26 research outputs found
Communautés végétales et faciÚs pastoraux dans la zone de Taourirt-Tafoughalt du Maroc oriental: écologie et inventaire floristique.
LâĂ©tude a Ă©tĂ© entreprise durant lâannĂ©e 2009 dans la zone «Taourirt-Tafoughalt» situeĂ© Ă lâOuest du Maroc oriental. Elle tente dâinventorier la vĂ©gĂ©tation naturelle et de la caractĂ©riser en terme Ă©cologique tout en mettant en relief lâimportance des conditions du milieu. La mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e consiste Ă dĂ©terminer la composition floristique des espĂšces et Ă dĂ©finir lâĂ©tat Ă©cologique de la vĂ©gĂ©tation moyennant des relevĂ©s phyto-Ă©cologiques. Les analyses statistiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es Ă lâaide de lâAnalyse Factorielle des Correspondances (AFC). Les principaux rĂ©sultats montrent lâexistence de cinq principales formations vĂ©gĂ©tales: (i) forĂȘts, matorrals et steppes arborĂ©es, (ii) steppe Ă Stipa tenacissima, (iii) steppes dĂ©gradĂ©es mixtes, (iv) steppes dĂ©gradĂ©es Ă base dâAnabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Asphodelus microcarpus et Thymelaea microphylla, et (v) steppes trĂšs localisĂ©es Ă psammophytes (Lygeum spartum et Thymelaea microphylla) et Ă gypso-halophytes (Salsola vermiculata et Atriplex halimus). Par ailleurs, la composition botanique dominante tĂ©moigne, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, dâune tendance vers une rĂ©gression qualitative importante du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. La plupart des formations sont constituĂ©es dâespĂšces indicatrices de dĂ©gradation avancĂ©e: Noaea mucronata, Asphodelus microcarpus, Thymelaea microphylla, Launaea acanthoclada, Anabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Urginea maritima, Lygeum spartum. La couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale, en dehors des forĂȘts et des steppes alfatiĂšres, est trĂšs faible (<15%). La pluviositĂ©, la lithologie (charge caillouteuse), la gĂ©omorphologie (gĂ©ologie, pente, topographie, exposition), le type de sols et lâinfluence anthropique, restent les principales variables qui dĂ©terminent la rĂ©partition des groupements vĂ©gĂ©taux. La texture du sol conditionne particuliĂšrement les groupements de situations extrĂȘmes, tels que les psammophytes et gypso-halophytes. Lâexamen phyto-sociologique nâa concernĂ© que les formations dominĂ©es par Stipa tenacissima. Cet examen montre des affinitĂ©s entre faciĂšs pastoraux et formations, exprimĂ©es par lâexistence dâespĂšces communes
Water productivity improvement of cereals and foods legumes in the Atbara Basin of Eritrea
The project âWater Productivity Improvement of Cereals and Food Legumes in the Atbara Basin of Eritreaâ is an example of organization and implementation of farmersâ participatory research, conducted utilizing the available indigenous knowledge while empowering farming communities. Farmers have been partners in technology development with extension and research, with full decision-making power in planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
The project produced, in partnership with farmers, new varieties of cereals and food legumes which have proven farmer acceptability; established seed systems which supply farmers with quality seed in a sustainable manner; enhanced farmersâ skills in participatory research and in community based seed production; strengthened the capacity of National Institutions to carry out participatory research and technology transfer, and strengthened linkages between research, seed, and extension departments by working together in cooperation with farmers and farmersâ communities.
