6 research outputs found

    دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لكفاءة استخدام أنماط الري الحديثة: دراسة ميدانية بمزارع منطقة القصيم

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    The study aims to estimate the efficiency of water resources use for irrigation at Al-Qassim farms by estimating the productivity and technical efficiency, under different irrigation methods (sprinkler and drip irrigation) used for the main crops which are included in the sample of study, and estimating the demand functions for resources used in the production of main crops. The analysis based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), in addition to Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and parametric programming. The DEA is used with the constant and variant returns to scale (CRS and VRS) to estimate the technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the considered crops under different irrigation methods. The study sample (consists of 124 farms) was selected from the farms at Al-Qassim region, Data collected by the personal interview through a questionnaire which was prepared for this purpose, the study sample were representative the most important field and vegetable crops at the study area. The most important findings of the study can summarize as follows: (1) By estimation the technical (TE) and scale efficiency (SE) for the field and vegetable crops at the study sample according to the concept of VRS and CRS under different irrigation methods, the results show the following: * According to CRS hypothesis the average technical efficiency (TE) under mobile sprinkler irrigation method were lower for farms of wheat, barley, winter tomatoes, corn, summer tomatoes and alfalfa, while results refers to improvement of (TE) for these crops according to VRS hypothesis. * The average of scale efficiency (SE), which is (SE=TECRS / TEVRS) amounted to about 0.91, 0.89, 0.90, 0.91, 0.90, 0.90 under the mobile sprinkler irrigation system for the farms of wheat, barley, winter tomatoes, corn, summer tomatoes and summer cucumber. * According to CRS hypothesis the average technical efficiency (TE) under drip irrigation method were lower for farms of zucchini, winter tomatoes, winter cucumber, summer potatoes, summer tomatoes and summer cucumbers, while results refers to improvement of (TE) for these crops according to VRS hypothesis. * The average of scale efficiency (SE), was to about 0.86, 0.94, 0.83, 0.94, 0.94, 0.86 under the drip irrigation system for the farms of zucchini, winter tomatoes, winter cucumber, summer potatoes, summer tomatoes and summer cucumber. (2) The change in the index of total factor productivity (TFP Ch) of the quantity of production for winter tomatoes and summer tomatoes as a shift from the mobile sprinkler system to the drip system about 119%, 112% and refers to an opportunity to increase efficiency by 19%, 12%, while the change in the index of total factor productivity (TFP Ch) of the value of production for alfalfa as a shift from the fixed sprinkler system to the mobile sprinkler system about 103%. (3) By estimating the production and economic efficiencies based on stochastic frontier Analysis (SFA) using the ordinary least square (OLS) method and the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) method. The (MLE) method was used under both the Truncated Distribution (TD) and Half-Normal Distribution (HND) techniques. The results indicated to the preference of MLE method in case of (HND) according to significance of γ to estimate the production efficiency of wheat, zucchini and alfalfa. While MLE method in case of (TD) according to significance of γ and the highest value of the LR was the best for crops winter and summer tomatoes, and winter and summer cucumbers. The OLS method was the fit to estimate the production efficiency of barley, corn and summer potatoes. (4) Using the parametric programming to identify the value of the marginal productivity (shadow prices) for each of the nitrogenous, phosphate fertilizers, agricultural employment and water resources. The results indicated that the shadow price of the unit (50 kg) for the resource of phosphate fertilizer up to about 69.1 SAR at the optimal use of the resource in the production of winter crops which follows the mobile sprinkler irrigation system, while up to about 131.3 SAR at the optimal use of the resource in the production of summer crops. For the resource of nitrogenous fertilizers used in the production of winter crops which follows the mobile sprinkler irrigation system, the shadow price of the unit (50 kg) up to about 295.4 SAR and up to about 68.7 SAR for the summer crops. For the labor resource used in the production of winter crops which follows the mobile sprinkler irrigation system, the shadow price of the unit (man / day) is approximately 52.3 SAR at the optimum utilization of the resource, while up to about 47.5 SAR to produce the summer crops

    Measurement and Analysis of the Stability of the Egyptian Agricultural Output Growth Rate

