25 research outputs found

    Remote wind measurements with a new microprocessor-based accumulator device

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    The employment of a unique microprocessor-based accumulator device for remote meteorological measurements is described. The unit was designed for remote application with wind instruments to respond to the need for a very inexpensive survey unit to provide statistical summaries of basic wind data for the wind turbine siting decision process. While it is versatile enough to be used in many other remote measurement scenarios, the device will be described primarily in its application to wind measurements for siting wind energy conversion systems (WECS), otherwise known as wind turbines

    Wind prospector's instrument

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    In the initial evaluation of a prospective wind turbine site, wind measurements must be made at that site. The report describes an inexpensive data collection device consisting of a microprocessor unit that can be used to record such measurements, producing statistical summaries of wind behavior at the site. Prospectors have often used analogous devices to locate deposits of mineral resources; thus, this device is called a wind prospector's instrument

    Psycho-Physiological Measures for Assessing Cognitive Load

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    With a focus on presenting information at the right time, the ubicomp community can benefit greatly from learning the most salient human measures of cognitive load. Cognitive load can be used as a metric to determine when or whether to interrupt a user. In this paper, we collected data from multiple sensors and compared their ability to assess cognitive load. Our focus is on visual perception and cognitive speed-focused tasks that leverage cognitive abilities common in ubicomp applications. We found that across all participants, the electrocardiogram median absolute deviation and median heat flux measurements were the most accurate at distinguishing between low and high levels of cognitive load, providing a classification accuracy of over 80 % when used together. Our contribution is a real-time, objective, and generalizable method for assessing cognitive load in cognitive tasks commonly found in ubicomp systems and situations of divided attention. Author Keywords Cognitive load, divided attention, interruption, psychophysiologica