48 research outputs found

    Anti-Plasmodium activity of ceramide analogs

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    BACKGROUND: Sphingolipids are key molecules regulating many essential functions in eukaryotic cells and ceramide plays a central role in sphingolipid metabolism. A sphingolipid metabolism occurs in the intraerythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum and is associated with essential biological processes. It constitutes an attractive and potential target for the development of new antimalarial drugs. METHODS: The anti-Plasmodium activity of a series of ceramide analogs containing different linkages (amide, methylene or thiourea linkages) between the fatty acid part of ceramide and the sphingoid core was investigated in culture and compared to the sphingolipid analog PPMP (d,1-threo-1-phenyl-2-palmitoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol). This analog is known to inhibit the parasite sphingomyelin synthase activity and block parasite development by preventing the formation of the tubovesicular network that extends from the parasitophorous vacuole to the red cell membrane and delivers essential extracellular nutrients to the parasite. RESULTS: Analogs containing methylene linkage showed a considerably higher anti-Plasmodium activity (IC(50 )in the low nanomolar range) than PPMP and their counterparts with a natural amide linkage (IC(50 )in the micromolar range). The methylene analogs blocked irreversibly P. falciparum development leading to parasite eradication in contrast to PPMP whose effect is cytostatic. A high sensitivity of action towards the parasite was observed when compared to their effect on the human MRC-5 cell growth. The toxicity towards parasites did not correlate with the inhibition by methylene analogs of the parasite sphingomyelin synthase activity and the tubovesicular network formation, indicating that this enzyme is not their primary target. CONCLUSIONS: It has been shown that ceramide analogs were potent inhibitors of P. falciparum growth in culture. Interestingly, the nature of the linkage between the fatty acid part and the sphingoid core considerably influences the antiplasmodial activity and the selectivity of analogs when compared to their cytotoxicity on mammalian cells. By comparison with their inhibitory effect on cancer cell growth, the ceramide analogs might inhibit P. falciparum growth through modulation of the endogenous ceramide level

    Local Membrane Deformations Activate Ca2+-Dependent K+ and Anionic Currents in Intact Human Red Blood Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanical, rheological and shape properties of red blood cells are determined by their cortical cytoskeleton, evolutionarily optimized to provide the dynamic deformability required for flow through capillaries much narrower than the cell's diameter. The shear stress induced by such flow, as well as the local membrane deformations generated in certain pathological conditions, such as sickle cell anemia, have been shown to increase membrane permeability, based largely on experimentation with red cell suspensions. We attempted here the first measurements of membrane currents activated by a local and controlled membrane deformation in single red blood cells under on-cell patch clamp to define the nature of the stretch-activated currents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The cell-attached configuration of the patch-clamp technique was used to allow recordings of single channel activity in intact red blood cells. Gigaohm seal formation was obtained with and without membrane deformation. Deformation was induced by the application of a negative pressure pulse of 10 mmHg for less than 5 s. Currents were only detected when the membrane was seen domed under negative pressure within the patch-pipette. K(+) and Cl(-) currents were strictly dependent on the presence of Ca(2+). The Ca(2+)-dependent currents were transient, with typical decay half-times of about 5-10 min, suggesting the spontaneous inactivation of a stretch-activated Ca(2+) permeability (PCa). These results indicate that local membrane deformations can transiently activate a Ca(2+) permeability pathway leading to increased [Ca(2+)](i), secondary activation of Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels (Gardos channel, IK1, KCa3.1), and hyperpolarization-induced anion currents. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The stretch-activated transient PCa observed here under local membrane deformation is a likely contributor to the Ca(2+)-mediated effects observed during the normal aging process of red blood cells, and to the increased Ca(2+) content of red cells in certain hereditary anemias such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia

    Plasmodium falciparum regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent PKA and anion channel conductance

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    Malaria symptoms occur during Plasmodium falciparum development into red blood cells. During this process, the parasites make substantial modifications to the host cell in order to facilitate nutrient uptake and aid in parasite metabolism. One significant alteration that is required for parasite development is the establishment of an anion channel, as part of the establishment of New Permeation Pathways (NPPs) in the red blood cell plasma membrane, and we have shown previously that one channel can be activated in uninfected cells by exogenous protein kinase A. Here, we present evidence that in P. falciparum-infected red blood cells, a cAMP pathway modulates anion conductance of the erythrocyte membrane. In patch-clamp experiments on infected erythrocytes, addition of recombinant PfPKA-R to the pipette in vitro, or overexpression of PfPKA-R in transgenic parasites lead to down-regulation of anion conductance. Moreover, this overexpressing PfPKA-R strain has a growth defect that can be restored by increasing the levels of intracellular cAMP. Our data demonstrate that the anion channel is indeed regulated by a cAMP-dependent pathway in P. falciparum-infected red blood cells. The discovery of a parasite regulatory pathway responsible for modulating anion channel activity in the membranes of P. falciparum-infected red blood cells represents an important insight into how parasites modify host cell permeation pathways. These findings may also provide an avenue for the development of new intervention strategies targeting this important anion channel and its regulation

    Altered Ca2+ Homeostasis in Red Blood Cells of Polycythemia Vera Patients Following Disturbed Organelle Sorting during Terminal Erythropoiesis

