103 research outputs found

    Functional transcranial Doppler: Selection of methods for statistical analysis and representation of changes in flow velocity

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    INTRODUCTION Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is a method used to study cerebral hemodynamics. In the majority of TCD studies, regression analysis and analysis of variance are the most frequently applied statistical methods. However, due to the dynamic and interdependent nature of flow velocity, nonparametric tests may allow for better statistical analysis and representation of results. METHOD The sample comprised 30 healthy participants, aged 33.87 ± 7.48 years; with 33% (n = 10) females. During a visuo-motor task, the mean flow velocity (MFV) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) was measured using TCD. The MFV was converted to values relative to the resting state. The results obtained were analyzed using the general linear model (GLM) and the general additional model (GAM). The fit indices of both analysis methods were compared with each other. RESULTS Both MCAs showed a steady increase in MFV during the visuo-motor task, smoothly returning to resting state values. During the first 20 seconds of the visuo-motor task, the MFV increased by a factor of 1.06 ± 0.07 in the right-MCA and by a factor of 1.08 ± 0.07 in the left-MCA. GLM and GAM showed a statistically significant change in MFV (GLM:F(2, 3598) = 16.76, P < .001; GAM:F(2, 3598) = 21.63, P < .001); together with effects of hemispheric side and gender (GLM:F(4, 3596) = 7.83, P < .005; GAM:F(4, 3596) = 2.13, P = .001). Comparing the models using the χ2^{2} test for goodness of fit yields a significant difference χ2^{2} (9.9556) = 0.6836, P < .001. CONCLUSIONS Both the GLM and GAM yielded valid statistical models of MFV in the MCA in healthy subjects. However, the model using the GAM resulted in improved fit indices. The GAM's advantage becomes even clearer when the MFV curves are visualized; yielding a more realistic approach to brain hemodynamics, thus allowing for an improvement in the interpretation of the mathematical and statistical results. Our results demonstrate the utility of the GAM for the analysis and representation of hemodynamic parameters

    Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the simple physical activity questionnaire (SIMPAQ)

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    BACKGROUND Physical inactivity is a key contributor to the global burden of disease and disproportionately impacts the wellbeing of people experiencing mental illness. Increases in physical activity are associated with improvements in symptoms of mental illness and reduction in cardiometabolic risk. Reliable and valid clinical tools that assess physical activity would improve evaluation of intervention studies that aim to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in people living with mental illness. METHODS The five-item Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ) was developed by a multidisciplinary, international working group as a clinical tool to assess physical activity and sedentary behaviour in people living with mental illness. Patients with a DSM or ICD mental illness diagnoses were recruited and completed the SIMPAQ on two occasions, one week apart. Participants wore an Actigraph accelerometer and completed brief cognitive and clinical assessments. RESULTS Evidence of SIMPAQ validity was assessed against accelerometer-derived measures of physical activity. Data were obtained from 1010 participants. The SIMPAQ had good test-retest reliability. Correlations for moderate-vigorous physical activity was comparable to studies conducted in general population samples. Evidence of validity for the sedentary behaviour item was poor. An alternative method to calculate sedentary behaviour had stronger evidence of validity. This alternative method is recommended for use in future studies employing the SIMPAQ. CONCLUSIONS The SIMPAQ is a brief measure of physical activity and sedentary behaviour that can be reliably and validly administered by health professionals

    Assessing the severity of functional impairment of psychiatric disorders: equipercentile linking the mini-ICF-APP and CGI

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    BACKGROUND The assessment of functioning and impairment due to psychiatric illness has been acknowledged to be crucial for research and practice. This led to the development of the mini-ICF-APP, which provides a reliable and time-efficient measure of functioning and impairment. Although its use is increasing, it remains unclear how it reflects severity and how change might be interpreted from a clinical perspective. METHODS In a clinical sample of 3067 individuals hospitalized for mental health treatment, we used an equipercentile approach to link the mini-ICF-APP with the Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI) at admission and discharge. We linked the mini-ICF-APP sum score to the CGI-S scale and the mini-ICF-APP proportional change between admission and discharge to the CGI-I scale. RESULTS The mini-ICF-APP and CGI scales showed a Spearman correlation of 0.50 (p  .000); "no-change" in the CGI-I corresponded to an increase or decrease of 2%; "minimally-improved" to a mini-ICF-APP reduction of 3-30%; "much-improved" to a reduction of 31-63%; "very-much-improved" to a reduction of ≥64% "minimally-worse" to an increase of 3-34% "much-worse" to an increase of 35-67%; and finally "very-much-worse" with an increase of ≥68%. CONCLUSIONS Our findings improve understanding of the clinical meaning of the mini-ICF-APP sum score and percentage change in patients hospitalized for treatment

