9 research outputs found

    Applications of digital imaging and analysis in seabird monitoring and research

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    Rapid advances in digital imaging technology offer efficient and cost‐effective methods for measuring seabird abundance, breeding success, phenology, survival and diet. These methods can facilitate understanding of long‐term population trends, and the design and implementation of successful conservation strategies. This paper reviews the suitability of satellites, manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and fixed‐position, handheld and animal‐borne cameras for recording digital photographs and videos used to measure seabird demographic and behavioural parameters. It considers the disturbance impacts, accuracy of results obtained, cost‐effectiveness and scale of monitoring possible compared with ‘traditional’ fieldworker methods. Given the ease of collecting large amounts of imagery, image processing is an important step in realizing the potential of this technology. The effectiveness of manual, semi‐automated and automated image processing is also reviewed. Satellites, manned aircraft and UAVs have most commonly been used for population counts. Spatial resolution is lowest in satellites, limiting monitoring to large species and those with obvious signs of presence, such as penguins. Conversely, UAVs have the highest spatial resolution, which has allowed fine‐scale measurements of foraging behaviour. Time‐lapse cameras are more cost‐effective for collecting time‐series data such as breeding success and phenology, as human visits are only required infrequently for maintenance. However, the colony of interest must be observable from a single vantage point. Handheld, animal‐borne and motion‐triggered cameras have fewer cost‐effective uses but have provided information on seabird diet, foraging behaviour and nest predation. The last of these has been important for understanding the impact of invasive mammals on seabird breeding success. Advances in automated image analysis are increasing the suitability of digital photography and videography to facilitate and/or replace traditional seabird monitoring methods. Machine‐learning algorithms, such as Pengbot, have allowed rapid identification of birds, although training requires thousands of pre‐annotated photographs. Digital imaging has considerable potential in seabird monitoring, provided that appropriate choices are available for both image capture technology and image processing. These technologies offer opportunities to collect data in remote locations and increase the number of sites monitored. The potential to include such solutions in seabird monitoring and research will develop as the technology evolves, which will be of benefit given funding challenges in monitoring and conservation

    Using citizen science image analysis to measure seabird phenology

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    Developing standardized methodology to allow efficient and cost-effective ecological data collection, particularly at scale, is of critical importance for understanding species' declines. Remote camera networks can enable monitoring across large spatiotemporal scales and at relatively low researcher cost, but manually analysing images and extracting biologically meaningful data is time-consuming. Citizen science image analysis could reduce researcher workload and increase output from large datasets, while actively raising awareness of ecological and conservation issues. Nevertheless, testing the validity of citizen science data collection and the retention of volunteers is essential before integrating these approaches into long-term monitoring programmes. In this study, we used data from a Zooniverse citizen science project, Seabird Watch, to investigate changes in breeding timing of a globally declining seabird species, the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Time-lapse cameras collected >200 000 images between 2014 and 2023 across 11 locations covering the species' North Atlantic range (51.7°N–78.9°N), with over 35 000 citizen science volunteers ‘tagging’ adult and juvenile Kittiwakes in images. Most volunteers (81%) classified images for only a single day, and each volunteer classified a median of five images, suggesting that high volunteer recruitment rates are important for the project's continued success. We developed a standardized method to extract colony arrival and departure dates from citizen science annotations, which did not significantly differ from manual analysis by a researcher. We found that Kittiwake colony arrival was 2.6 days later and departure was 1.2 days later per 1° increase in latitude, which was consistent with expectations. Year-round monitoring also showed that Kittiwakes visited one of the lowest latitude colonies, Skellig Michael (51.8°N), during winter, whereas birds from a colony at similar latitude, Skomer Island (51.7°N), did not. Our integrated time-lapse camera and citizen science system offers a cost-effective means of measuring changes in colony attendance and subsequent breeding timing in response to environmental change in cliff-nesting seabirds. This study is of wide relevance to a broad range of species that could be monitored using time-lapse photography, increasing the geographical reach and international scope of ecological monitoring against a background of rapidly changing ecosystems and challenging funding landscapes

