2,545 research outputs found

    Meanings of fractions as demonstrated by future primary teachers in the initial phase of teacher education

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    Fractions are a fundamental content of primary-level education and must therefore be included in the training courses for primary school teachers. Experts argue that deep understanding is required to improve primary school teachers’ knowledge of this mathematical concept (Ball, 1990; Cramer, Post & del Mas, 2002; Newton, 2008). Our study focuses on the part-whole relationship as a crucial foundation in working with fractions. This paper characterizes some of the meanings of this relationship for a group of future primary school teachers

    Meaning of the part-whole relation and the concept of fraction for primary teachers

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    The part-whole relation is complex and raises questions that affect different disciplines. Researchers have proposed different interpretations of the notions of fraction and rational number (e.g., Behr, Lesh, Post & Silver, 1983; Kieren, 1976). We highlight three kinds of relations in the study of rational numbers—the part whole-relation, the part-part relation, and the functional relation—through which we organize the different subconstructs of rational number. We claim that the meaning of fractions should be understood through three components: their mathematical structure, their representations and their senses

    Tekniset apuvälineet ikääntyneiden kotona selviytymisen tukena

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaisia teknisiä apuvälineitä käytetään ikääntyneiden kotona asumisen tukena. Tavoitteena oli antaa lisää tietoa ikääntyneille sekä omaisille teknisistä apuvälineistä. Aineistona oli 5 kotimaista tutkimusta. Suomen väestö ikääntyy. Väestöpoliittisen ennusteen mukaan vuonna 2035 noin 25 prosenttia Suomen väestöstä on 65 vuotta täyttäneitä. Monet ikääntyneet haluavat asua kotona mahdollisimman pitkään. Harvat ikääntyneet selviytyvät kotona itsenäisesti, vaan he tarvitsevat tuekseen teknisiä apuvälineitä. Aineiston analysoin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla teorialähtöisesti eli deduktiivisesti. Opinnäytetyössä oli kolme opinnäytetyön kysymystä, joihin pyrin löytämään vastaukset. Aineistona tässä työssä on käytetty viittä kotimaista tutkimusta vuosilta 1998-2008. Opinnäytetyön tulosten mukaan ilmeni, että tekniset apuvälineet voidaan jakaa kolmeen ryhmään, turvallisuutta lisääviin, sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta lisääviin sekä fyysistä toimintatukea tukeviin. Turvallisuutta lisääviä teknisiä apuvälineitä oli selkeästi eniten, kun taas fyysistä toimintatukea tukevia oli selkeästi vähiten. Opinnäytetyön tulosten tarkastelussa olen pohtinut mm. teknisten apuvälineiden käytettävyyttä, ikääntyneiden suhtautumista teknisiin apuvälineisiin sekä miten ikääntymisen tuomat rajoitteet vaikuttavat teknisten apuvälineiden käyttöön. Opinnäytetyön pohjalta löysin jatkotutkimushaasteita. Mielestäni olisi hyödyllistä haastatella omaisia ja kysyä heidän mielipiteitä ja käyttäjäkokemuksia, kokevatko he, että heidän omaisensa ovat turvassa teknisten apuvälineiden turvin, sillä sukulaiset saattavat asua eri kaupungeissa tai jopa eri puolella Suomea. Lisäksi olisi hyödyllistä tutkia ikääntyneiden mielipiteitä siitä, millaisia teknisten apuvälineiden pitäisi olla, ettei niitä koettaisi pelottaviksi ja vieraiksi esineiksi. Sekä olisi mielenkiintoista tietää miten ikääntynyt kokee ohjauksen ja perehdytyksen merkityksen.Technical auxiliaries for the old to support the living conditions at home The aim of the thesis was to find out, what kind of equipment are used to support the living conditions of the old at home. The purpose was also to gain more information to the old as well as to their relatives of the technical auxiliary tools. The study based on earlier data base research material that consists of five Finnish studies. The population in Finland is ageing. According to the social politic estimation in 2035 approximately 25 % of the population is over the age of 65 years. Many of the old like to live at home as long as possible. Few of the old manage at home independently without technical supportive equipment. The database was analysed according to the qualitative theoretical angle. The thesis includes three basic questions that are to be answered. Five domestic studies dating back to 1998-2008 have been used as the basis of the study. The results of the thesis indicate that technical auxiliaries may be divided into three groups accordingly: improved safety, social contacts and physical additional capability. The first of these was most emphasized whereas the last one was observed to come as least. Further analysis of the thesis I have clarified the usability of the technical equipment, the acting of the old to these equipment as well as the way, how the limitative effects due to ageing affect the use of these equipment. On the basis of the research I found some challenges for the additional study. I find it useful to interview the relatives and ask their opinions and experiences, whether they feel that their relatives are safe with the technical equipment. Their relatives may live in remote cities or even far away counties. In addition to this it may be useful to study the opinions of the old for what the auxiliaries should be like in order them not to be found frightening or strange obstacles. It would also be interesting to know how the old feel about the guidance orientation