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    The research aims to measure and analyze the stability of the growth rate of the total Egyptian agricultural product through its three components, which are the value of plant production, the value of animal production and the value of fish production, and to determine the effects of fluctuations in agricultural production on economic growth in the Egyptian agricultural sector, in addition to estimate the impact of fluctuations in those Components besides inflation and agricultural employment on the growth rate of the Egyptian total agricultural product during the period 1987-2020. The research used the instability coefficient proposed by Cuddy-Della Valle (1978), simple correlation, simple regression, inverse roots of characteristic polynomial, cointegration test, and the fully modified ordinary OLS (FMOLS). The most important results of the FMOLS indicated that all the signs are logical and that the regression coefficients are significant. and the growth rate of the total value of agricultural output during the study period is affected by fluctuations in the growth rate of the value of plant, animal and fish production, annual inflation rate, agricultural employment, fluctuations in the growth rate of the total value of Egyptian agricultural output with a delay of one period. The volatility in the growth rate of the value of plant, animal and fish production have a significant negative impact on the growth rate of the agricultural sector, while the inflation rate and agricultural employment have a significant a positive impact on the growth rate of the agricultural. Keywords:Volatility in the value of agricultural output, Cuddy-Della Valle index, Growth rate, Inflation, Unit Root, Cointegration, FMOLS. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-24-04 Publication date: December 31st 202

    The economic efficiency analysis of some rice mills in Egypt by using DEA and SFA

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    The main aim of this paper is measuring the economic efficiency of the rice mills public sector in Egypt and comparing the best company according to the economic efficiency. This aim is achieved by estimating the economic efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). This paper is based on some unpublished secondary data which is obtained from the rice mills of the public sector in Egypt from 2003 to 2014. The paper focuses on five main companies which are Domyat and Belqas, Dakahlia, Gharbia, Behiera and Kafer El-Sheikh. The most important results are that according to the dependent variable production (Y1), there is economic efficiency in rice mills Domyat and Belqas and Kafer El-Sheikh score by 1. While in rice mills Gharbia, Dakahlia and Behiera score by 40%, 49.3%, 38% (efficiency = 0.401, 0.507, and 0.622) respectively. While according to the dependent variable sales (Y2), there is economic efficiency in rice mills Domyat and Belqas, Gharbia, Dakahlia and Kafer El-Sheikh score by 1. While Behiera rice mills has economic inefficiency score by 21% (efficiency = 0.791)

    The economic efficiency analysis of some rice mills in Egypt by using DEA and SFA

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    The main aim of this paper is measuring the economic efficiency of the rice mills public sector in Egypt and comparing the best company according to the economic efficiency. This aim is achieved by estimating the economic efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). This paper is based on some unpublished secondary data which is obtained from the rice mills of the public sector in Egypt from 2003 to 2014. The paper focuses on five main companies which are Domyat and Belqas, Dakahlia, Gharbia, Behiera and Kafer El-Sheikh. The most important results are that according to the dependent variable production (Y1), there is economic efficiency in rice mills Domyat and Belqas and Kafer El-Sheikh score by 1. While in rice mills Gharbia, Dakahlia and Behiera score by 40%, 49.3%, 38% (efficiency = 0.401, 0.507, and 0.622) respectively. While according to the dependent variable sales (Y2), there is economic efficiency in rice mills Domyat and Belqas, Gharbia, Dakahlia and Kafer El-Sheikh score by 1. While Behiera rice mills has economic inefficiency score by 21% (efficiency = 0.791)

    Trends and Decomposition Growth Analysis of the Most Important Cereal Crops in Egypt

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    This research aims to analyze the growth performance of the most important cereal crops of Egypt agriculture (wheat, rice, and maize) and the sources of the production growth of these crops during the period 1975-2017. This analysis is to implement appropriate policies that would enhance the production increase of these crops using component analysis. Based on the results of the Chow Breakpoint test, the study was divided into three periods: 1975-1986, 1987-2000 and 2001-2017, in addition to the full period 1975-2017.The results showed that the growth of wheat, rice and maize production during the study periods depends on changes in yield more than changes in area. So, the study emphasizes that the vertical expansion has a greater impact than the horizontal expansion. This is reflecting the effect of scientific research and development (R&D) on increasing cereal crops in Egypt

