485 research outputs found

    Application of RIAM to the environmental impact assessment of hydroelectric installations

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    This paper evaluates an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) using the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM). It analyses and presents in a structured, friendly and transparent environment the numerous parameters and alternatives of an EIA. It considers all 4 components: physical / chemical, biological / ecological, social / cultural, economic / operational. These are then evaluated using universal criteria common to all impact consideration. Figures and tables made comparisons much easier. This Matrix was applied to the EIA of the future Vale de Madeira Hydroelectric Installation that will be situated on the River Côa of the Douro River Basin in the Municipalities of Pinhel and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, North of Portugal. It will be shown that such a project will be positive economically but negative otherwise (as related to the other three components evaluated in RIAM)

    Automation and control of the SORTEGEL wastewater plant

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    Food Processing Industries produce large amounts of wastewater with high environmental impact. Due to the high content of suspended matter and inadequate pH value of the wastewater, national laws prohibit direct discharges of the influent to the environment. This work describes the design and operation of a wastewater treatment plant installed in the Sortegel food-processing company located in Sortes, Portugal. This industry uses the water collected from groundwater wells to process raw materials and to wash the equipments, being the volume of wastewater produced season dependent (80 to 300m3/day). Results show that the implemented wastewater treatment plant and the automation solutions generate treated effluents that comply with the Portuguese legislation

    Genotipagem de multilocus de Cryptosporidium hominis associado a surto diarréico em creche de São Paulo

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    A number of species of Cryptosporidium are associated with diarrhea worldwide. Little data exists regarding the genotypes and species of Cryptosporidium associated with cases of infections in Brazil. PURPOSE: In the present study, we ascertained by molecular methods the species and the genotype of Cryptosporidium sp from a diarrhea outbreak diagnosed in a day care at the Hospital Clínicas, São Paulo University Medical School. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Specific identification and typing of the isolates associated with the outbreak was done by DNA sequencing analysis of fragments amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from 3 different Cryptosporidium loci: the SSUrRNA coding region, the Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene, and the microsatellite locus 1 (ML1), a tandem GAG-trinucleotide repeat containing substitutions that differentiate the genotypes of Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis. RESULTS: A total of 29 positive samples from the outbreak were studied by the molecular methods described. Our study revealed the presence of a single genotype of Cryptosporidium hominis in all samples. CONCLUSION: The molecular analysis reinforced the hypothesis that the transmission of Cryptosporidium hominis during the period the samples were collected occurred in an outbreak pattern, possibly by person-to-person contact through the fecal-oral route. As far as we know, this is the first time that molecular tools have been used to identify the species and the genotype of isolates showing the presence of the ML1 genotype in samples from Brazilian patients.Mundialmente, diferentes espécies de Cryptosporidium estão relacionadas com doenças diarréicas. No Brasil há poucos dados sobre os genótipos das espécies de Cryptosporidium associadas a infecções. OBJETIVO: No presente estudo, caracterizamos, por métodos moleculares, a espécie e o genótipo de Cryptosporidium sp diagnosticado em surto diarréico ocorrido na creche do Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brasil. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Identificação específica e tipagem dos isolados associados ao surto foram feitos a partir do seqüenciamento de fragmentos de DNA amplificados por PCR dos seguintes loci: a região que codifica o SSUrRNA, o gene que codifica uma proteína do envoltório dos oocistos de Cryptosporidium (COWP), e o locus de microsatélite ML1, representado por seqüências repetitiva de três nucleotídeos GAG contendo substituições que diferem entre os genótipos de Cryptosporidium parvum e Cryptosporidium hominis. RESULTADOS: Um total de 29 amostras positivas para Cryptosporidium associadas ao surto diarréico foi analisado com base nos métodos moleculares acima descritos. O estudo revelou a presença do genótipo ML1 de Cryptosporidium hominis. DISCUSSÃO: A análise molecular reforçou a hipótese de que a transmissão de Cryptosporidium hominis durante o surto diarréico ocorreu de pessoa a pessoa através da rota fecal oral. Esta é a primeira vez que ferramentas moleculares são utilizadas para identificação de espécies e genótipos de isolados acusando a presença do genótipo ML1 em pacientes brasileiros