    Interpretación de diagramas de comparación multiplicativa por estudiantes de secundaria

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    Este trabajo se centra en procesos de traducción de problemas gráficos de comparación multiplicativa a representación verbal y simbólica. Pedimos a 89 estudiantes del primer curso de educación secundaria que inventaran un problema que se ajustara a un diagrama y que escribieran una ecuación que integrara las relaciones del diagrama. Los dos procesos de traducción se han mostrado difíciles para los estudiantes, provocando diversidad de respuestas. El análisis conjunto de las respuestas reveló que la competencia de los estudiantes en el proceso de invención no es independiente de la traducción algebraica

    Conocimiento didáctico, enseñanza de fracciones y formación inicial de maestros

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estudio de casos que analiza el conocimiento didáctico que un grupo de futuros profesores de primaria puso en juego al abordar cuestiones relativas a la enseñanza del concepto de fracción. A través de entrevistas se profundiza en la capacidad de los participantes para diseñar tareas escolares, enunciar objetivos y prever posibles limitaciones de los escolares sobre el significado de fracción. Los resultados destacan los contenidos prioritarios que dichos sujetos consideran en esa enseñanza

    Prospective primary teachers’ knowledge of problem solving process

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    International audienceStudies on teachers’ understanding of processes such as problem solving have focused primarily on their beliefs and conceptions to the detriment of features indicative of their professional knowledge. This study analyses the knowledge about problem solving process revealed by prospective primary teachers. A questionnaire specifically designed for the study was administered to 61 undergraduates beginning and 53 ending their training. Although characterising solving as a dynamic process, both groups, in their description of stage characteristics and strategy identification, revealed that their knowledge was essentially theoretical

    Knowledge of preservice elementary teachers on fractions

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    In this paper, we studied the knowledge on didactic contents reflected by future elementary teachers when answering questions related to teaching and learning fractions. Following a qualitative methodology, specifically a case study, 9 senior pre-service elementary teachers were interviewed using a structured approach. The topic was presented to the subjects using a narrative they had previously written on how to initiate the concept of fractions with school children. After reading it, they were asked questions regarding task design, learning objectives, and mistakes and difficulties. Results identified two trends in the participants’ knowledge: a procedural or technical trend in which the stated knowledge emphasizes procedures, processes, or action modes, and a conceptual or cognitive trend in which the stated knowledge emphasizes the functional understanding of fractions and their relationships. As a conclusion, it is essential that initial teacher training emphasizes mathematical as well as didactic contents

    Conocimiento profesional para la enseñanza de la resolución de problemas en primaria: una perspectiva curricular

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    En este trabajo exponemos el conocimiento necesario para que un docente de primaria pueda desenvolverse con éxito al afrontar procesos de enseñanza que incluyan la resolución de problemas de matemáticas. Para ello, realizamos un análisis curricular a seis documentos oficiales de distintos países sobre sus prescripciones sobre resolución de problemas matemáticos. A través de un análisis de contenido, y partiendo de las categorías de conocimiento propuestas por Chapman (2015), hemos elaborado un nuevo modelo que permite describir el conocimiento profesional sobre resolución de problemas que exigen los currículos para enseñar este tópico. Los resultados muestran una imbricada red de conocimientos que los currículos requieren de los profesores al afrontar la enseñanza de la resolución de problemas en las matemáticas escolares

    Conceptualización de la noción de problema manifestada por futuros profesores de primaria

