963 research outputs found

    The Calibration of Stromgren uvby-Hbeta Photometry for Late-Type Stars -- a Model Atmosphere Approach

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    We aim to test the power of theoretical calibrations based on a new generation of MARCS models by comparisons with observational photomteric data. We calculate synthetic uvby-Hbeta colour indices from synthetic spectra. A sample of 388 field stars as well as stars in globular clusters is used for a direct comparison of the synthetic indices versus empirical data and for scrutinizing the possibilities of theoretical calibrations for temperature, metallicity and gravity. We show that the temperature sensitivity of the synthetic (b-y) colour is very close to its empirical counterpart, whereas the temperature scale based upon Hbeta shows a slight offset. The theoretical metallicity sensitivity of the m1 index (and for G-type stars its combination with c1) is somewhat larger than the empirical one, based upon spectroscopic determinations. The gravity sensitivity of the synthetic c1 index shows a satisfactory behaviour when compared to obervations of F stars. For stars cooler than the sun a deviation is significant in the c1-(b-y) diagram. The theoretical calibrations of (b-y), (v-y) and c1 seem to work well for Pop II stars and lead to effective temperatures for globular cluster stars supporting recent claims by Korn et al. (2007) that atomic diffusion occurs in stars near the turnoff point of NGC 6397. Synthetic colours of stellar atmospheres can indeed be used, in many cases, to derive reliable fundamental stellar parameters. The deviations seen when compared to observational data could be due to incomplete linelists but are possibly also due to effects of assuming plane-parallell or spherical geometry and LTE

    The Future is Now: the Formation of Single Low Mass White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Low mass helium-core white dwarfs (M < 0.45 Msun) can be produced from interacting binary systems, and traditionally all of them have been attributed to this channel. However, a low mass white dwarf could also result from a single star that experiences severe mass loss on the first ascent giant branch. A large population of low mass He-core white dwarfs has been discovered in the old metal-rich cluster NGC 6791. There is therefore a mechanism in clusters to produce low mass white dwarfs without requiring binary star interactions, and we search for evidence of a similar population in field white dwarfs. We argue that there is a significant field population (of order half of the detected systems) that arises from old metal rich stars which truncate their evolution prior to the helium flash from severe mass loss. There is a consistent absence of evidence for nearby companions in a large fraction of low mass white dwarfs. The number of old metal-rich field dwarfs is also comparable with the apparently single low mass white dwarf population, and our revised estimate for the space density of low mass white dwarfs produced from binary interactions is also compatible with theoretical expectations. This indicates that this channel of stellar evolution, hitherto thought hypothetical only, has been in operation in our own Galaxy for many billions of years. One strong implication of our model is that single low mass white dwarfs should be good targets for planet searches because they are likely to arise from metal-rich progenitors. We also discuss other observational tests and implications, including the potential impact on SN Ia rates and the frequency of planetary nebulae.Comment: ApJ published versio

    Abundance Analysis of Planetary Host Stars I. Differential Iron Abundances

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    We present atmospheric parameters and iron abundances derived from high-resolution spectra for three samples of dwarf stars: stars which are known to host close-in giant planets (CGP), stars for which radial velocity data exclude the presence of a close-in giant planetary companion (no-CGP), as well as a random sample of dwarfs with a spectral type and magnitude distribution similar to that of the planetary host stars (control). All stars have been observed with the same instrument and have been analyzed using the same model atmospheres, atomic data and equivalent width modeling program. Abundances have been derived differentially to the Sun, using a solar spectrum obtained with Callisto as the reflector with the same instrumentation. We find that the iron abundances of CGP dwarfs are on average by 0.22 dex greater than that of no-CGP dwarfs. The iron abundance distributions of both the CGP and no-CGP dwarfs are different than that of the control dwarfs, while the combined iron abundances have a distribution which is very similar to that of the control dwarfs. All four samples (CGP, no-CGP, combined, control) have different effective temperature distributions. We show that metal enrichment occurs only for CGP dwarfs with temperatures just below solar and approximately 300 K higher than solar, whereas the abundance difference is insignificant at Teff around 6000 K.Comment: 52 pages (aastex 11pt, preprint style), including 17 figures and 13 tables; accepted for publication in AJ (scheduled for the October 2003 issue

