1 research outputs found

    Internalisation of machismo values in women of different cultural identities

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    [ES] El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las actitudes machistas internalizadas por mujeres de diferentes identidades culturales en funci贸n de su edad, nivel educativo, religi贸n y nivel de desarrollo humano del pa铆s de origen de las participantes. La muestra est谩 integrada por 592 mujeres de entre 13 y 63 a帽os (M = 21.94, DT = 7.855). Se ha comprobado que existen diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en las actitudes machistas seg煤n el nivel de desarrollo humano del pa铆s de origen, el nivel educativo y la religi贸n. Se concluye que hay una internalizaci贸n de los valores machistas por parte de las mujeres debido a influencias de sus creencias religiosas, por su nivel educativo y por el desarrollo de su pa铆s de origen.[EN] The aim of this study is to analyze the machista attitudes internalized by women of different cultural identities according to their age, educational level, religion and level of human development in the participants' country of origin. The research sample consisted of 592 women between 13 and 63 years of age (M= 21.94, SD= 7.855). It has been verified that are statiscally significant differences in macho attitudes according to the level oh human development ofthe country of origin, educational leven and religi贸n. It is concluded that there is an internalization of macho values by women due to influences of their religious beliefs, by their educational level and by the development of their country of origin