201 research outputs found

    A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMI Automated Meeting Assistant

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    In this paper we describe our approach to support ongoing meetings with an automated meeting assistant. We propose an alternative user interface for the AMIDA Content Linking Device. In order for the system to be less distractive and more collaborative than the original laptop screen based one, we developed a system that projects documents onto the table tops right in front of the meeting participants. This way they appear as if they were printed on paper, lying in front of the participants. We describe our setup as well as the user interface we built to handle and share these documents

    A Precise Controllable Projection System for Projected Virtual Characters and Its Calibration

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    In this paper we describe a system to project virtual characters that shall live with us in the same environment. In order to project the characters' visual representations onto room surfaces we use a controllable projector

    A Tangible Interface for the AMI Content Linking Device -- The Automated Meeting Assistant

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    In this Paper we describe our approach to support ongoing meetings with an automated meeting assistant. The system based on the AMIDA Content Linking Device aims at providing relevant documents used in previous meetings for the ongoing meeting based on automatic speech recognition. Once the content linking device finds documents linked to a discussion about a similar subject in a previous meeting, it assumes they may be relevant for the current discussion as well. We believe that the way these documents are offered to the meeting participants is equally important as the way they are found. We developed a projection based mixed reality user interface that lets the documents appear on the table tops in front of the meeting participants. They can hand them over to others or bring them onto the shared projection screen easily if they consider them relevant for others as well. Yet, irrelevant documents do not draw too much attention from the discussion. In this paper we describe the concept and implementation of this user interface and provide some preliminary results

    Master Class: James Ehnes, violin

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    An Approximation of Solutions to Heat Equations defined by Generalized Measure Theoretic Laplacians

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    We consider the heat equation defined by a generalized measure theoretic Laplacian on [0,1][0,1]. This equation describes heat diffusion in a bar such that the mass distribution of the bar is given by a non-atomic Borel probabiliy measure μ\mu, where we do not assume the existence of a strictly positive mass density. We show that weak measure convergence implies convergence of the corresponding generalized Laplacians in the strong resolvent sense. We prove that strong semigroup convergence with respect to the uniform norm follows, which implies uniform convergence of solutions to the corresponding heat equations. This provides, for example, an interpretation for the mathematical model of heat diffusion on a bar with gaps in that the solution to the corresponding heat equation behaves approximately like the heat flow on a bar with sufficiently small mass on these gaps.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Optimierung eines bispezifischen FLT3xCD3 Antikörpers

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    Bispezifische Antikörper sind ein vielversprechender Ansatz für die Tumortherapie. Neben der Spezifität zu einem Zielantigen, wie einem tumorassoziierten Oberflächenmolekül, besitzen die meisten bispezifischen Antikörper eine Spezifität zu CD3, das mit dem spezifischen T-Zellrezeptor (TCR) assoziiert ist. Damit können T- Zellen, unabhängig von ihrer Antigenspezifität, antikörperabhängig rekrutiert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei bispezifische Antikörper gegen das leukämieassoziierte Antigen FLT3 in zwei verschiedenen Formaten, dem Fabsc-Format und dem IgGsc-Format (Abbildung 3.1.1), verglichen. Beide Konstrukte zeigten ein ähnliches Bindungsverhalten und führten bei Inkubation zusammen mit FLT3 positiven Zellen und PBMCs zur Rekrutierung zytotoxischer T-Zellen. Das IgGsc-Konstrukt (CC2) wies neben der bereits bekannten längeren Serumhalbwertszeit auch eine geringere unspezifische T-Zellproliferation auf, und wurde deshalb weiter optimiert. Dazu wurden Varianten mit Affinitätsveränderungen an der CD3-Bindungsseite untersucht, wobei mit dem Ausgangskonstrukt CC2 bereits die optimale CD3-Affinität zur Aktivierung der T- Zellen sowie der Zielzelllyse erreicht worden war. Auch für die FLT3-Bindung erfolgte die Analyse verschiedener Varianten mit unterschiedlichen Affinitäten. Durch eine leichte Affinitätsminderung im Zuge der Humanisierung der variablen FLT3-Domäne wurde mit dem Konstrukt hCC2 eine verbesserte Zielzelllyse erreicht, und konnte spenderunabhängig in ex vivo Experimenten mit AML-Proben die beste Blastenreduktion erzielen. Damit ist ein affinitäts- und formatoptimiertes, humanisiertes, bispezifisches Molekül mit FLT3xCD3 Spezifität entwickelt worden, dass zur Behandlung von Patienten mit FLT3 positiver akuter myeloischer Leukämie verwendet werden kann

    An Automated Meeting Assistant: A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device

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    We describe our approach to support ongoing meetings with an automated meeting assistant. The system based on the AMIDA Content Linking Device aims at providing relevant documents used in previous meetings for the ongoing meeting based on automatic speech recognition. Once the content linking device finds documents linked to a discussion about a similar subject in a previous meeting, it assumes they may be relevant for the current discussion as well. We believe that the way these documents are offered to the meeting participants is equally important as the way they are found. We developed a mixed reality, projection based user interface that lets the documents appear on the table tops in front of the meeting participants. They can hand them over to others or bring them onto the shared projection screen easily if they consider them relevant. Yet, irrelevant documents don't draw too much attention from the discussion. In this paper we describe the concept and implementation of this user interface and provide some preliminary results

    Structure–Function Relations of the First and Fourth Extracellular Linkers of the Type IIa Na+/Pi Cotransporter: II. Substrate Interaction and Voltage Dependency of Two Functionally Important Sites

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    Functionally important sites in the predicted first and fourth extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter (NaPi-IIa) were identified by cysteine scanning mutagenesis (Ehnes et al., 2004). Cysteine substitution or modification with impermeant and permeant methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents at certain sites resulted in changes to the steady-state voltage dependency of the cotransport mode (1 mM Pi, 100 mM Na+ at pH 7.4) of the mutants. At Gly-134 (ECL-1) and Met-533 (ECL-4), complementary behavior of the voltage dependency was documented with respect to the effect of cys-substitution and modification. G134C had a weak voltage dependency that became even stronger than that of the wild type (WT) after MTS incubation. M533C showed a WT-like voltage dependency that became markedly weaker after MTS incubation. To elucidate the underlying mechanism, the steady-state and presteady-state kinetics of these mutants were studied in detail. The apparent affinity constants for Pi and Na+ did not show large changes after MTS exposure. However, the dependency on external protons was changed in a complementary manner for each mutant. This suggested that cys substitution at Gly-134 or modification of Cys-533 had induced similar conformational changes to alter the proton modulation of transport kinetics. The changes in steady-state voltage dependency correlated with changes in the kinetics of presteady-state charge movements determined in the absence of Pi, which suggested that voltage-dependent transitions in the transport cycle were altered. The steady-state and presteady-state behavior was simulated using an eight-state kinetic model in which the transition rate constants of the empty carrier and translocation of the fully loaded carrier were found to be critical determinants of the transport kinetics. The simulations predict that cys substitution at Gly-134 or cys modification of Cys-533 alters the preferred orientation of the empty carrier from an inward to outward-facing conformation for hyperpolarizing voltages