17 research outputs found


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    DIAN MARYANI: Penerapan Alat Peraga Model Sel Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Sel Kelas XI Di SMAN 1 Suranenggala Kab. Cirebon Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil belajar siswa yang belum tercapai, karena belum adanya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai sehingga pembelajaran masih menggunakan metode ceramah. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya kreativitas seorang guru untuk menciptakan dan membuat serta menerapkan suatu alat peraga dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan daya ingat siswa sehingga hasil belajar siswa meningkat. Proses belajar mengajar merupakan proses komunikasi antar siswa dan guru. Untuk mempermudah suatu proses komunikasi dibutuhkan suatu media untuk menyampaikan konsep agar pembelajaran lebih mudah dipahami oleh siswa. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan peran dan kreativitas guru dalam menyesuaikan media alat peraga dengan materi. Penggunaan media alat peraga membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan daya ingat karena dalam media alat peraga mampu merangsang panca indera yang meliputi indera pendengaran dan indera penglihatan yang mampu merangsang siswa dalam memahami dan mengingat materi pembelajaran sehingga mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Tekhnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes tertulis (pre tes dan post test) dan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Suranenggala yang 234 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara acak, sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil 1 kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas XI ipa 2 yang terdiri dari 40 siswa dan kelas kontrol pada kelas XI IPA 4 yang terdiri dari 40 siswa.data hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 16 for windows melalui uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan uji T. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1). penerapan alat peraga model sel pada pokok bahasan sel perlu dilaksanakan karena dapat meningkatkan daya ingat siswa sehingga mempengaruhi hasil belajar 2). adanya perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara siswa yang menggunakan alat peraga dan yang tanpa alat peraga, Hal ini diketahui dari analisis data soal-soal pre test dan pos test yang diberikan kepada siswa kelas XI 2 (kelas eksperimen) di SMAN 1 Surannenggala, diperoleh data peningkatan rata-rata total skor pre test ke skor post test sebesar 39,78 atau lebih besar dari pada kelas kontrol yang mengalami kenaikan sebesar 3,75, Berdasarkan hasil uji mann whitney diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 dengan probabilitas < 0,05. Ho ditolak dan ha diterima. 3). Penerapan alat peraga model sel pada pembelajaran biologi sangat baik untuk diterapkan, hal ini bisa dilihat dari hasil respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media alat peraga ternyata hampir seluruh 77,5% siswa berpendapat bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan alat peraga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Bare plankekjøring? Utvikling av en overordnet innovasjonsstrategi i BAE-næringen

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    STEP har analysert bygg-, anleggs-og eiendomsnæringens situasjon, sentrale innovasjonsutfordringer og viktige hindringer for innovasjon. Rapporten skal bidra til næringens videre arbeid med å utvikle en innovasjonsstrategi hvor bedriftenes egen virksomhetsutvikling, og grunnleggende forskningsinnsats kan innrettes mot et felles sett av langsiktige mål. STEP konkluderer at det bør satses på BAE næringen i Norge av kulturelle, sosiale og økonomiske grunner. Problemene med produktivitet, kvalitet og effektivt samspill i næringen har sine egentlige årsaker i den måten innovasjonssystemet i næringen fungerer på, og løsninger på problemet må finnes på systemnivå - de kan ikke løses gjennom individuelle aktørers forsøk på effektiv tilpasning innenfor de rammer som finnes i dag (lock-in). I den systemorienterte tilnærmingen til å løse problemene må bedriftene settes i sentrum for oppmerksomheten; et bedrifts- og næringssentrert perspektiv må legges til grunn, og realiseringen av viktige samfunnsmessige mål må skje ved et konstruktivt samspill mellom aktører i næringen, i andre næringer, i utdanning og forskning, og på myndighetsnivå.

    Reinnleggelser ved en hjertemedisinsk avdeling

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    BAKGRUNN - Reinnleggelse av pasienter kan være uttrykk for uhensiktsmessige pasientforløp eller kvalitetssvikt. Formålet med studien var å se om vi kunne identifisere områder for forbedring ved å gjennomgå 50 ikke-planlagte reinnleggelser. MATERIALE OG METODE - Vi gjennomgikk 50 fortløpende ikke-planlagte reinnleggelser ved Hjertemedisinsk avdeling ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge. Journalene ble gjennomgått med utgangspunkt i en forenklet versjon av metoden «50 siste dødsfall». RESULTATER - Totalt hadde 29 pasienter minst én påvirkbar risikofaktor for reinnleggelse, hvorav mangelfull oppfølging etter utskrivelse og svikt i overlevering av informasjon til kommunehelsetjenesten var de vanligste. Mangelfull registrering og oppfølging av avvikende blodprøvesvar, nye symptomer like før utskrivelse og manglende informasjon i epikriser og til pasienter var andre risikofaktorer for reinnleggelse. FORTOLKNING - Gjennomgang av reinnleggelser kan være et verktøy for å identifisere områder for forbedring av behandlingskvalitet ved sykehus. Svikt i kommunikasjon mellom sykehus, kommunehelsetjeneste og pasient var den viktigste medvirkende årsaken til reinnleggelser

    Cost-Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Remote Orthopedic Consultations: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Telemedicine consultations using real-time videoconferencing has the potential to improve access and quality of care, avoid patient travels, and reduce health care costs. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the cost-effectiveness of an orthopedic videoconferencing service between the University Hospital of North Norway and a regional medical center in a remote community located 148 km away. Methods: An economic evaluation based on a randomized controlled trial of 389 patients (559 consultations) referred to the hospital for an orthopedic outpatient consultation was conducted. The intervention group (199 patients) was randomized to receive video-assisted remote orthopedic consultations (302 consultations), while the control group (190 patients) received standard care in outpatient consultation at the hospital (257 consultations). A societal perspective was adopted for calculating costs. Health outcomes were measured as quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. Resource use and health outcomes were collected alongside the trial at baseline and at 12 months follow-up using questionnaires, patient charts, and consultation records. These were valued using externally collected data on unit costs and QALY weights. An extended sensitivity analysis was conducted to address the robustness of the results. Results: This study showed that using videoconferencing for orthopedic consultations in the remote clinic costs less than standard outpatient consultations at the specialist hospital, as long as the total number of patient consultations exceeds 151 per year. For a total workload of 300 consultations per year, the annual cost savings amounted to €18,616. If costs were calculated from a health sector perspective, rather than a societal perspective, the number of consultations needed to break even was 183. Conclusions: This study showed that providing video-assisted orthopedic consultations to a remote clinic in Northern Norway, rather than having patients travel to the specialist hospital for consultations, is cost-effective from both a societal and health sector perspective. This conclusion holds as long as the activity exceeds 151 and 183 patient consultations per year, respectively. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00616837; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00616837 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/762dZPoKX

    Socioeconomic and geographic differences in ablation of atrial fibrillation in Norway - a national cohort study

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    Background - The aim of this study was to analyse whether there are patient related or geographic differences in the use of catheter ablation among atrial fibrillation patients in Norway. Methods - National population-based data on individual level of all Norwegians aged 25 to 75 diagnosed with atrial fibrillation from 2008 to 2017 were used to study the proportion treated with catheter ablation. Survival analysis, by Cox regression with attained age as time scale, separately by gender, was applied to examine the associations between ablation probability and educational level, income level, place of residence, and follow-up time. Results - Substantial socioeconomic and geographic variation was documented. Atrial fibrillation patients with high level of education and high income were more frequently treated with ablation, and the education effect increased with increasing age. Patients living in the referral area of St. Olavs Hospital Trust had around three times as high ablation rates as patients living in the referral area of Finnmark Hospital Trust. Conclusions - Differences in health literacy, patient preference and demands are probably important causes of socioeconomic variation, and studies on how socioeconomic status influences the choice of treatment are warranted. Some of the geographic variation may reflect differences in ablation capacity. However, geographic variation related to differences in clinical practice and provider preferences implies a need for clearer guidelines, both at the specialist level and at the referring level

    Socioeconomic and geographic differences in ablation of atrial fibrillation in Norway - a national cohort study

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    Background The aim of this study was to analyse whether there are patient related or geographic differences in the use of catheter ablation among atrial fibrillation patients in Norway. Methods National population-based data on individual level of all Norwegians aged 25 to 75 diagnosed with atrial fibrillation from 2008 to 2017 were used to study the proportion treated with catheter ablation. Survival analysis, by Cox regression with attained age as time scale, separately by gender, was applied to examine the associations between ablation probability and educational level, income level, place of residence, and follow-up time. Results Substantial socioeconomic and geographic variation was documented. Atrial fibrillation patients with high level of education and high income were more frequently treated with ablation, and the education effect increased with increasing age. Patients living in the referral area of St. Olavs Hospital Trust had around three times as high ablation rates as patients living in the referral area of Finnmark Hospital Trust. Conclusions Differences in health literacy, patient preference and demands are probably important causes of socioeconomic variation, and studies on how socioeconomic status influences the choice of treatment are warranted. Some of the geographic variation may reflect differences in ablation capacity. However, geographic variation related to differences in clinical practice and provider preferences implies a need for clearer guidelines, both at the specialist level and at the referring level

    MR elastography identifies regions of extracellular matrix reorganization associated with shorter survival in glioblastoma patients

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    Abstract Background Biomechanical tissue properties of glioblastoma tumors are heterogeneous, but the molecular mechanisms involved and the biological implications are poorly understood. Here, we combine magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) measurement of tissue stiffness with RNA sequencing of tissue biopsies to explore the molecular characteristics of the stiffness signal. Methods MRE was performed preoperatively in 13 patients with glioblastoma. Navigated biopsies were harvested during surgery and classified as “stiff” or “soft” according to MRE stiffness measurements (|G*|norm). Twenty-two biopsies from eight patients were analyzed by RNA sequencing. Results The mean whole-tumor stiffness was lower than normal-appearing white matter. The surgeon’s stiffness evaluation did not correlate with the MRE measurements, which suggests that these measures assess different physiological properties. Pathway analysis of the differentially expressed genes between “stiff” and “soft” biopsies showed that genes involved in extracellular matrix reorganization and cellular adhesion were overexpressed in “stiff” biopsies. Supervised dimensionality reduction identified a gene expression signal separating “stiff” and “soft” biopsies. Using the NIH Genomic Data Portal, 265 glioblastoma patients were divided into those with (n = 63) and without (n = 202) this gene expression signal. The median survival time of patients with tumors expressing the gene signal associated with “stiff” biopsies was 100 days shorter than that of patients not expressing it (360 versus 460 days, hazard ratio: 1.45, P &lt; .05). Conclusion MRE imaging of glioblastoma can provide noninvasive information on intratumoral heterogeneity. Regions of increased stiffness were associated with extracellular matrix reorganization. An expression signal associated with “stiff” biopsies correlated with shorter survival of glioblastoma patients