1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of Integrated unbiased multiomics defines disease-independent placental clusters in common obstetrical syndromes

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    Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Workflow of the study. Fig. S2. Pairwise comparison of disease groups vs the term control, for all omics data. Fig. S3. Pairwise comparison of the FGR+HDP group vs the control-PT group across all omics datatypes. Fig. S4. Shared analytes between the FGR+HDP and the two control groups across all omics data. Fig. S5. Hierarchical clustering for key pairwise comparisons. Fig. S6. RNA canonical pathways and metabolomics enrichment pathway analysis, comparing the FGR+HDP and control groups. Fig. S7. Correlation of expression between clusters II and III, and clusters I and IV. Fig. S8. Deconvolution of cell type in placental bulk RNAseq. Fig. S9. Performance of the elastic net regression in cluster label prediction. Fig. S10. Causal models prediction of SNF cluster labels. Fig. S11. Gene expression in the placenta and maternal plasma. Table S1. Primers for PCR validation. Table S2. Clinical characteristics of the cohort. Table S3. The number of differentially expressed omics analytes across pairwise comparisons. Table S4. Distributions of clinical variables across the SNF clusters. Table S5. Distributions of maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) lesions across the clinical syndromes and SNF clusters