18 research outputs found

    Monitoring on chemical and biological pollutants in sea waters of central-northern Sardinia

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    Introduction. The aims of this study are to assess the quality of the coastal waters of central-northern Sardinia through data from a monitoring network and to outline maps and experimental models of environmental risk correlated to the presence of chemical and microbiological contaminants. The area studied is the coast between Capo Falcone and the mouth of the river Coghinas, in the northwestern part of the island. Methods. In a first phase, 7 sampling stations of sea water and 1sampling station of bivalve molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.) wereidentified. For each transept 3 different collection points at respectively 500, 1000, and 3000 meters from the coast for a total 21 sampling sites were identified. In a second phase, another 7 transepts wereidentified, 2 of which on the island of Asinara. Results. As regards the microbiological monitoring of the sea water, very low concentrations of Total coliforms, Faecal coliforms and Faecal Streptococci were found and no Salmonella were isolated. Chemical analysis of the waters showed a high constant presence of phenols. In the bivalves we found rather high concentrations of Faecal coliforms without any clear seasonal variation, while no Salmonella was isolated in any of the examined samples. Discussion. The results show that the considered area is not affected by serious pollution processes, thus allowing to express a completely satisfactory judgement on its state of health. However, anthropic pressure in the considered territory is testified by the presence in the water of high concentrations of phenols. Conclusions. The results point out to the necessity of targeted and rational preventive action by means of control and protection measures for environmental ecosytems

    Prevalence study of Legionella spp. contamination in ferries and cruise ships

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    BACKGROUND: In the last years, international traffic volume has significantly increased, raising the risk for acquisition of infectious diseases. Among travel-associated infections, increased incidence of legionellosis has been reported among travellers. Aim of our study was: to describe the frequency and severity of Legionella spp. contamination in ferries and cruise ships; to compare the levels of contamination with those indicated by the Italian ministerial guidelines for control and prevention of legionellosis, in order to assess health risks and to adopt control measures. METHOD: A prevalence study was carried out on 9 ships docked at the seaports of northern Sardinia in 2004. Water samples were collected from critical sites: passenger cabins, crew cabins, kitchens, coffee bars, rooms of the central air conditioning system. It was performed a qualitative and quantitative identification of Legionella spp. and a chemical, physical and bacteriological analysis of water samples. RESULTS: Forty-two percent (38/90) water samples were contaminated by Legionella spp.. Positive samples were mainly drawn from showers (24/44), washbasins (10/22). L. pneumophila was isolated in 42/44 samples (95.5%), followed by L. micdadei (4.5%). Strains were identified as L. pneumophila serogroup 6 (45.2%; 19 samples), 2–14 (42.9%), 5 (7.1%) and 3 (4.8%). Legionella spp. load was high; 77.8% of the water samples contained > 10(4 )CFU/L. Low residual free chlorine concentration (0–0,2 mg/L) was associated to a contamination of the 50% of the water samples. CONCLUSION: Legionella is an ubiquitous bacterium that could create problems for public health. We identified Legionella spp. in 6/7 ferries. Microbial load was predominantly high (> 10(4 )CFU/L or ranging from 10(3 )to 10(4 )CFU/L). It is matter of concern when passengers are subjects at risk because of Legionella spp. is an opportunist that can survive in freshwater systems; high bacterial load might be an important variable related to disease's occurrence. High level of contamination required disinfecting measures, but does not lead to a definitive solution to the problem. Therefore, it is important to identify a person responsible for health safety in order to control the risk from exposure and to apply preventive measures, according to European and Italian guidelines

    Low cadmium concentration in whole blood from residents of Northern Sardinia (Italy) with special reference to smoking habits

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    Introduction. The present study was initiated to investigate the cadmium concentrations in whole blood of Northern Sardinian, non-occupationally exposed adult subjects. Sardinia is a large Italian island which differs genetically and environmentally from other mainland Italian areas. Methods. Two hundred and forty-three adults (157 females and 86 males) were selected in the study area from subjects who were undergoing blood collection for laboratory analysis during the period January 2005-May 2005. Whole blood was analysed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a Zeeman-effect background corrector (Perkin Elmer ZL5100) and an auto sampler. The adopted analytical procedure uses the Stabilized Platform Temperature Furnace (STPF) technique. Results. The mean value of Blood Cadmium Concentration (BCdC), expressed as Geometric Mean, was 0.32 mg/l (CI 95%: 0.31-0.34 mg/l) significantly ranging from 0.27 mg/l (CI 95%: 0.26-0.29 mg/l) in non-smokers to 0.34 mg/l (CI 95%: 0.30-0.39 mg/l) in ex-smokers up to 0.47 mg/l (CI 95%: 0.42-0.53 mg/l) in smokers (p inf. 0.0001). Discussion. The results show that BCdC levels in Northern Sar- dinian non-occupationally exposed adults are lower than levels found in many other regions, including those within Italy. Nev- ertheless, similar values have been detected in other European countries and cities. Conclusions. In relation to other reports in which data were analysed by strata for smoking habit and age, we found similar BCdC values among non smokers. However, Sardinian smokers seem to show lower levels of blood cadmium

    Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus infection in women from North Sardinia, Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with several disorders of the genital tract, skin and oropharynx. The aims of our study were to evaluate the prevalence of HPV infection in women between 15 and 54 years of age in North Sardinia, Italy, to identify the prevalence of High Risk - Human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) genotypes and to establish a correlation between molecular and cytological results.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From 2007 to 2009 we consecutively enrolled women aged 15-54 years admitted to public and private outpatient settings. All the participants filled in a questionnaire about the socio-cultural state, sexual activity and awareness about HPV. 323 cervical specimens were tested for HPV-DNA and HPV genotypes with INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping CE Amp kit. Samples showing positivity to some HPV genotypes were re-tested using "in house" quantitative Real-Time PCR assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall HPV-DNA positivity was detected in 35.9% of the women. The prevalence of HR-HPV infection among HPV positive samples was 93.1% with a specific prevalence of HPV 16, 51, 31, 53 and 18 of 54.3%, 37.9%, 10.3%, 6.9% and 5.2%, respectively. Co-infection with any HPV, HR-HPV, LR-HPV and HR/LR-HPV type was 18.3%, 14.9%, 0.9% and 2.5%, respectively; HPV 16/51 co-infection was detected in 64.6% of the HR-HPV co-infection group. The most frequent HPV-genotypes detected were 16 (32.5%) and 51 (22.7%). Among the 57 patients harboring mono-infection the most prevalent HPV genotypes were 16 (38.6%) and 31(10.5%). A multivariate analysis identified a statistical significant association between HPV infection and age and between HPV infection and previous sexual transmitted diseases. A statistically significant association between cytological cervical lesions and generic HPV exposure was identified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the first survey evaluating the prevalence of HPV infection in Northern Sardinia and drawing attention to the unusual high proportion of genotype HPV 51. Given the recent implementation of a widespread immunization program with vaccines not containing HPV 51, it has been relevant to prove the high prevalence of this HPV genotype from the start of the vaccination campaign, in order to avoid in the future attributing to the vaccination program a possible selection effect (HPV replacement).</p

    What really affects student satisfaction? An assessment of quality through a University-wide student survey

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    The analysis of students satisfaction for their university experience is important within the educational evaluation. In this study was explored the satisfaction of students to identify which aspects of teaching may be cause of dissatisfaction. A survey questionnaire contains items on motivations, teaching quality and services was compiled in anonymous by the students that attending the courses of the Faculty of Sci-ence (University of Sassari, Sardinia) during the second semester of the 2009/2010 academic year. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach’s Alpha. A preliminary chi square test at stepwise logistic regression analysis was applied to evaluate the association between student satisfac-tion and motivation, quality of teacher and services, at a 0.05 significance level. Only 403 questionnaires were considered good with a response rate of 82.6%. The student’s satisfaction is significant different by gender (p = .009). Significant are the items on the interest for scientific studies, the acquisition of the de-gree as social prestige and future work (p &lt; .05); also, the ability of teacher to stimulate and attract the student, the encouragement, the advice to the students and the his professionality are significantly associ-ated with the students satisfaction (p &lt; .05). In males the main factor associated to the satisfaction is to have achieved always good results in school (OR = 2.84, p = .036); instead, in females, the interest in science (OR = 4.75, p = .023), the title of degree to acquire a social prestige (OR = 2.00, p = .033) and the possibility of a future work (OR = 2.09, p = .028). Although good judgments made by students, however, require further attention, such as such as the abandonment of the university, the time of graduation degree, the future career, for better analysis of aspects related to the satisfaction of the quality of teaching

    Monitoring on chemical and biological pollutants in sea waters of central-northern Sardinia