    تحليل العوامل للتكاليف الإنتاجية والتنبؤ بإنتاجية أهم المحاصيل الحقلية في مصر

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    The research problem is to answer the question: What are the main components of the production costs items for the most important field crops (wheat, rice, summer maize) in Egyptian agriculture? Are there changes in the area of these crops? In achieving its goals, the research relied on a descriptive and quantitative analysis method, relying on tabular and graphical presentation, percentages, engineering and mathematical averages, and growth rates, in addition to Runs Test, Factor Analysis using the major or fundamental component analysis method (PCA) for the most important Items of costs (workers’ wages, seeds, fertilizers, mechanization, other) of the field crops under study question. The research reached a number of results, including: •Wheat crop: From the test runs of the wheat crop area in the four geographical regions during the study period, it is noted that the number of courses during the study period reached two courses for the sea side, 4 courses in Middle Egypt, 6 courses for the tribal face and the total of the republic, and it is expected that the value of acre productivity in In 2024 to 20.9 million erdeb for Lower Egypt and Middle Egypt, 16.7 million erdeb for Upper Egypt, 20.7 million erdeb for the total Egypt. •Rice crop: Results of the test runs for the rice crop area in the four geographical regions during the study period. It is noted that the number of courses during the study period reached 8 courses for the sea side and the total of the republic, 11 courses in Middle Egypt, 7 courses for the tribal face, and it is expected that the value of acre productivity In the year 2024 to 3.4 million tons for Lower Egypt and the total Egypt, 3.5 million tons for Middle Egypt, 4.3 million tons for Upper Egypt. •Maize crop: Runs test for the rice crop area in the four geographical regions during the study period, from which it is noted that the number of courses during the study period reached 14 courses for Lower Egypt, 6 courses in Middle Egypt, 4 courses for Upper Egypt and the total of the Republic, and it is expected that the value of productivity will reach to 25.8 million erdeb in 2024 for Lower Egypt, 22.3 million erdeb for Middle Egypt, 17.8 million erdeb for Upper Egypt, 23.6 million erdeb for the total Egypt. تتمثل مشكلة البحث في الإجابة على التساؤلات التالية: ما هي المكونات الأساسية لبنود التكاليف الإنتاجية لأهم المحاصيل الحقلية (القمح، الأرز، الذرة الشامية الصيفية) في الزراعة المصرية؟ وهل هناك تغيرات فى المساحة لهذه المحاصيل؟ واعتمد البحث في تحقيق أهدافه على أسلوب التحليل الوصفي والكمي، معتمداً على العرض الجدولي والبياني، والنسب المئوية، والمتوسطات الحسابية والهندسية، ومعدلات النمو، بالإضافة إلى اختبار الأشواطRuns Test، تحليل العوامل Factor Analysis باستخدام طريقة تحليل المكون الرئيسي أو الأساسي Principle Component Analysis “PCA” لأهم بنود التكاليف (أجور العمال، التقاوي، الأسمدة، الميكنة، أخرى) للمحاصيل موضع البحث، وتوصل البحث إلى عدد من النتائج منها: • محصول القمح: من اختبار الأشواط لمساحة محصول القمح بالمناطق الجغرافية الثلاثة بالإضافة إلى إجمالي الجمهورية خلال فترة الدراسة، يُلاحظ أن عدد الدورات خلال فترة الدراسة بلغ دورتين للوجه البحري، 4 دورات في مصر الوسطى، 6 دورات للوجه القبلي وإجمالي الجمهورية، ومن المتوقع أن تصل قيمة الإنتاجية الفدانية في عام 2024 إلى 20.9 مليون أردب للوجه البحري ومصر الوسطى، 16.7 مليون أردب للوجه القبلي، 20.7 مليون أردب لإجمالي الجمهورية. • محصول الأرز: نتائج اختبار الأشواط لمساحة محصول الأرز بالمناطق الجغرافية الأربعة خلال فترة الدراسة، يُلاحظ أن عدد الدورات خلال فترة الدراسة بلغ 8دورات للوجه البحري وإجمالي الجمهورية، 11 دورات في مصر الوسطى، 7 دورات للوجه القبلي، ومن المتوقع أن تصل قيمة الإنتاجية الفدانية في عام 2024 إلى 3.4 مليون طن للوجه البحريوإجمالي الجمهورية، 3.5 مليون طن لمصر الوسطى، 4.3 مليون طن للوجه القبلي. • محصول الذرة الشامية: اختبار الأشواط لمساحة محصول الأرز بالمناطق الجغرافية الأربعة خلال فترة الدراسة، ومنها يُلاحظ أن عدد الدورات خلال فترة الدراسة بلغ 14 دورة للوجه البحري، 6 دورات في مصر الوسطى، 4 دورات للوجه القبلي وإجمالي الجمهورية، ومن المتوقع أن تصل قيمة الإنتاجية الفدانية في عام 2024 إلى 25.8 مليون أردب للوجه البحري، 22.3 مليون أردب لمصر الوسطى، 17.8 مليون أردب للوجه القبلي، 23.6 مليون أردب لإجمالي الجمهورية. الكلمات الدليلية: تحليل العوامل Factor Analysis، اختبار الأشواط Runs Test، التنبؤ، الإنتاجية