2,190 research outputs found

    Bosonization of the Low Energy Excitations of Fermi Liquids

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    We bosonize the low energy excitations of Fermi Liquids in any number of dimensions in the limit of long wavelengths. The bosons are coherent superposition of electron-hole pairs and are related with the displacement of the Fermi Surface in some arbitrary direction. A coherent-state path integral for the bosonized theory is derived and it is shown to represent histories of the shape of the Fermi Surface. The Landau equation for the sound waves is shown to be exact in the semiclassical approximation for the bosons.Comment: 10 pages, RevteX, P-93-03-027 (UIUC

    Quasi-1D dynamics and nematic phases in the 2D Emery model

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    We consider the Emery model of a Cu-O plane of the high temperature superconductors. We show that in a strong-coupling limit, with strong Coulomb repulsions between electrons on nearest-neighbor O sites, the electron-dynamics is strictly one dimensional, and consequently a number of asymptotically exact results can be obtained concerning the electronic structure. In particular, we show that a nematic phase, which spontaneously breaks the point- group symmetry of the square lattice, is stable at low enough temperatures and strong enough coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures; revised manuscript with more detailed discussions; two new figures and three edited figuresedited figures; 14 references; new appendix with a detailed proof of the one-dimensional dynamics of the system in the strong coupling limi

    Bosonization of Fermi liquids

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    We bosonize a Fermi liquid in any number of dimensions in the limit of long wavelengths. From the bosons we construct a set of coherent states which are related with the displacement of the Fermi surface due to particle-hole excitations. We show that an interacting hamiltonian in terms of the original fermions is quadratic in the bosons. We obtain a path integral representation for the generating functional which in real time, in the semiclassical limit, gives the Landau equation for sound waves and in the imaginary time gives us the correct form of the specific heat for a Fermi liquid even with the corrections due to the interactions between the fermions. We also discuss the similarities between our results and the physics of quantum crystals.Comment: 42 pages, RevteX, preprint UIUC (1993

    An elusive dark central mass in the globular cluster M4

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    Recent studies of nearby globular clusters have discovered excess dark mass in their cores, apparently in an extended distribution, and simulations indicate that this mass is composed mostly of white dwarfs (respectively stellar-mass black holes) in clusters that are core-collapsed (respectively with a flatter core). We perform mass-anisotropy modelling of the closest globular cluster, M4, with intermediate slope for the inner stellar density. We use proper-motion data from Gaia EDR3 and from observations by the Hubble Space Telescope. We extract the mass profile employing Bayesian Jeans modelling, and check our fits with realistic mock data. Our analyses return isotropic motions in the cluster core and tangential motions (β0.4\beta\approx -0.4±\pm0.10.1) in the outskirts. We also robustly measure a dark central mass of roughly 800±300800\pm300 \,M_{\odot}, but it is not possible to distinguish between a point-like source, such as an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH), or a dark population of stellar remnants of extent 0.016pc3300AU\approx 0.016\,\rm pc \simeq 3300\,AU. However, when removing a high-velocity star from the cluster centre, the same mass excess is found, but more extended (0.034pc7000AU\sim 0.034\, \rm{pc} \approx 7000\,\rm AU). We use Monte Carlo NN-body models of M4 to interpret the second outcome, and find that our excess mass is not sufficiently extended to be confidently associated with a dark population of remnants. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of these two scenarios (i.e., IMBH vs. remnants), and propose new observations that could help to better grasp the complex dynamics in M4's core.Comment: 19 page, 15 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Overscreening of magnetic impurities in dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} wave superconductors

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    We consider the screening of a magnetic impurity in a dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} wave superconductor. The properties of the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} state lead to an unusual behavior in the impurity magnetic susceptibility, the impurity specific heat and in the quasiparticle phase shift which can be used to diagnose the nature of the condensed state. We construct an effective theory for this problem and show that it is equivalent to a multichannel (one per node) non-marginal Kondo problem with linear density of states and coupling constant J. There is a quantum phase transition from an unscreened impurity state to an overscreened Kondo state at a critical value J_c which varies with Δ0\Delta_0, the superconducting gap away from the nodes. In the overscreened phase, the impurity Fermi level ϵf\epsilon_f and the amplitude Δ\Delta of the ground state singlet vanish at J_c like Δ0exp(const./Δ)\Delta_0 \exp(- const. / \Delta) and J-J_c respectively. We derive the scaling laws for the susceptibility and specific heat in the overscreened phase at low fields and temperatures.Comment: 43 pages; shortened version; a number of typos have been correcte

    Decomposition and nutrient release of leguminous plants in coffee agroforestry systems.

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    Leguminous plants used as green manure are an important nutrient source for coffee plantations, especially for soils with low nutrient levels. Field experiments were conducted in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais State, Brazil to evaluate the decomposition and nutrient release rates of four leguminous species used as green manures (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Stizolobium aterrimum and Stylosanthes guianensis) in a coffee agroforestry system under two different climate conditions. The initial N contents in plant residues varied from 25.7 to 37.0 g kg-1 and P from 2.4 to 3.0 g kg-1. The lignin/N, lignin/polyphenol and(lignin+polyphenol)/N ratios were low in all residues studied. Mass loss rates were highest in the first 15 days, when 25 % of the residues were decomposed. From 15 to 30 days, the decomposition rate decreased on both farms. On the farm in Pedra Dourada (PD), the decomposition constant k increased in the order C. mucunoides < S. aterrimum < S. guianensis < A. pintoi. On the farm in Araponga (ARA), there was no difference in the decomposition rate among leguminous plants. The N release rates varied from 0.0036 to 0.0096 d-1. Around 32 % of the total N content in the plant material was released in the first 15 days. In ARA, the N concentration in the S. aterrimum residues was always significantly higher than in the other residues. At the end of 360 days, the N released was 78 % in ARA and 89 % in PD of the initial content. Phosphorus was the most rapidly released nutrient (k values from 0.0165 to 0.0394 d-1). Residue decomposition and nutrient release did not correlate with initial residue chemistry and biochemistry, but differences in climatic conditions between the two study sites modified the decomposition rate constants

