86 research outputs found

    Mandibular cortical width measurement based on dental panoramic radiographs with computer-aided system

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    The paper presents a method of the determining a mandibular cortical width on dental panoramic radiographs. Cortical width of lower border of mandible may potentially be associated with recognition of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. An algorithm to perform a semiautomatic cortical width measurement in a given region of interest was developed. The algorithm is based on separate extraction of lower and upper boundaries of cortical bone. Results of boundaries extraction performed on 34 panoramic radiographs of healthy and osteoporotic individuals are presented, together with automatic measurements of particular distances. They were compared with results of hand-made measurements done by two maxillofacial radiologists. Presented algorithm may potentially be useful for screening patients with osteoporosis

    In situ analysis of usefulness of strontium-fluoride toothpaste for enamel remineralization

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    Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the usefulness of an experimental fluoride toothpaste supplemented with Sr2+ for enamel remineralization. Material and methods. Two experimental groups comprised volunteers aged 20–30 years who had all the oral cavity sanation procedures carried out and all the primary and secondary caries lesions filled before undergoing investigations. The material included twenty healthy premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons due to their abnormal position in the arch or to teeth crowding in 12–14 year old children. The teeth were sectioned into blocks and artificially demineralized. The samples were placed in the oral cavity on the buccal surfaces of the first molar teeth of volunteers who used toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043-, F- (group I), toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043-, F-, Sr2+ (group II) and control toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043- (Hydroxyapatite-HAP). The content of calcium and phosphorus was analyzed on the lateral walls of the enamel lesions, at preselected depths of 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m, by using EDS microanalysis. Results. After three months, the content of calcium in both studied groups was significantly lower at 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m of enamel depth than at the baseline (immediately after enamel demineralization). After six months, the content of calcium was lower only at 15 Î1m in both groups. At 100 Î1m of depth the calcium content was significantly higher in group II and the reference group (HAP). After three months the phosphorus content was significantly lower in group II at 15 Î1m. After six months the content of phosphorous was significantly higher in group II at 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m of enamel depth. Conclusion. The results suggest that supplementation of fluoride toothpaste with strontium improved the effect of enamel remineralization

    Evaluation of temporomandibular joints after orthognathic surgery – the anamnestic and clinical index according to Helkimo

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    Introduction. Skeletal disorders require orthodontic preparation as part of the process of combined surgical and orthodontic treatment planning. The displacement of condylar head to glenoid fossa or to the articulating disc as well as changes in the muscular function can occur as a result of the treatment of morphological disorders. Such displacements and rotations of the condylar long axis can lead to temporomandibular dysfunction. Aim. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of orthognathic surgery on the temporomandibular function on the basis of the anamnestic and clinical dysfunction index according to Helkimo performed before and after surgical treatment of mandibular prognathism. Material and methods. The material included 20 patients with diagnosed skeletal class III malocclusion. The following examinations were conducted in all patients prior to and 3–6 months after the orthognathic surgery: a subjective examination – anamnesis including the anamnestic index according to Helkimo (Ai); and an objective examination – examination chart and clinical dysfunction index according to Helkimo (Di). Results. The number of individuals without subjective masticatory dysfunction symptoms (anamnestic index according to Helkimo) significantly increased to 14 after the surgery. However, the evaluation of moderate and severe subjective symptoms in the studied group showed no statistically significant changes before and after the operation. Mild symptoms (Di-I) of the clinical dysfunction index according to Helkimo were the most frequent in patients before and after surgical treatment. The number of patients with moderate symptoms (Di-II) decreased after the operation. Conclusions. The clinical dysfunction index according to Helkimo cannot be assessed on the basis of the anamnestic index

    Association between Levels of IgA Antibodies to Tissue Transglutaminase and Gliadin-Related Nonapeptides in Dermatitis Herpetiformis

