545 research outputs found

    Upper critical dimension of the KPZ equation

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    Numerical results for the Directed Polymer model in 1+4 dimensions in various types of disorder are presented. The results are obtained for system size considerably larger than that considered previously. For the extreme strong disorder case (Min-Max system), associated with the Directed Percolation model, the expected value of the meandering exponent, zeta = 0.5 is clearly revealed, with very week finite size effects. For the week disorder case, associated with the KPZ equation, finite size effects are stronger, but the value of seta is clearly seen in the vicinity of 0.57. In systems with "strong disorder" it is expected that the system will cross over sharply from Min-Max behavior at short chains to weak disorder behavior at long chains. This is indeed what we find. These results indicate that 1+4 is not the Upper Critical Dimension (UCD) in the week disorder case, and thus 4+1 does not seem to be the upper critical dimension for the KPZ equation

    Pure and loaded fireballs in SGR giant flares

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    On December 27, 2004, a giant flare from SGR 1806−-20 was detected on earth. Its thermal spectrum and temperature suggest that the flare resulted from an energy release of about 104710^{47} erg/sec close to the surface of a neutron star in the form of radiation and/or pairs. This plasma expanded under its own pressure producing a fireball and the observed gamma-rays escaped once the fireball became optically thin. The giant flare was followed by a bright radio afterglow, with an observable extended size, implying an energetic relativistic outflow. We revisit here the evolution of relativistic fireballs and we calculate the Lorentz factor and energy remaining in relativistic outflow once the radiation escapes. We show that pairs that arise naturally in a pure pairs-radiation fireball do not carry enough energy to account for the observed afterglow. We consider various alternatives and we show that if the relativistic outflow that causes the afterglow is related directly to the prompt flare, then the initial fireball must be loaded by baryons or Poynting flux. While we focus on parameters applicable to the giant flare and the radio afterglow of SGR 1806−-20 the calculations presented here might be also applicable to GRBs

    From service provision to function based performance - perspectives on public health systems from the USA and Israel

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    If public health agencies are to fulfill their overall mission, they need to have defined measurable targets and should structure services to reach these targets, rather than offer a combination of ill-targeted programs. In order to do this, it is essential that there be a clear definition of what public health should do- a definition that does not ebb and flow based upon the prevailing political winds, but rather is based upon professional standards and measurements. The establishment of the Essential Public Health Services framework in the U.S.A. was a major move in that direction, and the model, or revisions of the model, have been adopted beyond the borders of the U.S. This article reviews the U.S. public health system, the needs and processes which brought about the development of the 10 Essential Public Health Services (EPHS), and historical and contemporary applications of the model. It highlights the value of establishing a common delineation of public health activities such as those contained in the EPHS, and explores the validity of using the same process in other countries through a discussion of the development in Israel of a similar model, the 10 Public Health Essential Functions (PHEF), that describes the activities of Israel’s public health system. The use of the same process and framework to develop similar yet distinct frameworks suggests that the process has wide applicability, and may be beneficial to any public health system. Once a model is developed, it can be used to measure public health performance and improve the quality of services delivered through the development of standards and measures based upon the model, which could, ultimately, improve the health of the communities that depend upon public health agencies to protect their well-being

    The Chandra Iron-L X-Ray Line Spectrum of Capella

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    An analysis of the iron L-shell emission in the publicly available spectrum of the Capella binary system, as obtained by the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory, is presented. The atomic-state model, based on the HULLAC code, is shown to be especially adequate for analyzing high-resolution x-ray spectra of this sort. Almost all of the spectral lines in the 10 - 18 Angstrom wavelength range are identified. It is shown that, for the most part, these lines can be attributed to emission from L-shell iron ions in the Capella coronae. Possibilities for electron temperature diagnostics using line ratios of Fe16+ are demonstrated. It is shown that the observed iron-L spectrum can be reproduced almost entirely by assuming a single electron temperature of kTe= 600 eV. This temperature is consistent with both the measured fractional ion abundances of iron and with the temperature derived from ratios of Fe16+ lines. A volume emission measure of 1053 cm-3 is calculated for the iron L-shell emitting regions of the Capella coronae indicating a rather small volume of 1029 cm3 for the emitting plasma if an electron density of 1012 cm-3 is assumed.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Amino acid substitutions within the heptad repeat domain 1 of murine coronavirus spike protein restrict viral antigen spread in the central nervous system.

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    Targeted recombination was carried out to select mouse hepatitis viruses (MHVs) in a defined genetic background, containing an MHV-JHM spike gene encoding either three heptad repeat 1 (HR1) substitutions (Q1067H, Q1094H, and L1114R) or L1114R alone. The recombinant virus, which expresses spike with the three substitutions, was nonfusogenic at neutral pH. Its replication was significantly inhibited by lysosomotropic agents, and it was highly neuroattenuated in vivo. In contrast, the recombinant expressing spike with L1114R alone mediated cell-to-cell fusion at neutral pH and replicated efficiently despite the presence of lysosomotropic agents; however, it still caused only subclinical morbidity and no mortality in animals. Thus, both recombinant viruses were highly attenuated and expressed viral antigen which was restricted to the olfactory bulbs and was markedly absent from other regions of the brains at 5 days postinfection. These data demonstrate that amino acid substitutions, in particular L1114R, within HR1 of the JHM spike reduced the ability of MHV to spread in the central nervous system. Furthermore, the requirements for low pH for fusion and viral entry are not prerequisites for the highly attenuated phenotype

    Multi-Phase Patterns in Periodically Forced Oscillatory Systems

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    Periodic forcing of an oscillatory system produces frequency locking bands within which the system frequency is rationally related to the forcing frequency. We study extended oscillatory systems that respond to uniform periodic forcing at one quarter of the forcing frequency (the 4:1 resonance). These systems possess four coexisting stable states, corresponding to uniform oscillations with successive phase shifts of π/2\pi/2. Using an amplitude equation approach near a Hopf bifurcation to uniform oscillations, we study front solutions connecting different phase states. These solutions divide into two groups: π\pi-fronts separating states with a phase shift of π\pi and π/2\pi/2-fronts separating states with a phase shift of π/2\pi/2. We find a new type of front instability where a stationary π\pi-front ``decomposes'' into a pair of traveling π/2\pi/2-fronts as the forcing strength is decreased. The instability is degenerate for an amplitude equation with cubic nonlinearities. At the instability point a continuous family of pair solutions exists, consisting of π/2\pi/2-fronts separated by distances ranging from zero to infinity. Quintic nonlinearities lift the degeneracy at the instability point but do not change the basic nature of the instability. We conjecture the existence of similar instabilities in higher 2n:1 resonances (n=3,4,..) where stationary π\pi-fronts decompose into n traveling π/n\pi/n-fronts. The instabilities designate transitions from stationary two-phase patterns to traveling 2n-phase patterns. As an example, we demonstrate with a numerical solution the collapse of a four-phase spiral wave into a stationary two-phase pattern as the forcing strength within the 4:1 resonance is increased

    Does the Linker in Ci-VSP Function as a PI(4,5)P2 Binding Domain?

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