542 research outputs found

    Monadicity of the Bousfield-Kuhn functor

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    We consider the localization of the \infty-category of spaces at the vnv_n-periodic equivalences, the case n=0n=0 being rational homotopy theory. We prove that this localization is for n1n\geq 1 equivalent to algebras over a certain monad on the \infty-category of T(n)T(n)-local spectra. This monad is built from the Bousfield--Kuhn functor

    A Case Study of Students\u27 Experiences and Nursing Educators\u27 Leadership Practices to Facilitate RPN to BScN Professional Socialization

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    This interpretive qualitative case study of nursing educators’ facilitation of bridging students’ professional socialization in support of their transition from RPN to BScN in the context of one Canadian Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BScN) bridging program explored: (1) how nursing educators understand bridging students’ professional socialization; (2) what leadership practices they use to facilitate professional socialization; (3) how bridging students understand these leadership practices in support of their professional socialization; and, (4) what programmatic support nursing clinical educators receive to support bridging students. Transition, professional socialization, and leadership practice constitute this study’s conceptual framework. Kouzes and Posner’s exemplary leadership practices framework was used to interpret nursing educators’ leadership practices. Data were collected from interviews with nursing clinical educators and program coordinators, from focus groups with bridging students and graduates, and from one program document. Bridging students experience a unique professional socialization trajectory, not only impacted by interactions with nursing educators but by broader intra-professional, organizational, regulatory, and bridging program structural factors. Nursing educators across educational areas facilitate professional socialization using teaching and leadership practices in tandem; the use of a leadership theory with an instructional component is suggested. Nursing educators should consider the professional socialization trajectory in curriculum planning and to guide their leadership and teaching practices, and extend their influence on professional socialization outside the spaces where they typically interact with students. Nursing clinical educators are under-supported in their work with bridging students; improved programmatic support is needed

    Effects of Preexposure to Shock on Autoshaping

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    The safety signal hypothesis suggests that during the absence of stimuli predicting impending shock, the organism is not fearful. The stimuli which predict the absence of shock are therefore called safety signals. The purpose of the present study was to investigate some critical properties of safety signals. Such stimuli in an avoidance or escape situation, according to the opponent process model, are expected to acquire hedonic value opposite to shock. This study examined differences in conditioning variables between safety signals predicting different intensities of shock, and between safety signals present in procedures using predicted shock, and procedures using unpredicted shock. Additionally, the effects of inescapable unpredicted shock with no safety signals present were examined. The general procedure involved exposing pigeons to aversive Pavlovian conditioning and subsequently autoshaping these birds to stimuli which had predicted safety in the aversive situation. Dependent measures included trials to acquisition of the autoshaped response and subsequent rate of keypecking. In the six experimental groups, pigeons were repeatedly and inescapably shocked at either 30 or 90 volts. Each individual 0.5 sec shock was (a) predicted by a specific stimulus or (b) not predicted. Additionally and explicitly unpaired with the shock, a safety signal was presented. For each voltage level, a control group was repeatedly shocked with no stimuli presented at any time. Control groups were included which (a) received no aversive conditioning, (b) were autoshaped to a stimulus which had previously predicted shock, (c) received the aversive conditioning, and (4) were exposed to various stimuli but received no aversive reinforcement. The principal finding was that preexposure to strong shock resulted in delays in response acquisition during subsequent autoshaping. This suggests that the learned helplessness hypothesis obtains with classically conditioned responding. Additionally, the importance of shock-alone control groups in the study of transfer effects is critical. Due to the lack of statistical power, the study was not definitive regarding the nature of safety signals or appetitive-to-appetitive transfers. Statistically significant differences were only found on acquisition measures, and no such differences were found on performance measures

    Structural Analysis in a Conceptual Design Framework

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    Supersonic aircraft designers must shape the outer mold line of the aircraft to improve multiple objectives, such as mission performance, cruise efficiency, and sonic-boom signatures. Conceptual designers have demonstrated an ability to assess these objectives for a large number of candidate designs. Other critical objectives and constraints, such as weight, fuel volume, aeroelastic effects, and structural soundness, are more difficult to address during the conceptual design process. The present research adds both static structural analysis and sizing to an existing conceptual design framework. The ultimate goal is to include structural analysis in the multidisciplinary optimization of a supersonic aircraft. Progress towards that goal is discussed and demonstrated

