2 research outputs found
Three principles for the progress of immersive technologies in healthcare training and education
- Author
- Ahmed Kamran
- Ahmed Shafi
- Anderton Leisa K.
- Arnab Sylvester
- Awais Muhammad
- Badger Julia R.
- Bajwa Khyldoon S.
- Baraas Rigmor C.
- Benn Jonathan
- Bernabe Rosemarie D.L.C.
- Betmouni Samar
- Biyani Chandra S.
- Bolton William S.
- Brookes Jack
- Buckingham Gavin
- Christian Mark
- Coates Rachel O.
- Corcoran Roisin P.
- Cosentino Francesco
- Cowie Dorothy
- Cukurova Mutlu
- Culmer Peter
- Davidson Cara A.
- Dubey Venketesh N.
- El Shehaly Mai
- Fleming Simon
- Friedland Richard
- Frith Gareth S.
- Garcia Linda
- Gibbs Austin
- Glennerster Andrew
- Goss Stephen P.
- Harris David J.
- Hiley Katherine E.
- Hill Liam J.B.
- Holmes Marc
- Holt Raymond
- Jackson Andrew E.
- Jung Timothy H.
- Kapur Narinder
- Karim Jamila S.
- Kashani Rashid M.
- Keeling Andrew J.
- Kerrin Maire T.
- Knowles-Lee Mark
- Lewington Andrew
- Lodge J. Peter A.
- Logeswaran Abison
- Loizou Michael
- Luckin Rosemary
- Mathew Ryan K.
- McDonnel Neil
- McKendrick Mel
- McLeod Graeme
- Mir Rohana
- Mitchell Andrew R.J.
- Mon-Williams Mark A.
- Morehead J. Ryan
- Munsch Chris
- Mushtaq Faisal
- Nestel Debra
- Newbery-Jones Craig J.
- Osnes Cecilie
- Pears Mathew J.
- Peebles David
- Philpott Carl
- Pike Thomas W.
- Price Richard
- Racy Malek
- Ralph Neil
- Roberts Trudie
- Rossit Stephanie
- Sabir Fatima R.N.
- Saleh George M.
- Sevdalis Nick
- Sheppard William E.A.
- Shiralkar Uttam
- Songhurst Mark T.
- Spearpoint Ken
- Thompson Rebecca
- Tomlinson James
- Vine Sam J.
- Watts Sam
- West Alex
- Wilkie Richard M.
- Williams Rachel A.
- Wilson Mark
- Yiasemidou Marina
- Young William R.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- 25/05/2021
- Field of study
Three principles for the progress of immersive technologies in healthcare training and education
- Author
- Ahmed K
- Ahmed S
- Anderton LK
- Arnab S
- Awais M
- Badger JR
- Bajwa KS
- Baraas RC
- Benn J
- Bernabe RDLC
- Betmouni S
- Biyani CS
- Bolton WS
- Brookes J
- Buckingham G
- Christian M
- Coates RO
- Corcoran RP
- Cosentino F
- Cowie D
- Cukurova M
- Culmer P
- Davidson CA
- Dubey VN
- El Shehaly M
- Fleming S
- Friedland R
- Frith GS
- Garcia L
- Gibbs A
- Glennerster A
- Goss SP
- Harris DJ
- Hiley KE
- Hill LJB
- Holmes M
- Holt R
- Jackson AE
- Jung TH
- Kapur N
- Karim JS
- Kashani RM
- Keeling AJ
- Kerrin MT
- Knowles-Lee M
- Lewington A
- Lodge JPA
- Logeswaran A
- Loizou M
- Luckin R
- Mathew RK
- McDonnel N
- McKendrick M
- McLeod G
- Mir R
- Mitchell ARJ
- Mon-Williams MA
- Morehead JR
- Munsch C
- Mushtaq F
- Nestel D
- Newbery-Jones CJ
- Osnes C
- Pears MJ
- Peebles D
- Philpott C
- Pike TW
- Price R
- Racy M
- Ralph N
- Roberts T
- Rossit S
- Sabir FRN
- Saleh GM
- Sevdalis N
- Sheppard WEA
- Shiralkar U
- Songhurst MT
- Spearpoint K
- Thompson R
- Tomlinson J
- Vine SJ
- Watts S
- West A
- Wilkie RM
- Williams RA
- Wilson M
- Yiasemidou M
- Young WR
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- 25/05/2021
- Field of study