Working conditions, during the course of the project were not always easy and became challenging towards the end of the project, but to work with farmers and learn from them has been an extremely rewarding experience
Integrated Ugi-Based Assembly of Functionally, Skeletally, and Stereochemically Diverse 1,4-Benzodiazepin-2-ones
A practical, integrated and versatile U-4CR-based assembly of 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones exhibiting functionally, skeletally, and stereochemically diverse substitution patterns is described. By virtue of its convergence, atom economy, and bond-forming efficiency, the methodology documented herein exemplifies the reconciliation of structural complexity and experimental simplicity in the context of medicinal chemistry projects.This work was financially supported by the Galician Government (Spain), Projects: 09CSA016234PR and GPC-2014-PG037. J.A. thanks FUNDAYACUCHO (Venezuela) for a predoctoral grant and DeputacioÌn da CorunÌa (Spain) for a postdoctoral research grant. A.N.-V. thanks the Spanish government for a RamoÌn y Cajal research contract
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Response of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Em. Thell) to nitrogen and chloride fertilization in the presence of take-all root rot (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici Walker)
Response from nitrogen and chloride fertilization was measured
in field experiments on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Em.
Thell. var. 'Stephens' and 'Yamhill') grown in western Oregon in an
environment with a range of susceptibility to take-all root rot
(Gaumannomyces graminis var. tritici Walker). Cropping sequences
and expected disease severity considered in the study were: first
year wheat after clover (low risk of severe take-all root rot:
Nixon I experiment), second year wheat with high disease infection
in the previous crop (high risk of severe take-all root rot: Keyt
II experiment), second year wheat with low disease infection in the
previous crop (moderate risk of severe take-all root rot: Nixon II
and Coon experiment), third year wheat (high risk of severe take-all root rot: Jones experiment), fifth year wheat (high risk of
severe take-all root rot: Keyt II experiment), and eighteenth year
wheat (take-all decline established: the pathogen is present in the
soil but does not cause damage, Evers experiment). Nitrogen
treatments were applied at 0, 67, 134, and 202 kg/ha in all experiments where wheat followed wheat and at 0, 45, 90, and 134
kg/ha in the experiment where wheat followed clover. Chloride
treatments were applied at 0, 45, and 90 kg/ha in all experiments
and a rate of 134 kg C1/ha was also used on the Jones experiment.
Nitrogen was predominantly supplied from urea while ammonium
chloride supplied chloride and ammonium sulfate supplied the crop
requirement for sulfur (about 20 kg/ha). Fertilizers were top-dressed
in split application with chloride and sulfur containing
fertilizers applied first (February) and urea applied later (March)
in all experiments but those conducted in the Nixon farm where a
single fertilizer was applied in March. Crop response was measured
through the effects of N and c1 treatments on dry matter production, plant nitrogen content, plant nitrogen uptake and plant
percent nitrogen recovery, as well as grain yield, yield
components, grain nitrogen content, grain protein content, grain
nitrogen uptake, and grain percent nitrogen recovery.
The results of the study strongly indicated that take-all root
rot was only a problem in the Jones, Keyt I, and Keyt II experiments and was most severe in third year wheat (Jones experiment).
This also was the only experiment with significant (p = 0.05)
response from rates of 202 kg N/ha.
Nitrogen fertilization was the main factor that greatly
influenced the levels of the variables studied while chloride
fertilization generally did not have a significant (p = 0.05)
influence. 134 kg N/ha was generally the rate accounting for the best levels of each variable studied in all experiments except in
the Jones experiment as precised earlier.
Crop response was also affected by a relatively long 'dry'
period (April 20th to June 20th), particularly in the experiment
where take-all root rot was a problem.
