82 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan sarana perlengkapan jalan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pemerintah sebagai kewajiban atas perintah undang-undang terhadap keselamatan pengguna jalan sangat banyak jumlahnya.  Hal ini dibutuhkan mitra kerja yang memiliki sumber daya manusia yang unggul dan kompetitif guna mewujudkan sarana perlengkapan jalan yang memiliki jaminan kualitas. Untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut pihak perusahaan perlengkapan jalan harus mempersiapkan dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia  dengan strategi-strategi yang efektif. Salah satu diantaranya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sumberdaya melalui pendekatan strategi manajemen komunikasi yang komprehensif  yaitu membangun komunikasi terbuka antara manajemen perusahaan dengan karwayannya  Perusahaan-perusahaan perlengkapan jalan harus menyadari pentingnya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia sebagai upaya mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan itu sendiri agar dapat memberikan kepuasan kepada pemerintah sebagai pemberi pekerjaan penyediaan sarana perlengkapan jalan


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    AbstractThis descriptive study uses an analytical method that aims to analyze learning videos for elementary school on the Ruangguru youtube channel with Labedu Channel. The analysis included content analysis, presentation analysis, language analysis, and graphical analysis. Researchers analyzed five learning videos on Ruangguru channel and Labedu Channel. The aspects of the feasibility of the contents are all categorized as very feasible, the feasibility aspects of the presentation of all are categorized as very feasible, the aspects of feasibility of the language are three learning videos categorized as very feasible and two learning videos are each categorized as feasible and quite feasible, for the graphic feasibility aspects four learning videos are categorized as very feasible and one Learning videos are categorized as feasible. Then the results of the analysis on the Labedu Channel are summarized all aspects of content eligibility are categorized as very feasible, aspects of presenting four videos are categorized as very feasible and one video is categorized as feasible, aspects of language there are four videos categorized as very feasible and one video is categorized as feasible and finally the graphic aspect there are two videos categorized as very feasible and the other two are categorized as feasible. Keywords : Descriptive analysis, learning video, content analysis AbstrakPenelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan metode analisis yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis video pembelajaran untuk jenjang SD pada saluran youtube Ruangguru dengan Labedu Channel. Analisis yang dilakukan diantaranya analisis isi, analisis penyajian, analisis bahasa, dan analisis grafika. Peneliti menganalisis lima video pembelajaran pada saluran Ruangguru dan Labedu Channel. Aspek kelayakan isi semua dikategorikan sangat layak, aspek kelayakan penyajian semua dikategorikan sangat layak, aspek kelayakan bahasa tiga video pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat layak dan dua video pembelajaran masing-masing dikategorikan layak dan cukup layak, untuk aspek kelayakan grafika empat video pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat layak dan satu video pembelajaran dikategorikan layak. Kemudian hasil analisis di saluran Labedu channel meliputi aspek kelayakan isi semua dikategorikan sangat layak, aspek penyajian empat video dikategorikan sangat layak dan satu video dikategorikan layak, aspek bahasa terdapat empat video dikategorikan sangat layak dan satu video dikategorikan layak dan terakhir aspek grafika terdapat dua video dikategorikan sangat layak dan dua lainnya dikategorikan layak. Kata Kunci: Analisis deskriptif, video pembelajaran, analisis is

    Survey of former YCR award recipients : final report

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    Global tracer survey of IDRC award recipients : final report

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    Questioning policy, youth participation and lifestyle sports

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    Young people have been identified as a key target group for whom participation in sport and physical activity could have important benefits to health and wellbeing and consequently have been the focus of several government policies to increase participation in the UK. Lifestyle sports represent one such strategy for encouraging and sustaining new engagements in sport and physical activity in youth groups, however, there is at present a lack of understanding of the use of these activities within policy contexts. This paper presents findings from a government initiative which sought to increase participation in sport for young people through provision of facilities for mountain biking in a forest in south-east England. Findings from qualitative research with 40 young people who participated in mountain biking at the case study location highlight the importance of non-traditional sports as a means to experience the natural environments through forms of consumption which are healthy, active and appeal to their identities. In addition, however, the paper raises questions over the accessibility of schemes for some individuals and social groups, and the ability to incorporate sports which are inherently participant-led into state-managed schemes. Lifestyle sports such as mountain biking involve distinct forms of participation which present a challenge for policy-makers who seek to create and maintain sustainable communities of youth participants

    Small businesses and flood impacts: The case of the 2009 flood event in Cockermouth

