11 research outputs found

    Qualité microbiologique des fromages artisanaux fabriqués au lait cru en Région wallonne

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    Microbiological quality of craft raw milk cheeses produced in Wallonia. The main objective of this study was to evaluatethe bacteriological quality of raw milk cheeses produced in the southern part of Belgium (Wallonia) and to compare withsamples coming from other European countries. Results from bacteriological analyses of 153 cheese samples have beencompared with regard to food microbial standards (92/46 EC Directive). It can be concluded from this work that 69% of thesamples may be considered as acceptable, while 31% showed coliforms and Staplylococcus aureus counts exceeding thestandard values. As far as pathogens were concerned, 0.7% and 7.2% of the samples have were found unsatifactory with thecriteria related to Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, respectively. Enterobacteriaceae contamination has also beenevaluated and demonstrated an average log count of about 3.78 cfu/g. Cheeses produced from ewe milk showed anoutstanding microbiological quality since all samples turned out to be acceptable regarding the S. aureus counts and devoidof Salmonella and L. monocytogenes contamination. Although no seasonal effect on the bacteriological quality could beobserved, the microbial quality decreased after the production stage, i.e. mainly during the storage and the distribution.Cheese made by small producers seems to be better than those originating from industrial enterprises. By comparing theseresults with those obtained on cheese samples produced in some other European countries, it appears that the mean qualitylevel of Walloon raw milk cheeses is quite satifactory