    Using citizen science image analysis to measure seabird phenology

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    Developing standardized methodology to allow efficient and cost-effective ecological data collection, particularly at scale, is of critical importance for understanding species' declines. Remote camera networks can enable monitoring across large spatiotemporal scales and at relatively low researcher cost, but manually analysing images and extracting biologically meaningful data is time-consuming. Citizen science image analysis could reduce researcher workload and increase output from large datasets, while actively raising awareness of ecological and conservation issues. Nevertheless, testing the validity of citizen science data collection and the retention of volunteers is essential before integrating these approaches into long-term monitoring programmes. In this study, we used data from a Zooniverse citizen science project, Seabird Watch, to investigate changes in breeding timing of a globally declining seabird species, the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Time-lapse cameras collected >200 000 images between 2014 and 2023 across 11 locations covering the species' North Atlantic range (51.7°N–78.9°N), with over 35 000 citizen science volunteers ‘tagging’ adult and juvenile Kittiwakes in images. Most volunteers (81%) classified images for only a single day, and each volunteer classified a median of five images, suggesting that high volunteer recruitment rates are important for the project's continued success. We developed a standardized method to extract colony arrival and departure dates from citizen science annotations, which did not significantly differ from manual analysis by a researcher. We found that Kittiwake colony arrival was 2.6 days later and departure was 1.2 days later per 1° increase in latitude, which was consistent with expectations. Year-round monitoring also showed that Kittiwakes visited one of the lowest latitude colonies, Skellig Michael (51.8°N), during winter, whereas birds from a colony at similar latitude, Skomer Island (51.7°N), did not. Our integrated time-lapse camera and citizen science system offers a cost-effective means of measuring changes in colony attendance and subsequent breeding timing in response to environmental change in cliff-nesting seabirds. This study is of wide relevance to a broad range of species that could be monitored using time-lapse photography, increasing the geographical reach and international scope of ecological monitoring against a background of rapidly changing ecosystems and challenging funding landscapes

    Best practices for using drones in seabird monitoring and research

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    Over the past decade, drones have become increasingly popular in environmental biology and have been used to study wildlife on all continents. Drones have become of global importance for surveying breeding seabirds by providing opportunities to transform monitoring techniques and allow new research on some of the most threatened birds. However, such fast-changing and increasingly available technology presents challenges to regulators responding to requests to carry out surveys and to researchers ensuring their work follows best practice and meets legal and ethical standards. Following a workshop convened at the 14th International Seabird Group Conference and a subsequent literature search, we collate information from over 100 studies and present a framework to ensure drone-seabird surveys are safe, effective, and within the law. The framework comprises eight steps: (1) Objectives and Feasibility; (2) Technology and Training; (3) Site Assessment and Permission; (4) Disturbance Mitigation; (5) Pre-deployment Checks; (6) Flying; (7) Data Handling and Analysis; and (8) Reporting. The audience is wide-ranging with sections having relevance for different users, including prospective and experienced drone-seabird pilots, landowners, and licensors. Regulations vary between countries and are frequently changing, but common principles exist. Taking-off, landing, and conducting in-flight changes in altitude and speed at ≥ 50 m from the study area, and flying at ≥ 50 m above ground-nesting seabirds/horizontal distance from vertical colonies, should have limited disturbance impact on many seabird species; however, surveys should stop if disturbance occurs. Compared to automated methods, manual or semi-automated image analyses are, at present, more suitable for infrequent drone surveys and surveys of relatively small colonies. When deciding if drone-seabird surveys are an appropriate monitoring method long-term, the cost, risks, and results obtained should be compared to traditional field monitoring where possible. Accurate and timely reporting of surveys is essential to developing adaptive guidelines for this increasingly common technology

    Best practices for using drones in seabird monitoring and research

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    Over the past decade, drones have become increasingly popular in environmental biology and have been used to study wildlife on all continents. Drones have become of global importance for surveying breeding seabirds by providing opportunities to transform monitoring techniques and allow new research on some of the most threatened birds. However, such fast-changing and increasingly available technology presents challenges to regulators responding to requests to carry out surveys and to researchers ensuring their work follows best practice and meets legal and ethical standards. Following a workshop convened at the 14th International Seabird Group Conference and a subsequent literature search, we collate information from over 100 studies and present a framework to ensure drone-seabird surveys are safe, effective, and within the law. The framework comprises eight steps: (1) Objectives and Feasibility; (2) Technology and Training; (3) Site Assessment and Permission; (4) Disturbance Mitigation; (5) Pre-deployment Checks; (6) Flying; (7) Data Handling and Analysis; and (8) Reporting. The audience is wide-ranging with sections having relevance for different users, including prospective and experienced drone-seabird pilots, landowners, and licensors. Regulations vary between countries and are frequently changing, but common principles exist. Taking-off, landing, and conducting in-flight changes in altitude and speed at ≥ 50 m from the study area, and flying at ≥ 50 m above ground-nesting seabirds/horizontal distance from vertical colonies, should have limited disturbance impact on many seabird species; however, surveys should stop if disturbance occurs. Compared to automated methods, manual or semi-automated image analyses are, at present, more suitable for infrequent drone surveys and surveys of relatively small colonies. When deciding if drone-seabird surveys are an appropriate monitoring method long-term, the cost, risks, and results obtained should be compared to traditional field monitoring where possible. Accurate and timely reporting of surveys is essential to developing adaptive guidelines for this increasingly common technology