    Psychopathological Symptom Load and Distinguishable Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity Patterns in Patients With Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls: A Functional Transcranial Doppler Study

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    Introduction: Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder, with executive dysfunction and impaired processing speed playing a pivotal role in the course of the disease. In patients with schizophrenia, neurocognitive deficits appear to be related to alterations in cerebral hemodynamics. It is not fully understood if psychopathological symptom load (i.e., presence and severity of symptoms) is also related to alterations in cerebral hemodynamics. We aim to study the relationship between psychopathological symptom load and cerebral hemodynamics in the Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) during a cognitive task in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Methodology: Cerebral hemodynamics in the MCA were examined in 30 patients with schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls using functional Transcranial Doppler (fTCD) during the Trail Making Test (TMT). Psychopathological symptoms were measured using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Patients were dichotomized according to BPRS scores: mild-moderate (BPRS < 41, n = 15) or marked-severe (BPRS ≧ 41, n = 15). Mean blood flow velocity (MFV) in the MCA and processing speed of the TMT were analyzed. Cerebral hemodynamics were analyzed using the general additional model (GAM) with a covariate analysis of variance (ANCOVA) for group comparisons. Results: Patients and healthy controls were comparable regarding demographics. Patients had a slower processing speed for the TMT-A (patients-severe: 52s, patients-moderate: 40s, healthy-controls: 32s, p = 0.019) and TMT-B [patients-severe: 111s, patients-moderate: 76s, healthy-controls: 66s, p < 0.001)]. Patients demonstrated differing hemodynamic profiles in both TMTs: TMT- A [F(6, 1,792) = 17, p < 0.000); TMT-B [F(6, 2,692) = 61.93, p < 0.000], with a delay in increase in MFV and a failure to return to baseline values. Conclusions: Patients with schizophrenia demonstrated slower speeds of processing during both the TMT-A and TMT-B. The speed of processing deteriorated with increasing psychopathological symptom load, additionally a distinct cerebral hemodynamic pattern in the MCA was observed. Our results further support the view that severity of schizophrenia, particularly psychopathological symptom load, influences performance in neurocognitive tasks and is related to distinct patterns of brain hemodynamics

    Use of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Inpatients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder in an Academic Psychiatric Hospital in Switzerland

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    Long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) offer many benefits to patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD). They are used with very different frequencies due to questions of eligibility or patients and prescribers’ attitudes towards LAI use. We assessed the prescribing rates of LAIs in a large academic psychiatric hospital with a public service mandate in Switzerland and compared them with other countries and health care systems. To our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate inpatient LAI use in Europe. Medical records of all patients diagnosed with SSD discharged from the Clinic of Adult Psychiatry of the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich over a 12 month period from January to December 2019 were evaluated regarding the prescribed antipsychotics at the time of discharge. The rates of use of LAIs among all patients and among patients receiving LAI-eligible antipsychotic substances were assessed retrospectively. We assessed records of 885 patients with SSD. Among all cases, 13.9% received an LAI. Among patients who received antipsychotic medication that was eligible for LAI use (n = 434), 28.1% received an agent as an LAI. LAI use included paliperidone palmitate (69.9%), aripiprazole monohydrate (14.6%), risperidone (4.9%) and first-generation LAIs (9.8%). Compared to international frequencies of LAI administration, the prescription rate of LAIs in SSD patients was low. Further studies will evaluate patient- and prescriber-related reasons for this low rate

    Impact of language proficiency on mental health service use, treatment and outcomes: "Lost in Translation"

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    Background Mastery of a language is bound to place of origin; low language proficiency is thus related to migration and cultural differences, all of which influence access to mental health care, treatment and outcomes. Switzerland, being multilingual, allows the disentangling of language proficiency from migration and, to some extent, culture. This study uses propensity score matching to explore how language proficiency relates to help-seeking behaviour, service use, treatment and outcomes in patients with mental health disorders. Methods We used the first admission of patients admitted to and discharged from an academic psychiatric hospital in Switzerland between January 1st, 2013 and December 31st, 2019, with an observation period of one-year post-discharge (until December 31st, 2020). We paired 2101 patients with low language proficiency to 2101 language proficient patients, balancing baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics using propensity score matching. Results Patients with low language proficiency had a higher probability of compulsory admission (OR: 1.79, 99%CI: 1.60–2.02); which remained after adjustment for confounders (OR: 1.51; 99%CI: 1.21–1.89). Whilst in treatment, they had higher rates of compulsory medication (OR: 1.73, 99%CI: 1.16–2.59) and seclusion/restraint (OR: 1.87, 99%CI: 1.25–2.79). Furthermore, patients initially admitted voluntarily had a higher probability of being compulsorily retained (OR: 1.74, 99%CI: 1.24–2.46). Both groups showed similar clinical improvement rates and service use parameters. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that low language proficiency constitutes a risk factor for coercive measures throughout hospitalisation. The results demonstrate the need for an increase in language sensitivity in psychiatric care

