9 research outputs found

    Canadian Manufacturers' Association trade mission to South East Asia

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    yesБелГУВ статье рассматривается роль самопознания человека в его духовной жизни и становлении его личностных качеств, главным из которых является свобод

    Biologia populacional de Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt (Crustacea, Hippidae) na Praia Vermelha do Norte, Ubatuba (São Paulo, Brasil) Population biology of Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt (Crustacea, Hippidae) in Vermelha do Norte beach, Ubatuba (São Paulo, Brazil)

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    <abstract language="eng">Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt, 1935 is a common mole crab called "tatuíra" in Brazil, with distribution from Espírito-Santo State (Brazil) to Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). Specimens were collected bimonthly from May/1992 through March/1993 with 4mm siffers mesh, in the intertidal region at Vermelha do Norte Beach, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The animals were sexed and measured with a precision caliper of 0.1 mm (Cl = carapace length). Males presented cl amplitude from 3.4-17.3mm (13.2±2.1mm), and females from 13.8-26.3mm (20.5±1.8mm), showing a well-defined sexual dimorfism for this variable. The population presented a smaller incidence of males in relation to females (0.54:1.00), however in May/1992 an inverse pattern occurred (1.84:1.00). Ovigerous females were present in all samples with exception of May and September/1992 with greater frequencies in July/1992 and January/1993. It is probable that female maturity occurs is reached with 17mm CL, the smallest size in wich ovigerous females were found

    Embriologia do siri Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Portunidae)

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    Ovigerous females of Arenaeus cribrarius were collected at Ubatuba, São Paulo, and maintaining in aquaria under controlled temperature (25±1ºC), salinity (35±1 ) and photoperiod (12:12). A small sample of eggs was collected for each 24h, for morphological description, chromatic changes and biometric analysis throughout the embryonic development. Eight egg stages were photographed and had their small and large diameters measured under a microscope provided with camera lucida. The egg's shape was low elliptical during all the embryogenesis and showed size increase (24.4%) and volume (91.1 %), when the last stage were compared with the first one. According to mean egg diameter and volume, the eggs should be pooled in three different groups (1-3; 4-6; 7-8) corresponding to initial, intermediate and final stages. The attained results were compared with the literature which emphasizing the species of Portunidae's family.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP