104 research outputs found

    Promotion Effect of 2-Methylpiperidine on the Direct Desulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over NiMo/γ-Al2O3

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    The hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of dibenzothiophene (DBT) was studied at 300 °C, 4.8 MPa H2 and 35 kPa H2S in the presence of 0 to 6 kPa 2-methylpyridine and 2-methylpiperidine. 2-Methylpyridine suppressed the hydrogenation pathway by a factor of 6 to 30, depending on its partial pressure, and moderately inhibited the direct desulfurization pathway of the HDS of DBT (by a factor of 2 or less). 2-Methylpiperidine suppressed the hydrogenation by a factor of 10 to 50 but promoted the direct desulfurization of DBT at low partial pressures of 2-methylpiperidine. Both pathways were inhibited at high concentrations of 2-methylpiperidine. Structural and electronic factors may account for the promoting effect of 2-methylpiperidin

    Promotion Effect of 2-Methylpiperidine on the Direct Desulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over NiMo/γ-Al2O3

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    Global Trends of "Green" Economy Development as a Factor for Improvement of Economical and Social Prosperity

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    The article covers main reasons of emerging a new type of economy, the "green" economy. The aims and objectives of developing green economy were analyzed. The significance of an economy reform carried out on both national and global levels was evaluated. We analyzed both speed and level of the green economy development in the world and in the most developed countries of the world. An influence of institutional and investment factors on the process of greening economy was studied. The authors evaluated an influence of scientific and technical researches on transition of economy to its new model. An influence of leading countries, economical global leaders, on greening interstate and global economy was reviewed and analyzed. Possible perspectives of the global green economy development and consequences of greening process are given. The article determines factors that influence on the level of economic and social prosperity and welfare of society. The authors show negative consequences of the existing economic model that influence the society level of living, poverty, prosperity and welfare. It is proved by Japan experience that contributions into development of “green” economy sectors and R&D works promote greening food, influence welfare of society and life expectancy. A conclusion was made that transition to green economy will favorably influence health level of any nation and increase factors that promote development of social and economic prosperity and welfare of society in general

    Model of registration of road accidents: problems of law enforcement

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    This publication focuses on the theoretical investigation of issues arising in the Russian Federation in law enforcement related to the recently introduced digital procedure for the registration of road accidents through the “DTP.Europrotokol” electronic application running on the Android or Apple iOS operating systems. The purpose of the study is to examine the above method of independent registration of a road accident without authorized police officers, developed by the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with a substantiation of the possibility of subsequent attaching evidentiary value to the information contained in such an application in legal proceedings for the recovery of insurance compensation in connection with the occurrence of this road accident. The authors assessed the effectiveness and feasibility of this digital traffic accident model, including the lack of sufficient regulatory guarantees for the safety of the information uploaded by the user to the mobile application, the existence of virtually unlimited powers of the application developer to control its functioning. They drew attention to certain enforcement problems associated with the assessment of the information available from the “DTP.Europrotokol” application, which is not possible to use in all cases, data the accuracy of which depends on many technical factors

    The Sociopsychological Profile of Persons with Alcohol Anosognosia in the Context of Social Customer Support

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    AIM: We aimed to focus on the sociopsychological profile of a person with alcohol anosognosia. METHODS: The study was conducted in the narcological inpatient adult department of the Starooskolsky Narcological Dispensary for 1.5 months and involved 60 male patients over the age of 18 with at least 5-year alcohol dependence. RESULTS: As a result of the study, the individual typological features of patients with anosognosia were identified and structured. CONCLUSION: The findings may be applied in the development of social support measures for persons with anosognosia to resocialize them and achieve long-term therapeutic remission

    Current advances in gene therapy of mitochondrial diseases

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    Mitochondrial diseases (MD) are a heterogeneous group of multisystem disorders involving metabolic errors. MD are characterized by extremely heterogeneous symptoms, ranging from organ-specific to multisystem dysfunction with different clinical courses. Most primary MD are autosomal recessive but maternal inheritance (from mtDNA), autosomal dominant, and X-linked inheritance is also known. Mitochondria are unique energy-generating cellular organelles designed to survive and contain their own unique genetic coding material, a circular mtDNA fragment of approximately 16,000 base pairs. The mitochondrial genetic system incorporates closely interacting bi-genomic factors encoded by the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Understanding the dynamics of mitochondrial genetics supporting mitochondrial biogenesis is especially important for the development of strategies for the treatment of rare and difficult-to-diagnose diseases. Gene therapy is one of the methods for correcting mitochondrial disorders

