17 research outputs found

    CD11b facilitates the development of peripheral tolerance by suppressing Th17 differentiation

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    Antigen-induced immune suppression, like T cell activation, requires antigen-presenting cells (APCs); however, the role of APCs in mediating these opposing effects is not well understood, especially in vivo. We report that genetic inactivation of CD11b, which is a CD18 subfamily of integrin receptors that is highly expressed on APCs, abolishes orally induced peripheral immune tolerance (oral tolerance) without compromising APC maturation or antigen-specific immune activation. The defective oral tolerance in CD11b−/− mice can be restored by adoptive transfer of wild-type APCs. CD11b deficiency leads to enhanced interleukin (IL) 6 production by APCs, which subsequently promotes preferential differentiation of naive T cells to T helper 17 (Th17) cells, which are a T cell lineage characterized by their production of IL-17. Consequently, antigen feeding and immunization of CD11b−/− mice results in significant production of IL-17 within the draining lymph nodes that interferes with the establishment of oral tolerance. Together, we conclude that CD11b facilitates oral tolerance by suppressing Th17 immune differentiation

    Bisphosphonates Cause Osteonecrosis of the Jaw-Like Disease in Mice

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    Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ) is a morbid bone disease linked to long-term bisphosphonate use. Despite its broad health impact, mechanistic study is lacking. In this study, we have established a mouse model of BONJ-like disease based on the equivalent clinical regimen in myeloma patients, a group associated with high risk of BONJ. We demonstrate that the murine BONJ-like disease recapitulates major clinical and radiographical manifestations of the human disease, including characteristic features of osseous sclerosis, sequestra, avascular, and radiopaque alveolar bone in the jaw that persists beyond a normal course of wound healing following tooth extraction. We find that long-term administration of bisphosphonates results in an increase in the size and number of osteoclasts and the formation of giant osteoclast-like cells within the alveolar bone. We show that the development of necrotic bone and impaired soft tissue healing in our mouse model is dependent on long-term use of high-dose bisphosphonates, immunosuppressive and chemotherapy drugs, as well as mechanical trauma. Most importantly, we demonstrate that bisphosphonate is the major cause of BONJ-like disease in mice, mediated in part by its ability to suppress osseous angiogenesis and bone remodeling. The availability of this novel mouse model of BONJ-like disease will help elucidate the pathophysiology of BONJ and ultimately develop novel approaches for prevention and treatment of human BONJ. Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology

    ITGAM rs1143679 Variant in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Is Associated with Increased Serum Calcification Propensity.

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    OBJECTIVES CD11B/ITGAM (Integrin Subunit α M) mediates the adhesion of monocytes, macrophages, and granulocytes and promotes the phagocytosis of complement-coated particles. Variants of the ITGAM gene are candidates for genetic susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). SNP rs1143679 (R77H) of CD11B particularly increases the risk of developing SLE. Deficiency of CD11B is linked to premature extra-osseous calcification, as seen in the cartilage of animals with osteoarthritis. Serum calcification propensity measured by the T50 test is a surrogate marker for systemic calcification and reflects increased cardiovascular (CV) risk. We aimed to assess whether the CD11B R77H gene variant is associated with a higher serum calcification propensity (i.e., a lower T50 value) in SLE patients compared to the wild-type allele (WT). METHODS Cross-sectional study incorporating adults with SLE genotyped for the CD11B variant R77H and assessed for serum calcification propensity with the T50 method. Participants were included in a multicenter trans-disciplinary cohort and fulfilled the 1997 revised American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for SLE. We used descriptive statistics for comparing baseline characteristics and sequential T50 measurements in subjects with the R77H variant vs. WT CD11B. RESULTS Of the 167 patients, 108 (65%) were G/G (WT), 53 (32%) were G/A heterozygous, and 6 (3%) were A/A homozygous for the R77H variant. A/A patients cumulated more ACR criteria upon inclusion (7 ± 2 vs. 5 ± 1 in G/G and G/A; p = 0.02). There were no differences between the groups in terms of global disease activity, kidney involvement, and chronic renal failure. Complement C3 levels were lower in A/A individuals compared to others (0.6 ± 0.08 vs. 0.9 ± 0.25 g/L; p = 0.02). Baseline T50 did not differ between the groups (A/A 278 ± 42' vs. 297 ± 50' in G/G and G/A; p = 0.28). Considering all sequential T50 test results, serum calcification propensity was significantly increased in A/A individuals compared to others (253 ± 50 vs. 290 ± 54; p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS SLE patients with homozygosity for the R77H variant and repeated T50 assessment displayed an increased serum calcification propensity (i.e., a lower T50) and lower C3 levels compared to heterozygous and WT CD11B, without differing with respect to global disease activity and kidney involvement. This suggests an increased CV risk in SLE patients homozygous for the R77H variant of CD11B

