724 research outputs found
Psychiatric rehabilitation in community-based day centres: Motivation and satisfaction.
Abstract Objective: This study investigated attendees' motivation and motives for participation in day centres and their satisfaction with the rehabilitation, while also addressing the influence of day centre orientation (work- or meeting-place orientation), gender and age. Methods: Ninety-three Swedish day centre attendees participated in a cross-sectional study and completed questionnaires about motivation, motives, and satisfaction with the rehabilitation. Data were analysed with non-parametric statistics. Results: The participants were highly motivated for going to the day centre and set clear goals for their rehabilitation. Female gender, but not age, was associated with stronger motivation. The strongest motives for going to the day centre were getting structure to the day and socializing. Attendees at work-oriented day centres more often expressed that they went there to get structure to the day and gain social status. Satisfaction with the rehabilitation was high, and the most common wishes for further opportunities concerned earning money and learning new things. Conclusions and implications for practice: The rehabilitation largely seemed to meet the attendees' needs, but the findings indicated that further developments were desired, such as participation in work on the open market and more work-like occupations in the day centre, accompanied by some kind of remuneration
Perceived social status among people with psychiatric disabilities attending work-oriented and meeting place-oriented day centers
BACKGROUND: Day centers have been criticized for giving attendees a lower social status because they only offer activities that are often work-like although not financially of benefit to attendees. OBJECTIVES: To explore day center attendees' perceived social status and to identify associations among the attendees with the center's orientation with activity, well-being, and psychiatric symptoms. METHOD: Day center attendees in meeting place-oriented (n = 39) and work-oriented (n = 54) day centers in Sweden were interviewed addressing the targeted factors using both self-rated and interview-based instruments. RESULT: Attendees rated themselves close to the middle on the social status measure. No difference between groups based on day center orientation was found. Their self-perceived positioning on social status was positively related to the worker role, occupational engagement, self-rated health, self-esteem, self-mastery, and depressive symptoms. Logistic regression models showed better self-rated health was the only predictor of belonging to the group with a higher level of social status when dichotomized according to the median. Self-rated health was the strongest indicator for scoring above the 75th percentile on perceived status, followed by self-esteem, which was also a significant indicator. CONCLUSION: These findings yielded new knowledge concerning perceived social status in the target group and the importance of health and self-esteem
Psychometric testing of a self-report measure of engagement in productive occupations.
Occupational therapists working with clients in productive occupations explicitly or implicitly assess their clients' occupational engagement
Factors Influencing Occupational Engagement in Day Centers for People with Psychiatric Disabilities.
Occupational engagement is a vital factor in people's lives since it has been shown to be important for health and well-being. Community-based day centers (DCs), both meeting place-oriented and work-oriented ones, are common service alternatives in many western countries for enabling engagement in productive and leisure occupations among people with psychiatric disabilities. Little is, however, known about factors influencing occupational engagement in such settings. We aimed to investigate how factors pertaining to day center attendance, socio-demographics, motivation, clinical and self-related characteristics were related to how day center attendees rated their occupational engagement in productive occupations. These variables were assessed among day center attendees in meeting place-oriented (n = 39) and work-oriented (n = 54) DCs in Sweden through questionnaires and interviews. Logistic regression models showed that (1) less general psychopathology and more time spent on day center occupations were indicators of belonging to the group with a high level of occupational engagement according to a median cut; (2) higher perceived self-mastery was the only important factor with respect to ratings of occupational engagement above the third quartile. The models may be seen as creating a stepwise indication on which factors are important for reaching a medium level of occupational engagement (less severe general psychopathology and time spent at the day center) and for reaching a still higher level (a high level self-mastery), respectively, of occupational engagement. The findings may also be discussed in relation to different levels of engagement in a recovery process
Participation in day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities: Characteristics of occupations.
