18 research outputs found

    Assessment of Agrocenosis Adaptability of Winter Wheat in the Conditions of the Foothill Zone of the Central Caucasus

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    This paper presents the results of multi-year research on the adaptability of winter wheat varieties to the conditions of the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus. Characteristics such as ductility and stability were used to assess varieties for conformity to the cultivation conditions. Plant homeostaticity served as the indicator of ontogenetic adaptability. Phenological observations and reports were carried out according to the state variety testing methodology. The species composition of weed vegetation was established using the Agroecological Atlas of Russia. Conventional insect accounting methods were used to consider phytophages and plants damaged by them. It was established that the dominant pests of winter grains in the early periods of vegetation include phytophage bugs and cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus L. The maximum number of phytophage bugs was noted during the earing-flowering period. The proportion of pathogens of spike Fusarium head blight, tan spot and Septoria spot prevailed in the pathogenic complex. In total, 36.7% of varieties, including Kuma, Deya, Esaul, Starshina, Delta, Nota and Antonina, were medium-resistant to Fusarium head blight damage. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment of winter wheat selection by the parameters of adaptability, productivity and resistance to diseases, highly plastic genotypes responsive to environmental factors were distinguished: Kuma, Deya, Veda, Tanya, and List 25 (bi = 2.2; 2,3; 2,1). The selection of varieties was based on the adaptive properties of winter wheat. Fusarium head blight decreased by 20.8% in the mixed variety Batko+Deya, and the yield of mixed variety crops increased by 9%. Methods for compiling mixed varieties and designing the mosaics of varieties in the area of grain agrocenosis are recommended. Keywords: winter wheat, sustainability of agrocenosis, productivity, ecological plasticity, mixed varietie

    Проект «Духовно-нравственная культура студенческой молодежи» как основа теоретического моделирования духовно-нравственной компетенции студентов российских и казахстанских вузов

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    Analysis of the current socio-cultural situation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that there is a need to promote and carry out activities in the field of enriching the spiritual experience of students, the formation of their spiritual and moral culture, which plays the role of the sociocultural code of the country and ensures the creation of a single field of ideological paradigm of views and beliefs. As a consequence of the absence of these special regulators, Russia and Kazakhstan face problems hindering the transition to a strategy of priority development.The innovativeness of the proposed approach to the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of university students lies in the proposal to include in the clusters of common cultural and professional competencies of SMC competence as a method of competence ensuring its complementarity in any subject, the possibility of developing and implementing individual educational programs and educational work programs. The development of a multifactor model of the spiritual and moral development of human potential necessary to preserve the cultural and genetic code of a nation in a changing socio-cultural environment, to ensure human security in the emerging polycentric world at the stage of higher education, is accompanied by testing and is adjusted.El análisis de la situación sociocultural actual en la Federación Rusa y la República de Kazajstán muestra que es necesario promover y llevar a cabo actividades en el campo del enriquecimiento de la experiencia espiritual de los estudiantes, la formación de su cultura espiritual y moral, que desempeña el papel del código sociocultural del país y garantiza la creación de un campo único de paradigma ideológico de puntos de vista y creencias. Como resultado de la falta de reguladores especiales, Rusia y Kazajstán enfrentan problemas que impiden la transición a una estrategia de desarrollo prioritario.La innovación del enfoque propuesto para la formación de la cultura espiritual y moral de los estudiantes universitarios reside en la propuesta de incluir en los grupos de competencias culturales y profesionales generales de la competencia del ADN como método de competencia, asegurando su complementariedad en cualquier tema, la posibilidad de desarrollar e implementar programas educativos individuales y programas de trabajo educativo. El desarrollo de un modelo multifactorial del desarrollo espiritual y moral del potencial humano necesario para preservar el código cultural y genético de una nación en un entorno sociocultural cambiante, garantizando la seguridad humana en el mundo policéntrico emergente en la etapa de educación superior, se acompaña de pruebas y se ajusta.Анализ современной социокультурной ситуации в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан показывает, что назрела необходимость содействия и осуществления деятельности в области обогащения духовного опыта студентов, формирования их духовно-нравственной культуры, выполняющей роль социокультурного кода страны и обеспечивающей создание единого поля мировоззренческой парадигмы взглядов и убеждений. Как следствие отсутствия специальных регуляторов, Россия и Казахстан сталкиваются с проблемами, препятствующими переходу к стратегии опережающего развития. Инновационность предлагаемого подхода к формированию духовно-нравственной культуры студентов вузов заключается в предложении включить в кластеры общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций ДНК-компетенции как метакомпетенции, обеспечивающей её комплиментарность в любой предмет, возможность разработки и реализации индивидуальных образовательных программ и программ воспитательной работы. Разработка многофакторной модели духовно-нравственного развития человеческого потенциала, необходимого для сохранения культурно-генетического кода нации в изменяющейся социокультурной среде, обеспечения безопасности человека в формирующемся полицентричном мире на этапе получения высшего образования, сопровождается апробацией и корректируется