    Development of time-lapse photography for the population monitoring of a colonial seabird

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    Seabirds are one of the most threatened groups of birds and large-scale monitoring is needed to link changing population trends to causative factors, in order to address population declines. Rapid advances in technology are offering new and exciting possibilities to expand monitoring over larger spatial and temporal scales, however, they also raise new challenges, such as dealing with increased amounts of data and ensuring the data obtained are comparable to that from ‘traditional’ monitoring methods. Specifically, this research focused on the use of time-lapse cameras to monitor the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, a species listed as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Chapters one and two used a case study on Skomer Island, Wales, to compare measurements of productivity and phenology obtained from fieldwork with expert analysis of time-lapse images. Chapter two then went on to explore the effects of weather on Kittiwake nest survival on Skomer. Chapter three used data from across a much wider area, to compare expert analysis of time-lapse images with citizen science analysis. This study showed that both field and image-derived data have inherent biases, but together can inform meaningful investigation into the factors contributing to Kittiwake decline. I found that strong westerly winds may be reducing egg and chick survival at the Wick colony, Skomer, and high daily maximum temperatures could also be lowering egg survival. If these results represent a longer-term pattern, then it could have important implications for Kittiwake population dynamics with climate change, which is predicted to increase the frequency and intensity of weather extremes. Expanding the scale of monitoring via the citizen science project, Seabird Watch, was found to have promising potential; although further work is needed to ensure volunteer data are as good as expert classification. Many factors affected the accuracy of citizen science results and these must be carefully considered before using the data to answer bigger scientific questions. Overall, this study has shown the potential of using time-lapse imagery to monitor a cliff-nesting seabird and will likely become an increasingly cost-effective monitoring solution in the coming years

    Microclimate and resource quality determine resource use in a range-expanding herbivore

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    The consequences of climate change for biogeographic range dynamics depend on the spatial scales at which climate influences focal species directly and indirectly via biotic interactions. An overlooked question concerns the extent to which microclimates modify specialist biotic interactions, with emergent properties for communities and range dynamics. Here, we use an in-field experiment to assess egg-laying behaviour of a range-expanding herbivore across a range of natural microclimatic conditions. We show that variation in microclimate, resource condition and individual fecundity can generate differences in egg-laying rates of almost two orders of magnitude in an exemplar species, the brown argus butterfly (Aricia agestis). This within-site variation in fecundity dwarfs variation resulting from differences in average ambient temperatures among populations. Although higher temperatures did not reduce female selection for host plants in good condition, the thermal sensitivities of egg-laying behaviours have the potential to accelerate climate-driven range expansion by increasing egg-laying encounters with novel hosts in increasingly suitable microclimates. Understanding the sensitivity of specialist biotic interactions to microclimatic variation is, therefore, critical to predict the outcomes of climate change across species’geographical ranges, and the resilience of ecological communities.Research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (PhD studentship grant no. NE/L002434/1 to J.E.S.).Peer reviewe

    Spatial and within-season variation in the diet of a declining seabird described through digital photography and citizen science

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    Understanding an animal’s diet is a crucial component of conservation, but diet data are often labor intensive to collect and are frequently scarce. Atlantic Puffins ( Fratercula arctica ; hereafter Puffins) are vulnerable to global extinction and have declined in some parts of their UK and Irish range. Differences in population trajectories may relate to diet, but Puffin diet data are currently only collected at a handful of colonies. We explored whether citizen science could address this data gap by inviting visitors to Puffin colonies in 2017 to submit their photographs of Puffins carrying prey. In total, 602 people submitted 1402 images from 35 colonies. We identified the species group, size, and number of prey items in each bill load. Photograph quality was excellent, with 89% of birds in images providing useable diet information. In total 11,150 prey items were counted and measured from 1198 Puffins across 27 colonies. We demonstrated a lack of bias in the sample of photos provided by citizen scientists and described how Puffin chick diet varies in prey composition, prey length, number of prey per bill load, and load biomass over large spatial scales and throughout the breeding season. The diet of Puffin chicks from regions where severe declines have occurred, most notably Shetland, were characterized by a lower prey biomass, higher numbers of fish per load, and a high proportion of small, transparent sandeels consistently through the season. By contrast, in regions where Puffin populations are thought to be increasing, load biomass was high, the number of prey per load low, and larger non-transparent sandeels were the dominant prey, which persisted right through the breeding season. Results from our study show colonies and regions where birds may be expending more effort (collecting more prey items) for lesser returns (lower load biomass) and emphasize the value of collecting diet data across large spatial scales