234 research outputs found

    Transient caloric restriction and cancer risk (The Netherlands)

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    Over the past century, many animal experiments have shown that caloric restriction can reduce the risk of cancer, a finding that proved to be highly reproducible. Many papers have been published on its potential for human health, but until know little evidence is available on its actual effects in humans. In Utrecht, The Netherlands, we have been investigating the effects of the 1944–1945 Dutch famine on breast cancer risk factors and breast cancer risk, and paradoxically the relatively short-term famine seemed to be related to increased breast cancer risk in later life. One of the differences between the famine situation and the large body of evidence from animal experiments is the duration of caloric restriction. Almost all animal experiments investigated sustained caloric restriction and information on the effects of short-term transient caloric restriction is very scarce. A search in the literature identified some animal experiments on short-term transient caloric restriction and these seemed to be at least supportive to the famine findings. Because caloric restriction in humans for preventive health measures would be mostly short-term, it is important to extend animal research on short-term caloric restriction

    Treatment of older breast cancer patients:de-escalation in oncology

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    De prognose van borstkankerpatiënten is in de afgelopen decennia sterk verbeterd. Innovaties in beeldvormende technieken en pathologisch onderzoek, geoptimaliseerde chirurgische en radiotherapeutische technieken hebben daaraan bijgedragen. Een groot deel van de verbetering komt door de uitbreiding van het scala aan effectieve systemische middelen en de gestage uitbreiding van de indicatie hiervoor. Verruiming van de richtlijnen met betrekking tot aanvullende behandelingen maakt echter dat de absolute winst steeds kleiner wordt. De balans tussen effectiviteit en bijwerkingen kan hierdoor in het gedrang komen. Dat is een stimulans om te zoeken naar mogelijkheden om bepaalde aanvullende behandelingen achterwege te laten, ter preventie van de potentiële schade van die behandelingen, zonder het individuele risico op terugkeer van ziekte onnodig te vergroten. Een patiëntengroep bij wie dit momenteel onderzocht wordt in Nederland zijn oudere vrouwen met borstkanker.The prognosis of breast cancer patients has greatly improved in recent decades. Innovations in imaging techniques, pathological assessment, optimized surgical and radiotherapy techniques have contributed to this. Much of the improvement is due to the increase of the range of effective systemic treatment and the continual expansion of the indication for this purpose. However, broadening the guidelines for adjuvant systemic treatments, results in a smaller absolute gain. The balance between effectiveness and side-effects could therefore be compromised, which is an incentive to search for possibilities for de-escalation to prevent potential damage, without unnecessarily increasing the risk of recurrence. Currently, in The Netherlands this is being investigated in older breast cancer patients.</p

    Postnatal Acute Famine and Risk of Overweight: The Dutch Hungerwinter Study

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    Objective. To examine the association between undernutrition during postnatal periods of development and the risk of overweight in adulthood. Methods. We studied 8,091 women from Prospect-EPIC, exposed to the Dutch famine at ages between 0 and 21 years, recruited at ages between 49 and 70 years. We used linear and logistic regression models to explore the effect of famine on BMI, waist circumference, and the risk of overweight. Results. Overall, postnatal famine exposure was associated with increased BMI and waist circumference in a dose-dependent manner (P  for trend < 0.01). Furthermore, risk of overweight was increased following famine exposure (P  for trend = 0.01), with those severely exposed at ages 0–9 years having 25% (95% CI 1.05 to 1.50) higher risk compared to unexposed women. Conclusions. This study is the first to directly show a positive association between short and transient undernutrition during postnatal development and BMI, waist circumference, and overweight in adulthood

    Patient-derived organoids as a predictive biomarker for treatment response in cancer patients

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    Effective predictive biomarkers are needed to enable personalized medicine and increase treatment efficacy and survival for cancer patients, thereby reducing toxic side effects and treatment costs. Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) enable individualized tumour response testing. Since 2018, 17 publications have examined PDOs as a potential predictive biomarker in the treatment of cancer patients. We review and provide a pooled analysis of the results regarding the use of PDOs in individualized tumour response testing, focusing on evidence for analytical validity, clinical validity and clinical utility. We identify future perspectives to accelerate the implementation of PDOs as a predictive biomarker in the treatment of cancer patients

    Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women:A randomised trial

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    Background: We assessed the effect of equivalent weight loss with or without exercise on (intra-) abdominal fat in postmenopausal women in the SHAPE-2 study. Methods: The SHAPE-2 study is a three-armed randomised controlled trial conducted in 2012-2013 in the Netherlands. Postmenopausal overweight women were randomized to a diet (n = 97), exercise plus diet (n = 98) or control group (n = 48). Both intervention groups aimed for equivalent weight loss (6-7%) following a calorie-restricted diet (diet group) or a partly supervised intensive exercise programme (4 h per week) combined with a small caloric restriction (exercise plus diet group). Outcomes after 16 weeks are amount and distribution of abdominal fat, measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the use of the three-point IDEAL Dixon method. Results: The diet and exercise plus diet group lost 6.1 and 6.9% body weight, respectively. Compared to controls, subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat reduced significantly with both diet (- 12.5% and - 12.0%) and exercise plus diet (- 16.0% and - 14.6%). Direct comparison between both interventions revealed that the reduction in subcutaneous fat was statistically significantly larger in the group that combined exercise with diet: an additional 10.6 cm 2 (95%CI -18.7; - 2.4) was lost compared to the diet-only group. Intra-abdominal fat loss was not significantly larger in the exercise plus diet group (- 3.8 cm 2 , 95%CI -9.0; 1.3). Conclusions: We conclude that weight loss of 6-7% with diet or with exercise plus diet reduced both subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat. Only subcutaneous fat statistically significantly reduced to a larger extent when exercise is combined with a small caloric restriction. Trial register: NCT01511276 (clinicaltrials.gov), prospectively registered