    examples of high-impact discoveries from an international chemistry network

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    CNPq 303355/2018-2 CAPES-Cofecub (88887.130198/2017-01) EP/F034210/1 EP/P030572/1 UIDB/50006/2020 CNPq (308383/2018-4 Universal 403866/2016-2 PDE 204177/2018-9 I 421703/2017-2 .During the last 150 years or more, society has witnessed many key scientific discoveries and inventions, which have dramatically improved not only our quality of life, but our lifespan. However, the motivation of scientists to provide scientific advances has generally not been the achievement of these goals, but mainly driven by research curiosity. Fundamental scientific studies, also known as basic science, have paved the way to a society of knowledge by means of continuously evolving education systems, and have led to applied science and technological breakthroughs changing the World. However, without basic science such life-changing advances would not happen, which is poorly understood by the society. Having this in mind, chemists and biochemists working in a chemistry network highlight here examples of how basic science has played a crucial role and led to major breakthroughs. In seven short stories, the authors describe cases and historical events where basic research discoveries have advanced science, and opened avenues for future achievements. Investment in basic science is crucial for a nation’s health and wealth. The support of scientists driven by curiosity ultimately can benefit the whole of society, not only in innovative products, but also in the improvement of the understanding of our own lives.publishersversionpublishe

    Aplicações tecnológicas com fontes renováveis : Cocção solar em comunidades na região de Xingó

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    La inserción de la tecnología de cocción solar en la región de Xingó, semi-árido/NE/Brasil, envuelve además del desarrollo del equipo adaptado a las condiciones socio ambientales de la región, la capacitación de los usuarios en el manejo del horno y fundamentalmente lo acompañamiento de la utilización del equipo en el día a día de los mismos. La alteración en el consumo de leña y de lo carbón es adoptada como el principal factor de evaluación. Los beneficios socioeconómicos detectados atestan la gran importancia de esa iniciativa: reducción media mensual por familia de cerca de 70% en el uso de leña y de 75% en el uso del carbón y la no-utilización del GLP como substitución; quema evitada de cerca de 330 kg/mes y 135kg/mes de leña y carbón respectivamente. La proyección anual indica que podará ser evitada la quema de cerca de 8 ton/año de leña e 3,3 ton/año de carbón con la utilización de los hornos solares por las 18 familias. Los estudios sistemáticos también acompañan las dificultades, fallas del equipo, cambios de hábitos y diversificación en lo preparo de alimentos.This paper reports the development of a prototype solar over, the FOGSOLAR_FAE This conceptual is based on a solar over box with concentrator mirrors. The results shows that 100 to 140 ºC is obtained in the grill base of the over and it continuous with up 85ºC for 5 to 8 hours at an average daily radiation above 5,0 kWh/m², which permits many processes of grilling and also cooking of foodstuffs can be carried out. 18 families are using the solar over in the Xingó Region. About 4 ton of firewood and 1,6 ton of coal were not burned in 6 month of used of the solar over.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Aplicações tecnológicas com fontes renováveis : Cocção solar em comunidades na região de Xingó

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    La inserción de la tecnología de cocción solar en la región de Xingó, semi-árido/NE/Brasil, envuelve además del desarrollo del equipo adaptado a las condiciones socio ambientales de la región, la capacitación de los usuarios en el manejo del horno y fundamentalmente lo acompañamiento de la utilización del equipo en el día a día de los mismos. La alteración en el consumo de leña y de lo carbón es adoptada como el principal factor de evaluación. Los beneficios socioeconómicos detectados atestan la gran importancia de esa iniciativa: reducción media mensual por familia de cerca de 70% en el uso de leña y de 75% en el uso del carbón y la no-utilización del GLP como substitución; quema evitada de cerca de 330 kg/mes y 135kg/mes de leña y carbón respectivamente. La proyección anual indica que podará ser evitada la quema de cerca de 8 ton/año de leña e 3,3 ton/año de carbón con la utilización de los hornos solares por las 18 familias. Los estudios sistemáticos también acompañan las dificultades, fallas del equipo, cambios de hábitos y diversificación en lo preparo de alimentos.This paper reports the development of a prototype solar over, the FOGSOLAR_FAE This conceptual is based on a solar over box with concentrator mirrors. The results shows that 100 to 140 ºC is obtained in the grill base of the over and it continuous with up 85ºC for 5 to 8 hours at an average daily radiation above 5,0 kWh/m2, which permits many processes of grilling and also cooking of foodstuffs can be carried out. 18 families are using the solar over in the Xingó Region. About 4 ton of firewood and 1,6 ton of coal were not burned in 6 month of used of the solar over.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Aplicações tecnológicas com fontes renováveis : Cocção solar em comunidades na região de Xingó

