293 research outputs found

    Parasite-mediated predation determines infection in a complex predator-prey-parasite system.

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    The interplay of host-parasite and predator-prey interactions is critical in ecological dynamics because both predators and parasites can regulate communities. But what is the prevalence of infected prey and predators when a parasite is transmitted through trophic interactions considering stochastic demographic changes? Here, we modelled and analysed a complex predator-prey-parasite system, where parasites are transmitted from prey to predators. We varied parasite virulence and infection probabilities to investigate how those evolutionary factors determine species' coexistence and populations' composition. Our results show that parasite species go extinct when the infection probabilities of either host are small and that success in infecting the final host is more critical for the survival of the parasite. While our stochastic simulations are consistent with deterministic predictions, stochasticity plays an important role in the border regions between coexistence and extinction. As expected, the proportion of infected individuals increases with the infection probabilities. Interestingly, the relative abundances of infected and uninfected individuals can have opposite orders in the intermediate and final host populations. This counterintuitive observation shows that the interplay of direct and indirect parasite effects is a common driver of the prevalence of infection in a complex system

    Una crítica a la teoría del déficit cognitivo en la esquizofrenia.

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    El déficit cognitivo en la esquizofrenia ha sido constatado mediante tests neuropsicológicos. Se cree que la mala actuación de los pacientes es debida a ciertas diferencias cerebrales observadas mediante neuroimagen. Los defensores de esta teoría afirman que la esquizofrenia es una enfermedad biológica determinada genéticamente y que el déficit cognitivo y las diferencias cerebrales en los esquizofrénicos son manifestaciones de la enfermedad y como tales son independientes del tratamiento con antipsicóticos. En este trabajo se argumenta una perspectiva opuesta. Se ofrecen datos que apoyan la idea de que los antipsicóticos provocan cambios en el cerebro que corresponden con aquellas diferencias. También se defiende que los déficits cognitivos no pueden ser independientes del tratamiento con esos fármacos. Los datos aportados aquí han sido soslayados por los teóricos del déficit cognitivo en la esquizofrenia

    Abundance of Sesamia nonagrioides

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    Organisms inhabiting seasonal environments are able to synchronize their life cycles with seasonal cycles of biotic and abiotic factors. Diapause, a state of low metabolic activity and developmental arrest, is used by many insect species to cope with adverse conditions. Sesamia nonagrioides is a serious pest of corn in the Mediterranean regions and Central Africa. It is multivoltine, with two to four generations per year, that overwinters as mature larva in the northern of the Sahara desert. Our purpose was to compare the response of the S. nonagrioides populations occurring in the broader circum-Mediterranean area, with particular attention to the diapause period and the different numbers of generations per season. To this end, we tried to determine whether populations in the area differ in their response to photoperiod and whether we can foresee the number of generations in different areas. We present a model for predicting the occurrence of the critical photoperiod according to latitude and temperature and the spread of S. nonagrioides in the circum-Mediterranean countries. Responses of populations to short-day length suggest that the spread of the species is associated with a gradual loss of diapause in the southern areas, and that diapause incidence is positively correlated with latitude

    Uso de imágenes satélite Landsat para la detección de rodales de Pinus nigra Arn. y Pinus sylvestris L. afectados por escolítidos

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    Medium resolution images from multispectral sensors like Landsat TM have been extensively used for decades in order to identify decline and defoliation generated by insects and other forest pests. The present work analyses the usefulness of these kinds of images to detect small-size stands of Pinus nigra Arn. and Pinus sylvestris L. affected by Scolytidae attacks. The study area was located in the Solsones region (Eastern Pyrenees), selecting 34 training zones (17 damaged small-size stands and 17 healtly small-size stands). The exploratory analysis of the images was conducted with the ERDAS® IMAGINE 8.x. program.The results of the study showed significant differences between the affected and non-affected stands in 5 of the 7 spectral bands analysed. TM5 and TM7 bands were identified as those having the highest power to detect damaged stands. The digital levels obtained and the spaces of characteristics created, both showed trends to group small-size affected stands versus healthy, achieving improvements in the methodological procedure employed.El uso de imágenes procedentes de sensores multiespectrales de resolución media como es el caso de Landsat TM ha sido ampliamente utilizado desde décadas para detectar, entre otras variables, el decaimiento y la defoliación provocada por plagas y enfermedades forestales. El presente trabajo evalúa la utilidad del uso de estas imágenes en la detección de rodales de pino laricio (Pinus nigra Arn.) y pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) afectados por escolítidos. El área de estudio se localizó en el Solsonés (prepirineo de Lleida) seleccionando 34 áreas de entrenamiento (17 rodales afectados por la plaga y 17 rodales sanos). El análisis exploratorio de las imágenes se realizó mediante el programa ERDAS® IMAGINE 8.x. Los resultados del estudio mostraron una significación espectral en 5 de las 7 bandas analizadas, siendo TM5 y TM7 las que mejor comportamiento presentaron. Los niveles digitales obtenidos y los espacios de características creados señalaron sendas tendencias al agrupamiento de rodales afectados versus sanos, consiguiéndose plantear mejoras en el procedimiento metodológico

    Primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells. A case report and review of the literature

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    Endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent histological type of carcinoma that usually corresponds to a metastasis of a primary carcinoma of another origin, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract or the breast. For this reason, in view of this histological finding, it is essential to carry out a thorough evaluation including mammography, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and thoracoabdominopelvic CT. To date, only six cases of primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells have been reported in the English literature. A 73-year-old patient was referred to the Gynecology Department with a 3-day history of postmenopausal bleeding. She was diagnosed with primary endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells. The anatomopathological special features of the surgical specimen are presented, as well as the evolution of the patient, who remained asymptomatic and free of disease 28 months after surgery. A review of the literature is performed, emphasizing the peculiarities of this rare histological subtype. Despite the fact that primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent tumor, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of malignant tumors of aforesaid origin. It is essential to carry out a correct and an extensive investigative study as well as an immunohistochemical analysis of the samples obtained for its confirmation diagnosis
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