17 research outputs found

    Nutritional and Biological Value of Five Edible Flower Species

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    The introduction of edible flowers into our menu and their consumption significantly increases as a result of decorative, taste or aroma qualities. Current research on the chemical composition of edible flowers indicates a high content of vitamins, mineral compounds, essential oils, fibre, mucilage and other compounds characterized by a very high antioxidant activity. The aim of the experiment was to compare the nutritional value and antioxidant activity of three annual and two perennial ornamental plant species with edible flowers: Mimulus x hybridus L. ‘Magic Yellow’ and ‘Magic Red’, Antirrhinum majus L. ‘Cavalier’, Dianthus chinensis L. ‘Chianti’, Hemerocallis x hybrida Hort. and Monarda didyma L. Among the edible flower species compared in the study, M. didyma L. showed the highest nutritional value and antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS). While flowers of D. chinensis L. ‘Chianti’ were characterized by highest content of antioxidants such as L-ascorbic acid, total anthocyanins, total polyphenols and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), H. × hybrida and A.  majus L. ‘Cavalier’ flowers – by the highest content of total soluble sugars and sugar/acid ratio, and M. × hybridus L. ‘Magic Red’ and ‘Magic Yellow’ – by the highest content of total carotenoids

    Prognostic impact of combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile in childhood acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background: The role of cellular drug resistance in childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has not yet been established. The aim of the study was the analysis of the clinical value of ex vivo drug resistance in pediatric AML. Patients and Methods: A cohort of 90 children with de novo AML were assayed for drug resistance profile by the 3-4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-difenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and prognostic model of in vitro drug sensitivity was analyzed. Results: Children who relapsed during follow-up showed higher in vitro resistance of leukemic blasts to most of the drugs tested, except for cytarabine, cladribine, vincristine, mercaptopurine and thioguanine. A combined in vitro drug resistance profile to fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone (FTM score) was defined and it had an independent prognostic significance for disease free survival in pediatric AML. Conclusion: The combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile to possibly may be used for better stratification of children with AML or indicate the necessity for additional therapy

    Wykorzystanie metod cytogenetycznych i molekularnych w ocenie statusu genetycznego oraz przebieg leczenia u pacjenta z rzadką dziecięcą postacią ALL spowodowaną translokacją t(9;10)(q34;q22)

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    Badania cytogenetyczne są niezbędne w ocenie czynników rokowniczych w ostrej białaczce limfoblastycznej (ALL) u dzieci. Głównymi niekorzystnymi czynnikami rokowniczymi są: translokacja t(9;22) prowadząca do fuzji genów oraz translokacje chromosomu 11 w prążku 11q23, warunkujące rearanżację genu . Gen może tworzyć fuzję z kilkoma innymi genami, prowadząc do profilu ekspresji zbliżonego do obserwowanego w Ph(+) ALL. Przypadki ALL z takimi fuzjami genetycznymi zostały zakwalifikowane do nowego podtypu określanego jako . W pracy przedstawiamy rolę badań cytogenetycznych i molekularnych w terapii 14-miesięcznego chłopca z rozpoznaniem common ALL. Podczas diagnostyki ALL za pomocą badania FISH wykluczono fuzję genów i rearanżację genu . Stwierdzono natomiast obecność trzech i czterech sygnałów genu . Analiza kariotypu i dodatkowo wykonane badania FISH pozwoliły ustalić kariotyp pacjenta jako nieprawidłowy, złożony z ewolucją klonalną. Zaobserwowane punkty pęknięć wskazywały na możliwość zaangażowania w fuzję genu Obecność genu fuzyjnego została stwierdzona metodą multiplex PCR i potwierdzona sekwencjonowaniem metodą Sangera. Gen fuzyjny może kodować aktywowaną konstytutywnie formę kinazy tyrozynowej, dlatego stanowi on potencjalny cel działania leków będących inhibitorami tych enzymów. Z uwagi na nieliczne odnotowane przypadki fuzji genów istnieje konieczność przyglądania się z uwagą efektom leczenia u pacjentów obciążonych tą translokacją. Nasz manuskrypt przedstawia przypadek pozytywnego ALL, zarówno opracowanie diagnostyczne, jak i dane kliniczne pacjenta

    Foliar or root exposures to smelter particles: Consequences for lead compartmentalization and speciation in plant leaves

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    International audienceIn urban areaswith high fallout of airborne particles,metal uptake by plantsmainly occurs by foliar pathways and can strongly impact crop quality. However, there is a lack of knowledge on metal localization and speciation in plants after pollution exposure, especially in the case of foliar uptake. In this study, two contrasting crops, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.), were exposed to Pb-rich particles emitted by a Pb-recycling factory via either atmospheric or soil application. Pb accumulation in plant leaves was observed for both ways of exposure. The mechanisms involved in Pb uptake were investigated using a combination of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques (electron microscopy, laser ablation, Raman microspectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy). The results showthat Pb localization and speciation are strongly influenced by the type of exposure (root or shoot pathway) and the plant species. Foliar exposure is the main pathway of uptake, involving the highest concentrations in plant tissues. Under atmospheric fallouts, Pb-rich particles were strongly adsorbed on the leaf surface of both plant species. In lettuce, stomata contained Pb-rich particles in their apertures, with some deformations of guard cells. In addition to PbO and PbSO4, chemical forms that were also observed in pristine particles, newspecies were identified: organic compounds (minimum 20%) and hexagonal platy crystals of PbCO3. In rye-grass, the changes in Pb speciation were even more egregious: Pb–cell wall and Pb–organic acid complexes were the major species observed. For root exposure, identified here as a minor pathway of Pb transfer compared to foliar uptake, another secondary species, pyromorphite, was identified in rye-grass leaves. Finally, combining bulk and spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques permitted both the overall speciation and the minor but possibly highly reactive lead species to be determined in order to better assess the health risks involved

