14 research outputs found

    Feelings and fellings

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    The way we communicate about forest issues has consequences for how forests are managed. Policies and research suggest that public participation in natural resource management (NRM) leads to better informed and more sustainable decisions about the environment. This thesis seeks to increase understanding regarding how the way people communicate about a natural resource, such as a forested area, affects the decisions taken about that natural resource. This issue is investigated by studying how individuals involved in forest management interpret conflict, participation, and the actions of other people, and how this process of interpretation is connected to the way they act. The underlying assumption is that reality is socially constructed, and that this social construction is accomplished by people communicating with each other, via symbolic interaction. The empirical material consisted of three case studies of forest management, one case of participant observation in two participatory meetings and two cases of conflict concerning final fellings of forest studied via semi-structured interviews. The empirical material was analyzed using the concepts of avoidance of embarrassment and discursive closure. The findings suggest that situations where people feel insecure about the role they are expected to play create anticipation of embarrassment and causes them to avoid face-to-face meetings. The findings also show that actors in participatory meetings have numerous different expectations on them, leading to discursive closures, i.e., suppression of certain subjects in the discussion, in order to avoid role confusion and hence embarrassment. Avoidance of embarrassment and discursive closure in people's interactions with each other, in conflict and in participation, have negative impacts on listening and learning and knowledge exchange. The conclusion in this thesis is that a conscious focus on creating meeting spaces where role confusion is accepted can create discussions where more perspectives are raised, the common knowledge base is increased, and more sustainable decision-making concerning natural resources is possible

    NÀringsretention i Äterskapad vÄtmark pÄ betesmark : studier av en mad vid Bornsjön

