473 research outputs found

    Ação educativa em museus: a Terceira Idade construindo conhecimentos a partir de objetos no MAE/USP

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    Este artigo trata de ações educativas em museu com público de Terceira Idade. Será apresentada a metodologia deste trabalho, que envolve a exploração de objetos de idosos e suas histórias de vida. Abrangerá também um paralelo entre duas oficinas para idosos, com metodologias de trabalho semelhantes e resultados diferenciados que tiveram como trabalho final a montagem de uma exposição com os objetos contextualizados.This article deals with educational actions with elderly people in a public museum. The methodology of this work will be presented. It involves an exploration of objects of the elderly and their life stories. It includes also a parallel between two workshops for elderly people, with similar working methodologies and different results which had as final work the assemblage of an exhibition of contextualized objects

    Ação educativa junto à exposição temporária "A Escrita no Mundo Antigo"

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    Projeto “Crianças no Museu”

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    Relato de uma experiência educativa: projeto piloto Patrimônio Cultural e Memória: a Terceira Idade e o MAE/USP.

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    The article presents an account of an experience of education action with groups of old-age people done through the aplication of the pilot project Cultural Patrimony and Memory - the Third Age and the MAE/USP. This was developed starting from the contextualization of some ethnographic and archaeological objects belonging to different cultures and of objects chosen by the old-age people as significant to recovering some traces of their own life histories.Este artigo apresenta o relato de uma experência de ação educativa, com grupos de idosos, realizada através da aplicação de Projeto Piloto Patrimônio Cultural e Memória - A Terceira Idade e o MAE/USP. Este foi desenvolvido a partir da contextualização de alguns objetos arqueológicos e etnográficos de diferentes culturas e de objetos escolhidos pelos idosos como significativos para a recuperação de alguns traços da história de suas vidas

    Guia Básico de Educação Patrimonial.

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    Recursos pedagógicos de museus: "kits" de objetos arqueológicos e etnográficos

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    Projeto Piloto: "Patrimônio Cultural e Memória": a 3ª idade e o Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP"

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    Increased frontal brain activation during walking while dual tasking: an fNIRS study in healthy young adults

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    Background: Accumulating evidence suggests that gait is influenced by higher order cognitive and cortical control mechanisms. Recently, several studies used functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to examine brain activity during walking, demonstrating increased oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) levels in the frontal cortex during walking while subjects completed a verbal cognitive task. It is, however, still unclear whether this increase in activation was related to verbalization, if the response was specific to gait, or if it would also be observed during standing, a different motor control task. The aim of this study was to investigate whether an increase in frontal activation is specific to dual tasking during walking. Methods: Twenty-three healthy young adults (mean 30.9 ± 3.7 yrs, 13 females) were assessed using an electronic walkway. Frontal brain activation was assessed using an fNIRS system consisting of two probes placed on the forehead of the subjects. Assessments included: walking in a self-selected speed; walking while counting forward; walking while serially subtracting 7s (Walking+S7); and standing while serially subtracting 7s (Standing+S7). Data was collected from 5 walks of 30 meters in each condition. Twenty seconds of quiet standing before each walk served as baseline frontal lobe activity. Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) tested for differences between the conditions. Results: Significant differences were observed in HbO2 levels between all conditions (p = 0.007). HbO2 levels appeared to be graded; walking alone demonstrated the lowest levels of HbO2 followed by walking+counting condition (p = 0.03) followed by Walking+S7 condition significantly increased compared to the two other walking conditions (p < 0.01). No significant differences in HbO2 levels were observed between usual walking and the standing condition (p = 0.38) or between standing with or without serial subtraction (p = 0.76). Conclusions: This study provides direct evidence that dual tasking during walking is associated with frontal brain activation in healthy young adults. The observed changes are apparently not a response to the verbalization of words and are related to the cognitive load during gait

    A numerical study of the Southern Ocean including a thermodynamic active ice shelf - Part 1: Weddell Sea

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    There is a great amount of uncertainty regarding the understanding of the atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere interactions in the Southern Ocean despite the role that the region plays in our changing climate. With the aim of studying the relative importance of sea-ice and ice shelf processes in the Southern Ocean, a coupled ocean circulation sea-ice/ice shelf cavity model based on the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) is used in a periodic circumpolar domain with enhanced resolution in the Weddell Sea. A hierarchy of numerical experiments is performed where first a sea-ice model is used and then an ice shelf thermodynamic parameterization is included in order to evaluate the improvements resulting from each component. Results show that it is necessary to consider the formation and melting of sea-ice in order to adequately reproduce the observed hydrography and circulation. Inclusion of ice shelves cavities in the model only improves results if the ice shelf-ocean thermodynamic fluxes are active. Ice shelves and ocean interactions are an important process to be considered in order to obtain realistic hydrographic values under the ice shelf. The model framework presented in this work is a promising tool for analyzing the Southern Ocean response to future climate change scenarios