    Evaluación de La Eficiencia Económica Del Desarrollo Innovador De La Producción Piloto

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    El objetivo de la investigación científica y práctica es evaluar el efecto económico de elegir un escenario para el desarrollo innovador de la producción piloto de una empresa aeroespacial basada en la modernización y la creación de una asociación público privada. El estudio revela el potencial innovador de la producción física y moralmente obsoleta de la metalurgia compleja, la expansión de la integración industrial dentro de la empresa y en el mercado extranjero. La modelización económica de la eficiencia creciente se llevó a cabo modernizando la producción de la empresa siguiendo dos escenarios innovadores, que afectan las tecnologías de producción, los procesos comerciales, las inversiones y la estructura organizativa en diferentes grados. Un enfoque metodológico para lograr este objetivo proporciona una evaluación basada en el escenario del efecto económico directo de la producción piloto de una empresa al introducir innovaciones diferentes en sus enfoques, duración y costo. Se ha desarrollado un modelo innovador para presentar escenarios de desarrollo de producción con un enfoque en factores internos o externos, en flexibilidad o en desarrollo estable. La evaluación del nivel actual de desarrollo tecnológico y la eficiencia económica de la producción piloto permitió determinar las posibilidades de desarrollo innovador gerencial y tecnológico de una empresa de importancia nacional; Determinar el efecto económico directo de la modernización y la integración de la producción de los participantes en el proceso de innovación. El grado del efecto económico depende directamente del escenario innovador elegido y la escala de su implementación en la empres

    Epigenetic gene regulation, chromatin structure, and force-induced chromatin remodelling in epidermal development and homeostasis

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    The skin epidermis is a constantly renewing stratified epithelium that provides essential protective barrier functions throughout life. Epidermal stratification is governed by a step-wise differentiation program that requires precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression. How epidermal self-renewal and differentiation are regulated remains a fundamental open question. Cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic mechanisms that modify chromatin structure and interactions have been identified as key regulators of epidermal differentiation and stratification. Here, we will review the recent advances in our understanding of how chromatin modifiers, tissue-specific transcription factors, and force-induced nuclear remodeling processes function to shape chromatin and to control epidermal tissue development and homeostasis.Peer reviewe

    Some new results in homogenization of flow in porous media with mixed boundary condition

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    The present thesis is devoted to derivation of Darcy’s Law for incompressible Newtonian fluid in perforated domains by means of homogenization techniques.The problem of describing flow in porous media occurs in the study of various physical phenomena such as filtration in sandy soils, blood circulation in capillaries etc. In all such cases physical quantities (e.g. velocity, pressure) are dependent of the characteristic size ε 1 of the microstructure of the fluid domain. However in most practical applications the significant role is played by averaged characteristics, such as permeability, average velocity etc., which do not depend on the microstructure of the domain. In order to obtain such quantities there exist several mathematical techniques collectively referred to as homogenization theory.This thesis consists of two papers (A and B) and complementary appendices. We assume that the flow is governed by the Stokes equation and that global normal stress boundary condition and local no-slip boundary condition are satisfied. Such mixed boundary condition is natural for many applications and here we develop the rigorous mathematical theory connected to it. The assumption of mixed boundary condition affects on corresponding forms of Darcy’s law in both papers and raises some essential difficulties in analysis in Paper A.In both papers the perforated domain is supposed to have periodical structure and the fluid to be incompressible and Newtonian. In Paper A the situation described above is considered in a framework of rigorous functional analysis, more precisely the theorem concerning the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for the Stokes equation is proved and Darcy’s law is obtained by using two-scale convergence procedure. As it was mentioned, vast part of this paper is devoted to adaptation of classical results of functional analysis to the case of mixed boundary condition.In Paper B the Navier–Stokes system with mixed boundary condition is studied in thin perforated domain. In such cases it is natural to introduce another small parameter δ which corresponds to the thickness of the domain (in addition to the perforation parameter ε). For the case of thin porous medium the asymptotic behavior as both the film thickness δ and the perforation period ε tend to zero at different rates is investigated. The results are obtained by using the formal method of asymptotic expansions. Depending on how fast the two small parameters δ and ε go to zero relative to each other, different forms of Darcy’s law are obtained in all three limit cases — very thin porous medium (δ ε), proportionallythin porous medium (δ ∼ λε, λ ∈ (0,∞)) and homogeneously thin porous medium (δ ε).Godkänd; 2016; 20160420 (elemir); Nedanstående person kommer att hålla licentiatseminarium för avläggande av teknologie licentiatexamen. Namn: Elena Miroshnikova Ämne: Matematik/Mathematics Uppsats: Some New Results in Homogenization of Flow in Porous Media with Mixed Boundary Condition Examinator: Professor Peter Wall, Institutionen teknikvetenskap och matematik, Avdelning: Matematiska vetenskaper, Luleå tekniska universitet. Diskutant: Professor Andrey Piatnitski, Institutt for datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniörfag, UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet, Narvik, Norge. Tid: Onsdag 8 juni, 2016 kl 10.00 Plats: E246, Luleå tekniska universite