    Foliar or root exposures to smelter particles: Consequences for lead compartmentalization and speciation in plant leaves

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    International audienceIn urban areaswith high fallout of airborne particles,metal uptake by plantsmainly occurs by foliar pathways and can strongly impact crop quality. However, there is a lack of knowledge on metal localization and speciation in plants after pollution exposure, especially in the case of foliar uptake. In this study, two contrasting crops, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.), were exposed to Pb-rich particles emitted by a Pb-recycling factory via either atmospheric or soil application. Pb accumulation in plant leaves was observed for both ways of exposure. The mechanisms involved in Pb uptake were investigated using a combination of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques (electron microscopy, laser ablation, Raman microspectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy). The results showthat Pb localization and speciation are strongly influenced by the type of exposure (root or shoot pathway) and the plant species. Foliar exposure is the main pathway of uptake, involving the highest concentrations in plant tissues. Under atmospheric fallouts, Pb-rich particles were strongly adsorbed on the leaf surface of both plant species. In lettuce, stomata contained Pb-rich particles in their apertures, with some deformations of guard cells. In addition to PbO and PbSO4, chemical forms that were also observed in pristine particles, newspecies were identified: organic compounds (minimum 20%) and hexagonal platy crystals of PbCO3. In rye-grass, the changes in Pb speciation were even more egregious: Pb–cell wall and Pb–organic acid complexes were the major species observed. For root exposure, identified here as a minor pathway of Pb transfer compared to foliar uptake, another secondary species, pyromorphite, was identified in rye-grass leaves. Finally, combining bulk and spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques permitted both the overall speciation and the minor but possibly highly reactive lead species to be determined in order to better assess the health risks involved

    Investigation of inclusions trapped inside Libyan desert glass by Raman microscopy

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    Several specimens of Libyan Desert Glass (LDG), an enigmatic natural glass from Egypt, were subjected to investigation by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of inclusions inside the LDG samples were successfully measured through the layers of glass and the mineral species were identified on this basis. The presence of cristobalite as typical for high-temperature melt products was confirmed, together with co-existing quartz. TiO2 was determined in two polymorphic species, rutile and anatase. Micro-Raman spectroscopy proved also the presence of minerals unusual for high-temperature glasses such as anhydrite and aragonite

    Human Alveolar Echinococcosis in Poland: 1990–2011

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) caused by <em>Echinococcus multilocularis</em> infections is a dangerous old disease in the Northern Hemisphere. The aim of the paper was to collect and analyze data on human AE in Poland in the last two decades.</p> <h3>Methodology/Principal Findings</h3><p>The sources of data were both the cases officially registered and detected by an active field and laboratory surveillance. The cases were verified by clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory criteria. Altogether 121 human cases of AE were detected. Among these 83 (68,6%) cases were classified as confirmed, 16 as probable and 22 as possible. During the two decades a continuous increase in detection rate was noticed. The cases were 6–82 years old at the time of diagnosis (mean - 47.7 years). Sex ratio M/F was 0.86/1.0. The AE was fatal in 23 (19%) patients (mean age at death - 54.1 years). Family agglomeration of AE was found in 4 foci, involving 9 patients. Seventy six of the cases were diagnosed in an advanced stage of disease. In all cases the liver was the primary location of AE. In 30 (24.8%) patients a spread to other organs was observed. Ninety four of the patients were treated with albendazole. In 73 (60%) patients a surgical operation was performed, including 15 liver transplantations.</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance</h3><p>The studies confirmed that AE is an emerging disease in Poland, which is the fourth country in Europe with over 120 cases detected. The results also indicate the need of a wider national programme for implementation of screening in the highest AE risk areas (north-eastern Poland) with an effort to increase the public awareness of the possibility of contracting <em>E. multilocularis</em>, and above all, training of the primary care physicians in the recognition of the risk of AE to allow for an early detection of this dangerous disease.</p> </div

    Geographical distribution of human AE cases in Poland.

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    <p><b>A – Number of AE cases in each province.</b> Localizations of three patients could not be determined. A – Pomorskie Province; B – Varmia-Masuria Province; C- Podlaskie Province. <b>B – Distribution of 65 AE cases in the Varmia - Masuria Province.</b> Global area amounts to 24 173 km<sup>2</sup>, and population 1 426 155 (2008). a – Elbląski district; b – Lidzbarski district; c – Kętrzyński district; d – Węgorzewski district; e – Iławski district.</p