Levels of the variables studied accounted for by the optimum
rates of N were consistently higher in the experiments where take-all root rot was not a problem than where it was a problem by the
following amounts: dry matter yields-17%, plant nitrogen contents-18%, plant nitrogen uptake levels-30%, plant nitrogen recoveries-28%, grain yields-22%, grain nitrogen contents-only 4%, grain
protein contents-only 2%, grain nitrogen uptake levels-26%, grain
nitrogen recoveries-18%, and spikes/mÂČ-24%
Communautés végétales et faciÚs pastoraux dans la zone de Taourirt-Tafoughalt du Maroc oriental: écologie et inventaire floristique. Vegetation and pasturelands in Taourirt-Tafoughalt (Eastern Morocco): ecology and flora
Français. LâĂ©tude a Ă©tĂ© entreprise durant lâannĂ©e 2009 dans la zone «Taourirt-Tafoughalt» situeĂ© Ă lâOuest du Maroc oriental. Elle tente dâinventorier la vĂ©gĂ©tation naturelle et de la caractĂ©riser en terme Ă©cologique tout en mettant en relief lâimportance des conditions du milieu. La mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e consiste Ă dĂ©terminer la composition floristique des espĂšces et Ă dĂ©finir lâĂ©tat Ă©cologique de la vĂ©gĂ©tation moyennant des relevĂ©s phyto-Ă©cologiques. Les analyses statistiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es Ă lâaide de lâAnalyse Factorielle des Correspondances (AFC). Les principaux rĂ©sultats montrent lâexistence de cinq principales formations vĂ©gĂ©tales: (i) forĂȘts, matorrals et steppes arborĂ©es, (ii) steppe Ă Stipa tenacissima, (iii) steppes dĂ©gradĂ©es mixtes, (iv) steppes dĂ©gradĂ©es Ă base dâAnabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Asphodelus microcarpus et Thymelaea microphylla, et (v) steppes trĂšs localisĂ©es Ă psammophytes (Lygeum spartum et Thymelaea microphylla) et Ă gypso-halophytes (Salsola vermiculata et Atriplex halimus). Par ailleurs, la composition botanique dominante tĂ©moigne, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, dâune tendance vers une rĂ©gression qualitative importante du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. La plupart des formations sont constituĂ©es dâespĂšces indicatrices de dĂ©gradation avancĂ©e: Noaea mucronata, Asphodelus microcarpus, Thymelaea microphylla, Launaea acanthoclada, Anabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Urginea maritima, Lygeum spartum. La couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale, en dehors des forĂȘts et des steppes alfatiĂšres, est trĂšs faible (<15%). La pluviositĂ©, la lithologie (charge caillouteuse), la gĂ©omorphologie (gĂ©ologie, pente, topographie, exposition), le type de sols et lâinfluence anthropique, restent les principales variables qui dĂ©terminent la rĂ©partition des groupements vĂ©gĂ©taux. La texture du sol conditionne particuliĂšrement les groupements de situations extrĂȘmes, tels que les psammophytes et gypso-halophytes. Lâexamen phyto-sociologique nâa concernĂ© que les formations dominĂ©es par Stipa tenacissima. Cet examen montre des affinitĂ©s entre faciĂšs pastoraux et formations, exprimĂ©es par lâexistence dâespĂšces communes.English. The study was undertaken during 2009 in the âTaourirt-Tafoughaltâ zone located west of the Eastern Recibido el 30 de julio de 2010, aceptado para su publicaciĂłn el 3 de mayo de 2011 126 M. Acherkouk et al.. INTRODUCTION Le Maroc fait partie du bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en qui se compte parmi les rĂ©gions du monde les plus riches en terme de biodiversitĂ© faunistique et floristique. En effet, Myers et al. (2000) considĂšrent que les pays mĂ©diterranĂ©ens dĂ©tiennent presque 4,5% de la flore mondiale. Or, ce patrimoine vĂ©gĂ©tal est actuellement menacĂ© de dĂ©gradation suite Ă la conjugaison de plusieurs facteurs naturels (surtout les sĂ©cheresses rĂ©currentes et lâariditĂ© climatique) et anthropiques, dont notamment le surpĂąturage. Cette situation de dynamique rĂ©gressive de la vĂ©gĂ©tation naturelle a poussĂ© plusieurs auteurs Ă tirer la sonnette dâalarme sur le risque, de plus en plus Ă©levĂ©, de dĂ©perdition floristique. DâoĂč, la nĂ©cessitĂ© de protĂ©ger le couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal naturel, surtout en zones arides, et dâen Ă©valuer lâimpact environnemental et le coĂ»t Ă©conomique (Matthew et al., 2006 et Kalpana et al., 2007). Dâailleurs, cette protection ou rĂ©habilitation de la vĂ©gĂ©tation dans les terrains de pĂąturage doit ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e dans le cadre dâune approche systĂ©mique