1,326 research outputs found

    Cretaceous-Tertiary geodynamics: a North Atlantic exercise

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    New reconstructions are presented for the Cretaceousā€“Early Tertiary North Atlantic using a combination of palaeomagnetic, hotspot and magnetic anomaly data. We utilize these reconstructions in an analysis of previously described misfits between the North Atlantic Plate elements at successive intervals during this time period. We are able to achieve reasonable overlap between the hotspot and palaeomagnetic reconstructions between 40 and 95 Ma and thus are able to support the idea that the Indoā€“Atlantic hotspots are relatively stationary. Small, but systematic discrepancies for this time interval can readily be modelled with a long-term, octopole non-dipole field contribution (G3 = gā‚ƒā°/gā‚ā° = 0.08). However, hotspot and palaeomagnetic reconstructions for the Early Cretaceous North Atlantic show substantial differences that cannot be explained by constant, non-dipole fields and we favour an explanation for these discrepancies in terms of true polar wander (TPW) triggered by mantle instabilities between 125 and 95 Ma; this constitutes the only identifiable event of significant TPW since the Early Cretaceous. Taken in the context of available geochronological and geological data and seismic tomography from the region, the 95ā€“40 Ma reconstructions and their time-consequent geological products are interpreted in terms of specific conditions of mantle-crust coupling and global plate motions/tectonic activity. Highlights from these reconstructions show uniform NE movement of the coupled North American, Greenland and Eurasian plates from 95 to 80 Ma; a marked cusp in the paths for all three elements at 80 Ma where the three plates simultaneously change direction and follow a uniform NW-directed motion until c. 20 Ma when Eurasia diverges NE, away from the still-NW-moving Greenland and North American elements. Positioning of the Iceland plume beneath the spreading-ridge at 20 Ma may have increased upwelling below the ridge, increased the ridge-push, and caused a NE shift in the absolute direction of Eurasia

    Access to assistive technology in two Southern African countries

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    Background Millions of people in Southern Africa are deprived of basic human rights such as the right to education and work because of the large and growing unmet demand for assistive technologies (AT). Evidence is needed to better characterize the lack of AT access. Methods This study serves to identify the sociodemographic factors that are associated with access to AT in two countries in Southern Africa, Botswana and Swaziland. To achieve this aim, logistics regression was applied to a subset of variables from two Living Conditions Studies, nationally representative surveys that were conducted in Southern Africa (2014 and 2010). Results In Botswana, 44% of people who needed AT did not receive it, while in Swaziland the unmet need was 67%. Among the sociodemographic variables tested, the type of disability was the most important factor in determining AT access in both countries. The likelihood of AT access was highest in both countries for those who had mobility limitations (i.e., difficulty walking/climbing stairs) [Botswana: 6.4 odds ratio (OR)ā€‰=ā€‰6.4., 95% confidence internal (CI) (3.6ā€“11.3); Swaziland: ORā€‰=ā€‰3.2, CI (1.4ā€“7.3)], in comparison to those with non-mobility types of disabilities. Conclusions These findings provide support for governments and other stakeholders in the AT sector to prioritize AT to address the large unmet demand, and expand the range of AT products provided so that people with hearing, seeing, self-care, communication and cognition difficulties have equal access to AT as those with mobility impairments. A step toward achieving these aims is to inventory AT product types that are commonly covered through the public sector in each country, and identify common gaps (e.g., daily living aids). Advancing the AT sector as a whole within Southern Africa will require large scale qualitative studies that achieve a comprehensive understanding of the bottlenecks in regional AT supply, procurement, and delivery systems

    Linking the High-Resolution Architecture of Modern and Ancient Wave-Dominated Deltas : Processes, Products and Forcing Factors

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    Many thoughts and concepts used in this paper were initially developed as a result of work conducted with funding provided to the WAVE Consortium at the Australian School of Petroleum, University of Adelaide (RBA, BKV and JB). The consortium sponsors (Apache, BAPETCO, BHPBP, BG, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Nexen, OMV, Shell, Statoil, Todd Energy, and Woodside Energy) are thus thanked for making this work possible. We are indebted to journal reviewers Cornel Olariu and Howard Feldman, and to Associate Editor Janok Bhattacharya for numerous comments and suggestions that improved the clarity of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Access to health care for persons with disabilities in rural South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Global research suggests that persons with disabilities face barriers when accessing health care services. Yet, information regarding the nature of these barriers, especially in low-income and middle-income countries is sparse. Rural contexts in these countries may present greater barriers than urban contexts, but little is known about access issues in such contexts. There is a paucity of research in South Africa looking at "triple vulnerability" - poverty, disability and rurality. This study explored issues of access to health care for persons with disabilities in an impoverished rural area in South Africa. METHODS: The study includes a quantitative survey with interviews with 773 participants in 527 households. Comparisons in terms of access to health care between persons with disabilities and persons with no disabilities were explored. The approach to data analysis included quantitative data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequency and cross tabulation, comparing and contrasting the frequency of different phenomena between persons with disabilities and persons with no disabilities, were used. Chi-square tests and Analysis of Variance tests were then incorporated into the analysis. RESULTS: Persons with disabilities have a higher rate of unmet health needs as compared to non-disabled. In rural Madwaleni in South Africa, persons with disabilities faced significantly more barriers to accessing health care compared to persons without disabilities. Barriers increased with disability severity and was reduced with increasing level of education, living in a household without disabled members and with age. CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that access to health care in a rural area in South Africa for persons with disabilities is more of an issue than for persons without disabilities in that they face more barriers. Implications are that we need to look beyond the medical issues of disability and address social and inclusion issues as well

