108 research outputs found

    Neural Basis and Computational Strategies for Auditory Processing

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    Our senses are our window to the world, and hearing is the window through which we perceive the world of sound. While seemingly effortless, the process of hearing involves complex transformations by which the auditory system consolidates acoustic information from the environment into perceptual and cognitive experiences. Studies of auditory processing try to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the function of the auditory system, and infer computational strategies that are valuable both clinically and intellectually, hence contributing to our understanding of the function of the brain. In this thesis, we adopt both an experimental and computational approach in tackling various aspects of auditory processing. We first investigate the neural basis underlying the function of the auditory cortex, and explore the dynamics and computational mechanisms of cortical processing. Our findings offer physiological evidence for a role of primary cortical neurons in the integration of sound features at different time constants, and possibly in the formation of auditory objects. Based on physiological principles of sound processing, we explore computational implementations in tackling specific perceptual questions. We exploit our knowledge of the neural mechanisms of cortical auditory processing to formulate models addressing the problems of speech intelligibility and auditory scene analysis. The intelligibility model focuses on a computational approach for evaluating loss of intelligibility, inspired from mammalian physiology and human perception. It is based on a multi-resolution filter-bank implementation of cortical response patterns, which extends into a robust metric for assessing loss of intelligibility in communication channels and speech recordings. This same cortical representation is extended further to develop a computational scheme for auditory scene analysis. The model maps perceptual principles of auditory grouping and stream formation into a computational system that combines aspects of bottom-up, primitive sound processing with an internal representation of the world. It is based on a framework of unsupervised adaptive learning with Kalman estimation. The model is extremely valuable in exploring various aspects of sound organization in the brain, allowing us to gain interesting insight into the neural basis of auditory scene analysis, as well as practical implementations for sound separation in ``cocktail-party'' situations

    Are acoustics enough? Semantic effects on auditory salience in natural scenes

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    Auditory salience is a fundamental property of a sound that allows it to grab a listener's attention regardless of their attentional state or behavioral goals. While previous research has shed light on acoustic factors influencing auditory salience, the semantic dimensions of this phenomenon have remained relatively unexplored owing both to the complexity of measuring salience in audition as well as limited focus on complex natural scenes. In this study, we examine the relationship between acoustic, contextual, and semantic attributes and their impact on the auditory salience of natural audio scenes using a dichotic listening paradigm. The experiments present acoustic scenes in forward and backward directions; the latter allows to diminish semantic effects, providing a counterpoint to the effects observed in forward scenes. The behavioral data collected from a crowd-sourced platform reveal a striking convergence in temporal salience maps for certain sound events, while marked disparities emerge in others. Our main hypothesis posits that differences in the perceptual salience of events are predominantly driven by semantic and contextual cues, particularly evident in those cases displaying substantial disparities between forward and backward presentations. Conversely, events exhibiting a high degree of alignment can largely be attributed to low-level acoustic attributes. To evaluate this hypothesis, we employ analytical techniques that combine rich low-level mappings from acoustic profiles with high-level embeddings extracted from a deep neural network. This integrated approach captures both acoustic and semantic attributes of acoustic scenes along with their temporal trajectories. The results demonstrate that perceptual salience is a careful interplay between low-level and high-level attributes that shapes which moments stand out in a natural soundscape. Furthermore, our findings underscore the important role of longer-term context as a critical component of auditory salience, enabling us to discern and adapt to temporal regularities within an acoustic scene. The experimental and model-based validation of semantic factors of salience paves the way for a complete understanding of auditory salience. Ultimately, the empirical and computational analyses have implications for developing large-scale models for auditory salience and audio analytics

    Connecting Deep Neural Networks to Physical, Perceptual, and Electrophysiological Auditory Signals

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    Deep neural networks have been recently shown to capture intricate information transformation of signals from the sensory profiles to semantic representations that facilitate recognition or discrimination of complex stimuli. In this vein, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been used very successfully in image and audio classification. Designed to imitate the hierarchical structure of the nervous system, CNNs reflect activation with increasing degrees of complexity that transform the incoming signal onto object-level representations. In this work, we employ a CNN trained for large-scale audio object classification to gain insights about the contribution of various audio representations that guide sound perception. The analysis contrasts activation of different layers of a CNN with acoustic features extracted directly from the scenes, perceptual salience obtained from behavioral responses of human listeners, as well as neural oscillations recorded by electroencephalography (EEG) in response to the same natural scenes. All three measures are tightly linked quantities believed to guide percepts of salience and object formation when listening to complex scenes. The results paint a picture of the intricate interplay between low-level and object-level representations in guiding auditory salience that is very much dependent on context and sound category

    DPM-TSE: A Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Target Sound Extraction