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    Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an autoimmunity-driven inflammatory blistering dermatosis associated with a gluten-dependent enteropathy. Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and nonapeptides of gliadin (npG) are considered in its pathomechanism/diagnostics. Here, the diagnostic accuracy of anti-tTG/anti-npG IgA ELISAs in Slavic DH patients with active skin rash was assessed through creating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, determining cutoff values, and calculating correlations between levels of anti-tTG/anti-npG IgA in DH, IgA/neutrophil-mediated non-DH patients and healthy persons. Altogether, sera from 80 Slavic individuals were examined. There were negligible differences between cutoff points obtained by the ELISAs manufacturer and those in this study. There were statistically significant correlations between levels of anti-tTG/anti-npG IgA in both DH group and the group of IgA/neutrophil-mediated non-DH dermatoses. There was no such correlation in healthy controls. It seems that IgA autoantibodies to tTG and npG in the IgA/neutrophil-mediated DH are produced in the coordinated way implying their causal relationship

    A quantitative analysis of the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin in mesangioproliferative (GnMes) glomerulonephritis

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    The aim of the study was to quantitatively assess the expression of alpha-SMA in the renal interstitium in GnMes cases. Two image analysis approaches (in grey scale and in spatial colour images) were used to determine correctly the presence of the reaction. In spatial evaluation, the mean area fraction of a-SMA in the renal interstitium was 3.63% ± 1.29%, while the results obtained from traditional quantitative method based on grey scale images were biased and too low

    Polysaccharides and mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) expression in gallbladder mucosa of young patients with gallstones as evaluated by spatial visualization and quantification.

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    The study aimed at examination of tissue expression of polysaccharides and secretory mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) in young patients (up to 25 years of age) with a symptomatic gallstones. For comparison, patients most frequently subjected to cholecystectomy were studied, i.e. patients of approximately 50 years of age with the same diagnosis. In quantitative studies on tissue expression of both mucus components, the modern technique of spatial visualization was applied for the first time. Application of the technique permitted to demonstrate significant positive relationships between expression of glycoproteins (immunocytochemical ABC technique for detection of MUC5AC) and expression of sugar components in mucus (PAS technique) and to confirm suitability of the technique for quantitative appraisal of both histochemical and immunocytochemical reactions. An even higher expression of polysaccharides in the entire mucosa and of MUC5AC was detected in gallbladder epithelium of 50-year-old patients, as compared to young patients with symptomatic gallstones. In the young patients, expression of polysaccharides correlated with inflammatory activity (grading), width of gallbladder wall and PLT level in peripheral blood. A significantly higher expression of polysaccharides in gallbladder epithelium was demonstrated in young patients admitted in the emergency mode to the hospital. These correlations in young patients may suggest a role of both mucus components in pathogenesis of cholelithiasis in this age group. A quantitative appraisal of mucus component expression in the two parts of gallbladder mucosa (epithelium vs. entire mucosa) using spatial visualization technique permitted to more accurately compare production of glycoproteins and of polysaccharides in patients with cholelithiasis and to demonstrate additional correlations of a potential clinical significance

    miR-125b-5p impacts extracellular vesicle biogenesis, trafficking, and EV subpopulation release in the porcine trophoblast by regulating ESCRT-dependent pathway

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    Abstract Intercellular communication is a critical process that ensures cooperation between distinct cell types at the embryo–maternal interface. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are considered to be potent mediators of this communication by transferring biological information in their cargo (e.g., miRNAs) to the recipient cells. miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that affect the function and fate of neighboring and distant cells by regulating gene expression. Focusing on the maternal side of the dialog, we recently revealed the impact of embryonic signals, including miRNAs, on EV-mediated cell-to-cell communication. In this study, we show the regulatory mechanism of the miR-125b-5p ESCRT-mediated EV biogenesis pathway and the further secretion of EVs by trophoblasts at the time when the crucial steps of implantation are taking place. To test the ability of miR-125b-5p to influence the expression of genes involved in the generation and release of EV subpopulations in porcine conceptuses, we used an ex vivo approach. Next, in silico and in vitro analyses were performed to confirm miRNA–mRNA interactions. Finally, EV trafficking and release were assessed using several imaging and particle analysis tools. Our results indicated that conceptus development and implantation are accompanied by changes in the abundance of EV biogenesis and trafficking machinery. ESCRT-dependent EV biogenesis and the further secretion of EVs were modulated by miR-125b-5p, specifically impacting the ESCRT-II complex (via VPS36) and EV trafficking in primary porcine trophoblast cells. The identified miRNA–ESCRT interplay led to the generation and secretion of specific subpopulations of EVs. miRNA present at the embryo–maternal interface governs EV-mediated communication between the mother and the developing conceptus, leading to the generation, trafficking, and release of characteristic subpopulations of EVs

