54 research outputs found

    Debt and Conditionality under Endogenous Terms of Trade Adjustment

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    The purpose of this study is to identify conditions under which renewed international. lending will benefit both the developed and the developing countries. Our analysis will evaluate how the presence of terms of trade adjust-rent and distorted credit markets affect the conditions for the existence of beneficial lending. We demonstrate that in the presence of endogenous terms of trade adjustment, there are cases in which a competitive international banking system may not revitalize lending for investment purposes, even if such renewed lending is socially desirable, Renewed lending may require the appropriate conditionality, and the presence of endogenous terms of trade adjustment puts greater weight on investment conditionality.

    Strategic Investment in a Debt Bargaining Framework

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    This paper analyzes the strategic role of investment from a debtor country's perspective. The framework is one in which, if the debtor country is unable to meet debt obligations, a bargaining regime determines the amount of debt repayment. In the context of a two-country real trade model, debt repayment is equal to the trade surplus of the debtor. The outcome of the bargaining game will therefore be dependent (among other things) on the level of production in the debtor country. In this framework, the paper shows that productive investment may increase or decrease the bargaining power of the debtor country. This ambiguity appears to be fairly robust.

    A Panic-Prone Pack? The Behavior of Emerging Market Mutual Funds

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    This article explores the behavior of emerging market mutual funds using a novel database covering the holdings of individual funds over the period January 1996 to December 2000. The degree of herding among funds is statistically significant, but moderate. Herding is more widespread among open-ended funds than among closed-end funds, but not more prevalent during crises than during tranquil times. We find some evidence that funds tend to follow momentum strategies, selling past losers and buying past winners. Copyright 2003, International Monetary Fund

    Regional Integration and the Location of FDI

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    How will the creation of the FTAA affect FDI from the rest of the world to the region? What are the implications of FTAA for a country such as Mexico whose preferential access to the US may be diluted? Would the effect be similar across countries, or should we expect to see winners and losers? What determines whether a particular country wins or loses FDI flows as a result of the FTAA? These are some of the issues that we address in the paper. While the prospect of the FTAA is what motivates us to carry out this study, our focus is certainly broader, as we look at the effects of regional integration agreements in general, without concentrating in particular on the FTAA.Para cualquier uso del contenido del presente documento debe ponerse en contacto con el autor
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