    Investigating Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Mood, and Anxiety Using Digital Technologies: Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    BACKGROUND Digital tools assessing momentary parameters and offering interventions in people's daily lives play an increasingly important role in mental health research and treatment. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) makes it possible to assess transient mental health states and their parameters. Ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) offer mental health interventions that fit well into individuals' daily lives and routines. Self-efficacy is a transdiagnostic construct that is commonly associated with positive mental health outcomes. OBJECTIVE The aim of our study assessing mood, specific self-efficacy, and other parameters using EMA was 2-fold. First, we wanted to determine the effects of daily assessed moods and dissatisfaction with social contacts as well as the effects of baseline variables, such as depression, on specific self-efficacy in the training group (TG). Second, we aimed to explore which variables influenced both groups' positive and negative moods during the 7-day study period. METHODS In this randomized controlled trial, we applied digital self-efficacy training (EMI) to 93 university students with elevated self-reported stress levels and daily collected different parameters, such as mood, dissatisfaction with social contacts, and specific self-efficacy, using EMA. Participants were randomized to either the TG, where they completed the self-efficacy training combined with EMA, or the control group, where they completed EMA only. RESULTS In total, 93 university students participated in the trial. Positive momentary mood was associated with higher specific self-efficacy in the evening of the same day (b=0.15, SE 0.05, P=.005). Higher self-efficacy at baseline was associated with reduced negative mood during study participation (b=-0.61, SE 0.30, P=.04), while we could not determine an effect on positive mood. Baseline depression severity was significantly associated with lower specific self-efficacy over the week of the training (b=-0.92, SE 0.35, P=.004). Associations between higher baseline anxiety with higher mean negative mood (state anxiety: b=0.78, SE 0.38, P=.04; trait anxiety: b=0.73, SE 0.33, P=.03) and lower mean positive mood (b=-0.64, SE 0.28, P=.02) during study participation were found. Emotional flexibility was significantly enhanced in the TG. Additionally, dissatisfaction with social contacts was associated with both a decreased positive mood (b=-0.56, SE 0.15, P<.001) and an increased negative mood (b=0.45, SE 0.12, P<.001). CONCLUSIONS This study showed several significant associations between mood and self-efficacy as well as those between mood and anxiety in students with elevated stress levels, for example, suggesting that improving mood in people with low mood could enhance the effects of digital self-efficacy training. In addition, engaging in 1-week self-efficacy training was associated with increased emotional flexibility. Future work is needed to replicate and investigate the training's effects in other groups and settings. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05617248; https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05617248

    Investigating Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Mood, and Anxiety Using Digital Technologies: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Digital tools assessing momentary parameters and offering interventions in people’s daily lives play an increasingly important role in mental health research and treatment. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) makes it possible to assess transient mental health states and their parameters. Ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) offer mental health interventions that fit well into individuals’ daily lives and routines. Self-efficacy is a transdiagnostic construct that is commonly associated with positive mental health outcomes. Objective The aim of our study assessing mood, specific self-efficacy, and other parameters using EMA was 2-fold. First, we wanted to determine the effects of daily assessed moods and dissatisfaction with social contacts as well as the effects of baseline variables, such as depression, on specific self-efficacy in the training group (TG). Second, we aimed to explore which variables influenced both groups’ positive and negative moods during the 7-day study period. Methods In this randomized controlled trial, we applied digital self-efficacy training (EMI) to 93 university students with elevated self-reported stress levels and daily collected different parameters, such as mood, dissatisfaction with social contacts, and specific self-efficacy, using EMA. Participants were randomized to either the TG, where they completed the self-efficacy training combined with EMA, or the control group, where they completed EMA only. Results In total, 93 university students participated in the trial. Positive momentary mood was associated with higher specific self-efficacy in the evening of the same day (b=0.15, SE 0.05, P=.005). Higher self-efficacy at baseline was associated with reduced negative mood during study participation (b=–0.61, SE 0.30, P=.04), while we could not determine an effect on positive mood. Baseline depression severity was significantly associated with lower specific self-efficacy over the week of the training (b=–0.92, SE 0.35, P=.004). Associations between higher baseline anxiety with higher mean negative mood (state anxiety: b=0.78, SE 0.38, P=.04; trait anxiety: b=0.73, SE 0.33, P=.03) and lower mean positive mood (b=–0.64, SE 0.28, P=.02) during study participation were found. Emotional flexibility was significantly enhanced in the TG. Additionally, dissatisfaction with social contacts was associated with both a decreased positive mood (b=–0.56, SE 0.15, P<.001) and an increased negative mood (b=0.45, SE 0.12, P<.001). Conclusions This study showed several significant associations between mood and self-efficacy as well as those between mood and anxiety in students with elevated stress levels, for example, suggesting that improving mood in people with low mood could enhance the effects of digital self-efficacy training. In addition, engaging in 1-week self-efficacy training was associated with increased emotional flexibility. Future work is needed to replicate and investigate the training’s effects in other groups and settings. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05617248; https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT0561724

