443 research outputs found

    The Speech of Reality and the Speech of the Stage: Life, Science and Art

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    Word is the most frequent way of communication in the human experience. As a mean of communication it influences the sentence formulation, which ought to be the autochthonous expression of thoughts. The experience teaches us that it is necessary to be a sovereign master of our own thoughts and of sentiments of others. This is one of the fundamental postulates of the communication in the word category. To speak correctly means to think correctly and that, on the other hand, means in the grammatical, lexical and stylistic aspect to be able to create a sentence as a way of getting across the thoughts, ideas and contents of the spirit. The community mentality, the personā€™s characteristics (the temper, the type and the intensity), the education level, the range of the knowledge and the volume of their potentially creative synthesis determine the lexical richness and the amplitude of the use and the application of the language with the aim of establishing a high quality communication with words as a basic mean of that process. Within this context a word has its impressive and expressive dimensions. Its impressive dimension is created by the common reliance on the frequency of the use of some lexical possibilities and their variations. It is an individual characteristic of the spoken and the written output of every person and it also determines the singularities of a personā€™s style, to that extent that it helps to detect the author of a text with a high percentage of accuracy even in the cases where the author is unknown. The expressive value of a word denotes the authorā€™s level of thinking depending on the situation in which he uses the words to express his thoughts. In this sense the word is chosen with a different approach for the communication on a friendly or intimate level from an approach used in a communication on the official level or in a relation between the individual and the public. All this affirms the word as a mean that is individually chosen and used for the expression of the speakerā€™s ideas, attitudes and points of view in the communication process, which reveals the characteristics and the speakerā€™s level in all the named aspects of the word value assessment. In the case of Ā»evaluationĀ« of the word through the experience of the on-stage speech, that is, the words in the experience of the theatre art, the approach to the value assessment is contrary to the assessment carried out in an everyday, real experience. In the artistic language the words are already given, the sentences are formulated and all this is determined by the authorā€™s will and the act of creation. The actor is the interpreter of the author, his ideas along with the characters of the protagonists and the spirit of the action and, therefore, he must gradually master the word to the extent where it seems spontaneous from the point of view of the impressive and expressive categories. It also has to sound similar to the natural speech and its suggestive influence. With this counter-natural direction of the treatment of the given word it is important to reach the level of spontaneity of the expression to an almost documentary form in the overall verbal-scenic-mimic articulation. In this process the life and the art mesh and the art illustrates and defends the life

    Internalizing disorders in children and adolescents

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    Internalizirani poremećaji odnose se na ona ponaÅ”anja koja se pretjerano kontroliraju te su usmjerena prema samome sebi. Anksioznost, depresija te suicidalnost najučestaliji su internalizirani poremećaji kod djece i adolescenata. Djeca koja imaju neki oblik internaliziranog poremećaja nemaju dovoljno razvijene socijalne odnose, povučena su, te su kod njih izraženi strah, tuga i somatski problemi. Simptomatologija internaliziranih poremećaja teže je uočljiva, te zbog toga dolazi do kasnog identificiranja poremećaja kod velikog broja djece, Å”to može rezultirati loÅ”ijim mentalnim zdravljem u odrasloj dobi i komorbiditetom s drugim poremećajima. Rizični čimbenici u djetetovu okruženju mogu doprinijeti nastanku i napredovanju ovih poremećaja, a također je naglaÅ”ena važnost njihovog pravovremenog uočavanja. Preventivni programi temelje se na interdisciplinarnom pristupu kojim se nastoji zaustaviti ili spriječiti nastajanje problematičnog ponaÅ”anja kod djece. Navedeni su i brojni zaÅ”titni čimbenici u obiteljskom, vrtićkom i Å”kolskom okruženju.Internalized disorders are related to behavior that are excessively controlled and directed toward oneself. Anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts are the most common disorders in children and adolescents. Children who have some kind of internalized disorder have underdeveloped social relationships, are withdrawn, with pronounced fear, and sadness and somatic problems are expressed. The symptomatology of internalized disorders is hard to notice, and therefore a large number of children with internalized disorders are late-identified, which can result in poorer mental health in adulthood and comorbidity with other disorders. Risk factors in the child environment can contribute to emergence and progress of these disorders, have been highlighted, and the importance of their timely observation is also emphasized. Preventive programs are based on an interdisciplinary approach to stop or prevent the emergence of problematic behavior in children. Numerous protective factors in the family, kindergarten and school environment are also listed

    A note on continued fractions of quadratic irrationals

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    Quadratic irrationals āˆšD have a periodic representation in terms of continued fractions. In this paper some relations between n-th approximations of quadratic irrationals are proved. Results are applied to Newton\u27s approximations of quadratic irrationals

    Youth and Personality Formation ā€“ The World Belongs to the Strength of the Young and to the Wisdom of the Elderly (A Point of View of the Communicologist)

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    It is known from the pedagogic, didactic and experience coordinates that a man doesnā€™t become better by using words but by his actions. They are matchless examples for the self-apprehension process and the perception of the action itself as well as the only worthy and accurate offer for the assessment of the range and the significance of the achieved result. From the earliest stage of their life, from the childhood and then later on in different stages of their development and growth, the human being as a social being has a double need: to feel himself in the range of his Ā»IĀ« and to feel himself as a member of a group, a family and of the society in general. Satisfying the sense and the level of those needs doubtlessly depends on the examples given by the life itself and the circumstances of the living within the family, the school and finally the society, that is, the surroundings where the individual is affirming himself by his individual creative capability and skills with which he realizes himself as a subject on its own as well as within the social group he lives and works in. The conditions of the life and work of the elderly are necessary for this important and precious task in the development of a young man so that the applications of their experiences could ensure reliable guidelines for the harmony and success of the life and work of the young. On this bridge of generations the experience of the old is affirmed along with the need for its aimed, creative and fruitful offer to the young in the dynamic process of their development to the maturity and creativity
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