    Molecular imaging to identify patients with metastatic breast cancer who benefit from endocrine treatment combined with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: Adding cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor to endocrine treatment improves outcome in œstrogen receptor (ER) positive metastatic breast cancer, but identifying the subset of patients who benefit is challenging. Response is potentially associated with ER expression heterogeneity. This is because, unlike the primary tumour in the breast that is localized to the organ, the metastatic breast cancer has spread and continues to spread to distant locations in the body such as bones, lungs, liver, axial skeleton, even to the central nervous system like the brain, wherefrom obtaining biopsies are not easy, and also, the metastasised tissues are heterogeneous. Positron emission tomography (PET) with 16α-[18F]fluoro-17β-œstradiol (FES), briefly referred to as FES-PET, allows whole-body ER assessment. We explored whether FES-PET heterogeneity and FES uptake were related to letrozole and palbociclib outcome, in patients with ER positive, metastatic breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients underwent a baseline FES-PET and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET, the FDG-PET served to help identify active sites of breast cancer with contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). FES-PET heterogeneity score (% FES positive lesions divided by all lesions on FDG-PET and/or CT) and FES uptake were related to outcome and 8-week FDG-PET response. Circulating tumour DNA (CtDNA) samples for ESR1 mutation analysis were collected at baseline. RESULTS: In 30 patients with 864 metastatic lesions, baseline FES-PET heterogeneity was assessed. In 27 patients with 688 lesions, response was evaluated. Median time to progression (TTP) was 73 weeks (95% confidence interval [CI] 21 to ∞) in 7 patients with 100% FES positive disease, 27 weeks (14-49) in heterogeneous FES positive disease (20 patients), and 15 weeks (9 to ∞) without FES positivity (three patients; log-rank P = 0.30). Geometric mean FES uptake was 2.3 for metabolic progressive patients, 2.5 (Pvs progression = 0.82) for metabolic stable disease, and 3.3 (Pvs progression = 0.40) for metabolic response (Ptrend = 0.21). ESR1 mutations, found in 13/23 patients, were unrelated to FES uptake. CONCLUSION: This exploratory study suggests that FES-PET heterogeneity may potentially identify the subset of ER positive, metastatic breast cancer patients who benefit from letrozole combined with CDK inhibition. CLINICAL TRIAL INFORMATION: NCT02806050

    Assessment of Bone Lesions with F-18-FDG PET Compared with Tc-99m Bone Scintigraphy Leads to Clinically Relevant Differences in Metastatic Breast Cancer Management

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    It is unknown whether assessment of potential bone lesions in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) by F-18-FDG PET instead of Tc-99m bone scintigraphy (BS) supports clinically relevant changes in MBC management. Therefore, we retrospectively compared management recommendations based on bone lesion assessment by (18)FFDG PET plus contrast-enhanced CT (ceCT) or BS plus ceCT, for patients with newly diagnosed MBC. Methods: Baseline ceCT, BS, and F-18-FDG PET for all patients included in the IMPACT-MBC study (NCT01957332) at the University Medical Center Groningen were reviewed for bone lesions. If bone lesions were found by any imaging modality, virtual MBC management recommendations were made by a multidisciplinary expert panel, based on either F-18-FDG PET plus ceCT or BS plus ceCT. The panel had access to standard clinicopathologic information and baseline imaging findings outside the skeleton. Clinically relevant management differences between the 2 recommendations were defined either as different treatment intent (curative, noncurative, or unable to determine) or as different systemic or local treatment. If no bone lesions were found by any imaging modality, the patients were included in the analyses without expert review. Results: In total, 3,473 unequivocal bone lesions were identified in 10(2) evaluated patients (39% by ceCT, 26% by BS, and 87% by F-18-FDG PET). Additional bone lesions on F-18-FDG PET plus ceCT compared with BS plus ceCT led to change in MBC management recommendations in 16% of patients (95% CI, 10%-24%). BS also changed management compared with F-18-FDG PET in 1 patient (1%; 95% CI, 0%-5%). In 26% (95% CI, 19%-36%) of patients, an additional F-18-FDG PET exam was requested, because BS provided insufficient information. Conclusion: In this exploratory analysis of newly diagnosed MBC patients, F-18-FDG PET versus BS to assess bone lesions resulted in clinically relevant management differences in 16% of patients. BS delivered insufficient information in over one fourth of patients, resulting in an additional request for F-18-FDG PET. On the basis of these data, F-18-FDG PET should be considered a primary imaging modality for assessment of bone lesions in newly diagnosed MBC