26 research outputs found

    Rõivaste tekstureerimine kasutades Kinect V2.0

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    This thesis describes three new garment retexturing methods for FitsMe virtual fitting room applications using data from Microsoft Kinect II RGB-D camera. The first method, which is introduced, is an automatic technique for garment retexturing using a single RGB-D image and infrared information obtained from Kinect II. First, the garment is segmented out from the image using GrabCut or depth segmentation. Then texture domain coordinates are computed for each pixel belonging to the garment using normalized 3D information. Afterwards, shading is applied to the new colors from the texture image. The second method proposed in this work is about 2D to 3D garment retexturing where a segmented garment of a manikin or person is matched to a new source garment and retextured, resulting in augmented images in which the new source garment is transferred to the manikin or person. The problem is divided into garment boundary matching based on point set registration which uses Gaussian mixture models and then interpolate inner points using surface topology extracted through geodesic paths, which leads to a more realistic result than standard approaches. The final contribution of this thesis is by introducing another novel method which is used for increasing the texture quality of a 3D model of a garment, by using the same Kinect frame sequence which was used in the model creation. Firstly, a structured mesh must be created from the 3D model, therefore the 3D model is wrapped to a base model with defined seams and texture map. Afterwards frames are matched to the newly created model and by process of ray casting the color values of the Kinect frames are mapped to the UV map of the 3D model

    Ensemble approach for detection of depression using EEG features

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    Depression is a public health issue which severely affects one's well being and cause negative social and economic effect for society. To rise awareness of these problems, this publication aims to determine if long lasting effects of depression can be determined from electoencephalographic (EEG) signals. The article contains accuracy comparison for SVM, LDA, NB, kNN and D3 binary classifiers which were trained using linear (relative band powers, APV, SASI) and non-linear (HFD, LZC, DFA) EEG features. The age and gender matched dataset consisted of 10 healthy subjects and 10 subjects with depression diagnosis at some point in their lifetime. Several of the proposed feature selection and classifier combinations reached accuracy of 90% where all models where evaluated using 10-fold cross validation and averaged over 100 repetitions with random sample permutations.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Privacy-Constrained Biometric System for Non-cooperative Users

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    With the consolidation of the new data protection regulation paradigm for each individual within the European Union (EU), major biometric technologies are now confronted with many concerns related to user privacy in biometric deployments. When individual biometrics are disclosed, the sensitive information about his/her personal data such as financial or health are at high risk of being misused or compromised. This issue can be escalated considerably over scenarios of non-cooperative users, such as elderly people residing in care homes, with their inability to interact conveniently and securely with the biometric system. The primary goal of this study is to design a novel database to investigate the problem of automatic people recognition under privacy constraints. To do so, the collected data-set contains the subject's hand and foot traits and excludes the face biometrics of individuals in order to protect their privacy. We carried out extensive simulations using different baseline methods, including deep learning. Simulation results show that, with the spatial features extracted from the subject sequence in both individual hand or foot videos, state-of-the-art deep models provide promising recognition performance

    Action recognition using single-pixel time-of-flight detection

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    Action recognition is a challenging task that plays an important role in many robotic systems, which highly depend on visual input feeds. However, due to privacy concerns, it is important to find a method which can recognise actions without using visual feed. In this paper, we propose a concept for detecting actions while preserving the test subject's privacy. Our proposed method relies only on recording the temporal evolution of light pulses scattered back from the scene. Such data trace to record one action contains a sequence of one-dimensional arrays of voltage values acquired by a single-pixel detector at 1 GHz repetition rate. Information about both the distance to the object and its shape are embedded in the traces. We apply machine learning in the form of recurrent neural networks for data analysis and demonstrate successful action recognition. The experimental results show that our proposed method could achieve on average 96.47 % accuracy on the actions walking forward, walking backwards, sitting down, standing up and waving hand, using recurrent neural network

    Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition from Still Images of Faces

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    Emotion recognition has a key role in affective computing. Recently, fine-grained emotion analysis, such as compound facial expression of emotions, has attracted high interest of researchers working on affective computing. A compound facial emotion includes dominant and complementary emotions (e.g., happily-disgusted and sadly-fearful), which is more detailed than the seven classical facial emotions (e.g., happy, disgust, and so on). Current studies on compound emotions are limited to use data sets with limited number of categories and unbalanced data distributions, with labels obtained automatically by machine learning-based algorithms which could lead to inaccuracies. To address these problems, we released the iCV-MEFED data set, which includes 50 classes of compound emotions and labels assessed by psychologists. The task is challenging due to high similarities of compound facial emotions from different categories. In addition, we have organized a challenge based on the proposed iCV-MEFED data set, held at FG workshop 2017. In this paper, we analyze the top three winner methods and perform further detailed experiments on the proposed data set. Experiments indicate that pairs of compound emotion (e.g., surprisingly-happy vs happily-surprised) are more difficult to be recognized if compared with the seven basic emotions. However, we hope the proposed data set can help to pave the way for further research on compound facial emotion recognition

    Volumetric Histogram-Based Alzheimer's Disease Detection Using Support Vector Machine

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    In this research work, machine learning techniques are used to classify magnetic resonance imaging brain scans of people with Alzheimer's disease. This work deals with binary classification between Alzheimer's disease and cognitively normal. Supervised learning algorithms were used to train classifiers in which the accuracies are being compared. The database used is from The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Histogram is used for all slices of all images. Based on the highest performance, specific slices were selected for further examination. Majority voting and weighted voting is applied in which the accuracy is calculated and the best result is 69.5% for majority voting

    Proportional Error Back-Propagation (PEB): Real-Time Automatic Loop Closure Correction for Maintaining Global Consistency in 3D Reconstruction with Minimal Computational Cost

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    This paper introduces a robust, real-time loop closure correction technique for achieving global consistency in 3D reconstruction, whose underlying notion is to back-propagate the cumulative transformation error appearing while merging the pairs of consecutive frames in a sequence of shots taken by an RGB-D or depth camera. The proposed algorithm assumes that the starting frame and the last frame of the sequence roughly overlap. In order to verify the robustness and reliability of the proposed method, namely, Proportional Error Back-Propagation (PEB), it has been applied to numerous case-studies, which encompass a wide range of experimental conditions, including different scanning trajectories with reversely directed motions within them, and the results are presented. The main contribution of the proposed algorithm is its considerably low computational cost which has the possibility of usage in real-time 3D reconstruction applications. Also, neither manual input nor interference is required from the user, which renders the whole process automatic