    Toward a simulation approach for alkene ring-closing metathesis : scope and limitations of a model for RCM

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    A published model for revealing solvent effects on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of di-Et diallylmalonate 7 has been evaluated over a wider range of conditions, to assess its suitability for new applications. Unfortunately, the model is too flexible and the published rate consts. do not agree with exptl. studies in the literature. However, by fixing the values of important rate consts. and restricting the concn. ranges studied, useful conclusions can be drawn about the relative rates of RCM of different substrates, precatalyst concn. can be simulated accurately and the effect of precatalyst loading can be anticipated. Progress has also been made toward applying the model to precatalyst evaluation, but further modifications to the model are necessary to achieve much broader aims

    Metallothioneins 2 and 3 contribute to the metal-adapted phenotype but are not directly linked to Zn accumulation in the metal hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens

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    To study the role of metallothioneins (MTs) in Zn accumulation, the expression of TcMT2a, TcMT2b, and TcMT3 was analysed in three accessions and 15 F3 families of two inter-accession crosses of the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens, with different degrees of Zn accumulation. The highest expression levels were found in the shoots of a superior metal-accumulating calamine accession from St Laurent le Minier, with >10-fold TcMT3 expression compared with another calamine accession and a non-metallicolous accession. Moreover, F3 sibling lines from the inter-accession crosses that harboured the MT2a or MT3 allele from St Laurent le Minier had higher expression levels. However, there was no co-segregation of TcMT2a or TcMT3 expression and Zn accumulation. To examine the functions of TcMTs in plants, TcMT2a and TcMT3 were ectopically expressed in Arabidopsis. The transformant lines had reduced root length in control medium but not at high metal concentrations, suggesting that the ectopically expressed proteins interfered with the physiological availability of essential metals under limited supply. The Arabidopsis transformant lines did not show increased tolerance to Cd, Cu, or Zn, nor increased Cd or Zn accumulation. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that in roots, MT2 protein is localized in the epidermis and root hairs of both T. caerulescens and Arabidopsis thaliana. The results suggest that TcMT2a, TcMT2b, and TcMT3 are not primarily involved in Zn accumulation as such. However, the elevated expression levels in the metallicolous accessions suggests that they do contribute to the metal-adapted phenotype, possibly through improving Cu homeostasis at high Zn and Cd body burdens. Alternatively, they might function as hypostatic enhancers of Zn or Cd tolerance


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    ABSTRACT The influence of chemical reactions between injected CO 2 , formation fluids and the target rock formation leads to uncertainties for geological sequestration projects. Reactions may influence the fluid-flow field, i.e. reactive transport, and the mechanical rock properties, which might degrade, leading to uncertainties with respect to the rock integrity in the affected region. We investigate both the influence of calcite dissolution on the fluid flow and the mechanical rock properties for two cases: first under realistic CO 2 /brine field flow rates leading to heterogeneous dissolution, i.e. wormholing, and second under noflow conditions leading to a rather homogeneous dissolution. We find a significant influence of dissolution on single-and two-phase flow and changes of the elastic rock properties and the failure behavior. The study is an essential step toward understanding CO 2 plume migration and the effects caused by long-term migration of CO 2 in carbonate reservoirs, providing input parameters for reservoir models and reservoir surveillance

    Linac-LHC EP Collider Options

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    We describe various parameter scenarios for a ring-linac ep collider based on LHC and an independent electron linac. Luminosities between 103110^{31} and 1033cmāˆ’2sāˆ’110^{33} cm^{-2}s^{-1} can be achieved with a s.c. linac, operated either in pulsed or in cw mode, with optional recirculation, at a total electric wallplug power of order 20 MW. Higher luminosities, of several 1033cmāˆ’2sāˆ’110^{33} cm^{-2}s^{-1} can be reached by investing more electric power or by energy recovery. Finally, merits of a linac-ring ep collider are discussed

    On the Design of a SIP-Based Binding Middleware for Next Generation Home Network Services

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    Abstract. This paper proposes a two-layer component-based middleware frame-work that copes with the complexity of managing and constructing efficient and useful SIP-based home services. In the first layer, the device integration frame-work overcomes the heterogeneity of media home devices by providing protocol-independent components that reify the underlying devices. At the second layer, the binding framework allows constructing open mobile media bindings between SIP and non SIP communication protocol endpoints including media home de-vices. The openness of our framework is motivated by the need of constructing highly flexible home services such as context aware adaptation, session mobility, media session enrichment and QoS. Our framework is implemented as part of a context-aware adaptive middleware on top of the OSGi platform and an illustra-tive use case is shown.
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