    Relationship Between Time of Admission, Help-Seeking Behavior, and Psychiatric Outcomes: “From Dusk Till Dawn”

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    Introduction: Day and time of admission influence treatment outcomes and prognosis in several medical specialties; this seems related to resources' ability. It is largely unknown whether this also applies to mental health services. We investigate the relationship between time of admission, patients' demographic and clinical profile, and treatment outcomes. Methods: Demographic and clinical profiles of admitted and discharged patients to a general psychiatric ward between January 1st, 2013 and December 31st, 2020, were analyzed. In addition, we used the last year (i.e., 2020) to monitor rehospitalization. Time of admission was defined as weekdays (working day, weekend) and dayshifts (daytime, dusk, and dawn). Results: During the study period, 12,449 patient admissions occurred. The mean age of the sample was 48.05 ± 20.90 years, with 49.32% (n = 6,140) females. Most admissions (n = 10,542, 84%) occurred on working days. Two-fifths of admissions (39.7%, n = 4,950) were compulsory, with a higher rate outside daytime hours. Patients had slight differences in the clinical profile, resulting from evaluating the different items of the Health of Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS). Patients admitted on night shifts, weekends, and holidays showed a shorter length of stay; patients compulsorily admitted during daytime (disregarding the day of the week) had a longer length of stay. All patient groups achieved a robust clinical improvement (i.e., an HoNOS score reduction of around 50%), with similar readmission rates. Discussion: The main finding of our study is the relationship between "daytime hours" and fewer compulsory admissions, a result of the interplay between demographics, clinical characteristics, and out-of-clinic service availability (such as ambulatory psychiatric- psychological praxis; day-clinic; home-treatment). The differing clinical profile, in turn, determines differences in treatment selection, with patients admitted after office hours experiencing a higher rate of coercive measures. The shorter length of stay for out-of-office admissions might result from the hospitalization as an intervention. These results should encourage the implementation of outpatient crisis-intervention services, available from dusk till dawn. Keywords: coercive measures; day and time of admission; help-seeking behavior; psychiatric outcomes; service use

    Psychiatric In-Patients Are More Likely to Meet Recommended Levels of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity If They Engage in Exercise and Sport Therapy Programs

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    Background:; People with mental disorders engage in sedentary behaviors more often than their healthy counterparts. In Switzerland, nearly all psychiatric hospitals offer structured exercise and sport therapy as part of their standard therapeutic treatment. However, little is known about the degree to which psychiatric patients make use of these treatment offers. The aim of this study is to examine, in a sample of psychiatric in-patients (a) how many participate in the structured exercise and sport therapy programs offered by the clinic, (b) how many engage in exercise and sport activities on an individual basis, and (c) how many meet recommended levels of health-enhancing physical activity during their stay at the clinic. Furthermore, we examine whether those who engage in exercise and sport activities are more likely to meet internationally accepted physical activity recommendations.; Methods:; 107 psychiatric in-patients (49% women, M; age; = 39.9 years) were recruited at three psychiatric clinics in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. All participants were engaged in treatment and received usual care. Based on accelerometer data, participants were classified as either meeting or not meeting physical activity recommendations (≥150 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week). Participation in structured and individually performed exercise and sport activities was assessed with the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire.; Results:; In total, 57% of all patients met physical activity recommendations. 55% participated in structured exercise and sport therapy activities, whereas only 22% of all patients engaged in exercise and sport activities independently. Psychiatric patients were significantly more likely to meet recommended levels of health-enhancing physical activity if they engaged in at least 60 min per week of structured exercise and sport therapy or in at least 30 min of individually performed exercise and sport activity.; Conclusions:; Given that prolonged immobilization and sedentary behavior have harmful effects on patients' physical and mental well-being, promoting exercise and sport activities is an important endeavor in psychiatric care. Clinics currently succeed in involving between 50 and 60% of all patients in sufficient physical activity. While this is encouraging, more systematic efforts are needed to ensure that all patients get enough physical activity
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