Abstract People with psychiatric disabilities (PD) are a vulnerable group, and should be offered support and rehabilitation when needed. Day centres that provide individually matched daily occupations are an important link to provide that. The present study aimed at gaining knowledge regarding the occupations performed in day centres, in terms of the participants' descriptions of what they were doing. Eighty-eight persons with PD completed a time-use diary that focused on the most recent day. The participants were selected from six different day centres, meeting-place-oriented as well as more work-oriented ones. By qualitative content analysis six categories were identified, representing the occupations performed; social occupations, maintenance occupations, creative occupations, manufacturing occupations, service occupations, and information-focused occupations. A main theme termed "being at the day centre means participating in occupations with different levels of demand" was also discerned. The day centres served as a social meeting point and an opportunity to be involved in occupations with different levels of demand. This study highlights the role day centres could play in the rehabilitation of people with PD, and the potential that lies in the knowledge of the levels of occupational demands when meeting individual occupational needs and when analysing and planning interventions
Prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in municipality health care in Sweden – A cross sectional study
Background With an ageing population, there is an increasing need for care, both as home care and in nursing homes. However, some needed care is not carried out for different reasons, which can affect patient safety. The aim of the study was to describe prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in home care and nursing homes, from nurses’ perspective. Methods A cross sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approach. A Swedish version of Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care for nursing homes and 15 study specific questions were answered by 624 registered nurses, enrolled nurses, or nurse assistants. Both descriptive and analytical, independent-samples t-test, analyses were used. Qualitative content analysis was used for the open-ended question. Results The care activity most often missed in home care was: ‘set up or update care plans’ (41.8%), and in nursing homes: ‘scheduled group activity’ (22.8%). Reasons for missed nursing care were lack of preparedness for unexpected situations, obstacles in a deficient work environment, unsatisfactory planning in the organisation, and/or shortcomings related to the individual. Conclusion Not all care activities needed are performed, due to reasons such as lack of time or organisational issues. Missed nursing care can lead to adverse events and affect patient safety. It is important to be aware of missed nursing care and the reasons for it, which gives a possibility to initiate quality improvement work to ensure patient safety.publishedVersio
Prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in municipality health care in Sweden – A cross sectional study
Background With an ageing population, there is an increasing need for care, both as home care and in nursing homes. However, some needed care is not carried out for different reasons, which can affect patient safety. The aim of the study was to describe prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in home care and nursing homes, from nurses’ perspective. Methods A cross sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approach. A Swedish version of Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care for nursing homes and 15 study specific questions were answered by 624 registered nurses, enrolled nurses, or nurse assistants. Both descriptive and analytical, independent-samples t-test, analyses were used. Qualitative content analysis was used for the open-ended question. Results The care activity most often missed in home care was: ‘set up or update care plans’ (41.8%), and in nursing homes: ‘scheduled group activity’ (22.8%). Reasons for missed nursing care were lack of preparedness for unexpected situations, obstacles in a deficient work environment, unsatisfactory planning in the organisation, and/or shortcomings related to the individual. Conclusion Not all care activities needed are performed, due to reasons such as lack of time or organisational issues. Missed nursing care can lead to adverse events and affect patient safety. It is important to be aware of missed nursing care and the reasons for it, which gives a possibility to initiate quality improvement work to ensure patient safety.publishedVersio
Genotyping of human papillomavirus in triaging of low-grade cervical cytology.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate whether typing of human papillomavirus (HPV) among women with low-grade cervical cytology can improve the ability to identify women with cervical cancer or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (CIN III or worse). STUDY DESIGN: A total of 1595 women with low-grade cervical cytology participating in a randomized implementation trial of HPV triaging using Hybrid Capture II were also HPV genotyped and CIN III or worse predictive values evaluated. RESULTS: HPV 16 was detected in 57% of cases with CIN III or worse but only among 24% of all tested women. Testing for the 3 HPV types with highest risk (HPV16/31/33) detected 77% of CIN III or worse, with 36% of women testing positive. Positivity for the other high-risk HPV types had a decreased risk for CIN III or worse. CONCLUSION: Different high-risk HPV types confer different risks for the presence of CIN III or worse, implying that HPV genotyping could be useful for the optimization of triaging strategies
Інтеграція знань з астрономії та фізики щодо уявлень про приливи та відливи
(uk) В статті розкриті окремі гравітаційні, енергетичні та екологічні особливості припливів та відливів, які у підручниках для середніх загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та вищої школи мало висвітлені. Автором якісну картину припливів та відпливів доповнено кількісною.(en) The article revealed specific gravity, energy and environmental features tides and low tides that textbooks for secondary schools and higher education was highlighted. The author of picture quality tides supplemented with quantitative
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