et globale (Rahmi et al., 2000). Elle peut permettre, via certaines techniques (mises en repos et collecte des eaux pluviales), la restauration du tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal naturel, lâamĂ©lioration de la couverture du sol par plusieurs espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales et lâaugmentation de la phytomasse (Acherkouk et MaĂątougui, 2008). Dans le Maroc oriental, les pĂąturages sont actuellement sujets Ă un processus de dĂ©gradation continu et alarmant (Bounejmate et El Mourid, 2001; Acherkouk et al., 2005; MaĂątougui et al., 2006). Le pĂąturage anarchique et irrationnel en reste lâune des principales causes anthropiques (Dutilly-Diane et al., 2007). Le prĂ©sent article Ă©mane de lâĂ©tude effectuĂ©e dans la zone Taourirt-Tafoughalt. Le choix de cette zone revient Ă la nĂ©cessitĂ© de conduire des Ă©tudes dâinventaire, de suivi et dâĂ©valuation dâimpact sur le couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal naturel qui a profitĂ© de plusieurs actions dâamĂ©nagement pastoral dans le cadre du projet de dĂ©veloppement rural Taourirt-Tafoughalt entre 1999 et 2009. Objectifs: Cette investigation tente dâinventorier la vĂ©gĂ©tation de la zone de Taourirt-Tafoughalt et de diagnostiquer son Ă©tat de dĂ©gradation en tenant compte des variables Morocco. The objectives are natural vegetation inventory and ecological characterization in relation to the environmental conditions. The methodology is based primarily on determining the floristic composition and the ecological state of the vegetation upon phyto-ecological surveys. Statistical analysis were performed using the Correspondence Analysis (CA). The main results show the existence of five major plant formations: (i) forests, matorral and forest-steppes, (ii) Stipa tenacissima steppe, (iii) degraded mixed steppes, (iv) degraded steppes based Anabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Asphodelus microcarpus and Thymelaea microphylla (v) scattered steppe based Lygeum spartum, Thymelaea microphylla, Atriplex halimus and Salsola vermiculata. Furthermore, the dominant floristical composition reflects, in general, a trend towards a significant qualitative regression of vegetation. Most of the species are indicative of advanced degradation: Noaea mucronata, Asphodelus microcarpus, Thymelaea microphylla, Launaea acanthoclada, Anabasis aphylla, Peganum harmala, Urginea maritima, Lygeum spartum. Vegetation cover outside forests and Stipa tenacissima steppes is very low (<15%). Rainfall, lithology (gravel load), geomorphology (geology, slope, topography and exposure), soil type and human influence are the main variables that determine the distribution of plant communities in this zone. Soil texture determines particular groups of extreme situations, such as gypsum and psammophytes and-halophytes. The phytosociological analysis, applied only on the Stipa tenacissima formation, shows floristical affinities between pastoral facies and formations, expressed by the existence of common species
Multicomponent Assembly of Diverse Pyrazin-2(1<i>H</i>)âone Chemotypes
An expedient and
concise Ugi-based approach for the rapid assembly
of pyrazin-2Â(1<i>H</i>)-one-based frameworks has been developed.
This convergent approach encompasses skeletal, functional and stereochemical
diversity, exhibiting an unusually high bond-forming efficiency as
well as high structure and step economies. The method involves the
use of readily available commercial reagents and is an example of
the reconciliation of structural complexity with operational simplicity
in a time- and cost-effective manner
Multicomponent Assembly of Diverse Pyrazin-2(1<i>H</i>)âone Chemotypes
An expedient and
concise Ugi-based approach for the rapid assembly
of pyrazin-2Â(1<i>H</i>)-one-based frameworks has been developed.
This convergent approach encompasses skeletal, functional and stereochemical
diversity, exhibiting an unusually high bond-forming efficiency as
well as high structure and step economies. The method involves the
use of readily available commercial reagents and is an example of
the reconciliation of structural complexity with operational simplicity
in a time- and cost-effective manner
Three-Component Assembly of Structurally Diverse 2âAminopyrimidine-5-carbonitriles
expedient route for the synthesis of libraries of diversely
decorated 2-aminopyrimidine-5-carbonitriles is reported. This approach
is based on a three-component reaction followed by spontaneous aromatization