92 research outputs found

    The Impact of Gender Equality in the Cybersecurity Sector

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    Nowadays, there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the sector and women are disproportionately underrepresented in the field. This exploratory study examines how organizations can retain and entice women in the cybersecurity industry, as well as how enhanced gender balance affects the work environment. Because the scope is limited, we will only look at gender equality between men and women, as well as apply the study in a Norwegian context. Furthermore, the study investigates why women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and identifies barriers preventing them from pursuing this career. The findings of our systematic literature review (SLR) identifies obstacles and already existing solutions for increasing the representation of female cybersecurity professionals. To gain a comprehensive understanding of respondents' experiences with gender equality and diversity in the industry, qualitative research using semi-structured interviews (SSI) was conducted. Our study contains fourteen respondents from organizations with cybersecurity from both private and public sectors, with varying positions. The primary metric that emerged from both the interviews and the literature was showing possibilities of cybersecurity and raising awareness of the subject. By analyzing our literature- and empirical findings we demonstrated that there is a correlation between the barriers preventing women from cybersecurity. According to our theory, stereotypes, disinformation, discrimination, lack of role models and lack of knowledge about the cybersecurity contributes to low self-efficacy, which causes low interest in the subject, which leads back to the first point. By understanding how this is connected, we were able to propose several recommendations to reduce the barriers and turn the vicious cycle into a virtuous one. Based on our results, we developed a list of recommendations for enticing and retaining more women in cybersecurity, which can be applied in both educational and organizational sector. The study's primary purpose is to help advance gender equality in the cybersecurity industry by identifying the barriers that keep women out of the field and providing long-term solutions for enticing and retaining more women. The recommendations are applicable to organizations outside of the cybersecurity industry as well, and this research can thus be applied to a variety of male-dominated sectors

    The Impact of Gender Equality in the Cybersecurity Sector

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    Nowadays, there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the sector and women are disproportionately underrepresented in the field. This exploratory study examines how organizations can retain and entice women in the cybersecurity industry, as well as how enhanced gender balance affects the work environment. Because the scope is limited, we will only look at gender equality between men and women, as well as apply the study in a Norwegian context. Furthermore, the study investigates why women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and identifies barriers preventing them from pursuing this career. The findings of our systematic literature review (SLR) identifies obstacles and already existing solutions for increasing the representation of female cybersecurity professionals. To gain a comprehensive understanding of respondents' experiences with gender equality and diversity in the industry, qualitative research using semi-structured interviews (SSI) was conducted. Our study contains fourteen respondents from organizations with cybersecurity from both private and public sectors, with varying positions. The primary metric that emerged from both the interviews and the literature was showing possibilities of cybersecurity and raising awareness of the subject. By analyzing our literature- and empirical findings we demonstrated that there is a correlation between the barriers preventing women from cybersecurity. According to our theory, stereotypes, disinformation, discrimination, lack of role models and lack of knowledge about the cybersecurity contributes to low self-efficacy, which causes low interest in the subject, which leads back to the first point. By understanding how this is connected, we were able to propose several recommendations to reduce the barriers and turn the vicious cycle into a virtuous one. Based on our results, we developed a list of recommendations for enticing and retaining more women in cybersecurity, which can be applied in both educational and organizational sector. The study's primary purpose is to help advance gender equality in the cybersecurity industry by identifying the barriers that keep women out of the field and providing long-term solutions for enticing and retaining more women. The recommendations are applicable to organizations outside of the cybersecurity industry as well, and this research can thus be applied to a variety of male-dominated sectors

    Game play in vocational training and engineering education

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    Educational games may create a new and improved learning culture by drawing advantage of the new knowledge and skills of today’s students obtained from extensive use of interactive game software. This paper presents a design basis and online learning resources taking advantage of game-related features like a high degree of interactivity, attractive graphics, a dynamical virtual universe, and an incentive system to promote prolonged and more advanced use. The educational resources, denoted PIDstop, are targeted towards the engineering domain. Feedback from over 2000 users clearly indicates that PIDstop has a positive learning effect. Training packages for vocational training of Automation Technicians is emphasized in this paper. Such learning resources must have a limited mathematical complexity; hence, the representation should be rather descriptive. Evaluation of learning resources to assess the actual learning effect is important, and a two-step procedure based on formative and summative evaluation is proposed for this purpose

    Hva har drevet konsolideringen i oppdrettsnæringen, og eksisterer det synergieffekter for det kjøpende selskap?