    Influence of anthropogenic factors on the geographical distribution of triatomine vectors of Chagas Disease / Influência de fatores antropogênicos na distribuição geográfica de triatomíneos vetores da Doença de Chagas

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    Estudos anteriores sobre a doença de Chagas em grandes escalas espaciais não exploraram como a interação com humanos pode afetar as projeções para a distribuição geográfica da aptidão ambiental das espécies de vetores. Aqui, comparamos modelos de distribuição de espécies usando apenas variáveis climáticas como preditores (SDMClim) com modelos que incluem variáveis climáticas + densidade populacional humana (SDMHuman). Nossos resultados mostram que considerar a densidade da população humana ajuda a refinar os modelos para escalas geográficas mais finas. Além disso, diferentes padrões espaciais de adequabilidade ambiental acumulada foram obtidos por SDMClim e SDMHuman. Ainda, as projeções foram mais precisas para SDMHuman do que para SDMClim. Nossos resultados mostram que considerar fatores antropogênicos em SDMs para espécies de triatomianos epidemiologicamente relevantes pode melhorar nossa compreensão da macroecologia e biogeografia para vetores da doença de Chagas.

    Vegetation response to invasive Tamarix control in southwestern U.S. rivers: a collaborative study including 416 sites

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    Most studies assessing vegetation response following control of invasive Tamarix trees along southwestern U.S. rivers have been small in scale (e.g., river reach), or at a regional scale but with poor spatial-temporal replication, and most have not included testing the effects of a now widely used biological control. We monitored plant composition following Tamarix control along hydrologic, soil, and climatic gradients in 244 treated and 172 reference sites across six U.S. states. This represents the largest comprehensive assessment to date on the vegetation response to the four most common Tamarix control treatments. Biocontrol by a defoliating beetle (treatment 1) reduced the abundance of Tamarix less than active removal by mechanically using hand and chain-saws (2), heavy machinery (3) or burning (4). Tamarix abundance also decreased with lower temperatures, higher precipitation, and follow-up treatments for Tamarix resprouting. Native cover generally increased over time in active Tamarix removal sites, however, the increases observed were small and was not consistently increased by active revegetation. Overall, native cover was correlated to permanent stream flow, lower grazing pressure, lower soil salinity and temperatures, and higher precipitation. Species diversity also increased where Tamarix was removed. However, Tamarix treatments, especially those generating the highest disturbance (burning and heavy machinery), also often promoted secondary invasions of exotic forbs. The abundance of hydrophytic species was much lower in treated than in reference sites, suggesting that management of southwestern U.S. rivers has focused too much on weed control, overlooking restoration of fluvial processes that provide habitat for hydrophytic and floodplain vegetation. These results can help inform future management of Tamarix-infested rivers to restore hydrogeomorphic processes, increase native biodiversity and reduce abundance of noxious species

    Green manure in coffee systems in the region of Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais: characteristics and kinetics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization.

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    The use of green manure may contribute to reduce soil erosion and increase the soil organic matter content and N availability in coffee plantations in the Zona da Mata, State of Minas Gerais, in Southeastern Brazil. The potential of four legumes (A. pintoi, C. mucunoides, S. aterrimum and S. guianensis)to produce above-ground biomass, accumulate nutrients and mineralize N was studied in two coffee plantations of subsistence farmers under different climate conditions. The biomass production of C. mucunoides was influenced by the shade of the coffee plantation.C. mucunoides tended to mineralize more N than the other legumes due to the low polyphenol content and polyphenol/N ratio. In the first year, the crop establishment of A. pintoi in the area took longer than of the other legumes, resulting in lower biomass production and N2 fixation. In the long term, cellulose was the main factor controlling N mineralization. The biochemical characteristics, nutrient accumulation and biomass production of the legumes were greatly influenced by the altitude and position of the area relative to the sun

    Short-ranged RVB physics, quantum dimer models and Ising gauge theories

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    Quantum dimer models are believed to capture the essential physics of antiferromagnetic phases dominated by short-ranged valence bond configurations. We show that these models arise as particular limits of Ising (Z_2) gauge theories, but that in these limits the system develops a larger local U(1) invariance that has different consequences on different lattices. Conversely, we note that the standard Z_2 gauge theory is a generalised quantum dimer model, in which the particular relaxation of the hardcore constraint for the dimers breaks the U(1) down to Z_2. These mappings indicate that at least one realization of the Senthil-Fisher proposal for fractionalization is exactly the short ranged resonating valence bond (RVB) scenario of Anderson and of Kivelson, Rokhsar and Sethna. They also suggest that other realizations will require the identification of a local low energy, Ising link variable {\it and} a natural constraint. We also discuss the notion of topological order in Z_2 gauge theories and its connection to earlier ideas in RVB theory. We note that this notion is not central to the experiment proposed by Senthil and Fisher to detect vortices in the conjectured Z_2 gauge field.Comment: 17 pages, 4 postscript figures automatically include