    Homogenization of the Stokes equation with mixed boundary condition in a porous medium

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    We homogenize stationary incompressible Stokes flow in a periodic porous medium. The fluid is assumed to satisfy a no-slip condition on the boundary of solid inclusions and a normal stress (traction) condition on the global boundary. Under these assumptions, the homogenized equation becomes the classical Darcy law with a Dirichlet condition for the pressure

    Effect of Probiotsid-Phyto and UDP Zn on the intestinal microbiome of Cyprinus carpio

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    The system analysis of the phytobiotic “Probiocid®-Phyto” and zinc ultradispersed particles (Zn UDP) effect on growth dynamics, chemical composition of muscle tissue and structural microbiome of the common carp gut (Cyprinus carpio) was carried out in this article. The use of modern genetic methods of investigation (polymerase chain reaction with specific 16S prokaryotic primers and with Nextera XT protocol adapters and indices) allowed to determine that the main phylogenetic groups entering the intact group gut microbiome are Proteobacteria (40.49 %), Actinobacteria (28.67 %), Firmicutes (19.01 %) and Bacteroidetes (10.28 %). The most significant effect on the carp microbiome was exerted by Zn UDP, which was expressed by an increase in the specific weight of two types – Proteobacteria 66.64 % and Fusobacteria - 31.18 %, while in the bivalent application group the biodiversity of types was represented as follows: 57.08 % – Proteobacteria, 14.17 % – Firmicutes, 11.86 % – Actinobacteria, 7.85 % – Fusobacteria and 7.43 % – Bacteroidetes. The most significant effect of the preparations on the carp productivity was observed when the compared preparations were fed together; in this case, by the end of the experiment, the increase in carp live weight was 18.45 %. The research allows recommending the combined use of “Probiocid®- Phyto” (2 g/kg feed) and Zn UDP (10 mg/kg feed) as growth activators for common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

    Simulation of a Mining Value Chain with a Synthetic Ore Body Model : Iron Ore Example

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    Reconciliation of geological, mining and mineral processing information is a costly and time demanding procedure with high uncertainty due to incomplete information, especially during the early stages of a project, i.e., pre-feasibility, feasibility studies. Lack of information at those project stages can be overcome by applying synthetic data for investigating different scenarios. Generation of the synthetic data requires some minimum sparse knowledge already available from other parts of the mining value chain, i.e., geology, mining, mineral processing. This paper describes how to establish and construct a synthetic testing environment, or “synthetic ore body model” by integrating a synthetic deposit, mine production, constrained by a mine plan, and a simulated beneficiation process. The approach uses quantitative mineralogical data and liberation information for process simulation. The results of geological and process data integration are compared with the real case data of an apatite iron ore. The discussed approach allows for studying the implications in downstream processes caused by changes in upstream parts of the mining value chain. It also opens the possibility of optimising sampling campaigns by investigating different synthetic drilling scenarios including changes to the spacing between synthetic drill holes, composite length, drill hole orientation and assayed parameters.Validerad;2018;Nivå 2;2018-12-07 (marisr)</p