23 research outputs found

    Overexpression of Human Fatty Acid Transport Protein 2/Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 1 (FATP2/Acsvl1) Reveals Distinct Patterns of Trafficking of Exogenous Fatty Acids

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    In mammals, the fatty acid transport proteins (FATP1 through FATP6) are members of a highly conserved family of proteins, which function in fatty acid transport proceeding through vectorial acylation and in the activation of very long chain fatty acids, branched chain fatty acids and secondary bile acids. FATP1, 2 and 4, for example directly function in fatty acid transport and very long chain fatty acids activation while FATP5 does not function in fatty acid transport but activates secondary bile acids. In the present work, we have used stable isotopically labeled fatty acids differing in carbon length and saturation in cells expressing FATP2 to gain further insights into how this protein functions in fatty acid transport and intracellular fatty acid trafficking. Our previous studies showed the expression of FATP2 modestly increased C16:0-CoA and C20:4-CoA and significantly increased C18:3-CoA and C22:6-CoA after 4hr. The increases in C16:0-CoA and C18:3-CoA suggest FATP2 must necessarily partner with a long chain acyl CoA synthetase (Acsl) to generate C16:0-CoA and C18:3-CoA through vectorial acylation. The very long chain acyl CoA synthetase activity of FATP2 is consistent in the generation of C20:4-CoA and C22:6-CoA coincident with transport from their respective exogenous fatty acids. The trafficking of exogenous fatty acids into phosphatidic acid (PA) and into the major classes of phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), and phosphatidyserine (PS)) resulted in distinctive profiles, which changed with the expression of FATP2. The trafficking of exogenous C16:0 and C22:6 into PA was significant where there was 6.9- and 5.3-fold increased incorporation, respectively, over the control; C18:3 and C20:4 also trended to increase in the PA pool while there were no changes for C18:1 and C18:2. The trafficking of C18:3 into PC and PI trended higher and approached significance. In the case of C20:4, expression of FATP2 resulted in increases in all four classes of phospholipid, indicating little selectivity. In the case of C22:6, there were significant increases of this exogenous fatty acids being trafficking into PC and PI. Collectively, these data support the conclusion that FATP2 has a dual function in the pathways linking the transport and activation of exogenous fatty acids. We discuss the differential roles of FATP2 and its role in both fatty acid transport and fatty acid activation in the context of lipid homeostasis

    Mechanistic Studies of the Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase Faa1p from \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e

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    Long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL; fatty acid CoA ligase: AMP forming; EC catalyzes the formation of acyl-CoA through a process, which requires fatty acid, ATP and coenzymeA as substrates. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the principal ACSL is Faa1p (encoded by the FAA1 gene). The preferred substrates for this enzyme are cis-monounsaturated long chain fatty acids. Our previous work has shown Faa1p is a principal component of a fatty acid transport/activation complex that also includes the fatty acid transport protein Fat1p. In the present work hexameric histidine tagged Faa1p was purified to homogeneity through a two-step process in the presence of 0.1% η-dodecyl-β-maltoside following expression at 15°C in Escherichia coli. In order to further define the role of this enzyme in fatty acid transport-coupled activation (vectorial acylation), initial velocity kinetic studies were completed to define the kinetic parameters of Faa1p in response to the different substrates and to define mechanism. These studies showed Faa1p had a Vmax of 158.2 nmol/ min/mg protein and a Km of 71.1μM oleate. When the concentration of oleate was held constant at 50μM, the Km for CoA and ATP were 18.3μM and 51.6μM respectively. These initial velocity studies demonstrated the enzyme mechanism for Faa1p was Bi Uni Uni Bi Ping Pong

    Human Fatty Acid Transport Protein 2a/Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 1 (FATP2a/Acsvl1) Has a Preference in Mediating the Channeling of Exogenous n-3 Fatty Acids into Phosphatidylinositol

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    The trafficking of fatty acids across the membrane and into downstream metabolic pathways requires their activation to CoA thioesters. Members of the fatty acid transport protein/ very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (FATP/Acsvl) family are emerging as key players in the trafficking of exogenous fatty acids into the cell and in intracellular fatty acid homeostasis.We have expressed two naturally occurring splice variants of human FATP2 (Acsvl1) in yeast and 293T-REx cells and addressed their roles in fatty acid transport, activation, and intracellular trafficking. Although both forms (FATP2a (Mr 70,000) and FATP2b (Mr 65,000 and lacking exon3, which encodes part of the ATP binding site)) were functional in fatty acid import, only FATP2a had acyl-CoA synthetase activity, with an apparent preference toward very long chain fatty acids. To further address the roles of FATP2a or FATP2b in fatty acid uptake and activation, LCMS/ MS was used to separate and quantify different acyl-CoA species (C14–C24) and to monitor the trafficking of different classes of exogenous fatty acids into intracellular acyl-CoA pools in 293T-REx cells expressing either isoform. The use of stable isotopically labeled fatty acids demonstrated FATP2a is involved in the uptake and activation of exogenous fatty acids, with a preference toward n-3 fatty acids (C18:3 and C22:6). Using the same cells expressing FATP2a or FATP2b, electrospray ionization/MS was used to follow the trafficking of stable isotopically labeled n-3 fatty acids into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol. The expression of FATP2a resulted in the trafficking of C18:3-CoA and C22:6-CoA into both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol but with a distinct preference for phosphatidylinositol. Collectively these data demonstrate FATP2a functions in fatty acid transport and activation and provides specificity toward n-3 fatty acids in which the corresponding n-3 acyl-CoAs are preferentially trafficked into acyl-CoA pools destined for phosphatidylinositol incorporation