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    La inserción de la tecnología de cocción solar en la región de Xingó, semi-árido/NE/Brasil, envuelve además del desarrollo del equipo adaptado a las condiciones socio ambientales de la región, la capacitación de los usuarios en el manejo del horno y fundamentalmente lo acompañamiento de la utilización del equipo en el día a día de los mismos. La alteración en el consumo de leña y de lo carbón es adoptada como el principal factor de evaluación. Los beneficios socioeconómicos detectados atestan la gran importancia de esa iniciativa: reducción media mensual por familia de cerca de 70% en el uso de leña y de 75% en el uso del carbón y la no-utilización del GLP como substitución; quema evitada de cerca de 330 kg/mes y 135kg/mes de leña y carbón respectivamente. La proyección anual indica que podará ser evitada la quema de cerca de 8 ton/año de leña e 3,3 ton/año de carbón con la utilización de los hornos solares por las 18 familias. Los estudios sistemáticos también acompañan las dificultades, fallas del equipo, cambios de hábitos y diversificación en lo preparo de alimentos.This paper reports the development of a prototype solar over, the FOGSOLAR_FAE This conceptual is based on a solar over box with concentrator mirrors. The results shows that 100 to 140 ºC is obtained in the grill base of the over and it continuous with up 85ºC for 5 to 8 hours at an average daily radiation above 5,0 kWh/m2, which permits many processes of grilling and also cooking of foodstuffs can be carried out. 18 families are using the solar over in the Xingó Region. About 4 ton of firewood and 1,6 ton of coal were not burned in 6 month of used of the solar over.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Anti-inflammatory response to acute exercise is related with intensity and physical fitness

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    Purpose: The relationship between inflammatory markers and energetic metabolism has been explored. However, the relation between exercise intensity and fitness-status is unclear and it is necessary to understand this relationship to apply specific exercise guidance. The purpose of the study was to analyze metabolic and inflammatory responses imposed by acute exercise sessions performed at moderate, heavy and severe intensities and their relationship with physical fitnessstatus. Methods: Nineteen healthy male volunteers performed three acute exercise sessions until exhaustion or up to 60 minutes on a cycle ergometer at moderate (90% of VT1), heavy (midpoint between VT1/VT2), and severe (midpoint between VT2/Wmax) intensities. Blood lactate, glucose, NEFA, endotoxin and cytokines were determined for each exercise session. Peripheral and LPS-stimulated release of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 were analyzed pre, post and 60-min after sessions. Results: In peripheral blood, severe intensity increased lactate, endotoxin and TNF-α immediately post-exercise and glucose at 60-min post-exercise. There was a trend for IL-10 increase at 60-min post-exercise in peripheral blood. Immediately post-exercise, LPS-stimulated TNF-α, IL-6, IL-6/IL-10 ratio and lactate levels were higher in the severe intensity while NEFA levels decreased at this time. At 60-min post-exercise higher concentrations of glucose and a trend for increased IL-10 were observed in severe intensity. Positive correlation was observed between maximal aerobic power and IL-10 (r=0.513, p=0.042) and negative correlations between maximal aerobic power and endotoxin (r=-0.531, p=0.034) and lactate (r=-0.538, p=0.031) in heavy intensity. Conclusion: Our data show a novel finding that higher cytokine responses occur at higher intensities, mainly in severe intensity. However, the anti-inflammatory (IL-10) response was physical fitness-dependent