    A Rasch analysis of the Person-Centred Climate Questionnaire – staff version

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    Background: Person-centred care is the bedrock of modern dementia services, yet the evidence-base to support its implementation is not firmly established. Research is hindered by a need for more robust measurement instruments. The 14-item Person-Centred Climate Questionnaire - Staff version (PCQ-S) is one of the most established scales and has promising measurement properties. However, its construction under classical test theory methods leaves question marks over its rigour and the need for evaluation under more modern testing procedures. Methods: The PCQ-S was self-completed by nurses and other care staff working across nursing homes in 35 Swedish municipalities in 2013/14. A Rasch analysis was undertaken in RUMM2030 using a partial credit model suited to the Likert-type items. Three subscales of the PCQ-S were evaluated against common thresholds for overall fit to the Rasch model; ordering of category thresholds; unidimensionality; local dependency; targeting; and Differential Item Functioning. Three subscales were evaluated separately as unidimensional models and then combined as subtests into a single measure. Due to large number of respondents (n = 4381), two random sub-samples were drawn, with a satisfactory model established in the first ('evaluation') and confirmed in the second ('validation'). Final item locations and a table converting raw scores to Rasch-transformed values were created using the full sample. Results: All three subscales had disordered thresholds for some items, which were resolved by collapsing categories. The three subscales fit the assumptions of the Rasch model after the removal of two items, except for subscale 3, where there was evidence of local dependence between two items. By forming subtests, the 3 subscales were combined into a single Rasch model which had satisfactory fit statistics. The Rasch form of the instrument (PCQ-S-R) had an adequate but modest Person Separation Index (&lt; 0.80) and some evidence of mistargeting due to a low number of `difficult-to-endorse' items. Conclusions: The PCQ-S-R has 12 items and can be used as a unidimensional scale with interval level properties, using the nomogram presented within this paper. The scale is reliable but has some inefficiencies due to too few high-end thresholds inhibiting discrimination amongst populations who already perceive that person-centred care is very good in their environment

    A Consistency Test of Spectroscopic Gravities for Late-Type Stars

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    Chemical analyses of late-type stars are usually carried out following the classical recipe: LTE line formation and homogeneous, plane-parallel, flux-constant, and LTE model atmospheres. We review different results in the literature that have suggested significant inconsistencies in the spectroscopic analyses, pointing out the difficulties in deriving independent estimates of the stellar fundamental parameters and hence,detecting systematic errors. The trigonometric parallaxes measured by the HIPPARCOS mission provide accurate appraisals of the stellar surface gravity for nearby stars, which are used here to check the gravities obtained from the photospheric iron ionization balance. We find an approximate agreement for stars in the metallicity range -1 <= [Fe/H] <= 0, but the comparison shows that the differences between the spectroscopic and trigonometric gravities decrease towards lower metallicities for more metal-deficient dwarfs (-2.5 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0), which casts a shadow upon the abundance analyses for extreme metal-poor stars that make use of the ionization equilibrium to constrain the gravity. The comparison with the strong-line gravities derived by Edvardsson (1988) and Fuhrmann (1998a) confirms that this method provides systematically larger gravities than the ionization balance. The strong-line gravities get closer to the physical ones for the stars analyzed by Fuhrmann, but they are even further away than the iron ionization gravities for the stars of lower gravities in Edvardsson's sample. The confrontation of the deviations of the iron ionization gravities in metal-poor stars reported here with departures from the excitation balance found in the literature, show that they are likely to be induced by the same physical mechanism(s).Comment: AAS LaTeX v4.0, 35 pages, 10 PostScript files; to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Distance Dependence in the Solar Neighborhood Age-Metallicity Relation