    Human Fatty Acid Transport Protein 2a/Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 1 (FATP2a/Acsvl1) Has a Preference in Mediating the Channeling of Exogenous n-3 Fatty Acids into Phosphatidylinositol

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    The trafficking of fatty acids across the membrane and into downstream metabolic pathways requires their activation to CoA thioesters. Members of the fatty acid transport protein/ very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (FATP/Acsvl) family are emerging as key players in the trafficking of exogenous fatty acids into the cell and in intracellular fatty acid homeostasis.We have expressed two naturally occurring splice variants of human FATP2 (Acsvl1) in yeast and 293T-REx cells and addressed their roles in fatty acid transport, activation, and intracellular trafficking. Although both forms (FATP2a (Mr 70,000) and FATP2b (Mr 65,000 and lacking exon3, which encodes part of the ATP binding site)) were functional in fatty acid import, only FATP2a had acyl-CoA synthetase activity, with an apparent preference toward very long chain fatty acids. To further address the roles of FATP2a or FATP2b in fatty acid uptake and activation, LCMS/ MS was used to separate and quantify different acyl-CoA species (C14–C24) and to monitor the trafficking of different classes of exogenous fatty acids into intracellular acyl-CoA pools in 293T-REx cells expressing either isoform. The use of stable isotopically labeled fatty acids demonstrated FATP2a is involved in the uptake and activation of exogenous fatty acids, with a preference toward n-3 fatty acids (C18:3 and C22:6). Using the same cells expressing FATP2a or FATP2b, electrospray ionization/MS was used to follow the trafficking of stable isotopically labeled n-3 fatty acids into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol. The expression of FATP2a resulted in the trafficking of C18:3-CoA and C22:6-CoA into both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol but with a distinct preference for phosphatidylinositol. Collectively these data demonstrate FATP2a functions in fatty acid transport and activation and provides specificity toward n-3 fatty acids in which the corresponding n-3 acyl-CoAs are preferentially trafficked into acyl-CoA pools destined for phosphatidylinositol incorporation

    Probing scrambling using statistical correlations between randomized measurements

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    We propose and analyze a protocol to study quantum information scrambling using statistical correlations between measurements, which are performed after evolving a quantum system from randomized initial states. We prove that the resulting correlations precisely capture the so-called out-of-time-ordered correlators and can be used to probe chaos in strongly-interacting, many-body systems. Our protocol requires neither reversing time evolution nor auxiliary degrees of freedom, and can be realized in state-of-the-art quantum simulation experiments.Comment: This version v2 (8 pages, 7 figures) includes important new results compared to our original submission. (1) We present a protocol and corresponding mathematical proof to access OTOCs with local operations, and which can be realized in quantum simulation experiments with available technology. (2) We illustrate the realization of the protocols with different examples for Hubbard and spin model

    Mechanistic Studies of the Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase Faa1p from \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e

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    Long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL; fatty acid CoA ligase: AMP forming; EC catalyzes the formation of acyl-CoA through a process, which requires fatty acid, ATP and coenzymeA as substrates. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the principal ACSL is Faa1p (encoded by the FAA1 gene). The preferred substrates for this enzyme are cis-monounsaturated long chain fatty acids. Our previous work has shown Faa1p is a principal component of a fatty acid transport/activation complex that also includes the fatty acid transport protein Fat1p. In the present work hexameric histidine tagged Faa1p was purified to homogeneity through a two-step process in the presence of 0.1% η-dodecyl-β-maltoside following expression at 15°C in Escherichia coli. In order to further define the role of this enzyme in fatty acid transport-coupled activation (vectorial acylation), initial velocity kinetic studies were completed to define the kinetic parameters of Faa1p in response to the different substrates and to define mechanism. These studies showed Faa1p had a Vmax of 158.2 nmol/ min/mg protein and a Km of 71.1μM oleate. When the concentration of oleate was held constant at 50μM, the Km for CoA and ATP were 18.3μM and 51.6μM respectively. These initial velocity studies demonstrated the enzyme mechanism for Faa1p was Bi Uni Uni Bi Ping Pong

    Transfer of NO between nitroso-<i>N</i>-acetyl-Trp and proteins.

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    <p>Cell lysates obtained from murine fibroblasts were incubated alone (Control), with 10 µM nitroso-<i>N</i>-acetyl-Trp (NOTrp), 10 µM sodium nitrite and <i>N</i>-acetyl-Trp (Trp + NO<sub>2</sub><sup>−</sup>), or 10 µM GSNO (GSNO) for 1 hr at 37°C. Nitrosated proteins were then determined using the biotin switch assay as described under <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0014400#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>. Equal loading was verified using Coomassie blue staining. The immunoblot is representative of three experiments.</p

    Formation of nitrite (NO<sub>2</sub><sup>−</sup>) and nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup>, panel A), glutathione disulfide (GSSG, panel B), and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO, panel C) during NANT decomposition.

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    <p><i>N</i>-acetyl nitroso Trp (100 µM) was incubated with GSH 1 mM for 30 min in the presence or absence of O<sub>2</sub> and SOD at 37°C and product formation was determined by anion pairing HPLC. The values represent the mean ± SEM (n = 5–9); ND  =  not detectable.</p