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    It is important to construct or recreate different types of wetlands and study their retention of nutrients, since knowledge of their effectiveness in this matter is poor. In 2003 a wetland was constructed on an old meadow on the western shore of Lake Bornsjön in central Sweden. The main purpose of the wetland was to reduce the amount of phosphorus entering the lake, which is the back-up water supply for Stockholm when the city cannot obtain water from Lake MĂ€laren. Large areas around Lake Bornsjön consist of agricultural land and the nutrient concentrations in the inflows to the lake are usually relatively high (approx. 1 mg/l total nitrogen and 0.05-0.1 mg/l total phosphorus). The inflow to the wetland is also affected by sewage water from private houses. The purpose of this study was to investigate how this fairly newly constructed wetland functioned during spring high flood and whether the uptake or outflow of nutrients changed when the growing season started. The study was performed between 29 March and 24 May 2005. The flow was measured continuously at two points and water samples were collected at least once and at most four times a week. The wetland received the highest nutrient load during the early part of April. This was also the period when some nutrient retention was estimated to occur. The retention of phosphorus in the wetland over the period was calculated to be 10 % (0.16 kg P/ha) of that reaching it in inflow and the retention of nitrogen 8 % (1.34 kg N/ha). On 3 May, it was raining heavily and the nutrient concentration in the inflow was about 10 times higher than normal. When these extreme values were included in the calculations, the retention was 45 % of phosphorus and 50 % of nitrogen. In the subsequent part of the study period the wetland became a source of nutrients, even after the growing season had started. Decreasing oxygen concentration and increased concentration of total organic carbon in the outflow suggested that decomposition of organic matter was taking place in the wetland. Since the area has not been harvested since the 1980s, organic material has probably accumulated in the wetlands. When the soil thaws in spring, old organic material starts decomposing and this process most likely negates the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by plants. No studies have been done on this type of wetland during the conditions of middle Sweden. Wetlands and ponds of southern Sweden with a high nutrient load have been found to reduce 560 kg N/ha/yr and 37 kg P/ha/yr in average. Another study on wetlands with overland flow and high nutrient load showed net retention of nitrogen (0-13 %) and sometimes of phosphorus (-48-+20 %). These numbers seems comparable to the results for the present wetland. Wetlands are complicated and dynamic systems that are difficult to control and investigate, and they can frequently become a source of nutrients as well as a sink. The biological diversity and the recreation value of an area often increase when a wetland is created. The wetland in this study seemed to be very much appreciated by people using the area for recreation since the number of birds had increased. It was concluded that wetlands might be regarded as more valuable if other aspects in addition to nutrient retention were considered.Att anlĂ€gga eller Ă„terskapa olika typer av vĂ„tmarker och studera nĂ€ringsretentionen i dessa Ă€r angelĂ€get eftersom man idag har dĂ„lig kunskap hur vĂ„tmarker kan minska nĂ€rsaltsbelastningen pĂ„ vattnen. År 2003 anlades vid sydvĂ€stra delen av Bornsjön en vĂ„tmark (mad) med frĂ€msta syfte att öka retentionen av fosfor till sjön. Bornsjön Ă€r Stockholm stads vattenreserv ifall uttaget av MĂ€larens vatten mĂ„ste stoppas. OmrĂ„det kring sjön bestĂ„r till stor del av jordbruksmark och nĂ€ringshalterna i sjöns tillflöden Ă€r ofta relativt höga (1 mg/l totalkvĂ€ve and 0.05-0.1 mg/l totalfosfor). Tillflödet till vĂ„tmarken pĂ„verkades dessutom av enskilda avlopp. Syftet med examensarbetet var att se hur denna relativt nyanlagda vĂ„tmark fungerade under vĂ„rens högflödesperiod och om det eventuella upptaget eller utslĂ€ppet av nĂ€rsalter förĂ€ndrades nĂ€r vĂ€xtsĂ€songen kommit igĂ„ng. Studien utfördes mellan den 29 mars och 24 maj Ă„r 2005. FlödesmĂ€tningar gjordes kontinuerligt vid tvĂ„ punkter och vattenprover insamlades minst en gĂ„ng och som mest fyra gĂ„nger per vecka. Den största andelen nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen belastade vĂ„tmarken under den första delen av april. Det var ocksĂ„ under den perioden som det skedde en fastlĂ€ggning av nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen. DĂ€refter utgjorde vĂ„tmarken en kĂ€lla för nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen, Ă€ven dĂ„ vĂ€xtsĂ€songen kom igĂ„ng. Syrehalten, pH-vĂ€rdena och ökningen av totalt organiskt kol i utflödet tydde pĂ„ att nedbrytning pĂ„gick i vĂ„tmarken. Eftersom marken inte skördats sedan 80-talet har antagligen stora mĂ€ngder organiskt material ansamlats. NĂ€r marken tinar börjar gammalt organiskt material brytas ner och denna process överskuggar förmodligen effekten av att vĂ€xterna i vĂ„tmarken tar upp kvĂ€ve och fosfor. Retentionen av totalfosfor i den nyanlagda vĂ„tmarken berĂ€knades till 10 % och av totalkvĂ€ve 8 %. Det motsvarar en ganska blygsam avskiljning pĂ„ 0,16 respektive 1,34 kg/ha under perioden. Den 3/5 regnade det hĂ€ftigt och nĂ€rsaltskoncentrationerna i det tillrinnande vattnet var ca 10 ggr högre Ă€n de normala. Inkluderas dessa extremhalter i berĂ€kningen motsvarar retentionen av totalfosfor istĂ€llet 45 % och av totalkvĂ€ve 50 %. Inga studier har gjorts pĂ„ den hĂ€r typen av vĂ„tmark under mellansvenska förhĂ„llanden. SkĂ„nska vĂ„tmarker och dammar med hög nĂ€rsaltsbelastning har i en studie berĂ€knats reducera nĂ€rsalter med i genomsnitt 560 kg N/ha/Ă„r och 37 kg P/ha/Ă„r men dĂ„ Ă€r ocksĂ„ belastningen pĂ„ dessa mycket högre Ă€n i denna studie. En studie pĂ„ översilningsytor gav en retention pĂ„ 0-13 % av kvĂ€ve och -48-+20 % för fosfor. Dessa siffror verkar vara mest jĂ€mförbara med de för Maden 2. Översilningsytorna belastades ocksĂ„ med kvĂ€ve och fosfor i samma storleksordning som vĂ„tmarkerna i denna studie. VĂ„tmarker Ă€r komplicerade och dynamiska system som Ă€r svĂ„ra att kontrollerna och undersöka; de kan ofta bli en kĂ€lla till nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen sĂ„vĂ€l som en fĂ€lla. Ofta ökar dock den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden och rekreationsvĂ€rdet i omrĂ„det nĂ€r en vĂ„tmark skapas och dĂ€rför blir vĂ„tmarker mer vĂ€rdefulla om man ser till fler aspekter Ă€n nĂ€ringsretention. Den hĂ€r undersökta vĂ„tmarken verkade vara mycket uppskattad av mĂ€nniskor som anvĂ€nder omrĂ„det för rekreation eftersom antalet fĂ„gelarter har ökat