    Corrections for Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement

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    Much empirical analysis has documented racial disparities at the beginning and end stages of criminal cases. However, our understanding about the perpetuation of—and even corrections for—differential outcomes in the process remains less than complete. This Article provides a comprehensive examination of criminal dispositions using all DWI cases in North Carolina from 2001 to 2011, focusing on several major decision points in the process. Starting with pretrial hearings and culminating in sentencing results, we track differences in outcomes by race and gender. Before sentencing, significant gaps emerge in the severity of pretrial release conditions that disadvantage black and Hispanic defendants. Yet when prosecutors decide whether to pursue charges, we observe an initial correction mechanism: Hispanic men are almost two-thirds more likely to have those charges dropped relative to white men. Although few cases survive after the plea bargaining stage, a second correction mechanism arises: Hispanic men are substantially less likely to receive harsher sentences and are sent to jail for significantly less time relative to white men. The first mechanism is based, in part, on prosecutors’ reviewing the strength of the evidence, but much more on declining to invest scarce resources in the pursuit of defendants who fail to appear for trial. The second mechanism seems to follow more directly from judicial discretion to reverse decisions made by law enforcement or prosecutors. We discuss possible explanations for these novel empirical results and review methods for more precisely identifying causal mechanisms in criminal justice

    Enabling Rapid and Robust Structural Analysis During Conceptual Design

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    This paper describes a multi-year effort to add a structural analysis subprocess to a supersonic aircraft conceptual design process. The desired capabilities include parametric geometry, automatic finite element mesh generation, static and aeroelastic analysis, and structural sizing. The paper discusses implementation details of the new subprocess, captures lessons learned, and suggests future improvements. The subprocess quickly compares concepts and robustly handles large changes in wing or fuselage geometry. The subprocess can rank concepts with regard to their structural feasibility and can identify promising regions of the design space. The automated structural analysis subprocess is deemed robust and rapid enough to be included in multidisciplinary conceptual design and optimization studies

    Letters from Chas. Eldered Shelton, John L. Tilton, George Clammer, and Wallace R. Lane

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    Letters concerning A. G. Reid, an applicant for position in athletic department at Utah Agricultural College

    Male pre-service teachers: navigating masculinities on campus and on placement

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    This paper reports on research examining how male pre-service primary school teachers negotiate masculinities during their time within majority-female spaces. Four white undergraduate pre-service teachers in the North of England, UK, who were training to teach children aged 5–11 years were recruited. Interviews took place pre-and-post their seven-week practicum within primary schools, relating to their experiences of masculinity within their course and practicum. Participants kept a solicited diary for the duration of the practicum. Using thematic analysis, we highlight how participants were both subject to and complicit in the (re)production of gendered stereotypes. Findings evidenced the participants’ awareness of gendered assumptions placed upon them; however, this did not necessarily predicate their rejection of such positions, suggesting male and female teachers share responsibility for largely maintaining current hegemonic constructions of masculinities within schools

    Adaptive multi‐index collocation for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154316/1/nme6268.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154316/2/NME_6268_novelty.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154316/3/nme6268_am.pd

    Self-organising aggregates of zebrafish retinal cells for investigating mechanisms of neural lamination

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    To investigate the cell-cell interactions necessary for the formation of retinal layers, we cultured dissociated zebrafish retinal progenitors in agarose microwells. Within these wells, the cells re-aggregated within hours, forming tight retinal organoids. Using a Spectrum of Fates zebrafish line, in which all different types of retinal neurons show distinct fluorescent spectra, we found that by 48 h in culture, the retinal organoids acquire a distinct spatial organisation, i.e. they became coarsely but clearly laminated. Retinal pigment epithelium cells were in the centre, photoreceptors and bipolar cells were next most central and amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells were on the outside. Image analysis allowed us to derive quantitative measures of lamination, which we then used to find that Müller glia, but not RPE cells, are essential for this process.This work was funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award to W.A.H. (100329/Z/12/Z) and a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Studentship Award to M.K.E. (BB/J014540/1)