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    Flooding can have a devastating impact on businesses, especially on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who may be unprepared and vulnerable to the range of both direct and indirect impacts. SMEs may tend to focus on the direct tangible impacts of flooding, limiting their ability to realise the true costs of flooding. Greater understanding of the impacts of flooding is likely to contribute towards increased uptake of flood protection measures by SMEs, particularly during post-flood property reinstatement. This study sought to investigate the full range of impacts experienced by SMEs located in Cockermouth following the floods of 2009. The findings of a questionnaire survey of SMEs revealed that businesses not directly affected by the flooding experienced a range of impacts and that short-term impacts were given a higher significance. A strong correlation was observed between direct, physical flood impacts and post-flood costs of insurance. Significant increases in the costs of property insurance and excesses were noted, meaning that SMEs will be exposed to increased losses in the event of a future flood event. The findings from the research will enable policy makers and professional bodies to make informed decisions to improve the status of advice given to SMEs. The study also adds weight to the case for SMEs to consider investing in property-level flood risk adaptation measures, especially during the post flood reinstatement process

    Alternatives to project-specific consent for access to personal information for health research: Insights from a public dialogue

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of consent for research use of health information is contentious. Most discussion has focused on when project-specific consent may be waived but, recently, a broader range of consent options has been entertained, including broad opt-in for multiple studies with restrictions and notification with opt-out. We sought to elicit public values in this matter and to work toward an agreement about a common approach to consent for use of personal information for health research through deliberative public dialogues.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted seven day-long public dialogues, involving 98 participants across Canada. Immediately before and after each dialogue, participants completed a fixed-response questionnaire rating individuals' support for 3 approaches to consent in the abstract and their consent choices for 5 health research scenarios using personal information. They also rated how confident different safeguards made them feel that their information was being used responsibly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Broad opt-in consent for use of personal information garnered the greatest support in the abstract. When presented with specific research scenarios, no one approach to consent predominated. When profit was introduced into the scenarios, consent choices shifted toward greater control over use. Despite lively and constructive dialogues, and considerable shifting in opinion at the individual level, at the end of the day, there was no substantive aggregate movement in opinion. Personal controls were among the most commonly cited approaches to improving people's confidence in the responsible use of their information for research.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Because no one approach to consent satisfied even a simple majority of dialogue participants and the importance placed on personal controls, a mechanism should be developed for documenting consent choice for different types of research, including ways for individuals to check who has accessed their medical record for purposes other than clinical care. This could be done, for example, through a web-based patient portal to their electronic health record. Researchers and policy makers should continue to engage the public to promote greater public understanding of the research process and to look for feasible alternatives to existing approaches to project-specific consent for observational research.</p

    Cultural value and cultural policy:Some evidence from the world of live music

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    This article considers live music policy in relation to wider debates on the cultural (as opposed to instrumental) value of the arts. The findings are based on research into amateur/enthusiast, state-funded and commercial concerts across a range of genres – classical, traditional folk, jazz, singer–songwriter and indie – using the Edinburgh Queen’s Hall venue as a case study. We argue that (1) articulations of the cultural or intrinsic value of live music across genres tend to lapse back into descriptions of instrumental value; (2) although explanations vary from audiences, artists and promoters as to why they participate in live music, they also share certain characteristics across genres and sometimes challenge stereotypes about genre-specific behaviours; and (3) there are lessons to be learned for live music policy from examining a venue that plays host to a range of genres and promotional practices

    Physician privacy concerns when disclosing patient data for public health purposes during a pandemic influenza outbreak

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    Background: Privacy concerns by providers have been a barrier to disclosing patient information for public health\ud purposes. This is the case even for mandated notifiable disease reporting. In the context of a pandemic it has been\ud argued that the public good should supersede an individual’s right to privacy. The precise nature of these provider\ud privacy concerns, and whether they are diluted in the context of a pandemic are not known. Our objective was to\ud understand the privacy barriers which could potentially influence family physicians’ reporting of patient-level\ud surveillance data to public health agencies during the Fall 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza outbreak.\ud Methods: Thirty seven family doctors participated in a series of five focus groups between October 29-31 2009.\ud They also completed a survey about the data they were willing to disclose to public health units. Descriptive\ud statistics were used to summarize the amount of patient detail the participants were willing to disclose, factors that\ud would facilitate data disclosure, and the consensus on those factors. The analysis of the qualitative data was based\ud on grounded theory.\ud Results: The family doctors were reluctant to disclose patient data to public health units. This was due to concerns\ud about the extent to which public health agencies are dependable to protect health information (trusting beliefs),\ud and the possibility of loss due to disclosing health information (risk beliefs). We identified six specific actions that\ud public health units can take which would affect these beliefs, and potentially increase the willingness to disclose\ud patient information for public health purposes.\ud Conclusions: The uncertainty surrounding a pandemic of a new strain of influenza has not changed the privacy\ud concerns of physicians about disclosing patient data. It is important to address these concerns to ensure reliable\ud reporting during future outbreaks.University of Ottawa Open Access Author Fun