    Dialogprocessen om allemansrÀtten

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    Under 2012 och 2013 har avdelningen för Miljökommunikation vid SLU fungerat som rÄdgivare till NaturvÄrdsverket i planeringen och genomförandet av en dialogprocess om allemansrÀtten och dess tillÀmpning. Denna rapport har tillkommit som ett avslutande led i detta uppdrag. Syftet med rapporten Àr att stödja utveckling av dialogmetodik och dialogkompetens inom naturresurshanteringen genom att redogöra för och kritiskt diskutera de erfarenheter som vi gjort av att arbeta med en omtvistad och komplex samhÀllsfrÄga genom dialog. I rapporten redogör vi för de tankar och teorier som har vÀglett planeringen av dialogprocessen och diskuterar vad vi, sÄ hÀr i efterhand, anser att vi kunde ha gjort annorlunda. Syftet med rapporten Àr alltsÄ inte att diskutera dialogprocessens innehÄll och/eller hur olika aktörer och intressen ser pÄ frÄgor som rör allemansrÀtten. Rapporten ska ses som ett underlag för hur den som ansvarar för en dialogprocess bör planera, genomföra och förhÄlla sig till deltagarna och det som sker. Rapporten bestÄr av följande fem delar: 1. Viktiga förutsÀttningar och ramar för upplÀgg och planering av dialogprocessen 2. HÀndelseutvecklingen i de fem möten som processen bestod av 3. Deltagarnas Äsikter om processen, vad de tycker att de lÀrt sig 4. Deltagarnas rapportering av lÀrdomar frÄn dialogprocessen till sina hemorganisationer 5. Diskussioner och rekommendatione

    Landskapet som gick upp i rök

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    Rapport frÄn forskningsprojektet med samma namn som löpte under Ären 2015-2017 och finansierades av Formas. Forskningsprojektet handlade om mÀnniskor som bor i och nÀra brandplatsen i VÀstmanland, och hur deras förhÄllande till det omgivande landskapet förÀndrades i samband med att den omgivande miljön drastiskt Àndrade

