyalty to the retailer positively predict the buying of NTPS, cognitive loyalty to the retailer brand plays a negative predictive role and behavioural loyalty to the private label is not significant

    Parafarmaci a marca commerciale? Sì, sono value conscious

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    Il contributo si posiziona nell’ambito dell’estensione della marca commerciale (MC) a categorie di prodotto extra-core da parte delle insegne grocery. Nello specifico, lo studio propone un modello in cui la value consciousness (VC) modera l’impatto che l’atteggiamento del cliente verso l’estensione (ATEX) ha sull’intenzione di acquistare il prodotto esteso (INTBEX). Viene inoltre indagata l’azione che diversi antecedenti quali FIT, preferenza verso il prodotto di marca industriale (NBP), risorse e competenze del retailer (R&C) e fiducia nell’insegna (TR) hanno sull’INTBEX attraverso l’effetto mediatore di ATEX. Il modello proposto, individuato mediante un sistema di equazioni strutturali (SEM), è stato testato sul parafarmaco a marca commerciale di un’insegna leader nazionale, intervistandone un campione di clienti. I risultati mostrano la bontà e l’adeguatezza del modello impiegato confermando tutte le ipotesi postulate e la loro direzione. Lo studio contribuisce alla letteratura sulla brand extension applicandola a un settore finora trascurato, il retail grocery, e a quella sulla marca commerciale. Inoltre si approfondisce l’impatto moderatore della value consciousness nel contesto di estensione della MC, oltre a quello diretto su ATEX di variabili poco indagate quali R&C e TR

    Premium Private Labels Products: Drivers of Consumers’ Intention to Buy

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    In the last years, there has been a proliferation of Private Labels (PLs) and a strategic change in the way retailers conceive and manage this kind of tool. From an instrument devoted to underline the price convenience orientation of retailers, today PLs are articulated in different tiers (economy, standard and premium) and have become a tool to give a good quality option to customers, improving their loyalty and differentiating from competitors. In this context, the paper focuses on a specific PLs tier, Premium Private Labels (PPLs), given the high growth rates, current and perspective, they present. Specifically, the study aims at investigating the drivers of PPLs consumer buying intention. Results derived by the Structural Equation Model employed on a dataset of 211 questionnaires collected by administering a survey on a sample of actual buyers of PPL products show that perceived product quality, label consciousness and the PPL familiarity exert a positive impact on attitude towards PPL products. Conversely, retail customers do not choose a PPL product to conform to others. Moreover, although the increasing extension of the PPL assortment with Geographical Indications, no significant effect was found between the PPLs products branded with a PDO/PGI (Protected Designation of Origin/Protected Geographical Indication) label and attitude towards PPLs. Finally, findings show that the higher the level of consumer familiarity to the PPL, the higher the intention to buy PPL products. These results offer relevant implications from a marketing and strategical viewpoint, providing valuable insights for practitioners and scholars

    Etica, attenzione alla salute, socializzazione e/o spiritualit\ue0? Le determinanti dell\u2019atteggiamento verso il consumo di prodotti vegani.

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    Il veganismo si pone oggi come un fenomeno di crescente importanza sia a livello sociale che economico. Particolarmente interessante per gli studi di consumer behavior e per le implicazioni manageriali che ne possono derivare \ue8 l\u2019analisi delle ragioni che portano a sviluppare un atteggiamento positivo verso il consumo di prodotti vegani. La letteratura sul tema ha in particolare identificato ragioni di tipo etico, salutistico, sociale e spirituale, indagandole spesso in modo autonomo e disgiunto. In questo contesto, l\u2019articolo esplora l\u2019impatto delle principali determinanti dell\u2019atteggiamento dei consumatori verso il consumo di prodotti vegani di tipo food tramite un modello che include tutti gli antecedenti sopra citati. Somministrando un questionario strutturato ad un campione di consumatori di prodotti vegani intercettati su pagine social dedicate al veganismo ed applicando poi un modello ad equazioni strutturali sui dati cos\uec raccolti, lo studio mostra come siano soprattutto determinanti di tipo etico, spirituale e sociale a consentire lo sviluppo di un atteggiamento positivo verso i prodotti vegani, mentre non significativa appare l\u2019attenzione alla salute. Alcune riflessioni sulle possibili implicazioni scientifiche e manageriali delle evidenze ottenute vengono sviluppate

    Retail Brand Extension: From Theory to Practice. A Multi- Country Study of European Grocery Retailers

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    This chapter reviews the literature on brand extension, with particular reference to retail brand extension strategies performed by grocery retailers. Aims, advantages and disadvantages, as well as types of this strategy are described. Then, the results of a survey aimed at comparing the customers’ perceptions and buying behaviour when retailers extend their brands, in particular when this strategy is pursued in non-traditional businesses, are presented. The survey consisted in administering a structured questionnaire aimed at investigating the main antecedents of brand extension success to samples of retail customers interviewed in two different retail national contexts, namely, Italy and France. The extension product investigated is car fuel offered through a fuel station branded with the retailer’s brand name. Applying Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the mediating role of attitude towards the extension (ATEX) in generating brand extension success (INTEX) and the key role of fit and of the perceived capability of the retailer to offer the extension product (R&C) as antecedents were verified in both national contexts. On the contrary, the impact of customers’ preference towards national brands (NBP) reported mixed results

    Italian Restaurants in Danish Consumers’ Perceptions: A Multi-Cue Analysis in a Product Country Image Perspective

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    Studies on the country image topic in the services context are rare in comparison with the number of papers investigating the effect that the information on the country of origin exerts on consumer buying behavior when tangible products are concerned. To this regard, the current paper would contribute to the literature on the country-of-origin effect and consumer behavior, exploring the role played by Product Country Image (PCI) in shaping customers attitude when a service offer is concerned – namely: dining services. Specifically, this study tests a conceptual model developed in a multi-cue perspective, that is: evaluating not only the effect of the information on the origin of the service offer investigated, but also assessing consumers’ perceptions related to other service offer cues, such as service quality and perceived value, in this case. A specific national cuisine in the full-service restaurant setting is explored: the Italian one. From the methodological viewpoint, a survey was conducted among Danish customers of Italian restaurants in Copenhagen. The research method employed consisted in a structured questionnaire. Then, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied to the data collected. Results evidence that product country image influences the formation of a positive attitude towards ethnic restaurants even when a multi-cue approach is employed. Scientific and managerial implications are discussed

    Italian and U.S. Consumers of Local Foods: An Exploratory Assessment of Invariance

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    The exploratory study reviews locally produced foods and sustainable retailing via grocery outlets across two distinct consumer groups, Italian and U.S. consumers. Survey methodology and structural equation modeling were used to test for measurement and structural invariance across the groups. Results suggested that groups varied across measures of perceived consumer effectiveness and purchase intentions; and constructs of subjective norms, perceived consumer effectiveness, connectedness, and purchase intentions reflected factor mean differences across groups. Tests of structural paths were found to be partially invariant. Implications to retail grocers who source sustainable products are provided, as well as future research directions for academics
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