22 research outputs found

    Rheological properties of aging thermosensitive suspensions

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    Aging observed in soft glassy materials inherently affects the rheological properties of these systems and has been described by the soft glassy rheology (SGR) model [S. M. Fielding et al., J. Rheol. 44, 323 (2000)]. In this paper, we report the measured linear rheological behavior of thermosensitive microgel suspensions and compare it quantitatively with the predictions of the SGR model. The dynamic moduli [G[prime](omega,t) and G[double-prime](omega,t)] obtained from oscillatory measurements are in good agreement with the model. The model also predicts quantitatively the creep compliance J(t−tw,tw), obtained from step stress experiments, for the short time regime [(t−tw)<tw]. The relative effective temperature [script X]/[script X]g obtained from both the oscillatory and the step stress experiments is indeed less than 1 ([script X]/[script X]g<1) in agreement with the definition of aging. Moreover, the elasticity of the compressed particles (Gp) increases with increased compression, i.e., the degree of hindrance and consequently also the bulk elasticity (G[prime] and 1/J) increases with the degree of compression

    Character Education: the Analysis of Archival Work Experiences Using CIPP Model at UPBJJ-UT Semarang

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    The crisis is occurred in Indonesia. It is caused by the weakness of the education system that has not made thecommunity have the ability and independence, the lack of strong mental foundation development, and the weakness of competitiveness. The government has implemented the KKNI-based curriculum to strengthen the student\u27s compet it iveness and character. The focus of lecturing not only conveys the materials, but also there are four things: 1). attitude, 2). work ability, 3). knowledge, 4). managerial and responsibility. Through archival work experiences is expected to connect between universities, especially Open University and field employment.The demands of the field employment are not only for the theory but also the students ‘outstanding characters;such as honesty, discipline, work ethic, competitiveness, and loyalty. Based on the observations on archival work experiences, the instruments still emphasize only the knowledge aspect which is less able to measure anddevelop the student\u27 characterist ics. This research was conducted at UPBJJ-UT Semarang by taking samples ofthree regencies / cities; such as Semarang, Batang, and Pati. The research uses descriptive research based onCIPP evaluation model. The CIPP model has a special component in the evaluation of context, input, process,and product. The result shows that the implementation of archival work experiences had been done well.Lecturers and advisors have built character education to students either directly or indirectly. In contrast, it hadnot been clear character assessment. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the student\u27 character assessmentinstrument clearly and precisely which is integrated in final assessment. The characters building that can be builtin archival work experiences are discipline, honest, creative, curiosity, passion, hard work, friendly / communicative, responsibility, and environment awareness. In conclusion, it is expected that there is an instrument of student character education assessment in archival work experiences

    Karakterisasi Sifat Fisikokimia dan Fungsional Fraksi Pati Uwi Ungu (Dioscorea Alata)

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    Size fractionation of yam starch granule could be achieved through dry sieving Retsch Siever with 400 and 500 mesh. Although the fractionation was not completely separate the granule size, however it could provide a significant difference in average size of the fractions. Starch granule morphology, size distribution, amylose and phosphorus contents, crystal structure, thermal properties, and rheological characteristic of the starch fraction were evaluated. In this study, based on the average value of the granule size, significant effects of fraction were obtained on phosphorus content and relative crystallinity of the starch. The size fraction differences did not give a significant impact on its gelatinization character, while in the pasta formations the effect of the fraction was found in peak and final viscosity. In the bigger size fraction, the phosphorus content increased but the relative crystallinity decreased. These differences made the large size fraction of starch granule had the advantage in paste profiling than starches and fractions against stirring, heating and cooling for its potential use in food processing as thickner

    Kinetika Fotodegradasi Klorofil, Tokoferol, dan Karotenoid dalam Minyak Sawit Merah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji laju fotodegradasi klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten dalam minyak sawit merah (MSM) selama penyimpanan dalam kondisi terpapar cahaya fluoresen pada intensitas 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi dikaji dengan mengukur Perubahan kadar klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten MSM pada botol transparan yang disimpan dalam kotak inkubator (31,60±0,69 oC) dengan intensitas cahaya dipertahankan konstan. Sebagai pembanding, MSM murni dalam botol gelap dan transparan disimpan pada suhu (31,46±1,04 °C) dan pencahayaan normal laboratorium (476,25-484,89 lux). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klorofil mengalami fotodegradasi mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama dalam dua periode; yaitu periode fotodegradasi cepat selama penyimpanan 6 jam pertama dengan nilai konstanta laju (k) 3,81x10-2, 4,45x10-2, 5,64x10-2 hari-1, diikuti periode fotodegradasi lambat pada penyimpanan yang lebih lama dengan nilai k 1,41x10-2, 3,01x10-2, 4,59x10-2 hari-1 masing-masing pada intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi tokoferol dan karoten juga mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama. Fotodegradasi tokoferol berlangsung dengan laju paling tinggi (nilai k 9,10x10-2, 12,02x10-2, 17,33x10-2 hari-1), sedangkan fotodegradasi karoten berlangsung dengan laju paling rendah (nilai k 0,80x10-2, 1,40x10-2, 1, 98x10-2 hari-1) masing-masing pada perlakuan intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Konstanta intensitas cahaya (zi) sebagai indikator ketergantungan nilai k terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya untuk klorofil, tokoferol, karoten berturut-turut adalah 20000, 33333, dan 25000 lux. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa laju degradasi klorofil paling sensitif terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Ajar Pengenalan Benda Sekitar pada Kelompok Bermain