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    En el marco de la investigación en la formación del profesorado, en este trabajo presentamos el conocimiento que manifiestan sobre la noción de problema estudiantes del grado de maestro de Educación Primaria al terminar su formación inicial en la universidad. Para ello, hemos construido un cuestionario y lo hemos aplicado a 51 estudiantes de la especialidad anteriormente citada y que habían participado en un curso optativo sobre profundización del currículo en el que uno de sus contenidos es la resolución de problemas. Los resultados se muestran duales, puesto que los estudiantes manifiestan conocimientos acordes al campo de la resolución de problemas, sin embargo, hemos encontrado contradicciones, por una parte dan importancia a la consideración del resolutor, y por otra no la tienen en cuenta en la práctica

    Conhecimento sobre frações de docentes do ensino fundamental em formação

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    This investigation was prepared with the assistance from project PCG2018095765-B-100 of the Plan Nacional of I+D+I (MICIN) (translated as National Plan of R+D+I (MICIN)) and from Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion (Grupo FQM-193, Didactica de la Matematica. Pensamiento Numerico) (translated as Andalusian Plan of Research, Development and Innovation (Research Group FQM-193, Didactics of Mathematics. Numerical thinking)).In this paper, we studied the knowledge on didactic contents reflected by future elementary teachers when answering questions related to teaching and learning fractions. Following a qualitative methodology, specifically a case study, 9 senior pre-service elementary teachers were interviewed using a structured approach. The topic was presented to the subjects using a narrative they had previously written on how to initiate the concept of fractions with school children. After reading it, they were asked questions regarding task design, learning objectives, and mistakes and difficulties. Results identified two trends in the participants’ knowledge: a procedural or technical trend in which the stated knowledge emphasizes procedures, processes, or action modes, and a conceptual or cognitive trend in which the stated knowledge emphasizes the functional understanding of fractions and their relationships. As a conclusion, it is essential that initial teacher training emphasizes mathematical as well as didactic contents.En este trabajo profundizamos en el conocimiento sobre contenidos didácticos que futuro profesorado de primaria pone en juego al responder preguntas relativas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del concepto de fracción. Llevamos a cabo una metodología cualitativa, específicamente un estudio de casos. Realizamos entrevistas estructuradas a 9 estudiantes para docentes de primaria que estaban finalizando sus estudios universitarios. Para ello, introdujimos a los sujetos en el tema a través de una narración que ellos mismos habían realizado anteriormente sobre cómo iniciar a escolares en el concepto de fracción. Tras su lectura, planteamos preguntas relativas al diseño de tareas, objetivos de aprendizaje, y errores y dificultades. En los resultados identificamos dos tendencias en el conocimiento manifestado por los sujetos participantes. La primera de ellas es una tendencia procedimental o técnica en la que el conocimiento manifestado hace hincapié en llevar a cabo procedimientos, procesos o modos de actuación. En la segunda de las tendencias, conceptual o cognitiva, el conocimiento manifestado pone el énfasis en la comprensión funcional de las fracciones y sus relaciones. Concluimos que es fundamental que la formación inicial de profesorado haga hincapié tanto en contenidos matemáticos como en contenidos didácticos.Neste trabalho aprofundamos no conhecimento sobre conteúdos didáticos que futuros docentes do ensino fundamental põem em jogo ao responder preguntas relacionadas com o ensino e a aprendizagem do conceito de fração. Executamos uma metodologia qualitativa, especificamente um estudo de casos. Realizamos entrevistas estruturadas com 9 estudantes para docentes do ensino fundamental que estavam finalizando seus estudos universitários. Para isso, introduzimos os sujetos no tema mediante uma narração que eles mesmos tinham feito anteriormente sobre como introduzir o conceito de fração com os estudantes. Depois da leitura, expusemos perguntas relacionadas com o desenho de tarefas, objetivos de aprendizagem, e erros e dificuldades. Nos resultados, identificamos duas tendências no conhecimento manifestado pelos sujeitos participantes. Na primeira delas é uma tendência procedimental ou técnica na qual o conhecimento manifestado enfatiza realizar procedimentos, processos ou modos de atuação. Na segunda das tendências, conceitual ou cognitiva, o conhecimento manifestado destaca a compreensão funcional das frações e suas relações. Concluimos que é fundamental que a formação inicial de docentes reforce tanto em conteúdos matemáticos quanto em conteúdos didáticos.Plan Nacional of I+D+I (MICIN) (National Plan of R+D+I (MICIN)) PCG2018-095765-B-100Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion (Andalusian Plan of Research, Development and Innovation) FQM-19