    Anti-CD154 mAb and Rapamycin Induce T Regulatory Cell Mediated Tolerance in Rat-to-Mouse Islet Transplantation

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    Anti-CD154 (MR1) monoclonal antibody (mAb) and rapamycin (RAPA) treatment both improve survival of rat-to-mouse islet xenograft. The present study investigated the effect of combined RAPA/MR1 treatment on rat-to-mouse islet xenograft survival and analyzed the role of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells (Treg) in the induction and maintenance of the ensuing tolerance. C57BL/6 mice were treated with MR1/RAPA and received additional monoclonal anti-IL2 mAb or anti CD25 mAb either early (0-28 d) or late (100-128 d) post-transplantation. Treg were characterised in the blood, spleen, draining lymph nodes and within the graft of tolerant and rejecting mice by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Fourteen days of RAPA/MR1 combination therapy allowed indefinite islet graft survival in >80% of the mice. Additional administration of anti-IL-2 mAb or depleting anti-CD25 mAb at the time of transplantation resulted in rejection (100% and 89% respectively), whereas administration at 100 days post transplantation lead to lower rejection rates (25% and 40% respectively). Tolerant mice showed an increase of Treg within the graft and in draining lymph nodes early post transplantation, whereas 100 days post transplantation no significant increase of Treg was observed. Rejecting mice showed a transient increase of Treg in the xenograft and secondary lymphoid organs, which disappeared within 7 days after rejection. These results suggest a critical role for Treg in the induction phase of tolerance early after islet xenotransplantation. These encouraging data support the need of developing further Treg therapy for overcoming the species barrier in xenotransplantation

    Potential of T-regulatory cells to protect xenografts

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    Immunological barriers still preclude clinical xenotransplantation. The protective role of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T-regulatory cells (Treg) in allotransplantation is well described and, therefore, could represent a promising therapeutical tool for xenotransplantation. This review addresses the latest findings on Treg in xenotransplantation research

    Chemoattractant Signals and Adhesion Molecules Promoting Human Regulatory T Cell Recruitment to Porcine Endothelium

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    Human CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells (huTreg) suppress CD4+ T cell-mediated antipig xenogeneic responses in vitro and might therefore be used to induce xenograft tolerance. The present study investigated the role of the adhesion molecules, their porcine ligands, and the chemoattractant factors that may promote the recruitment of huTreg to porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC) and their capacity to regulate antiporcine natural killer (NK) cell responses

    Mice are protected from lytic bone lesions using bisphosphonates and osteoprotegerin (m OPG).

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    <p>A) Representative CT Scan images of skulls of MuTuDC injected mice (subcutaneously on the calvaria, close to the left parietal bone). Mice were treated with either PBS (control) or the biphosphonate Aclasta B) Representative stereomicroscopic images of skull bones of mice injected as above with PBS (control) or mOPG one week following adoptive transfer of MuTuDCs. Images in A and B show the absence of bone lesions after Aclasta or mOPG treatments. Arrow indicates the site of MuTuDC injections. Data are from a single experiment representative of two independent experiments. Five mice per group in each experiment. Similar results were obtained after i.v. injection of MuTuDCs (data not shown).</p

    MuTuDCs are recruited to the bone marrow of Mushi mice.

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    <p>A) Flow cytometric analyses of bone marrow from 3 to 4 months old healthy Mushi Tg mice or sick Mushi Tg mice. Representative FACS plots of DC markers showing an extensive cellular infiltrate of GFP positive DCs in the bone marrow of the mice. Data are representative of at least three independent experiments of five mice each. B) Upper panels: H&E staining of paraffin embedded sections of bone marrow from Tg healthy or Tg sick mice (40X). Lower panels: Higher magnification image (100X) shows the presence of classical osteoclast morphology in sick Mushi Tg mice. One representative image from three independent experiments is shown.</p

    Bone lesions are independent of both T and B cells.

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    <p>Rag KO and CD3Δ KO mice were used as recipients of MuTuDCs. Representative of stereomicroscopic images of skulls from wild type, Rag KO and CD3Δ KO mice injected subcutaneously with MuTuDCs on the calvaria. Data are from a single experiment representative of two independent experiments. Five mice per group in each experiment.</p