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    Penelitian ini telah melakukan analisis penggunaan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk pembelajaran pada kelompok bermain dengan topik pengenalan benda secara 3D. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall diawali dengan observasi, rancang bangun aplikasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Observasi dilakukan pada 2 tempat yaitu pada kelompok bermain Ayah Bunda dan Pos PAUD di Kecamatan Colomadu. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan openspace. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan secara black box, sedangkan analisis pengujian aplikasi terhadap daya tarik pengunjung dilakukan melalui angket kuisioner dengan skala butir pertanyaan menggunakan skala Likert dalam 6 skala nilai. Responden yang mengisi angket kuisioner sejumlah 33 terdiri dari pengasuh dan wali murid. Tanggapan terhadap aplikasi diwujudkan dalam 5 aspek bernilai setuju-sangat setuju yaitu aspek ketertarikan terhadap aplikasi 93%, aspek kemudahan mendapatkan informasi 97%, aspek kemudahan navigasi 100%, aspek interaktifitas aplikasi 94%, dan aspek inovasi aplikasi 97%

    Chemical Characterization of Flour Fractions From Five Yam (Dioscorea Alata) Cultivars in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of particle size on the chemical properties of yam flour in five cultivars, yellow/YY, orange/OY, light purple/LPY, purple/PY, and dark purple/DPY. With a mesh sieve, three flour fractions were separated according to particle size: small (128.6-139.7 µm), medium (228.7-257.9 µm), and large (475.4-596.3 µm). The content of moisture (6.81-11.26 %db) and lipids (4.48-9.85 %db) decreased with the increase of particle size, while proteins (4.48-9.85 %db) and carbohydrates (78.12-83.76 %db) were not influenced by particle size. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and chlorogenic acid were used as standard to investigate the total phenolic compounds in the yam flour, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to investigate the anthocyanin and carotene contents. It was found that there was no size influence on the content of phenolics (0.27-2.82%db), anthocyanin (2.25-15.27 mg/100g db) in LPY, PY, DPY or carotene (23.75-132.12 mg/100g db) in YY, OY. The differences in chemical composition were due to differences in particle size and heat treatment, but may also have been caused by the different composition of the milling process

    Komitmen Pengurus dalam Memajukan Organisasi Olahraga Special Olympic Indonesia

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    Komitmen memajukan organisasi merupakan sebuah keingingn yang harus dimiliki oleh para pengurus organisasi. Sebuah organisasi tidak akan mungkin berkembang menjadi lebih baik, jika tidak didukung oleh para pengurus organisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi dan komitmen pengurus organisasi dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan Special Olympic Indonesia (SOIna). Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Sampel diambil dengan non-probabilitas jenis snowball. Oleh karena itu diperoleh responden sebanyak 51, yang merupakan pengurus SOIna di seluruh Indonesia (pengurus pusat, provinsi dan kota/kabupaten). Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa terdapat sebuah hubungan antara motivasi dan komitmen pengurus organisasi dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas SOIna. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan sebuah implikasi penting untuk para pengurus dapat memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dalam mengurus organisasi SOIna. Penelitian ini hanya sebatas mengetahui hubungan motivasi dan komitmen berorganisasi dengan menggunakan angket sebagai alat ukurnya. Sehingga sangat direkomendasikan untuk masa depan dapat dilakukan penelitian lebih mendalam seperti studi kasus untuk mengetahui dan memperdalam hasil temuan yang diperoleh

    Hubungan antara Kinerja Petugas Posyandu dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Ibu Balita (suatu Studi di Posyandu Desa Ngampel Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro)

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    Integral Health Care (IHC) is one of the health care program that was already widely known in the community and has been included in the daily social life in rural areas can urban areas. Many opinions from mothers that they disappointed to IHC service . The Dissatisfaction is because some services are not provided in IHC. The research objective is to analyze the performance of official relations with the level of satisfaction IHC service.The study design was correlational analytical approach to cross-sectional, population under five mothers who visited the village IHC Ngampel Bojonegoro Cotton District by 60 respondents, using simple random sampling technique obtained 52 samples of respondents, namely the performance of the independent variables and the dependent variable IHC officers that the level of Toddler mother satisfaction . data analysis using spearman\u27s rho test.The results of this study the performance of both officers IHC maternal satisfaction with the level of satisfaction as much as 33 respondents (63.5%). While the performance of the IHC Officer with a sufficient level of maternal satisfaction only eight respondents (15.4%), then amplified by spearman\u27s rho test results are known sig 2-tailed 0.001, and &lt;a (0.05), so H1 is received.In conclusion there is a connection with the performance of officers IHC with maternal satisfaction rate in IHC toddler Cotton Village District Ngampel Bojonegoro. So it is advisable to IHC officers to provide services in accordance with a system IHC five tables involving midwives, nurses and cadres, as well as explain the procedure prior to the service provided