    Professional Development Of An Educational Psychologist In The System Of Psychological And Counseling Service Of The University

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    The priority goal of modernizing the Russian education system is to ensure a high quality of knowledge. The psychological and counseling service is capable of implementing many qualitative changes in the higher education system. The development of the psychological and counseling service is due to its role in the modernization of Russian education, on the one hand, and the growing need for educational psychologists, on the other. The outflow of psychologists from the education system negatively affects the quality of the services and the image of the psychological and counseling service in education and society as a whole. Consequently, the career and personal development of a psychologist in the educational organization of higher education requires special research. The psychological support for an entry-level psychologist is necessary during the period of his/her professional development. The peculiarities of the psychological and counseling service require that a psychologist independently identify the directions and priorities of professional activity and show initiative in organizing the work and assessing its effectiveness. This, as a rule, is difficult for an entry-level educational psychologist. Certain difficulties for an entry-level psychologist are associated with the specifics of professional psychological and counseling activity. The tools of the professional activity of a trained psychologist are the personal and professional qualities, skills and abilities. Therefore, specific requirements are imposed on the personal and professional qualities of a psychologist. At the same time, in the professional environment, there are no unified standards for the personality of a psychologist and criteria for assessing the degree of his/her professionalism. Despite the constant updating of research in the field of psychological support for education, the identification of the necessary conditions for the training of a high-level specialist, the contradiction between the demand of modern society for a well-trained specialist and the insufficient level of readiness of young specialists for productive professional activity is deepening. An educational psychologist beginning to work at a university turns out to be unable to interact in a professional environment and experiences difficulties in establishing contacts with students and their parents

    Dreams and Desires of Preschoolers

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    AbstractThe research presented in this article is part of the “Children in a Changing World” project, a cross-sectional study that explores the influence of social changes on the world views of children. The project was launched in 1992, at a time when socioeconomic reforms began to unfold in Russia. Six cross sections have been conducted to date, each including interviews with older preschoolers in the age range of 5.6-7.0 years. The children were asked about their life today and how they imagine it in the future. This article analyzes the way that the dreams and desires of older preschoolers have changed over the past two decades (comparing the dreams and desires children expressed in the 1990s with those voiced by children of the same age in 2015). The main results obtained through qualitative analysis suggest certain changes in the structure of the preschooler's desires (in particular, an increase in “magical,” non-realistic wishes) and a decrease in the negative influence of the distant environment on the children

    Promising Educational Technologies for Professional Training

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    Comprehensive changes in Russian education are aimed at meeting the requirements of the modern economy and society. At the same time, the main vector in this area is the coordination of the content and component composition of professional training with the demands of the labor market and with the urgent need to increase the availability of high-quality educational services. Public experience demonstrates that objective reality makes significant adjustments to the professional training and education. Therefore, teachers should acknowledge and reflect in their professional activities all the new requirements presented by society in a timely manner. In the context of professional education, intensive search is carried out for adequate forms and methods to improve the effectiveness of education. In this regard, the practical value of simulation methods and technologies, aimed at revealing the creative potential of a future specialist, their individual and professional properties and the ability to function successfully in the new economic conditions, is increasing. Educational technologies as mechanisms for the joint activity of the teacher and students are aimed at the development of certain skills and abilities, as well as personal and professional development. The teacher should correctly apply educational technologies and methods to provide quality training for competent professionals. The variety of these methods is proposed to encourage intrinsic motivation, a lively interest of students in learning and self-development. The competencies of a qualified specialist and the criteria that he/she must meet have become the basis for creating a generalized concept of a professional. Along with the individual properties of the student, the foundation of the concept is knowledge and skills in the areas provided by the general and special components of the Federal State Educational Standards. In the framework of professional education, the main place in the educational process should be occupied by active educational technologies and methods, focused on intensifying the cognitive activities of students, supporting creative initiative and abilities and development of intellectual needs