    Achieving Motor Development Milestones at the Age of Three Months May Determine, but Does Not Guarantee, Proper Further Development

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    Proper motor performance at 3rd month is necessary for further motor development. The paper aims to demonstrate the reliability, sensitivity, and predictive value of an original motor performance assessment tool in comparison with the neurological assessment at 3, 6, and 9 months. Children (n=123), born at term without pre- or perinatal complications, born at term with pre- or perinatal complications, or born preterm, were assessed at the age of 3, 6, and 9 months, by a neurologist and a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist evaluated 15 qualitative features typical for the age of 3 months in the prone and supine positions. The final neurological assessment determined the degree of developmental disorder. Neurological and global physiotherapeutic assessments showed a statistically significant correlation. Qualitative assessment results were very good in healthy children and decreased with worsening neurological diagnoses. Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy did not show proper qualitative features of 3 months when analyzed at 3, 6, and 9 months. Children with delayed motor development revealed minor qualitative performance impairments as early as 3 months but improved with age. Qualitative assessment at 3 months not only facilitates diagnosis of major developmental disorders but is also a good predictor of delayed motor development in children

    Expression of pattern recognition receptors in liver biopsy specimens of children chronically infected with HBV and HCV

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    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) constitute a pivotal arm of innate immunity. Their distribution is widespread and not limited to cells of the immune system. Following our previous findings concerning the expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3 and 4 in chronic viral hepatitis C of children, we wished to search for other PRRs, including other TLRs, NOD-like receptors (NLRs) and RIG-1-like helicase receptors (RLR) in infected hepatocytes. Liver biopsy fragments from ten children with chronic hepatitis B and C were used and two others in which hepatotropic virus infection was excluded. Frozen sections of liver samples were subjected to ABC immunohistochemistry (IHC) following incubation with a set of antibodies. Results of IHC findings were screened for correlation with clinical/laboratory data of patients. It was found that several PRRs could be shown in affected hepatocytes, but the incidence was higher in hepatitis C than in B. In hepatitis C, TLR1, 2, 4, NALP and RIG-1 helicase showed the most marked expression. In hepatitis B, TLR1, 3, 9, NOD1 and NALP expression were the most conspicuous. Expression PRRs in liver from hepatitis of unknown origin was much lower. It was also the case in cytospins from human hepatoma cell line. Several correlations between PRRs expression and clinical findings in patients could be shown by statistical exploration. In conclusion, this data suggests some role for PRRs in the pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 410–416

    Sexual activity among young women. Medical and legal aspects

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    Objectives: Two main aims of the study were: (1) to examine whether age of sexual debut and patterns of sexual behavior have changed over the past decades among young Polish women and (2) to consider the medical and legal aspects regarding juvenile patients who are sexually active. Materials and methods: Two hundred women, born within two consecutive decades (1975-1995) in the Wielkopolska region (Poland) were asked to fill in a questionnaire concerning the following: age at sexual initiation and the contraceptive method used at the time, preferred forms of sexual activity, current contraceptive methods. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 9.0 software [StatSoft]. Statistical evaluation was based on the chisquare test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: The average age of sexual initiation decreased significantly between the two studied cohorts of women and ranged from 18.9 for women born between 1975 and 1984 (cohort I) and 17.6 for women born between 1985 and 1995 (cohort II), regardless of the place of residence. The percentage of women who had their first sexual intercourse by the age of 15 years was 0 % in cohort I and 8.2% in cohort II. Other characteristics of sexual activity were similar across the studied cohorts of women. Condom use during the first sexual intercourse was the preferred form of contraception (59.2%). 65% women have reported current contraceptive use. As for the preferred type of intercourse, all women (100%) chose vaginal sex. The most frequent number of sexual intercourses per month was 7 or more (41.7%). Conclusions: The age of sexual debut among Polish women has decreased significantly over the last decades. Premature initiation is believed to increase the risk of unplanned pregnancy, STDs and emotional stress. Polish medical and legal circles lack unequivocal stand on how to deal with juvenile patients who are sexually active, expect to receive advice from a gynecologist, a gynecologic examination and prescribed contraceptives