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    INTRODUCTION: The aims of this study are to assess the quality of the coastal waters of central-northern Sardinia through data from a monitoring network and to outline maps and experimental models of environmental risk correlated to the presence of chemical and microbiological contaminants. The area studied is the coast between Capo Falcone and the mouth of the river Coghinas, in the northwestern part of the island. METHODS: In a first phase, 7 sampling stations of sea water and 1 sampling station of bivalve molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.) were identified. For each transept 3 different collection points at respectively 500, 1000, and 3000 meters from the coast for a total 21 sampling sites were identified. In a second phase, another 7 transepts were identified, 2 of which on the island of Asinara. RESULTS: As regards the microbiological monitoring of the sea water, very low concentrations of Total coliforms, Faecal coliforms and Faecal Streptococci were found and no Salmonella were isolated. Chemical analysis of the waters showed a high constant presence of phenols. In the bivalves we found rather high concentrations of Faecal coliforms without any clear seasonal variation, while no Salmonella was isolated in any of the examined samples. DISCUSSION: The results show that the considered area is not affected by serious pollution processes, thus allowing to express a completely satisfactory judgement on its state of health. However anthropic pressure in the considered territory is testified by the presence in the water of high concentrations of phenols. CONCLUSIONS: The results point out to the necessity of targeted and rational preventive action by means of control and protection measures for environmental ecosytems

    Molecular methods for the detection of human papilloma virus infection: new insights into their role in diagnostics and epidemiological surveillance

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) comprise more than 180 genotypes. HPV infection is mainly diagnosed by molecular methods. The aim of our study was to review the main molecular methods used to diagnose HPV infection, underscoring their characteristics. Several methods have been developed for molecular diagnosis of Papilloma infection, such as those based on PCR technique. Another commercial non-PCR based diagnostic method is Hybrid Capture test; it is the only commercially available HPV DNA detection test approved by the FDA. Several Authors have suggested that viral load and E6/E7 transcripts could be used as surrogate markers of persistent HPV infection, being more specific predictors of progressive disease than the simple presence of HPV DNA. Validating clinical sensitivity and specificity of each technique and improving the interpretation of the results are essential; consequently, there is a clear need for well characterized international quality control panels to compare the various diagnostic methods. HPV DNA testing could be useful both as a primary screening test, alone or in combination with a Pap smear, for the early detection of cervical cancer precursors, and as triage test to select women with minor cytological abnormalities who will need further follow-up and to predict possible treatment failure in women with diagnosed high-grade intraepithelial lesions who have undergone excisional therapy. In the next future surveillance for HPV infections, based on these molecular methods, could represent an important step for the development of primary and secondary prophylactic interventions, such as new vaccines targeted to genotypes who might replace those previously prevalent

    High HPV-51 prevalence in invasive cervical cancers: results of a pre-immunization survey in North Sardinia, Italy.

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    BACKGROUND: Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is recognized as the etiological agent of benign and malignant ano-genital lesions. The most prevalent genotypes associated with cervical carcinoma are HPV-16 and -18 worldwide. However, recent studies have emphasized the role of other genotypes, such as HPV-51, in the pathogenesis of cervical dysplasia. The aim of the study was to estimate the burden of HPV-51 infection in invasive cervical malignant lesions in Northern Sardinia, Italy. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: An observational, retrospective, prevalence, mono-center study was carried out to evaluate the presence of HPV genotypes in tissues biopsies of cervical lesions (CIN-1, CIN-2, CIN-3 and invasive carcinoma) gathered from 1996 to 2009. Biological samples were collected from women admitted consecutively to a tertiary university hospital situated in Sassari, Italy. Molecular methods were used to identify 28 oncogenic HPV types. A total of 155 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded cervical tissue samples were analyzed. Approximately half of the cervical lesions were classified as invasive carcinoma. HPV-DNA was detected in 71% of the samples, with a higher frequency (100%) in those categorized as invasive neoplasia. Mono- or co-infections were demonstrated in 45.8% and 25.8% of the cervical samples, respectively. Overall, the most prevalent HPV types were -16 (49%) and -51 (19.4%), with an increased frequency of detection associated with the severity of the cervical lesions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This survey highlights for the first time the relevant role of HPV-51 infection in the pathogenesis of invasive cervical cancer prior to the introduction of a vaccination program. Although a selection bias could have influenced the results, other recent studies have described the impact of HPV-51. This remarkable epidemiological element should be carefully evaluated, particularly in the view of opting for preventive vaccines, whose cross-protection patterns determine their efficacy in protecting against infection from HPV types that are not included in the vaccine itself