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    Common target sound extraction (TSE) approaches primarily relied on discriminative approaches in order to separate the target sound while minimizing interference from the unwanted sources, with varying success in separating the target from the background. This study introduces DPM-TSE, a first generative method based on diffusion probabilistic modeling (DPM) for target sound extraction, to achieve both cleaner target renderings as well as improved separability from unwanted sounds. The technique also tackles common background noise issues with DPM by introducing a correction method for noise schedules and sample steps. This approach is evaluated using both objective and subjective quality metrics on the FSD Kaggle 2018 dataset. The results show that DPM-TSE has a significant improvement in perceived quality in terms of target extraction and purity.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Computerised lung sound analysis to improve the specificity of paediatric pneumonia diagnosis in resource-poor settings: protocol and methods for an observational study

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    Introduction: WHO case management algorithm for paediatric pneumonia relies solely on symptoms of shortness of breath or cough and tachypnoea for treatment and has poor diagnostic specificity, tends to increase antibiotic resistance. Alternatives, including oxygen saturation measurement, chest ultrasound and chest auscultation, exist but with potential disadvantages. Electronic auscultation has potential for improved detection of paediatric pneumonia but has yet to be standardised. The authors aim to investigate the use of electronic auscultation to improve the specificity of the current WHO algorithm in developing countries. Methods: This study is designed to test the hypothesis that pulmonary pathology can be differentiated from normal using computerised lung sound analysis (CLSA). The authors will record lung sounds from 600 children aged ≤5 years, 100 each with consolidative pneumonia, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, asthma, bronchiolitis, upper respiratory infections and normal lungs at a children\u27s hospital in Lima, Peru. The authors will compare CLSA with the WHO algorithm and other detection approaches, including physical exam findings, chest ultrasound and microbiologic testing to construct an improved algorithm for pneumonia diagnosis. Discussion: This study will develop standardised methods for electronic auscultation and chest ultrasound and compare their utility for detection of pneumonia to standard approaches. Utilising signal processing techniques, the authors aim to characterise lung sounds and through machine learning, develop a classification system to distinguish pathologic sounds. Data will allow a better understanding of the benefits and limitations of novel diagnostic techniques in paediatric pneumonia

    Adaptation In the Sensory Cortex Drives Bistable Switching During Auditory Stream Segregation

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    Current theories of perception emphasize the role of neural adaptation, inhibitory competition, and noise as key components that lead to switches in perception. Supporting evidence comes from neurophysiological findings of specific neural signatures in modality-specific and supramodal brain areas that appear to be critical to switches in perception. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activity around the time of switches in perception while participants listened to a bistable auditory stream segregation stimulus, which can be heard as one integrated stream of tones or two segregated streams of tones. The auditory thalamus showed more activity around the time of a switch from segregated to integrated compared to time periods of stable perception of integrated; in contrast, the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and the inferior parietal lobule showed more activity around the time of a switch from integrated to segregated compared to time periods of stable perception of segregated streams, consistent with prior findings of asymmetries in brain activity depending on the switch direction. In sound-responsive areas in the auditory cortex, neural activity increased in strength preceding switches in perception and declined in strength over time following switches in perception. Such dynamics in the auditory cortex are consistent with the role of adaptation proposed by computational models of visual and auditory bistable switching, whereby the strength of neural activity decreases following a switch in perception, which eventually destabilizes the current percept enough to lead to a switch to an alternative percept

    Resetting of Auditory and Visual Segregation Occurs After Transient Stimuli of the Same Modality

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    In the presence of a continually changing sensory environment, maintaining stable but flexible awareness is paramount, and requires continual organization of information. Determining which stimulus features belong together, and which are separate is therefore one of the primary tasks of the sensory systems. Unknown is whether there is a global or sensory-specific mechanism that regulates the final perceptual outcome of this streaming process. To test the extent of modality independence in perceptual control, an auditory streaming experiment, and a visual moving-plaid experiment were performed. Both were designed to evoke alternating perception of an integrated or segregated percept. In both experiments, transient auditory and visual distractor stimuli were presented in separate blocks, such that the distractors did not overlap in frequency or space with the streaming or plaid stimuli, respectively, thus preventing peripheral interference. When a distractor was presented in the opposite modality as the bistable stimulus (visual distractors during auditory streaming or auditory distractors during visual streaming), the probability of percept switching was not significantly different than when no distractor was presented. Conversely, significant differences in switch probability were observed following within-modality distractors, but only when the pre-distractor percept was segregated. Due to the modality-specificity of the distractor-induced resetting, the results suggest that conscious perception is at least partially controlled by modality-specific processing. The fact that the distractors did not have peripheral overlap with the bistable stimuli indicates that the perceptual reset is due to interference at a locus in which stimuli of different frequencies and spatial locations are integrated