13 research outputs found

    Finely tuned temporal and spatial delivery of GDNF promotes enhanced nerve regeneration in a long nerve defect model

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    The use of growth factors, such as glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), for the treatment of peripheral nerve injury has been useful in promoting axon survival and regeneration. Unfortunately, finding a method that delivers the appropriate spatial and temporal release profile to promote functional recovery has proven difficult. Some release methods result in burst release profiles too short to remain effective over the regeneration period; however, prolonged exposure to GDNF can result in axonal entrapment at the site of release. Thus, GDNF was delivered in both a spatially and temporally controlled manner using a two-phase system comprised of an affinity-based release system and conditional lentiviral GDNF overexpression from Schwann cells (SCs). Briefly, SCs were transduced with a tetracycline-inducible (Tet-On) GDNF overexpressing lentivirus before transplantation. Three-centimeter acellular nerve allografts (ANAs) were modified by injection of a GDNF-releasing fibrin scaffold under the epineurium and then used to bridge a 3 cm sciatic nerve defect. To encourage growth past the ANA, GDNF-SCs were transplanted into the distal nerve and doxycycline was administered for 4, 6, or 8 weeks to determine the optimal duration of GDNF expression in the distal nerve. Live imaging and histomorphometric analysis determined that 6 weeks of doxycycline treatment resulted in enhanced regeneration compared to 4 or 8 weeks. This enhanced regeneration resulted in increased gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscle mass for animals receiving doxycycline for 6 weeks. The results of this study demonstrate that strategies providing spatial and temporal control of delivery can improve axonal regeneration and functional muscle reinnervation

    Axonal growth arrests after an increased accumulation of Schwann cells expressing senescence markers and stromal cells in acellular nerve allografts

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    Acellular nerve allografts (ANAs) and other nerve constructs do not reliably facilitate axonal regeneration across long defects (>3 cm). Causes for this deficiency are poorly understood. In this study, we determined what cells are present within ANAs before axonal growth arrest in nerve constructs and if these cells express markers of cellular stress and senescence. Using the Thy1-GFP rat and serial imaging, we identified the time and location of axonal growth arrest in long (6 cm) ANAs. Axonal growth halted within long ANAs by 4 weeks, while axons successfully regenerated across short (3 cm) ANAs. Cellular populations and markers of senescence were determined using immunohistochemistry, histology, and senescence-associated β-galactosidase staining. Both short and long ANAs were robustly repopulated with Schwann cells (SCs) and stromal cells by 2 weeks. Schwann cells (S100β(+)) represented the majority of cells repopulating both ANAs. Overall, both ANAs demonstrated similar cellular populations with the exception of increased stromal cells (fibronectin(+)/S100β(−)/CD68(−) cells) in long ANAs. Characterization of ANAs for markers of cellular senescence revealed that long ANAs accumulated much greater levels of senescence markers and a greater percentage of Schwann cells expressing the senescence marker p16 compared to short ANAs. To establish the impact of the long ANA environment on axonal regeneration, short ANAs (2 cm) that would normally support axonal regeneration were generated from long ANAs near the time of axonal growth arrest (“stressed” ANAs). These stressed ANAs contained mainly S100β(+)/p16(+) cells and markedly reduced axonal regeneration. In additional experiments, removal of the distal portion (4 cm) of long ANAs near the time of axonal growth arrest and replacement with long isografts (4 cm) rescued axonal regeneration across the defect. Neuronal culture derived from nerve following axonal growth arrest in long ANAs revealed no deficits in axonal extension. Overall, this evidence demonstrates that long ANAs are repopulated with increased p16(+) Schwann cells and stromal cells compared to short ANAs, suggesting a role for these cells in poor axonal regeneration across nerve constructs

    Development of a sensitive Luminex xMAP-based microsphere immunoassay for specific detection of Iris yellow spot virus

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    Abstract Background Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) is an Orthotospovirus that infects most Allium species. Very few approaches for specific detection of IYSV from infected plants are available to date. We report the development of a high-sensitive Luminex xMAP-based microsphere immunoassay (MIA) for specific detection of IYSV. Results The nucleocapsid (N) gene of IYSV was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli to produce the His-tagged recombinant N protein. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against IYSV was generated by immunizing the mice with recombinant N protein. Five specific MAbs (16D9, 11C6, 7F4, 12C10, and 14H12) were identified and used for developing the Luminex xMAP-based MIA systems along with a polyclonal antibody against IYSV. Comparative analyses of their sensitivity and specificity in detecting IYSV from infected tobacco leaves identified 7F4 as the best-performed MAb in MIA. We then optimized the working conditions of Luminex xMAP-based MIA in specific detection of IYSV from infected tobacco leaves by using appropriate blocking buffer and proper concentration of biotin-labeled antibodies as well as the suitable ratio between the antibodies and the streptavidin R-phycoerythrin (SA-RPE). Under the optimized conditions the Luminex xMAP-based MIA was able to specifically detect IYSV with much higher sensitivity than conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Importantly, the Luminex xMAP-based MIA is time-saving and the whole procedure could be completed within 2.5 h. Conclusions We generated five specific MAbs against IYSV and developed the Luminex xMAP-based MIA method for specific detection of IYSV in plants. This assay provides a sensitive, high-specific, easy to perform and likely cost-effective approach for IYSV detection from infected plants, implicating potential broad usefulness of MIA in plant virus diagnosis