66 research outputs found

    The radiative effect of ion-induced inorganic nucleation in the free troposphere

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    To determine the effect of cosmic rays on the Earth's climate via ion-induced nucleation, a parametrisation of inorganic nucleation was formulated based on experiments at the CERN CLOUD experiment. The parametrisation was implemented in the GLOMAP aerosol microphysics model and used to estimate the radiative effect of the change in ionisation experienced over an 11-year solar cycle

    Nanotopography of Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate) for the Promotion of Patient Specific Von Willebrand Factor Entrapment and Platelet Adhesion in a Whole Blood Microfluidic Assay

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    Platelet function testing is essential for the diagnosis of patients with bleeding disorders. Specifically, there is a need for a whole blood assay that is capable of analysing platelet behaviour in contact with a patient-specific autologous von Willebrand factor (vWF), under physiologically relevant conditions. The creation of surface topography capable of entrapping and uncoiling vWF for the support of subsequent platelet adhesion within the same blood sample offers a potential basis for such an assay. In this study, spin coating of polystyrene/poly (methyl methacrylate) (PS/PMMA) demixed solutions onto glass substrates in air has been used to attain surfaces with well-defined topographical features. The effect of augmenting the PS/PMMA solution with uniform 50 µm PS microspheres that can moderate the demixing process on the resultant surface features has also been investigated. The topographical features created here by spin coating under ambient air pressure conditions, rather than in nitrogen, which previous work reports, produces substrate surfaces with the ability to entrap vWF from flowing blood and facilitate platelet adhesion. The direct optical visualisation of fluorescently-labelled platelets indicates that topography resulting from inclusion of PS microspheres in the PS/PMMA spin coating solution increases the total number of platelets that adhere to the substrate surface over the period of the microfluidic assay. However, a detailed analysis of the adhesion rate, mean translocating velocity, mean translocation distance, and fraction of the stably adhered platelets measured during blood flow under arterial equivalent mechanical shear conditions indicates no significant difference for topographies created with or without inclusion of the PS microspheres. </p

    Entrapment of Autologous von Willebrand Factor on Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Demixed Surfaces

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    Human platelets play a vital role in haemostasis, pathological bleeding and thrombosis. The haemostatic mechanism is concerned with the control of bleeding from injured blood vessels, whereby platelets interact with the damaged inner vessel wall to form a clot (thrombus) at the site of injury. This adhesion of platelets and their subsequent aggregation is dependent on the presence of the blood protein von Willebrand Factor (vWF). It is proposed here that the entrapment of vWF on a substrate surface offers the opportunity to assess an individual’s platelet function in a clinical diagnostic context. Spin coating from demixed solutions of polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) onto glass slides has been shown previously to support platelet adhesion but the mechanism by which this interaction occurs, including the role of vWF, is not fully understood. In this work, we report a study of the interaction of platelets in whole blood with surfaces produced by spin coating from a solution of a weight/weight mixture of a 25% PS and 75% PMMA (25PS/75PMMA) in chloroform in the context of the properties required for their use as a Dynamic Platelet Function Assay (DPFA) substrate. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) indicates the presence of topographical features on the polymer demixed surfaces in the sub-micron to nanometer range. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis confirms that the uppermost surface chemistry of the coatings is solely that of PMMA. The deliberate addition of various amounts of 50 μm diameter PS microspheres to the 25PS/75PMMA system has been shown to maintain the PMMA chemistry, but to significantly change the surface topography and to subsequently effect the scale of the resultant platelet interactions. By blocking specific platelet binding sites, it has been shown that their interaction with these surfaces is a consequence of the entrapment and build-up of vWF from the same whole blood sample

    Computational Tracking of Shear-Mediated Platelet Interactions with von Willebrand Factor

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    The imaging of shear-mediated dynamic platelet behavior interacting with surface-immobilized von Willebrand factor (vWF) has tremendous potential in characterizing changes in platelet function for clinical diagnostics purposes. However, the imaging output, a series of images representing platelets adhering and rolling on the surface, poses unique, non-trivial challenges for software algorithms that reconstruct the positional trajectories of platelets. We report on an algorithm that tracks platelets using the output of such flow run experiments, taking into account common artifacts encountered by previously-published methods, and we derive seven key metrics of platelet dynamics that can be used to characterize platelet function. Extensive testing of our method using simulated platelet flow run data was carried out to validate our tracking method and derived metrics in capturing key platelet-vWF interaction-dynamics properties. Our results show that while the number of platelets present on the imaged area is the leading cause of errors, flow run data from two experiments using whole blood samples showed that our method and metrics can detect platelet property changes/differences that are concordant with the expected biological outcome, such as inhibiting key platelet receptors such as P2Y1, glycoprotein (GP)Ib and GPIIb/IIIa. These findings support the use of our methodologies to characterize platelet function among a wide range of healthy and disease cohorts

    Ternary H_2SO_4-H_2O-NH_3 Neutral and Charged Nucleation Rates for a Wide Range of Atmospheric Conditions

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    The formation of new particles for the ternary system involving sulfuric acid, water vapor and ammonia has been studied in detail. The nucleation rates were obtained from experiments at the CERN CLOUD chamber which allows the measurement of new particle formation under very well defined conditions. Some of its key features are the suppression of contaminants at the technological limit and a very precise control of a wide range of temperatures, trace gas concentrations and nucleation rates. The effect of ionizing radiation on the ternary nucleation rates was investigated by using the CERN proton synchrotron beam (beam conditions), natural galactic cosmic rays (gcr conditions) as well as the high voltage clearing field inside the chamber to suppress the effect of charges (neutral conditions). The dependence of the nucleation rate on ion concentration, sulfuric acid and ammonia concentration as well as temperature was studied extensively. This way, an unprecedented set of data was collected giving insight into the role of neutral and charged ternary NH_3 nucleation and the relative importance of the different parameters

    Causes and importance of new particle formation in the present-day and preindustrial atmospheres

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    New particle formation has been estimated to produce around half of cloud-forming particles in the present-day atmosphere, via gas-to-particle conversion. Here we assess the importance of new particle formation (NPF) for both the present-day and the preindustrial atmospheres. We use a global aerosol model with parametrizations of NPF from previously published CLOUD chamber experiments involving sulfuric acid, ammonia, organic molecules, and ions. We find that NPF produces around 67% of cloud condensation nuclei at 0.2% supersaturation (CCN0.2%) at the level of low clouds in the preindustrial atmosphere (estimated uncertainty range 45-84%) and 54% in the present day (estimated uncertainty range 38-66%). Concerning causes, we find that the importance of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in NPF and CCN formation is greater than previously thought. Removing BVOCs and hence all secondary organic aerosol from our model reduces low-cloud-level CCN concentrations at 0.2% supersaturation by 26% in the present-day atmosphere and 41% in the preindustrial. Around three quarters of this reduction is due to the tiny fraction of the oxidation products of BVOCs that have sufficiently low volatility to be involved in NPF and early growth. Furthermore, we estimate that 40% of preindustrial CCN0.2% are formed via ion-induced NPF, compared with 27% in the present day, although we caution that the ion-induced fraction of NPF involving BVOCs is poorly measured at present. Our model suggests that the effect of changes in cosmic ray intensity on CCN is small and unlikely to be comparable to the effect of large variations in natural primary aerosol emissions. Plain Language Summary New particle formation in the atmosphere is the process by which gas molecules collide and stick together to form atmospheric aerosol particles. Aerosols act as seeds for cloud droplets, so the concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere affects the properties of clouds. It is important to understand how aerosols affect clouds because they reflect a lot of incoming solar radiation away from Earth's surface, so changes in cloud properties can affect the climate. Before the Industrial Revolution, aerosol concentrations were significantly lower than they are today. In this article, we show using global model simulations that new particle formation was a more important mechanism for aerosol production than it is now. We also study the importance of gases emitted by vegetation, and of atmospheric ions made by radon gas or cosmic rays, in preindustrial aerosol formation. We find that the contribution of ions and vegetation to new particle formation was also greater in the preindustrial period than it is today. However, the effect on particle formation of variations in ion concentration due to changes in the intensity of cosmic rays reaching Earth was small.Peer reviewe

    Experimental particle formation rates spanning tropospheric sulfuric acid and ammonia abundances, ion production rates, and temperatures

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    Binary nucleation of sulfuric acid and water as well as ternary nucleation involving ammonia are thought to be the dominant processes responsible for new particle formation (NPF) in the cold temperatures of the middle and upper troposphere. Ions are also thought to be important for particle nucleation in these regions. However, global models presently lack experimentally measured NPF rates under controlled laboratory conditions and so at present must rely on theoretical or empirical parameterizations. Here with data obtained in the European Organization for Nuclear Research CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) chamber, we present the first experimental survey of NPF rates spanning free tropospheric conditions. The conditions during nucleation cover a temperature range from 208 to 298K, sulfuric acid concentrations between 5x10(5) and 1x10(9)cm(-3), and ammonia mixing ratios from zero added ammonia, i.e., nominally pure binary, to a maximum of -1400 parts per trillion by volume (pptv). We performed nucleation studies under pure neutral conditions with zero ions being present in the chamber and at ionization rates of up to 75ion pairs cm(-3)s(-1) to study neutral and ion-induced nucleation. We found that the contribution from ion-induced nucleation is small at temperatures between 208 and 248K when ammonia is present at several pptv or higher. However, the presence of charges significantly enhances the nucleation rates, especially at 248K with zero added ammonia, and for higher temperatures independent of NH3 levels. We compare these experimental data with calculated cluster formation rates from the Atmospheric Cluster Dynamics Code with cluster evaporation rates obtained from quantum chemistry.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of the SAWNUC model with CLOUD measurements of sulphuric acid-water nucleation

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    Binary nucleation of sulphuric acid-water particles is expected to be an important process in the free troposphere at low temperatures. SAWNUC (Sulphuric Acid Water Nucleation) is a model of binary nucleation that is based on laboratory measurements of the binding energies of sulphuric acid and water in charged and neutral clusters. Predictions of SAWNUC are compared for the first time comprehensively with experimental binary nucleation data from the CLOUD chamber at European Organization for Nuclear Research. The experimental measurements span a temperature range of 208-292K, sulphuric acid concentrations from 110(6) to 110(9)cm(-3), and distinguish between ion-induced and neutral nucleation. Good agreement, within a factor of 5, is found between the experimental and modeled formation rates for ion-induced nucleation at 278K and below and for neutral nucleation at 208 and 223K. Differences at warm temperatures are attributed to ammonia contamination which was indicated by the presence of ammonia-sulphuric acid clusters, detected by an Atmospheric Pressure Interface Time of Flight (APi-TOF) mass spectrometer. APi-TOF measurements of the sulphuric acid ion cluster distributions (H2SO4)HSO4 with i = 0, 1, ..., 10) show qualitative agreement with the SAWNUC ion cluster distributions. Remaining differences between the measured and modeled distributions are most likely due to fragmentation in the APi-TOF. The CLOUD results are in good agreement with previously measured cluster binding energies and show the SAWNUC model to be a good representation of ion-induced and neutral binary nucleation of sulphuric acid-water clusters in the middle and upper troposphere.Peer reviewe