    Skogskonflikter i Sverige

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    Detta Ă€r en arbetsrapport över en enkĂ€t, intervjuer och en workshop som genomfördes maj till september Ă„r 2006 inom projektet ”Konflikthantering i nyttjandetĂ€t skog”. Projektet ”Konflikthantering i nyttjandetĂ€t skog” syftar till att skapa ett beslutsstöd för skogsĂ€garen för att denna ska kunna hantera situationer dĂ€r olika ansprĂ„k, sĂ„som krav pĂ„ biologisk mĂ„ngfald eller rekreation, riktas mot skogen. Den första fasen av projektet ska utveckla kunskap om förutsĂ€ttningarna för att fatta beslut rörande hanteringen av skogsmark. I denna första fas ska 3-5 olika fall dĂ€r konflikter uppstĂ„tt till följd av skogsbruksĂ„tgĂ€rder studeras nĂ€rmare. Syftet med enkĂ€ten, telefonintervjuerna och workshopen var att fĂ„ överblick över situationen i Sverige i dag med avseende pĂ„ konflikter kring skogsbruk samt att försöka hitta konfliktfall att studera djupare. EnkĂ€ten skickades till alla Sveriges kommunekologer samt Skogsstyrelsens distriktschefer. Svarsfrekvensen var 17 % vilket motsvarar 57 personer. De flesta av respondenterna skriver att de kĂ€nner till fĂ„ konflikter kring skogsbruksĂ„tgĂ€rder. Konflikterna handlar oftast om slutavverkning eller gallring. PĂ„ frĂ„gan om vilka vĂ€rden som skogsbruksĂ„tgĂ€rderna pĂ„verkade nĂ€mns landskapets utseende oftast. Flera av de svarande som tyckte att konflikten de kĂ€nde till hade hanterats bra ansĂ„g trots detta ocksĂ„ att intressenterna i fallet blivit missnöjda med utgĂ„ngen av konflikten. För att hitta konfliktfall att studera nĂ€rmare utfördes kortare telefonintervjuer med öppna frĂ„gor. De som kontaktades var personer som i enkĂ€ten svarat ”ja” pĂ„ frĂ„gan om vi fick kontakta dem. De intervjuade berĂ€ttade om smĂ„, vanligt förekommande situationer, dessa handlade om avverkningsrester i skogen och sönderkörda stigar. I flera fall förekommer SNF som en part i konflikterna, engagerade pĂ„ eget initiativ eller genom att de kontaktats av nĂ„got intresse i konflikten för att bevaka naturvĂ„rdsintressena. NĂ„gra nĂ€mner problem i kommunikationen mellan kommunens tekniska kontor och kommunens naturvĂ„rdsavdelning. De intervjuade berĂ€ttade om att ”miljösidan” och ”skogssidan” anvĂ€nder sig av olika sprĂ„k och att det blir en kulturkrock som gör att man fĂ„r svĂ„rt att förstĂ„ varandra. Under en dag hade representanter frĂ„n projektet och representanter frĂ„n SkogssĂ€llskapet en workshop med titeln ”En workshop om skogskonflikter och deras betydelse för ditt arbete”. Under mötet diskuterades betydelsen av enstaka personer, i egenskap av kontaktperson pĂ„ kommunen och i egenskap av ”besvĂ€rlig person”, i en konfliktsituation. Det talades ocksĂ„ om behovet av att kunna förklara vad Ă„tgĂ€rder i skogen fĂ„r för konsekvenser och att skogsutbildade ofta anvĂ€nder ett ”fikonsprĂ„k” som gör det svĂ„rt att nĂ„ fram till de berörda. Enligt deltagarna Ă€r en det vanligt att hamna i en situation dĂ€r det finns en potentiell konflikt i ”bakgrunden”, som stör och hindrar arbetet med skogsbruksĂ„tgĂ€rder

    Krav pÄ beslutsstöd för deltagande och konflikthantering vid skoglig planering

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    Denna rapport avser att, utifrĂ„n erfarenheter kring skogliga konflikter och intressemotsĂ€ttningar, belysa vad ett beslutsstödssystem kan behöva ha för egenskaper. Erfarenheterna bygger i allt vĂ€sentligt pĂ„ arbete som utförts inom ramen för projektet ”Konflikthantering i skogar med hög nyttjandetĂ€thet” som finansierats av SkogssĂ€llskapet. UmeĂ„ juni 2010 Författarn

    Foraging for identity: the relationships between landscape activities and landscape identity after catastrophic landscape change

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    In this article, we deal with landscape activities in relation to changing landscape identity after a major wildfire in Sweden in 2014. The aim was to investigate the relationships between 22 landscape activities (before the fire) and 2 components (emotion and cognition) of landscape identity (before and after the fire). A total of 656 respondents living nearby the fire area participated in this study. Before the fire, a positive association was found between the activities of enjoying nature and foraging, and both components of landscape identity. This suggests that the more participants enjoyed nature and picked berries and mushrooms, the stronger their attachment to the landscape (emotion), and the more they remembered and reasoned about the landscape (cognition). Post fire, these relationships were found only between the two components of landscape identity and foraging. This implies a significant role of this type of activity for keeping ‘alive’ landscape identity.publishedVersio