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    The authors thank Thierry Peyrard, Dominique Gien, Sirandou Tounkara, and Eliane VĂ©ra at Centre National de RĂ©fĂ©rence pour les Groupes Sanguins for the management of blood samples. The authors thank Sandrine Genetet and Isabelle Mouro-Chanteloup at the Inserm UMR_S1134 unit for their assistance in experiments. The authors also thank MichaĂ«l Dussiot at the Institute Imagine for his assistance in imaging flow cytometry. We thank Johanna Bruce and Virginie Salnot at 3P5 Proteomics Platform for sample preparation and analysis, and François Guillonneau and Patrick Mayeux for their management and strategies. Funding: The work was supported by Institut National de la SantĂ© et de la Recherche MĂ©dicale (Inserm); Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine (INTS); the University of Paris; and grants from Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) GR-Ex, reference No. ANR-11-LABX-0051. The Labex GR- Ex is funded by the IdEx program “Investissements d’avenir” of the French National Research Agency, reference No. ANR-11-IDEX-0005-02 and ANR-18-IDEX-0001. R.B., M.G.R., and D.M.A. were funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 675115-RELEVANCE-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015. R.B. also received financial support from SociĂ©tĂ© Française d’HĂ©matologie (SFH) and Club du Globule Rouge et du Fer (CGRF). R.B. is currently funded by the Innovate UK Research and Innovation Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between University of Aberdeen and Vertebrate Antibodies Ltd. (Partnership No. KTP12327). T.D. was supported by PhD grants from UniversitĂ© Paris Saclay MESR (MinistĂšre Enseignement SupĂ©rieur et de la Recherche) and then FRM (Fondation recherche mĂ©dicale). The Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer was acquired with funds from Fonds Europeen de Developpement Regional (FEDER) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors and Employment 2007-2013 and from the Canceropole Ile de France.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A novel missense variant in ATP11CATP11C is associated with reduced red blood cell phosphatidylserine flippase activity and mild hereditary hemolytic anemia

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    Adenosine Triphosphatase (ATPase) Phospholipid Transporting 11C gene (ATP11C) encodes the major phosphatidylserine (PS) flippase in human red blood cells (RBCs). Flippases actively transport phospholipids (e.g., PS) from the outer to the inner leaflet to establish and maintain phospholipid asymmetry of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. This asymmetry is crucial for survival since externalized PS triggers phagocytosis by splenic macrophages. Here we report on pathophysiological consequences of decreased flippase activity, prompted by a patient with hemolytic anemia and hemizygosity for a novel c.2365C > T p.(Leu789Phe) missense variant in ATP11C. ATP11C protein expression was strongly reduced by 58% in patient‐derived RBC ghosts. Furthermore, functional characterization showed only 26% PS flippase activity. These results were confirmed by recombinant mutant ATP11C protein expression in HEK293T cells, which was decreased to 27% compared to wild type, whereas PS‐stimulated ATPase activity was decreased by 57%. Patient RBCs showed a mild increase in PS surface exposure when compared to control RBCs, which further increased in the most dense RBCs after RBC storage stress. The increase in PS was not due to higher global membrane content of PS or other phospholipids. In contrast, membrane lipid lateral distribution showed increased abundance of cholesterol‐enriched domains in RBC low curvature areas. Finally, more dense RBCs and subtle changes in RBC morphology under flow hint toward alterations in flow behavior of ATP11C‐deficient RBCs. Altogether, ATP11C deficiency is the likely cause of hemolytic anemia in our patient, thereby underlining the physiological role and relevance of this flippase in human RBCs

    A novel missense variant in ATP11C is associated with reduced red blood cell phosphatidylserine flippase activity and mild hereditary hemolytic anemia

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    Adenosine Triphosphatase (ATPase) Phospholipid Transporting 11C gene (ATP11C) encodes the major phosphatidylserine (PS) flippase in human red blood cells (RBCs). Flippases actively transport phospholipids (e.g., PS) from the outer to the inner leaflet to establish and maintain phospholipid asymmetry of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. This asymmetry is crucial for survival since externalized PS triggers phagocytosis by splenic macrophages. Here we report on pathophysiological consequences of decreased flippase activity, prompted by a patient with hemolytic anemia and hemizygosity for a novel c.2365C > T p.(Leu789Phe) missense variant in ATP11C. ATP11C protein expression was strongly reduced by 58% in patient-derived RBC ghosts. Furthermore, functional characterization showed only 26% PS flippase activity. These results were confirmed by recombinant mutant ATP11C protein expression in HEK293T cells, which was decreased to 27% compared to wild type, whereas PS-stimulated ATPase activity was decreased by 57%. Patient RBCs showed a mild increase in PS surface exposure when compared to control RBCs, which further increased in the most dense RBCs after RBC storage stress. The increase in PS was not due to higher global membrane content of PS or other phospholipids. In contrast, membrane lipid lateral distribution showed increased abundance of cholesterol-enriched domains in RBC low curvature areas. Finally, more dense RBCs and subtle changes in RBC morphology under flow hint toward alterations in flow behavior of ATP11C-deficient RBCs. Altogether, ATP11C deficiency is the likely cause of hemolytic anemia in our patient, thereby underlining the physiological role and relevance of this flippase in human RBCs