4 research outputs found

    Demographic characteristics, behavioral risk factors, HIV testing history, and use of prevention services and agreement with perceived risks and benefits of circumcision and willingness to be circumcised among 133 uncircumcised men who have sex with men not known to be HIV-infected who attended Gay Pride and Minority Gay Pride events in 7 U.S. cities by willingness to be circumcised as an adult – 2006.

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    *<p>Respondents could select more than one race.</p>†<p>Other race includes American Indians/Alaskan Native, Asians/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, and people reporting “other” race.</p>‡<p>Five uncircumcised respondents did not provide data for the perceived risks and benefits statements, therefore N = 127.</p

    Demographic characteristics, behavioral risk factors, HIV testing history, and use of prevention services among 780 men who have sex with men who attended Gay Pride and Minority Gay Pride events in 7 U.S. cities by circumcision status – 2006.

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    *<p>Respondents could select more than one race.</p>†<p>Other race includes American Indians/Alaskan Native, Asians/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, and people reporting “other” race.</p>‡<p>Two respondents reported >10 male partners.</p>§<p>For this question, n = 777 because 3 respondents answered ‘don't know.’</p

    Characteristics of HIV infected persons interviewed about adherence to currently prescribed antiretroviral therapy, number and proportion of nonadherent respondents, and logistic regression model of factors associated with nonadherence among 5,887 respondents to the Supplement to HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project, 18 US States, 2000 to 2004

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    <p>ARVT: antiretroviral therapy; PI: protease inhibitor; HAART: Highly active antiretroviral therapy.</p>*<p>Referent group is all other races</p>†<p>Referent group is ≥40 years</p>‡<p>Confidence interval excludes 1.0; lower bound is rounded down to 1.0.</p>§<p>Referent group is all other risks</p>∥<p>Referent group is all other places of residence</p>¶<p>Any use in the 12 months before the interview</p>**<p>Referent group is duration of ARVT treatment <21 months</p>††<p>Referent group is currently prescribed 1–3 drugs</p>‡‡<p>Referent group is any other prescribed regimen</p