    Emotions in communicative practices : Legitimation and De-legitimation in Environmental Conflicts in the Netherlands and Sweden

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    This chapter moves beyond the debate between deliberative and agonistic approaches to natural resource management (NRM) conflict to investigate the mostly hidden process of the de-legitimation of emotions in communication and decision-making. It explores how expressions of emotions were managed in two cases and discusses the consequences of this for the construction of community as well as for the opportunities for deliberation and participation. Research on environmental decision-making displays how difficult it is for decision-making-bodies to listen to and incorporate the values and emotions relative to nature that stakeholders express. Such a focus on the rationality and scientification of nature has been inherent in the Western world from the rise of modernity. The chapter draws from the experiences of two different cases; one from the Netherlands and one from Sweden. Deliberative democracy theory has been criticized for its focus on the forming of consensus and for neglecting the conflictual dimension of the political process.This chapter moves beyond the debate between deliberative and agonistic approaches to natural resource management (NRM) conflict to investigate the mostly hidden process of the de-legitimation of emotions in communication and decision-making. It explores how expressions of emotions were managed in two cases and discusses the consequences of this for the construction of community as well as for the opportunities for deliberation and participation. Research on environmental decision-making displays how difficult it is for decision-making-bodies to listen to and incorporate the values and emotions relative to nature that stakeholders express. Such a focus on the rationality and scientification of nature has been inherent in the Western world from the rise of modernity. The chapter draws from the experiences of two different cases; one from the Netherlands and one from Sweden. Deliberative democracy theory has been criticized for its focus on the forming of consensus and for neglecting the conflictual dimension of the political process

    “There will be mushrooms again” – Foraging, landscape and forest fire

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    In this paper, we address the relevance of recreational foraging, picking berries and mushrooms, for developing connection to nature and what happens when that practice is interrupted by drastic landscape change. We use the site of the largest forest fire in modern Swedish history as a case to examining the relevance of foraging. In previous studies, positive associations have been observed between the activity of picking berries and mushrooms with landscape-identity prior to forest fires. The results suggest that the more participants enjoyed foraging, the stronger their attachment to the landscape as well as memories and reasoning about the landscape. These relationships remainedafter the area has been drastically altered by fire, implying a significant role of foraging for keeping “alive” the positive feelings and memories of the forest landscape. Through questionnaires and semistructured interviews, we examine why individuals forage, what foraging meant for them before the event and how they relate to the landscape and foraging after the fire. Our findings suggest that these connections are built on an interplay between place, practice and intimate knowledge. We conclude that foraging play an essential role in defining and developing connections to landscape which can act as the basis for stewardship of the landscape. Management implications: ‱ In order to facilitate reconnection to the landscape after a forest fire there is a need to understand how individuals and communities related to the landscape before the fire. ‱ Foraging will always be reliant on issues of access, and specific management regimes. ‱ Cultural values and small-scale activities play an essential role in defining and developing connections to landscape. Connections which can ultimately inform a sense of responsibility and stewardship. ‱ Activities such as foraging are reliant on more than just the affordance provided by the physical and visual character of a landscape

    Foraging for identity: the relationships between landscape activities and landscape identity after catastrophic landscape change

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    In this article, we deal with landscape activities in relation to changing landscape identity after a major wildfire in Sweden in 2014. The aim was to investigate the relationships between 22 landscape activities (before the fire) and 2 components (emotion and cognition) of landscape identity (before and after the fire). A total of 656 respondents living nearby the fire area participated in this study. Before the fire, a positive association was found between the activities of enjoying nature and foraging, and both components of landscape identity. This suggests that the more participants enjoyed nature and picked berries and mushrooms, the stronger their attachment to the landscape (emotion), and the more they remembered and reasoned about the landscape (cognition). Post fire, these relationships were found only between the two components of landscape identity and foraging. This implies a significant role of this type of activity for keeping alive' landscape identity