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    The age-metallicity relation for F and G dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood, based on the stellar metallicity data of Edvardsson et al. (1993), shows an apparent scatter that is larger than expected considering the uncertainties in metallicities and ages. A number of theoretical models have been put forward to explain the large scatter. However, we present evidence, based on Edvardsson et al. (1993) data, along with Hipparcos parallaxes and new age estimates, that the scatter in the age-metallicity relation depends on the distance to the stars in the sample, such that stars within 30 pc of the Sun show significantly less scatter in [Fe/H]. Stars of intermediate age from the Edvardsson et al. sample at distances 30-80 pc from the Sun are systematically more metal-poor than those more nearby. We also find that the slope of the apparent age-metallicity relation is different for stars within 30 pc than for those stars more distant. These results are most likely an artifact of selection biases in the Edvardsson et al. star sample. We conclude that the intrinsic dispersion in metallicity at fixed age is < 0.15 dex, consistent with the < 0.1 dex scatter for Galactic open star clusters and the interstellar medium.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, uses AASTex aaspp4 style; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A High-Eccentricity Low-Mass Companion to HD 89744

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    HD 89744 is an F7 V star with mass 1.4 M, effective temperature 6166 K, age 2.0 Gy and metallicity [Fe/H]= 0.18. The radial velocity of the star has been monitored with the AFOE spectrograph at the Whipple Observatory since 1996, and evidence has been found for a low mass companion. The data were complemented by additional data from the Hamilton spectrograph at Lick Observatory during the companion's periastron passage in fall 1999. As a result, we have determined the star's orbital wobble to have period P = 256 d, orbital amplitude K = 257 m/s, and eccentricity e = 0.7. From the stellar mass we infer that the companion has minimum mass m2 sin i = 7.2 MJup in an orbit with semi-major axis a2 = 0.88 AU. The eccentricity of the orbit, among the highest known for extra-solar planets, continues the trend that extra-solar planets with semi-major axes greater than about 0.15 AU tend to have much higher eccentricities than are found in our solar system. The high metallicity of the parent star reinforces the trend that parent stars of extra-solar planets tend to have high metallicityComment: AASTEX-LateX v5.0, 7 pages w/ 3 figures, to be published in ApJ

    Equilibrium Disk-Bulge-Halo Models for the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies

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    We describe a new set of self-consistent, equilibrium disk galaxy models that incorporate an exponential disk, a Hernquist model bulge, an NFW halo and a central supermassive black hole. The models are derived from explicit distribution functions for each component and the large number of parameters permit detailed modeling of actual galaxies. We present techniques that use structural and kinematic data such as radial surface brightness profiles, rotation curves and bulge velocity dispersion profiles to find the best-fit models for the Milky Way and M31. Through N-body realizations of these models we explore their stability against the formation of bars. The models permit the study of a wide range of dynamical phenomenon with a high degree of realism.Comment: 58 pages, 20 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Searching for Earth analogues around the nearest stars: the disk age-metallicity relation and the age distribution in the Solar Neighbourhood

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    The chemical composition of Earth's atmosphere has undergone substantial evolution over the course of its history. It is possible, even likely, that terrestrial planets in other planetary systems have undergone similar changes; consequently, the age distribution of nearby stars is an important consideration in designing surveys for Earth-analogues. Valenti & Fischer (2005) provide age and metallicity estimates for 1039 FGK dwarfs in the Solar Neighbourhood. Using the Hipparcos catalogue as a reference to calibrate potential biases, we have extracted volume-limited samples of nearby stars from the Valenti-Fischer dataset. Unlike other recent investigations, our analysis shows clear evidence for an age-metallicity relation in the local disk, albeit with substantial dispersion at any epoch. The mean metallicity increases from -0.3 dex at a lookback time of ~10 Gyrs to +0.15 dex at the present day. Supplementing the Valenti-Fischer measurements with literature data to give a complete volume-limited sample, the age distribution of nearby FGK dwarfs is broadly consistent with a uniform star-formation rate over the history of the Galactic disk. In striking contrast, most stars known to have planetary companions are younger than 5 Gyrs; however, stars with planetary companions within 0.4 AU have a significantly flatter age distribution, indicating that those systems are stable on timescales of many Gyrs. Several of the older, lower metallicity host stars have enhanced [alpha/Fe] ratios, implying membership of the thick disk. If the frequency of terrestrial planets is also correlated with stellar metallicity, then the median age of such planetary system is likely to be ~3 Gyrs. We discuss the implications of this hypothesis in designing searches for Earth analogues among the nearby stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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