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    Utredningen tar sikte på å forklare hva som har vært de viktigste oppkjøpsdrivende faktorene i den norske fiskeoppdrettsnæringen fra konsolideringen startet på 90-tallet frem til dags dato, for videre å undersøke om det er mulig å identifisere synergieffekter for det kjøpende selskapet ved oppkjøp av unoterte oppdrettsselskaper. For å finne ut sistnevnte benytter jeg en begivenhetsstudie. Oppkjøpsaktiviteten i oppdrettsnæringen ser ut til å ha blitt drevet frem av en kombinasjon av regulatoriske endringer, perioder med økonomiske nedgangstider og teknologisk utvikling. Myndighetenes reguleringsendring av næringen i 1991, som var et resultat av en næring i krise, åpnet for et sentralisert eierskap og symboliserer starten på en mer integrert næring. De overnevnte faktorene har vært viktige for at økt oppkjøpsaktivitet skal finne sted. Selskapenes motivasjon for å integrere horisontalt og vertikalt er relatert til troen på synergieffekter. De fremste synergieffektene relatert til horisontal integrering er troen på stordriftsfordeler og potensiell markedsmakt. Vertikal integrering kommer av ønske om økt kontroll over produksjonskjeden. Samtidig har supermarkedene sin økte dominans som kjøper stilt stadig høyere krav til produsentene. Jeg kommer frem til at det kjøpende selskap oppnår en signifikant unormal avkastning på 1,33 % på annonseringsdagen ved et signifikansnivå på 95 %. For de tre andre begivenhetsvinduene, 3 dager, 11 dager og 21 dager finner jeg ingen signifikant unormal avkastning. Til tross for at den unormale avkastningen ikke er signifikant ved de lengre vinduene ser det ut til at selskapene gjenomgående gjør det bedre etter annonsering enn før

    Realisasjon som innvinningsbegivenhet i inntektsskatteretten - En studie av realisasjonsbegrepet i skatteloven § 9-2

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    Har realisasjon funnet sted? Det er det grunnleggende spørsmålet i denne masteroppgaven. Realisasjonsbegrepets innhold beror på en tolkning av legaldefinisjonen som gis i skatteloven § 9-2. Et sentralt mål er å identifisere momenter som er relevante å vektlegge i lovtolkningen, særlig med sikte på tilfeller hvor spørsmålet om realisasjon byr på tvil. Det overordnede spørsmålet blir konkretisert i to underproblemstillinger: Finner det sted realisasjon i forbindelse med gjennomføringen av gjenkjøpsavtaler? Finner det sted realisasjon når eiendomsrett erverves ved hevd?MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJUR-2MAJU

    The Effect of Divalent Cations on the Prophenoloxidase Enzyme Cascade Activity in the Freshwater Crayfish Cambarus Latimanus

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    The effect of divalent cations such as cadmium, calcium, copper, lead and magnesium upon the prophenoloxidase system (proPO) was studied in hemocytes of the crayfish Cambarus latimanus. It was demonstrated that cadmium, calcium, copper and lead increased proPO activity significantly, whereas magnesium had no statistically significant effect on the system. Also, the molecular weight of the proPO enzyme was estimated using SDS-PAGE and found to be approximately 76 kDa

    Improving Run Time in Three-Dimensional Reservoir Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Modeling

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    A simulation game for nonlinear control theory education

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    A Remote Laboratory Experimentation Network

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    This contribution presents a remote laboratory project with a new business model that aims at bringing physical experimentation back into the learning arena, where remotely operable laboratory experiments used in advanced education and training schemes are made available to a global market. This is done via the Internet using a set of e-commerce and advanced information and communication technology solutions. The project will add online remote experimentation to distance learning techniques. This creates new opportunities for distance learning, in particular within the engineering dis-ciplines where hands-on experience is regarded as essential to acquire knowledge and re-inforce professional skills. We will assemble and integrate remote online experimenta-tion with other multimedia learning resources like virtual reality and simulations, and develop course modules utilising the complementary learning effects of physical experi-ments